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VERSIÓN: 02 Código: SGOECCT-FO-EA-17 Página 1 de 2


ESTUDIANTE: _______________________________________________CÓDIGO: _________ FECHA: _____________

I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Perfect or Past

0. He had lost (lose) a lot of weight before he went on holiday.

1. I didn’t have to do my homework yesterday because I _________________ (do) it before.
2. Before she ________________ (go) to bed, she checked her phone for messages.
3. When Mary was at school today, she was very tired because she __________________ (not sleep) well.
4. The physiotherapist pressed my shoulder and ________________ (ask) me how it felt.
5. How many tennis matches ________________ (you / lose) by the time you won your first?

II. Change the sentences into the Passive Voice. Use no more than five words.

0. China produces lots of tea every year.

Lots of tea is produced in China every year.
1. They opened a new supermarket in my street when I was on holiday.
________________________________ in my street when I was on holiday.
2. When did they build this theatre?
When ________________________________?
3. Shops have used colours to attract customers for a long time.
________________________________ to attract customers for a long time.
4. Thomas Edison didn’t invent the telephone.
________________________________ by Thomas Edison.
5. That shop sells delicious cakes.
________________________________ in that shop.

Patricia Reilly and Marta Uminska (2016). Focus 1. Pearson


VERSIÓN: 02 Código: SGOECCT-FO-EA-17 Página 2 de 2

III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
0. If Thomas were a bank manager, he wouldn’t be (not / be) so badly paid.
1. My boss ___________________ (not / have) anything against it if I wanted to go on holiday next week.
2. I ___________________ (give) you a lift to the airport if I didn’t have a conference call now.
3. I’d be an accountant if I _______________ (be) good at Maths.
4. If she ________________ (not like) Chemistry, she wouldn’t be a Chemistry teacher.
5. What __________________ (you /do) if you had problems at work?

Use of English

Choose the correct option, A, B or C to complete the text.

Hi Helena!

How are you? Have you decided what you are going to do after school 0_____?
I have just finished my exams and I’m waiting for the results. I’m getting very nervous. If I pass all my exams, I 1_____
to university.

A few weeks ago I applied 2_____ a place at the Sorbonne in Paris. I’d like to study there. My aunt 3_____ lives in Paris
says it’s a really good university. I’m sure it’d be really interesting to study in a different country. When I 4_____ more
about this, I’ll let you know.

By the way, I met Jason yesterday. He is probably going to 5_____ a gap year – he wants to travel to India before going
to university. Write soon and tell me your news!


0. A yet B since C ever

1. A have gone B will go C go
2. A with B of C for
3. A who B where C which
4. A will hear B hear C heard
5. A make B follow C take

Patricia Reilly and Marta Uminska (2016). Focus 1. Pearson

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