ADCCAC Arbitration-Overview - Lexis®PSL, Practical Guidance For Lawyer..

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1/11/22, 5:41 PM ADCCAC arbitration—overview - Lexis®PSL, practical guidance for lawyer...

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ADCCAC arbitration—overview

Arbitrating under the ADCCAC Regulations 2013

The Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation & Arbitration Centre (ADCCAC) is the arbitration 'arm ' of the Abu Dhabi
Chamber of Commerce & Industry which operates as a voice of the Abu Dhabi business community. It is an
autonomous institution.

The ADCCAC was established in 1993 to deal with matters relating to local and international commercial conciliation
and arbitration. Its Procedural Regulations of Arbitration were revised and updated in 2013 (effective 20 October
2013 regardless of when the arbitration was commenced) bringing them more into line with international arbitration
practice than the previous rules which contained a number of features peculiar to the ADCCAC. The 2013
Regulations, although still containing some unique features, provide recognisable procedures and fewer pitfalls but,
as with any institution's rules, they must be read carefully and parties and their representatives should ensure they
are complied with.

For guidance on arbitration pursuant to the ADCCAC Regulations 2013, see Practice Notes:

• Arbitrating under the ADCCAC Regulations 2013

• ADCCAC—the arbitral panel

• ADCCAC—starting an arbitration

• ADCCAC—procedure

• ADCCAC—the award

• ADCCAC—costs and fees

Arbitration—institutional and ad hoc rules

You can find current versions of the arbitration rules of all of the major arbitral institutions (and UNCITRAL).

For more information, see Practice Note: Arbitration—links to institutional and ad hoc arbitration rules.

Model arbitration clauses

This Practice Note provides links to a broad range of model arbitration clauses (or model arbitration agreements)
from leading, and less well-known, arbitral institutions, organisations and industry bodies, generally for use in
international contracts.

See Practice Note: Model arbitration clauses.

Other relevant documents

• Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation and Arbitration Centre (ADCCAC) model arbitration clause 1/2
1/11/22, 5:41 PM ADCCAC arbitration—overview - Lexis®PSL, practical guidance for lawyer...


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