Reflection On Rizal'S Travels and The Current Migration of Filipinos

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Despite living at different times, Rizal and the current Filipinos’ migration evinces a common
ground: purpose and experiences.
Rizal’s travel abroad was driven by a scholarly reason as well as an altruistic motivation for
his beloved Philippines. Rizal was going after a great opportunity, where he could pursue further
his studies and be nurtured through observing the life and culture of great nations to be able to
serve the country with greater efficacy. At the present time, most Filipinos seek overseas
employment for better career opportunities, some of the youth pursues to migrate to acquire
new skills or experience other cultures.
Rizal’s life abroad was not in the lap of luxury since he experienced dire financial struggles
and adapting to a new environment strained him. Communication, language barrier, financial
constriants and life and work environment are also some of the challenges every Filipino who
migrated faces.
Rizal and migrant Filipinos’ reason for leaving Philippines shares the same sense of
purpose, which is always for the betterment. Also, it can be inferred that in spite these
hardships, Rizal and the migrant Filipinos possesses the traits of a Filipino which are street
smart, resourceful, focused, quick to adapt and determined.

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