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CBCS-2020 SEM-II English


Program: B.A, B.SC, B.COM, BMS Max. Hours: 75

Course Code:U20/ENG/AECC/201 Max. Marks: 100
Course Type: AECC Hours per week: 5
No. of credits: 5

Course Objectives:

 To develop LSRW skills and familiarize learners with effective language usage.
 To acquaint learners with different genres of writing.
 To teach techniques of formal communication- interpret, analyze and organize

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Learners are able to understand and appreciate poetry from different cultural contexts.
CO2: Learners are able to critically analyze he the genre of short story from the perspective of
theme and plot.
CO3: Learners emerge competent in extempore and public speaking skills.
CO4: Learners are able to juxtapose ideas opinions and values of the prescribed text and relate
them to real life scenario.
CO5: Learners become familiar and demonstrate relevant skills in formal and informal modes of
written communication.
CO6: Learners are able to write in an effective manner that reflects the basic concepts of

Department Of English, St Francis College for Women, Hyderabad -16
CBCS-2020 SEM-II English

MODULE 1: (15 Hrs)


“The Road Not Taken” - Robert Frost

“Teevee” - Eve Merriam

Grammar: Present Tense

Vocabulary: Prefixes and Suffixes, Spellings

Phonetics: Short Vowels

Skills: Non-verbal communication

MODULE 2: (15 Hrs)

Short Story:

“The Open Window” - Saki

Grammar: Past Tense

Vocabulary: confusing Pairs of words

Phonetics: Long Vowels

Skills: Editing of sentences

MODULE 3: (15 Hrs)


“Happy People” -William Ralph Inge

Grammar: Past Tense

Vocabulary: Idioms and Phrases

Phonetics: Dipthongs

Department Of English, St Francis College for Women, Hyderabad -16
CBCS-2020 SEM-II English

Skills: Speaking- JAM/ Show and Tell

MODULE 4: (15 Hrs)


Refund - Fritz Karinthy

Grammar: Future Tense

Vocabulary: Degrees of Comparison Part 2

Phonetics: Tripthongs

Skills: Dialogue Writing

MODULE 5: (15 Hrs)

Writing Formats

Email (Formal and Informal use of Language)

Minutes of the Meeting (with Notice and Agenda)

Department Of English, St Francis College for Women, Hyderabad -16
CBCS-2020 SEM-II English



Course Code: U20/ENG/AECC/201 Max Marks: 60

Max.Time: 2 Hrs


Answer the following (5x8=40 M)

I. a) Discuss the underlying message in Robert Frost‟s poem “The Road Not Taken.”


b) Summarize the poem “Teevee” by Eve Merriam.

II. a) Justify the title „The Open Window‟ in the text of Saki.

b) Describe how the window affects Mr. Nuttel, Vera and Mrs. Sappleton.

III.a) Who are the happy people in the text “Happy People?” Elaborate.


b) Write the character sketch of William Ralph Inge , as revealed solely by his views in the


IV.a) Attempt the character sketch of Wasserkopf from Refund.


b) Refund is a humorous account on the prevalent academic system. Elaborate.

Department Of English, St Francis College for Women, Hyderabad -16
CBCS-2020 SEM-II English

V. a) Write the Minutes of the Meeting of a student club you are associated with, held recently to

discuss an upcoming fest.


b) Write an email to your Principal requesting permission to attend a sports tournament

during the exams.


Answer the following: (4x5=20 M)

1. What is non-verbal communication?

2. Complete the following with suitable idioms from the list below:
(His finger tips, at arm‟s length, bad blood, by hook or crook)
a) Better to keep neighbors ______________
b) He has all the answers at________________
c) People are trying to create__________ between the two brothers.
d) He wants to win ___________________
3. Complete the degrees of comparison in the words below:
a) quick ________ ________

b) fast ________ ________

c) hungry_______ ________

Department Of English, St Francis College for Women, Hyderabad -16
CBCS-2020 SEM-II English

d) light ________ ________

4. What etiquettes are to be followed while drafting an email? List any four.

5. Write out a dialogue about a conversation between you and your class mentor discussing

the traffic issue that caused your delay for the meeting.

Department Of English, St Francis College for Women, Hyderabad -16

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