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LAS story of Santa Claus begins with
Saint Nicholas.

Complete the paragraph with the past form of the given verbs

die, be, raise, inherit, assist, live, become, use

Saint Nicholas _________ in the 4th century. He __________ a priest at a very

young age. His parents __________ him to be a devout Christian.
Unfortunately, they __________ in an epidemic while Nicholas __________
still young. When he __________ his parent’s wealth, he __________ it for
charity. He __________ the sick, the needy, and the suffering.

Put the sentences in the correct order

______ This led to the custom of children hanging stockings or putting out
shoes, eagerly awaiting gifts from Saint Nicholas.

______ When Nicholas heard of his plight, he went secretly to the man’s home
at night and threw three bags of gold through the open window.

______ He had three daughters and no dowry to offer, so he could not find
husbands for them.

______ The bags of gold are said to have landed in stockings or shoes left
before the fire to dry.

______ Becoming desperate, the man was ready to sell his own daughters for

______ A wealthy man in Nicholas’s parish had lost all of his money.
Complete the paragraph with the help of the definitions

Nicholas _______________ (1) his life to serving _______________ (2) and as a

young man he became _______________ (3) of Myra. Bishop Nicholas became
well-known for his _______________ (4) to those in need and his love for
children. While he was bishop of Myra, Christianity was forbidden. Soon
Bishop Nicholas was thrown into _______________ (5), chained and
_______________ (6). He had to suffer for his _______________ (7). The
prisons were so full of priests and bishops there was no room for the real
_______________ (8). Later when Constantine came to power as an
_______________(9) Nicholas was freed.

1. to give a lot of your time and effort to a purpose because you think it is
2. the being or spirit that is worshipped and is believed to have created the
3. a senior priest in charge of the work of the Church in a city or district
4. willingness to give somebody money, gifts or kindness freely
5. a building where people are kept as a punishment for a crime
6. to hurt somebody in order to punish them or make them tell you
7. strong religious belief
8. a person who commits a crime
9. the ruler of an empire

Complete the paragraph with the help of

some given letters
Dur_____ the rest of his lifetime Sai_____ Nicholas performed many
mira_____, hea_____ the sick and helping pe_____ in dist_____. Saint
Nich_____ died December 6, AD 343 in My_____ and was bur_____ in his
cath_____ church. The anniv_____ of his de_____ became a day of cele_____,
St. Nicholas Day,De_____ 6th.

Nicholas is known to ma_____ as Father Chr_____ because of his l_____ for

chil_____ and his gene_____ spirit.

The story of Santa Claus begins with Saint Nicholas.
Saint Nicholas lived in the 4th century. He became a priest at a very young age.
His parents raised him to be a devout Christian. Unfortunately, they died in an
epidemic while Nicholas was still young. When he inherited his parent’s wealth, he used it
for charity. He assisted the sick, the needy, and the suffering.

A wealthy man in Nicholas’s parish had lost all of his money. He had three daughters and
no dowry to offer, so he could not find husbands for them. Becoming desperate, the man
was ready to sell his own daughters for money. When Nicholas heard of his plight, he went
secretly to the man’s home at night and threw three bags of gold through the open window.
The bags of gold are said to have landed in stockings or shoes left before the fire to dry.
This led to the custom of children hanging stockings or putting out shoes, eagerly awaiting
gifts from Saint Nicholas.

Nicholas dedicated his life to serving God and as a young man he became Bishop of Myra.
Bishop Nicholas became well-known for his generosity to those in need and his love for
children. While he was bishop of Myra, Christianity was forbidden. Soon Bishop Nicholas
was thrown into prison, chained and tortured. He had to suffer for his faith. The prisons
were so full of priests and bishops there was no room for the real criminals. Later when
Constantine came to power as an emperor Nicholas was freed.

During the rest of his lifetime Saint Nicholas performed many miracles, healing the sick
and helping people in distress.

Saint Nicholas died December 6, AD 343 in Myra and was buried in his cathedral church.
The anniversary of his death became a day of celebration, St. Nicholas Day,December 6th.

Nicholas is known to many as Father Christmas because of his love for children and his
generous spirit.

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