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Document information ADCCAC Procedural Regulation 2013

Article 1 The Regulation
Publication This Regulation shall be called the “Procedural Regulation of Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation
Public Source and Arbitration Center” where the procedures of Commercial Conciliation and Arbitration shall be
Materials conducted as stated in the rules and provisions hereof.
Article 2
Jurisdiction 1. The provisions of this Regulation shall apply to all commercial dealings of the parties who insert
United Arab Emirates in their contracts or agreements the standard clauses for conciliation and/or arbitration conducted
by ADCCAC as provided in Articles (8) & (10) of the Regulation.
Organization 2. The provisions of the Regulation shall further apply to all private commercial disputes in which the
parties agree to refer the same to ADCCAC for the settlement of the said disputes under the
Abu Dhabi Commercial Center's procedures of conciliation and arbitration.
Conciliation and
Arbitration Center of 3. The provisions of this Regulation shall be deemed to interpret and supplement the clauses the
the Abu Dhabi disputed parties-in respect of solving their disputes through conciliation or arbitration - provide in
Chamber of Commerce their agreements, unless otherwise a reservation or a provision to the contrary of the principles and
& Industry provisions herein is provided in such clauses or agreements.
Article 3 Procedures Language
Entry into force Conciliation and Arbitration procedures at the Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation & Arbitration
1 September 2013 Center shall be conducted in Arabic unless otherwise agreed by the parties or if the parties do not
speak Arabic or where all members of the board of conciliation or arbitration were not Arabs. In all
Promulgation cases the Boards of Conciliation or Arbitration shall pass their awards in Arabic in addition to any
other language adopted during the conciliation or arbitration proceedings. The said board may
1 September 2013 seek the assistance of any of the members of the Center's translation panel to perform the
Bibliographic Article 4 Vested Powers
reference Save as otherwise may be stated in private agreements between the parties the board of
conciliation or arbitration shall be competent to determine the procedural and substantive rules
'ADCCAC Procedural
Regulation 2013', Public required to dispose of the dispute and shall be guided by the agreements and covenants of the
parties, or by the rules of equity and the general principles of law and the established rules of the
Source Materials, (© Kluwer
Private International Law. The Boards of Conciliation or Arbitration shall, while hearing or deciding
Law International; ) pp. 1 - 10
on the dispute, exclude applying any enactment or procedural or substantive rule if such enactment
or rule would render any award passed by the said board as void or unforeseeable in the country of
the judgment debtor or in any other country where the award may be enforced by reason of
contravention of such law or rule to the public order and morals.
Article 5 Functions
The Boards of Conciliation or Arbitration may determine their assignments in respect of the
disputes referred to them in case of difference between the parties. The said boards shall
determine any question relating to the binding force of the Conciliation or Arbitration Clause.
Article 6 Minuting
ADCCAC Boards of Arbitration and Conciliation shall cause minutes to be registered in respect of
the proceedings followed in official records in forms provided by the Center. The body in charge
shall sign the said minutes together with the disputing parties. The parties may be furnished with
photocopies of such minutes on request.
Article 7 Duration
The Boards of Conciliation or Arbitration shall pass their awards within the period fixed by the
parties. In case of non-agreement the Boards shall dispose of the case in a maximum period of six
months following the assignment. Any action taken after the expire of the above period shall not be
binding vis-à-vis the parties unless otherwise ratified by them in writing or it was agreed by them to
extend the fixed time.
Article 8 Supporting Bodies
1. The Boards of Conciliation or Arbitration may seek the assistance of clerks or translators or
experts enrolled in the experts or translators panels of ADCCAC.

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2. No expert or translator not enrolled in ADCCAC panels shall be approved save as otherwise
may be agreed by the parties or where the said panels do not cover the language or expertise
required for the assignment.
3. The Boards of Conciliation or Arbitration shall-in case of selecting a translator or an expert not
enrolled - administer oath to such expert or translator as provided in article (18) of the Center's
4. The translator's or expert's fee shall be fixed by the disputing parties who shall be bound by such
fee. Where the parties fail to fix the fee, the Board of Conciliation or Arbitration may fix the same
finally after consulting the General Manager of the Center.
5. The disputing parties shall in all cases settle the fees of the expert or translator prior to assuming
the assignment by each. The fee shall be deposited in a special account in the name of ADCCAC.
The said deposit may be paid out by the Center upon the instructions by the Board of Conciliation
and Arbitration relatively with the assignment progress or upon completion.

Standard Clauses
Article 9 Conciliation Clause
ADCCAC is adopting a standard clause for settlement of the national and international commercial
disputes through conciliation. The Center calls upon all bodies engaged in national and international
commerce, to adopt the same clause and cause it to be embodied in their contracts and covenants
in the following form: “All disputes arising from the interpretation; implementation or termination of
the agreement/contract herein shall have to be conclusively settled via conciliation in accordance
with the provisions on conciliation provided in the Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation & Arbitration
Center's Procedural Regulations and through a conciliation board comprising one; three or more
conciliator(s) who shall be nominated and summoned up in accordance with the rules and
procedures provided in the Center's Procedural Regulations”.
Article 10 Arbitration Clause
ADCCAC is adopting a standard clause for settlement of the national and international commercial
disputes through arbitration. The Center calls upon all bodies engaged in national and international
commerce, to adopt the same clause and cause it to be embodied in their contracts and covenants
in the following form: “All disputes arising from the interpretation; implementation or termination of
the agreement/contract herein shall have to be conclusively settled via arbitration in accordance with
the provisions on arbitration provided in the Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation & Arbitration
Center's Procedural Regulations and through an arbitration board comprising one; three or more
arbitrators who shall be nominated and summoned up in accordance with the rules and procedures
provided in the Center's Procedural Regulations.”
Article 11 Mixed Clause
ADCCAC is adopting a standard clause for settlement of the national and international commercial
disputes by way of conciliation ending with arbitration. The Center calls upon all bodies engaged in
national and international commerce to adopt the same clause and cause it to be embodied in their
contacts and covenants in the following form. “All disputes arising from the interpretation;
implementation or termination of the agreement/contract herein shall have to be initially settled via
conciliation and through a special board comprising one; three or more conciliators who shall be
nominated and summoned up in accordance with the provisions of (ADCCAC) Center's Procedural
Regulations. In the event of failure of such endeavors, or consent on giving up the aforementioned
conciliatory clause, the dispute shall have to be conclusively settled via arbitration and through a
special board comprising one; three or more arbitrators who shall be nominated and summoned up
in accordance with the provisions of the (ADCCAC) Procedural Regulations”.
Article 12 Board Formation
1. The Conciliation and Arbitration Boards shall be constituted accordance with the covenants of
the parties. In case the parties overlook the basis of constitution or do not observe t nominate the
names of the members thereof, the Center' General Manager - after consulting the parties - shall
suggest the constitution of the Board and shall service the parties c his proposal for comments
within one week thereafter.
2. If no objection is received by the General Manager within the. Period fixed in sub-article (1)
above, the proposal made b the General Manager shall be deemed acceptable to the parties and
none of them may object against it unless otherwise certain reasons occurs to justify rejection of the
said board under Article (12).
3. Where any party objects against the constitution of the board such objection shall be referred to
the Trade Conventions an' Arbitration Committee in Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce & Industry

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to pass a final binding resolution.
In all cases the General Manager shall be authorized to make fresh proposal for constitution of the
board in the lights of the decision of the Conventions and Arbitration Committee within the lines of
the above procedure.
Article 13 Rejection of Conciliation or Arbitration Boards
1. No party without the agreement of the other party - may with- draw his approval relating to the
nomination of the members of the board before assuring its mission if the constitution and
nomination of such board was embodied in the written contract.
2. Any party may apply for rejection of conciliation boards after signing to the nomination thereof or
after assuming the mission if there appeared reasons for rejection.
3. Objection against the conciliation or arbitration boards may lie because of want of competence
or neutrality by reason of relationship or legal representation or correlated interest or revealing an
early opinion on the case and any other reasons the Trade Convention and Arbitration Committee
may believe it may raise doubts in the applicant's mind against the board or any member thereof.
4. The objection shall be submitted to the General Manager in writing accompanied with the
supporting documents and evidence. The application shall be referred to the Trade Convention and
Arbitration Committee for disposal within one week. The resolution made by the above Committee
shall be final and binding and is not appealable in any manner.
5. The objection shall suspend the arbitration process until the passing of the resolution of the
Trade Convention and Arbitration Committee.
Article 14 Computing of Time
The day on which the summons (services) or process takes place shall not be computed for the
purpose of commencement of the time prescribed under the provisions of this Regulation.
Article 15 Extension of Time
Five days shall be added to the time prescribed in this Regulation in respect of any party whose
residence is outside the Emirate of Abu Dhabi or any other Emirates. Seven days shall be allowed
for parties outside the UAE Region within the G.C.C. and Yemen and fourteen days for parties
residing in any other place in the world.
Article 16 Contact Address and Summons
The Management of the Center and all Boards of Conciliation or Arbitration shall recognize the
contact address given by the parties, together with using telex, fax or registered mail in all
correspondence and notices.
Article 17 Charges
1. Fees of the Conciliation or Arbitration Boards shall be fixed according to agreement among the
parties and shall include those of the conciliator, or the Umpire, and secretary charges; as well as
the terms of relevant payments.
2. A copy of such agreement shall be annexed to the application for conciliation or arbitration.
3. The fees of the Boards of Conciliation or Arbitration shall - in case of disagreement of the parties
be fixed by the Trade Conventions and Arbitration Committee after consulting after consulting the
parties and the Board or the member concerned. The decision passed by the Committee shall be
binding and observed.
4. The said committee mentioned in sub-article (2) above shall adopt the following rules in
determining the fees of the Conciliation or Arbitration Boards.
1.In case of one Arbitrator: The parties shall equally incur the fees.
2.In case of a Board: Each party shall incur the fees of the member appointed by him and half of the
fees of the Umpire.
3.Fees of the secretary, translator and expert shall be equally incurred by the parties.
5. All parties shall deposit their share in fees with ADCCAC within seven days from the date of the
addressed service. The said fees shall be held in trust - by the Center in a special account to be
opened for the purpose.
6. In case any or all of the parties decline to settle the fees, the Board of Conciliation or Arbitration
1.Commence the arbitration and decide on the case and pass judgment with such fees… OR
2.Reject the assignment through a decision on recourse by the parties in respect of abandoned

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clause of Conciliation or Arbitration, unless otherwise the interested party had settled the fees for
his declining opponent.
7. The Center shall pay out the fees of the Boards on disposal of the case and receipt of the
records of the case together with the Decree or Judgments signed by the Board.
8. The Center shall deduct from the fees fixed for the Boards, the percentage prescribed in subtitle
(1) of this article.
9. The Center shall annually grant the Conciliation and Arbitration Boards symbolic remuneration to
be fixed by the Trade Convention and Arbitration Committee, to be awarded to the best two
Conciliation or Arbitration cases decided upon by the Boards of ADCCAC. In selecting the said two
cases regard must be made to fast performance and award, perfection of the job, serious handling
and applying justice and impartiality between the parties. The said remuneration is paid from the
Center's budget.
Article 18 Conciliation
Conciliation is a method of amicably settling the commercial disputes. Conciliation Board assist the
parties to limit the dispute and to suggest the best means of amicable settlement avoiding thereby,
Arbitral or Judicial litigation and reserving - meanwhile - the present and future interests of the
Article 19 Commencement of Conciliation Proceedings
Any disputing parties may apply to ADCCAC for Conciliation under the Center's Regulation in the
following cases:
1.Where their contracts or covenants embody the Conciliation Clause stated in Articles (9) & (11) of
this Regulation.
2.Where their contracts or covenants embody a general clause providing that all disputes shall be
solved by way of conciliation or settlement or where there is a term implying the same meaning,
provided that the parties agree to refer the dispute to ADCCAC under the rules thereof.
3.If the parties agreed at the time the dispute arose - to refer the same to ADCCAC under the rules
4.Where no clause for Conciliation is embodied in the contracts or covenants of the parties, but one
party applied for the aid of the Center General Manager to mediate for the purpose of reaching such
clause in accordance with ADCCAC rules.
Article 20
1. Application for Conciliation: The application for Conciliation shall be submitted to the General
Manager by the applicant on the prescribed form. The application must be accompanied by the
documents stated in the particulars of the application, in addition to photocopies of such supporting
documents in numbers to cover all disputing parties.
2. Entry and Service - Addressing: The General Manager shall cause the application to be
registered upon payment of fees prescribed in Schedule (B) annexed to the Regulations herein. The
secretary of Disputes and Cases shall address a service to the opposite party of the application to
reply within one week from date of receipt of such service. The notice shall be accompanied by a
copy of the Center's Regulation.
3. Reply: The opponent shall reply in writing to the application including facts and claims therein
contained and shall file his reply and supporting documents with the Secretary of Disputes and
Cases within the time fixed in the notice.
4. Reference of papers: On expiration of the time fixed for receipt of the reply to the application for
Conciliation, the Secretary of Disputes and Cases shall refer the file and documents of the case to
the General Manager for the purpose of commencement of Conciliation procedure.
5. Calling the Board: If it appeared to the General Manager in the case stated in sub-articles (1),
(2), (3) of Article (12) of this Regulation that the parties had agreed to nominate the Board, he shall
call the members of the board to assume the assignment and cause minutes to be made for the
6. Apology of the Board: In case the Board or any member thereof apologizes, the parties shall be
notified of such apology to enable them to nominate alternate members within one week after
receipt of the notification. Should the parties fail to nominate the Board or its members, Article (12)
hereof shall apply.
7. Failure by the Center to reach and agreement to concile: If it appeared to the General Manager
in the case stated in Article 18 (4) that the opposite party refused conciliation under the Charter and

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Regulation of the Center, the applicant shall be notified of this refusal and the General Manager
shall cause the application to be dismissed.
8. On receipt of the assignment and signature by the members of the Board indicating acceptance,
the Board shall then be competent to commence conciliation proceedings.

Conciliation Proceedings
Article 21 Calling the Parties
The Conciliation Board shall call the disputing parties to a combined meeting to be held before the
Board. All parties must be summoned at least one week before or within any other time pre- scribed
by the Regulation by written notification to be delivered to the parties or their legal representatives.
The notification shall fix the date, place and time for the meeting. In case of default by any or all
parties the Board shall decide whether or not the notification was executed and whether the
summon should be reserved.
Article 22 Hearing of the Application
The Conciliation Board shall commence the assignment in the combined meeting by reading out
the application for Conciliation and the reply thereto and shall inquire from the parties whether they
wish to explain, add more claims, information or documents other than those submitted before. The
Board shall thereafter summarize the case and reduce it into minutes to be signed by the Board and
the parties. The case shall then be adjourned to declare the report of the Board.
Article 23 Adjournment of the report
If the Board of Conciliation was of the opinion that the report would require a further period or it was
realized that the report would require inquiries, expertise or discussions with the parties, the Board
may call the parties to hear the above mailers in their presence.
Article 24 Advising the parties of the report
The Board once completed studies of the dispute or the necessary inquiries thereto, shall prepare
its report on the dispute and the means of amicably settling it and shall advice the parties of the
report one week prior to the date of announcing it at the meeting.
Article 25 Notes of the parties to be recorded
The Board shall listen to the views of the parties about the report advised to them and if they accept
the report partially or in whole, the Board shall then record this acceptance in separate minutes to
be signed by the Board and the parties. Should the parties disagree totally or in part with the
solutions adopted by the report, the case shall be adjourned to another meeting to examine the
possibility of revising the report or rechecking with the experts and adopting fresh solutions
acceptable to the parties.
Article 26 Final report and verdict
1. If it appears to the Board after the date fixed for announcing the report and after hearing the
remark of the parties, that no fresh serious solutions in respect of the points in issue can be made
the Board shall call the parties to hear the final verdict which would be determining the case status
quo as may be laid down by the report and the Board shall accordingly so decide.
2. If the Board realized the probability of adopting other solutions which may lead the parties to
agree on settlement of the dispute, the parties shall be called to hear such solutions. In case the
meeting fixed for the amended solutions resulted in acceptance by the parties of the Board's
endeavors, then a record shall be made to this effect and signed by the Board and the parties.
3. If the Board's effort did not result into acceptance by the parties of the new solutions, the case
shall be considered terminated as provided in clause (1) of this Article.
Article 27 Successful efforts and reconciliation
The minutes drawn by the Conciliation boards and signed by disputed parties to indicate their
acceptance of the efforts exerted to settle the disputes in question, shall be viewed as an absolute
reconciliation in respect of the issues or disputes tackled in the said minutes.
Article 28 Written decisions
The Conciliation Boards shall pass their decisions on the disputes referred to them under the
provisions of this Regulation in writing stating therein the names of the parties, their designations
and a brief statement about the registration of the application, the reply and other proceedings
taken during hearing the case, a summary of the proceedings of the conciliation sessions, summary
of the report and any amendments thereto, acceptance or objection to the report by the parties, a
summary of the complete or partial settlement and the award passed by the Board. All such

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decisions shall be signed by the Board and therewith shall be attached to the Board preliminary
reports or any other reports annexed to them together with the record of the settlement, and all shall
be filed with the Center together with Case's file.
Article 29 Typing and Signature
The Secretary of Disputes and Cases shall cause the resolutions passed in the conciliatory cases
to be typed and then shall be signed by the Board passing it accompanied with the signature of the
Honorary Chairman of the Center. Copies may be given to the parties with a confirmation by the
Center that the Conciliation is completed and the case is closed. A summary entry shall be made in
the register of the case to this effect and the file shall be kept by the Center.
Article 30 Payment of fees
Conciliation fees deposited by the parties shall be paid out after the closing of the case and
handing over the file to ADCCAC upon submission of an application from the Board to the General
Manager. The Center shall deduct from the fees - such amount as may be allotted to it under the
provisions of schedule (A) annexed to the Regulation, and the said amount shall be conclusively
transferred to the Center's account.
Article 31 Recovery of original documents
The parties in conciliation cases may apply to the Center to recover the original documents
submitted by them during the hearing. The Center shall keep photocopies in the case file endorsing
them to be certified true copies.
Article 32 Privacy of conciliation
Save as may be concluded in the written settlement agreements between the parties in conciliation
cases, all proceedings, matters, documents, statements, testimonies, experts' reports and any other
documents submitted or examined before the Conciliation Board shall be confidential. No member
of the Board or the aides or the staff of the Center may disclose or give a proof of it to any party or
third party whether the said third party was involved in the dispute or not. The parties by agreeing to
refer to the Center and accepting the proceedings of Conciliation do drop their right to any access
to the above matters. Neither challenging nor being firm up to any of the said proceedings may be
counted upon before any judicial or arbitrational body.
Article 33 Confidentiality of conciliation
The Conciliation Boards or any of their aides shall not disclose any information or privacy,
particularly those coming to their knowledge during the hearings, to any third party. Otherwise they
shall personally be liable for compensation before ADCCAC and the concerned bodies. The Center
may take the appropriate action against the contravening person.

Article 34 Commencement of Arbitration Proceedings
Any disputing parties may apply to ADCCAC for Arbitration under the Center's Regulation in the
following cases:
1.Where their contracts or covenants embody the Arbitration Clause stated in Articles (10) & (11) of
this Regulation.
2.Where their contracts or covenants embody a general clause providing that all disputes shall be
solved through Arbitration or where there is a term implying the same meaning, provided that the
parties agree to refer the dispute to ADCCAC under the rules thereof.
3.If the parties agreed at the time the dispute arose - to refer the same to ADCCAC under the rules
4.Where no clause for Arbitration is embodied in the contracts or covenants of the parties, but one
party applied for the aid of the Center's General Manager to mediate for the purpose of reaching
such clause in accordance with ADCCAC Procedural Regulations.
Article 35 Adjournment of the report
1. Application for Arbitration: The application for Arbitration shall be submitted to the General
Manager by the applicant in the prescribed form. The application must be accompanied by the
documents stated in the particulars of the application in addition to photocopies of such supporting
documents in numbers to cover all disputing parties.
2. Entry and service-addressing: The General Manager shall cause the application to be registered
upon payment of fees prescribed in schedule (B) annexed to the Regulation. The Secretary of
Disputes and Cases shall send a service to the opposite parties of the application to reply within

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one week from date of the service. The service shall be accompanied by a copy of the Center's
3. Reply: The opponent shall reply in writing to the application including facts and claims therein
contained and shall file his reply and any supporting documents within the time fixed in the service.
4. Reference of papers: On expiration of the time fixed for reply to the application for Arbitration, the
Secretary of Disputes and Cases shall refer the file and documents of the case to the General
Manager for the purpose of commencement of Arbitration procedure.
5. Calling the Board: If it appeared to the General Manger in the case stated in sub-article (1) (2)
(3) of Article (34) of this Regulation that the parties had agreed to nominate the Board, he shall call
the members of the board to assume the assignment and cause minutes to be made for the
6. Apology by the Board In case the Board or any member thereof apologizes, the party shall be
notified of such apology to enable them to nominate alternative members within one week after
being notified, should the parties disagree to nominate the Board or any of its members, the
constitution of the Board and nomination of its members shall take place under Article 12 of this
7. Failure by the Center to reach and Agreement to Arbitrate: If it appeared to the General Manager
in the case stated in Article (34) (4) that the opposite party refused Arbitration under the Charter and
Regulation to the Center, the applicant shall be notified of this refusal and the General Manager
shall cause the application to be filed.
8. On receipt of the assignment and signature by the members of the Board indicating acceptance,
the Board shall then be competent to commence arbitration proceedings.

Arbitration Proceedings
Article 36
1. Calling the parties The Arbitration Board shall call the disputing parties to a combined meeting
to be held before the Board. All parties must be summoned at least one week before, by written
notification to be delivered to the parties or their legal representatives. The notification shall fix the
date, place and hour for the meeting. In case of default by any or all parties the Board shall decide
whether or not the notification was executed and whether the summons should be reserved.
2. Appearing and default: Failure of the applicant to Arbitration to appear at the hearing without a
written excuse shall lead to the dismissal of his application and closing the file of the case where the
file does not include any claims for the respondent against the applicant. The Board may likewise in
case of failure of the respondent to appear in any hearing session without any acceptable excuse,
proceed in arbitration and pass a default award against the absentee. In case all the parties failed
to appear in the hearing, without any acceptable excuse the Board shall resummon the parties to
another session at which adjourned session. The Board may write off and close the case if the
parties failed to appear on the date fixed in the summons services.
3. Renewal of Application: The applicant and the respondent in case a counterclaim is raised - may
apply to the General Manager to notify the Board of his application to renew the case within sixty
days following the notification of the write-off. The Board shall assume the proceedings on such
application being made. The agreement or the clause arbitration shall be deemed impliedly
abandoned if no application for renewal of the arbitration or the counterclaim is made within the
aforesaid period. The Board shall be competent to deal with all matters relating to the validity of the
renewal of the application and the abatement of the clause of arbitration by abandonment. The
resolution passed by the Board in this report shall be considered a final adjudication on the case.
4. Hearing of the Application: The Board shall commence to hear the case by reading out the
application and the reply and shall register the arbitration deed and cause it to be signed by the
Board and the parties thereto.
5. The arbitration deed shall include a summary of the applicant's claim, defenses raised by the
respondent to the documents of the parties, any claim or any counterclaim made by the respondent,
the documents relating thereto, the original time for the arbitration, any extension thereof, sanction of
the parties to adopt the Regulation of ADCCAC and the provisions therein contained or any
qualifications or rules adopted otherwise than those contained in the Regulation of ADCCAC.
6. On registering the arbitration deed the case shall be adjourned for examination and framing of
admissions and issues.
7. In the session fixed for announcing admissions and issues the Board shall read out the record
and hear the parties on the contents thereof and consider their remarks and objections and then

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adjourn the case to decide upon for the purpose of adducing evidence.
8. If the Board decided to amend the record it shall redraft it and read it out to the parties on the
date fixed for such action, or in any other session fixed by the Board. If the Board otherwise held to
adopt the record as it is, it shall call upon the parties to present their evidence at a subsequent
9. The parties shall in the session fixed for hearing the evidence, produce all their evidence in one
lot by a docket explaining therein the number; date, summary of the contents of each document and
indication thereof and any other requests to hear witnesses or for examination or expertise. The
documents thus adduced in the case in the session fixed for the purpose shall be delivered in a
reciprocal manner before the Board which shall enter such process in the record as a proof of
taking place.
10. On closing the evidence of the parties the case shall be adjourned to another session for
examination or study.
1.The Board may refer the case for further pleadings if it found this fit in order to finalize the case or
hearing witnesses or making any further examination whether requested by the parties or on its own
2.In all cases, examination or expertise or hearing of the witnesses or adducing evidence shall take
place in the presence of the parties in the sessions fixed for the purpose.
3.The Boards shall in cases of examination or hearing the evidence allow the parties the opportunity
to cross-examine the witnesses, discuss the evidence and the findings of the reports of the experts
assigned in the case. The parties may as well call the said experts before the Board to be cross-
examined on the findings they concluded in their reports.
4.On completion of pleadings and all examination case shall be reserved for passing the award.
The Board shall pass its award on the date fixed in the session for pleadings or at any subsequent
time to which the case may be adjourned for award, provided that the award shall be passed within
the time fixed for completion of arbitration.
5.The awards of the collective boards shall be passed unanimously or by majority and the
dissenting arbitrator shall record his dissent in writing which shall be attached to the draft of the
award as an integral part thereof.
6.The Board on passing the award shall cause a draft to be written and signed by the members of
the Board together with the signature of the Secretary of the case and such draft shall contain an
ample summary of the case, the clause in the arbitration deed, the proceedings of the case with a
summary of the sessions concluding with the award which shall show the Opinion of the Board in
respect of the relief claimed and their decision about defraying the costs of arbitration or charges or
fees and expenses between the parties under Article (17) of this Regulation. The file of the case
together with the draft of the award shall be deposited vide a letter of a fixed date, signed by the
Board, with the Secretary of Cases and Disputes in the Center for the purpose of typing the award
and issuing a certificate of conclusion of arbitration.
7.The Secretary of Cases and Disputes shall cause the award to be typed and signed by the Board.
On completion of such process he shall make an entry in the prescribed register indicating the
finalization of arbitration.
8.The Secretary General of Cases and Disputes shall procure issuing of a certificate signed by the
Honorary Chairman of ADCCAC signifying the finalization of arbitration.
9.The Management of the Center shall provide the parties with a certified true copy of the award on
payment of all fees, expenses and charges prescribed in the case.
10.The party interested in obtaining urgently a copy of the award shall settle the share of his
opponent in such fees, expenses or charges and the Center shall then issue a certificate indicating
that he had settled such amount payable by his opponent.
Article 37
Arbitration charges shall be paid out on finalization of the case and in case and in accordance with
Article (17) of this Regulation.
Article 38
The Center shall keep all papers and inquiries made in respect of the arbitration cases and shall not
deliver the same except to the judicial bodies concerned under an official letter made by such
bodies fixing the method of sending or delivering such papers or inquiries.

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