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INF 225

Activity 3
Simple Network Diagrams
(15 marks)

You may make use of any designing or drawing tool to complete the required model. The only limitations are as

1. Make use of the individual assignment cover page and copy your diagram into the page before you
upload the model. Please leave the document that you submit as a word document as it would allow us to mark
the file online. If you change the format then we will need to download the file and it would increase the time
involved in marking.
a. You may draw your model in any modelling tool such as for example, Visio, Smart Draw, LucidChart,
Visual Paradigm, Power Designer or Network Designer – the tool is not important. Choose any one which
you would be comfortable with. As long as your model is clear, visible, legible and all items on the model
is clearly labelled.
b. No hand drawn models will be accepted. If you draw your model by hand then you will receive a zero.
Only during the semester test and the exam will we accept hand drawn models as test and exams have
extremely limited time.
c. Your model should be copied into the cover page word document - If your model is not copied into
a word document with a clear cover page then you will receive a zero

2. Make sure that all objects, components, items (of relevance) that you use in the diagram is labelled. If it
does not have a label then it will be ignored as though the item was not added to the diagram.
3. No late submissions or e-mail submissions will be accepted. The assignments are small and there is more
than enough time to complete them during a normal week.

You have been hired by JustCruising (JC) Consulting agency to illustrate the existing network topography currently
being implemented by the agency. The Agency has 1 Main office and allows their employees to connect remotely to
the company servers with their mobile devices (Cellphones, Tablets, Laptops) via a VPN secure network over the
internet. The Main Office consists of 2 Network Segments, the Front Office, and the Back Office.

1. Front Office: Network segment hosts 1 server, 2 workstations and a Laptop which are all connected to
a wireless hub. This Wireless hub connects to an external switch located in the Demilitarized Zone.

2. Back Office: Network Segment hosts 1 web server which is connected to an external Firewall and 1
application server linked to the web server. These two servers are then connected to a centrally located switch.
Additionally, there is an MVS (Multiple Virtual Storage) Mainframe connected to a payment gateway for efficient
processing of transactions. The MVS Mainframe is also connected to the agencies Registration Database where
their customer profiles and data is kept. This is where the mainframe accesses the customer profiles it uses for
the agency’s customer analytics and the like. Finally, the centrally located switch is connected to the agency’s
Operational Database where all operations data for the organization is stored. The operational database is further
connected to the agencies Data warehouse. All operations data and additional data found throughout the agency
is all stored in the Data warehouse.

All external mobile devices connect to the company servers via a VPN secured network over the internet. The Front
and the Back-Office components for the main office are connected via a switch located in the Demilitarized Zone. As
such, the signals being transmitted from the front office to the back office and vice versa, are transmitted over a VPN
secured network. Additionally, just before the Back-Office network is reached, there is a firewall protecting the LAN.
Extending outward towards the public net, the switch then connects to a firewall gateway which is linked to a Router
that receives network transmissions from the Internet.

Make use of a simple illustration to indicate the distribution of the devices and connections between the devices in
the aforementioned case study. (Note: Represent all the stipulated devices, segments and where possible, the
assigned IP addresses).
INF 225

Activity 3
Simple Network Diagrams
(15 marks)


The solution makes use of very descriptive images to give you insight into what the distribution looks like. Under
normal circumstance a very simple representation is required making use of simple primitives (lines, blocks, cubes,
triangles etc) where everything is clearly labeled.

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