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Arch. Pharm. Res.

(2021) 44:63–83 Online ISSN 1976-3786 Print ISSN 0253-6269


Biological roles of cytochrome P450 1A1, 1A2, and 1B1 enzymes

Yeo‑Jung Kwon1 · Sangyun Shin1 · Young‑Jin Chun1 

Received: 16 October 2020 / Accepted: 6 January 2021 / Published online: 23 January 2021
© The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 2021

Abstract  Human cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) play Introduction

a critical role in various biological processes and human dis-
eases. CYP1 family members, including CYP1A1, CYP1A2, Several critical enzymes have an important role in cellular
and CYP1B1, are induced by aryl hydrocarbon receptors metabolism under disease conditions or drug metabolism.
(AhRs). The binding of ligands such as polycyclic aromatic Hence, these enzymes and enzyme-related molecular mecha-
hydrocarbons activates the AhRs, which are involved in the nisms can be a potential therapeutic target for human dis-
metabolism (including oxidation) of various endogenous eases without a known cure. Previous studies have investi-
or exogenous substrates. The ligands that induce CYP1 gated the potential of various enzymes as a therapeutic target
expression are reported to be carcinogenic xenobiotics. (Winkler et al. 2018). Cytochrome P450 enzymes (P450s or
Hence, CYP1 enzymes are correlated with the pathogen- CYPs) have been widely studied since their identification as
esis of cancers. Various endogenous substrates are involved they are involved in the metabolism of various substrates,
in the metabolism of steroid hormones, eicosanoids, and including therapeutic agents and components of the biologi-
other biological molecules that mediate the pathogenesis cal processes, in humans (Nebert et al. 2013; Rendic and
of several human diseases. Additionally, CYP1s metabolize Guengerich 2015). In particular, more than 95% of oxidative
and activate/inactivate therapeutic drugs, especially, anti- and reductive reactions are reported to be catalyzed by CYPs
cancer agents. As the metabolism of drugs determines their (Rendic and Guengerich 2015).
therapeutic efficacy, CYP1s can determine the susceptibility CYPs are a unique family of heme proteins containing
of patients to some drugs. Thus, understanding the role of ferrous ion ­(Fe2+) and function as oxygenases in mono-
CYP1s in diseases and establishing novel and efficient thera- oxidation or mixed-function oxidation reactions (Denisov
peutic strategies based on CYP1s have piqued the interest of et al. 2005; Julsing et al. 2008; Guengerich 2018) (Fig. 1).
the scientific community. Most organisms are reported to express CYPs. Addition-
ally, more than 10,000 sequences of CYPs have been identi-
Keywords  Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1 enzymes · fied with 57 CYP genes reported in humans (Nelson 2009;
Polymorphism · Metabolic diseases · Cancer · Drug Durairaj et al. 2019). Human CYP genes, which are classi-
metabolism fied into 18 families and 43 subfamilies (Elfaki et al. 2018),
mediate the activation/inactivation of exogenous substrates,
including drugs, foreign chemicals, food additives, or endog-
enous compounds, such as steroids, eicosanoids, or fatty
acids (Guengerich 2005; Nebert and Dalton 2006). Of the
18 families, only four families (CYP1, CYP2, CYP3, and
CYP4) are encoded by redundant genes, which are inducible
* Young‑Jin Chun by various stimuli, such as environmental chemicals. The
members belonging to the remaining 14 families, which are
College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 06974, not inducible, are reported to be directly involved in essential
Republic of Korea cellular functions (Nebert and Gonzalez 1987; Nebert 1991;


64 Y.-J. Kwon et al.

Fig. 1  General function of
CYPs as oxygenases. a General
oxidase stoichiometry of CYPs
(Guengerich 2003). R stands
for substrate and RO represents
enzyme product of CYPs.
Substrates for CYPs are drugs,
procarcinogens, steroids, etc.
b Scheme of general cata-
lytic cycle for CYP reactions
(Guengerich 2018). Between
steps 4 and 8, the electronic
distribution in the Fe–O entities
has not been fully elucidated
yet in most of cases. In cases
of some CYPs like bacterial
and mitochondrial CYPs, the
electronic donations from ferre-
doxin proteins are associated
with steps 2 and 4

Nelson et al. 2004). The common metabolic substrates of and dioxins (Ibrahim et al. 2020; Perepechaeva et al. 2020).
these 4 CYP families are drugs, xenobiotics, and eicosa- The CYP1 family members are involved in various biologi-
noids, including prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which are cal processes (Gassmann et al. 2010; Nebert et al. 2013)
involved in various biological processes (Capdevila et al. (Table 2).
2002; Nebert and Dalton 2006). Hence, these four CYP CYP1 family members are involved in the metabo-
families are reported to be associated with the pathogenesis lism of estrogen ­(E 2 , 17β-estradiol) (Yamazaki et  al.
of some human diseases. In contrast to the other three fami- 1998). Several CYPs, including CYP1, catalyze the
lies that comprise large numbers of CYPs, the CYP1 fam- NADPH-dependent oxidation of estrogen, which results
ily comprises only three members (CYP1A1, CYP1A2, and in the production of hydroxylated estrogen metabolites
CYP1B1) (Nelson et al. 2004) (Table 1). Additionally, the (Zhu and Conney 1998). The type of metabolite gener-
expression of CYP1 family members is induced by chemi- ated is dependent on the position of oxidation catalyzed
cal stimuli, such as ligands of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor by CYP1 enzymes, which catalyze the major oxidative
(AhR), including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) pathways through 2-, 4-, and 16α-hydroxylation (Aoyama

Table 1  Substrates and related human diseases of CYP1, 2, 3, and 4

CYP family Number Substrates Previously reported diseases or properties in correla-
of genes tion with CYPs

CYP1 3 Eicosanoids, xenobiotics, drugs, foreign chemicals, sex steroids Primary congenital glaucoma (buphthalmos),
+Melatonin, oestrogen, uroporphyrin (1A2) Inflammatory disease, cancer
CYP2 16 Eicosanoids, xenobiotics, drugs, foreign chemicals Vitamin D 25-hydroxylase deficiency
+Nitrosamine (2A7), vitamin D 25-hydroxylation (2R1), reti-
noids (2S1), long-chain fatty acids (2U1)
CYP3 4 Eicosanoids, xenobiotics, drugs, foreign chemicals, sex steroids Metabolizes more than 60 % of clinically used drugs
CYP4 12 Eicosanoids, xenobiotics, drugs, foreign chemicals Association with hypertension, coronary artery disease
+Anandamide in brain (4X1), fatty acid (4Z1)

In human CYP families, only 4 families, CYP1-4, are often redundant and induced by chemical and environmental stimuli. The members of
CYP1-4 families participate in the metabolism of various substrates and are extensively involved in metabolic human disease as summarized in
this table (Guengerich 2003; Nebert and Dalton 2006; Nebert et al. 2013)

Biological roles of cytochrome P450 1A1, 1A2, and 1B1 enzymes 65

Table 2  Detectable locations CYP1s Detectable tissues Localization Major substrate Typical reaction
and typical reactions for major area in cells for major sub-
substrates of CYP1s strate

CYP1A1 Extrahepatic sites (lungs, Endoplasmic Benzo[α]pyrene 3-hydroxylation

kidney, brain, etc.) and reticulum
peripheral blood cells (ER)
CYP1A2 Liver (exclusive) ER Caffeine N3-demethylation
CYP1B1 Extrahepatic sites (brain, ER 17β-estradiol ­(E2) 4-hydroxylation
breast, colon, lung, kidney,
ovary, prostate, etc.)

CYP1A1 and 1B1 are extrahepatic CYPs while CYP1A2 exclusively exists in liver as hepatic CYP. CYP1s
are detected to be localized in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of cells and responsible for various metabolic
processes for exogenous and endogenous substrates. Among them, the major substrates and typical reac-
tions for major substrates are elucidated in this table (Guengerich 2005)

et  al. 1990; Hayes et  al. 1996; Zhu and Conney 1998) metabolizes ­E2 through 2-hydroxylation. The CYP1A2-
(Fig. 2; Table 3). CYP1A2, a major hepatic CYP that is catalyzed 2-hydroxyestradiol synthesis and the CYP3A4-
exclusively expressed in the liver along with CYP3A4, catalyzed 16α-hydroxylation may be the major hepatic

Fig. 2  Estrogen metabolism by CYP1s (Zhu and Conney 1998). a 17β-estradiol ­(E2), a major substrate for CYP1-mediated hydroxylation.
CYP1s induce hydroxylation of E ­ 2 mainly on C-2 and C-4. Additionally, CYP1A2 also mediates the hydroxylation on C-16 (16α-hydroxylation)
in liver but the major role of CYP1A2 in estrogen metabolism is a hydroxylase for C-2 site. b Scheme for E ­ 2 metabolism which is initiated by
CYP1s. CYP1A1 and 1A2 mainly induce hydroxylation of E ­ 2 on C-2 and generates 2-hydroxyestradiol (2-OHE2) while the major metabolite of
CYP1B1 is 4-hydroxyestradiol (4-OHE2) through hydroxylation on C-4 of ­E2. 2- and 4-OHE2 are converted into quinone conjugates and conse-
quently induce genetic mutation via induction of DNA adducts


66 Y.-J. Kwon et al.

Table 3  Positions of hydroxylation of ­E2 and products from metabolism on different positions

Position of hydroxylation on Mainly responsible CYP1 enzyme Estrogen metabolites generated from CYP1-induced hydroxylation
17β-estradiol ­(E2) for hydroxylation
Systemic name Common name

C-2 CYP1A1, CYP1A2 1,3,5(10)-Estratrien-2,3,17β-triol 2-Hydroxyestradiol

C-4 CYP1B1 1,3,5(10)-Estratrien-3,4,17β-triol 4-Hydroxyestradiol
C-16 CYP1A2 (liver) 1,3,5(10)-Estratrien-3,16α,17β-triol 16α-Hydroxyestradiol

The major role of CYP1s is a hydroxylase for E ­ 2. Each CYP1 shows preference for certain positions of E ­ 2 to induce hydroxylation. Different
metabolites are generated in regards of hydroxylated positions as described in this table (Zhu and Conney 1998; Badawi et al. 2001)

pathways of ­E2 metabolism (Yamazaki et al. 1998; Badawi genetic polymorphism along with the underlying molecu-
et al. 2001). The 4-hydroxylation activity of extrahepatic lar mechanisms.
CYP1B1 is markedly higher than the other catalytic activ-
ity of CYP1B1 for estrogen metabolism whereas hepatic
CYP1A2 and the other extrahepatic CYP1, CYP1A1, CYP1A1
much prefer to hydroxylate the ­E2 on C-2 rather than on
C-4. Additionally, previous studies have demonstrated that Clinical and experimental evidence of the role
the formation of 4-hydroxyestradiol is the unique cata- of CYP1A1 in various diseases
lytic function of CYP1B1 in humans (Badawi et al. 2001;
Nishida et al. 2013). The main metabolites of CYP1-cat- CYP1A1 is reported to be involved in the pathogenesis of
alyzed reactions, 2- or 4-hydroxyestradiol (2-, 4-OHE 2), lung cancer. CYP1A1 encodes aryl hydrocarbon hydroxy-
play a critical role in signaling pathways through the for- lase (AHH) or benzo[α]pyrene (B[α]P) hydroxylase, which
mation of DNA adducts or glutathione conjugates, which metabolizes PAHs in tobacco smoke (IARC 1987; Nebert
mediate the pathogenesis of human diseases by promoting et al. 2004). Patients with lung cancer exhibit enhanced
DNA damage (Dawling et al. 2004; Belous et al. 2007). expression of CYP1A1 in the bronchial mucosa. As the
Previous studies have reported that in addition to the induction of AHH expression is a risk factor for human lung
CYP2, 3, and 4 family members, the CYP1 family mem- cancer, CYP1A1 is considered as a representative biomarker
bers exhibit polymorphisms with differential enzyme for lung cancer (McLemore et al. 1990; Kawajiri et al. 1993).
activities, which result in the formation of various metabo- CYP1A1 is expressed in the extrahepatic tissues and upregu-
lites (Nebert and Dalton 2006). At least 12, 33, and 24 var- lated in the tumor tissues. Hence, CYP1A1 is reported to be
iant alleles have been reported for CYP1A1, CYP1A2, and associated with increased susceptibility to the development
CYP1B1, respectively. These variants are responsible for of cancers in various regions (Hukkanen et al. 2002; Slattery
disease induction or susceptibility to chemicals and drugs et al. 2004; Zhang et al. 2004; Androutsopoulos et al. 2009).
(Sarfarazi and Stoilov 2000; Nebert et al. 2004; Nebert Recent studies have reported the role of CYP1A1 in the
and Dalton 2006) (Table 4). Hence, previous studies have pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases as it functions as an
investigated the biological functions of different CYP1 oxygenase in eicosanoid metabolism. CYP1A1 induces oxi-
variants to examine the correlation between gene poly- dative injury in the cells or tissues through the activation
morphisms and biological activity. In this review, recent of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production (Zhang et al.
discoveries on CYP1 genes will be discussed, especially 2013a, b; Hussain et al. 2014; Zhou et al. 2017; Yuan et al.
those related to the correlation between human disease and 2019). However, other studies have reported that CYP1A1
protects lung tissues against injury from oxidative damage

Table 4  Polymorphisms of CYP1s. CYP1s have several polymorphic alleles with different level of catalytic activity
CYP1 enzyme Number of identified Specific properties related to polymorphic variants

CYP1A1 12 Non of these variants exhibit the altered activity for PAH metabolism
CYP1A2 33 There are >60-fold variabilities in hepatic basal CYP1A2 activity between individuals
CYP1B1 24 Mostly located in exon II and III with missense mutations or truncating mutations

The polymorphisms of CYP1s are extensively associated with inducibility and severity of CYP1-related human diseases. The number of variants
which are identified to date and the specific properties of each CYP1 in perspective of polymorphism are demonstrated in this table (Sarfarazi
and Stoilov 2000; Nebert et al. 2004)

Biological roles of cytochrome P450 1A1, 1A2, and 1B1 enzymes 67

(Lingappan et al. 2014; Maturu et al. 2017). Furthermore, Current functions of CYP1A1 in therapeutic strategies
the expression of CYP1A1 in the organs, including the liver, for diseases
kidney, and brain, is upregulated under certain conditions
but downregulated in response to inflammatory stimuli Metabolism and activation for prodrugs
(Morgan 2001; Santes-Palacios et  al. 2016). In patients
with sepsis, CYP1A1 is upregulated and promotes immune The expression of CYP1A1 in some tumors is higher than
responses through the upregulation of 12S-hydroxy-5Z, 8Z, that in the non-tumorous tissues. Additionally, CYP1A1 is
10E, 14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid production and the activa- involved in the metabolism of drugs. Hence, various stud-
tion of JNK-AP1 signaling (Tian et al. 2020a, b). However, ies have devised strategies to synthesize prodrugs that exert
CYP1A1 alleviates the inflammatory response through cytotoxic effects against cancer cells after CYP1A1-medi-
the regulation of the NF-κB signaling pathway in a bovine ated activation (Mescher and Haarmann-Stemmann 2018).
mastitis model and suppresses the production of immune The prodrug is naturally activated in the tumors that exhibit
cytokines in the mycoplasmal pneumonia model (Fang an upregulated expression of CYP1A1. Thus, prodrugs
et al. 2016; Zhang et al. 2018a, b). Moreover, the deficiency are more effective and safer than other anti-cancer agents.
of CYP1A1 exacerbates the acute lung injury caused by Aminoflavone (5-amino-2,3-fluorophenyl)-6,8-difluoro-
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in septic animal models through 7-methyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one; AF; NSC 686288), a
activation of NF-κB signaling pathway (Tian et al. 2020a, prodrug currently undergoing phase II clinical trials, is one
b). These contradictory findings suggest that the function of the representative prodrugs that are metabolized and acti-
of CYP1A1 in inflammatory disease may depend on animal vated by CYP1A1. The mechanisms underlying the growth-
species, tissue types, or cell types. inhibiting effects of AF against malignant cells involve DNA
12 allelic variants of CYP1A1 have been identified, none damage and apoptosis (Pobst and Ames 2006; McLean
of which showed different levels of B[α]P hydroxylase activ- et al. 2008). Dacarbazine and procarbazine, which are anti-
ity (Nebert et al. 2004). Several single nucleotide polymor- cancer alkylating prodrugs used for treating lymphoma,
phisms (SNPs) of CYP1A1 have been widely investigated in melanoma, and soft-tissue sarcoma, are also activated by
relation to human diseases such as cancers, oxidative stress- CYP1A1 through N-dealkylation (Rodriguez-Antona and
related illness, or immune disorders. The most-studied and Ingelman-Sundberg 2006; Lewis et al. 2011). Flutamide,
common SNPs of CYP1A1 are MspI (rs4646903, 3798 T > C, a prodrug used for treating prostate cancer, is activated
m1 polymorphism), Ile462Val (rs1048943, 2455A > G, m2 through hydroxylation by CYP1s, including CYP1A1.
polymorphism), and Thr461Asn (rs1799814, 2453C > A, m4 Among the three CYP1s, CYP1A1 weakly metabolizes flu-
polymorphism) (Ezzeldin et al. 2017). Recent studies have tamide (Singh et al. 2000; Rochat et al. 2001). CYP1A1
suggested that m1 polymorphism may contribute to endome- catalyzes the conversion of ICT2700, a novel prodrug, to a
triosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and duocarmycin-like molecule with a cyclopropane ring, which
male infertility (Fan et al. 2016; Cao et al. 2019; Sen and exerts cytotoxic effect through DNA alkylation (Pors et al.
Stark 2019; Bayoumy et al. 2020; Mear et al. 2020). M1 and 2011; Ortiz de Montellano 2013). Additionally, CYP1A1
m2 polymorphisms are considered as risk factors for cervi- metabolizes 2-aryl-benzothiazoles, including 2-(4-amino-
cal squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) because they elevate 3-methylphenyl)-5-fluorobenzothiazole (5F 203) and
the susceptibility of human papilloma virus (HPV) 16/18 5-fluoro-2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)benzothiazole (GW610),
infection (Nath et al. 2020). M2 polymorphism has been which results in the formation of DNA adducts and metabo-
reported to intensify the aggressive periodontitis and might lites with anti-cancer activity (Bradshaw and Westwell 2004;
alter the platelet activity via increasing the inflammatory Tan et al. 2011). These prodrugs can also be metabolized
responses (Wang et al. 2019). M2 and m4 polymorphisms and activated by other CYPs. The expression of CYP1A1
are significantly associated with onset of presbycusis as oxi- in the tumor is lower than that of other tumor-specific
dant stress gene polymorphisms (Manche et al. 2016). In a CYPs, such as CYP1B1. However, some prodrugs, such
recent study, m1 polymorphism also has been identified to as AF, procarbazine, and ICT2700 are primarily activated
contribute to development and progression of presbycusis by CYP1A1. Hence, these CYP1A1-activated prodrugs
(Karimian et al. 2020). M1, m2, and m4 polymorphisms exhibit a highly selective and efficient growth-inhibiting
have been widely recognized to be involved in risk of diverse activity against tumors overexpressing CYP1A1. Recent
cancers such as breast, cervical, colorectal, larynx, lung, and studies have also reported novel prodrugs that are activated
prostate cancers (Zheng et al. 2012; Ding et al. 2018; Naif by CYP1A1. Although most novel prodrugs are anti-cancer
et al. 2018; Hoidy et al. 2019; Lu et al. 2020; Sanchez-Siles agents, various prodrugs for different diseases, including
et al. 2020; Sengupta et al. 2020). These findings show that trypanosomiasis, have also been reported (Ju et al. 2014;
the polymorphic status of CYP1A1 is deeply associated with Fortin et al. 2017; Khosroshahi et al. 2020). Since the meta-
various human diseases. bolic activation by CYP1A1 is essential for these prodrugs,


68 Y.-J. Kwon et al.

the phenotypic status of CYP1A1 in patient should be con- A recent study also demonstrated an in silico approach to
sidered before choosing the prodrugs. screen and identify efficient and novel inhibitors of CYP1A1
(Tahir et al. 2019). A ligand-based pharmacophore mod-
Molecular mechanism of CYP1A1 eling was performed to identify the potential inhibitors of
CYP1A1 from the literature. These inhibitors were ranked
Similar to other CYP1 enzymes, CYP1A1 is activated after based on the binding affinity to CYP1A1.
the cognate ligand binds to AhR, which results in confor- CYP1A1 induces carcinogenesis in several organs. There-
mational changes in AhR. This promotes the binding of the fore, there are ongoing efforts to establish a safe and effi-
AhR-AhR nuclear translocator (ARNT) complex to the XRE cient strategy to suppress CYP1A1 expression in cancers. A
sequence (5′-GCGTG-3′) in the enhancer region (Mescher recent study reported a gene silencing method using nano-
and Haarmann-Stemmann 2018). Novel factors and signal- medicine for human lung cancer cells (Zhang et al. 2019a,
ing pathways involved in the CYP1A1 gene regulation have b). CYP1A1 siRNA was introduced into both in vitro and
been previously reported. Specificity protein 1 (Sp1) and p53 in vivo lung cancer models using cationic liposomes gen-
were reported to be novel cofactors for the AhR-mediated erated using lipid film-coated proliposome microparticles
CYP1A1 transcriptional activation. Although Sp1 and p53 (Zhang et al. 2019a, b). The RNAi delivery system reported
are well-known transcription factors, recent studies have in this study can potentially modulate the expression of
reported that Sp1, which is recruited by AhR, interacts with CYP1A1 regulatory factors, including miRNAs and tran-
AhR to induce the expression of CYP1A1. Meanwhile, p53 scription factors. Recent studies have been suggested that
binds to the p53 response element region in the CYP1A1 phytochemicals like flavonoids have significant potential
promoter region upon B[α]P treatment (Wohak et al. 2016; to inhibit the genotoxic effects of metabolites which are
Ye et al. 2019). generated by enzyme activity of CYP1A1 (Rannug 2020;
CYP1A1 is post-transcriptionally regulated by vari- Santes-Palacios et al. 2020). Further studies are needed to
ous microRNAs (miRNAs). miRNAs are small non-cod- specifically regulate CYP1A1 expression and consequently
ing RNAs that downregulate the target messenger RNAs alleviate human diseases.
(mRNAs) by binding to their 3′-untranslated regions (3′-
UTRs) (Bushati and Cohen 2007). The expression of
CYP1A1 in the human cells and tissues is suppressed by CYP1A2
miR-150, miR-21-3p, miR-892a, and miR-125b-5p (Choi
et al. 2012; Sturchio et al. 2014; Burgess et al. 2015; Lo Clinical and experimental evidence of the role
et al. 2017). Additionally, the expression levels of miR-21, of CYP1A2 in various diseases
miR-34a, miR-132, miR-132-3p, miR-148b, miR-200a, and
miR-200b were negatively correlated with those of CYP1A1 CYP1A2 is exclusively expressed in the liver. Along with
proteins (Rieger et al. 2013; Mescher and Haarmann-Stem- CYP3A4, CYP1A2 is mainly responsible for the metabo-
mann 2018). In addition to these miRNAs, several miRNAs lism of drugs, xenobiotics, and estrones in the human liver.
can potentially bind to CYP1A1 mRNA. These findings may Environmental factors (including coffee consumption and
contribute to establish the novel therapeutic strategies for cigarette smoking) activate CYP1A2 through polymorphic
human diseases which are involved in CYP1A1. alterations or chemical stimuli (such as PAHs) within them
(Backman et  al. 2008; Amin et  al. 2012). In particular,
Novel strategies for targeting CYP1A1 CYP1A2 metabolizes environmental xenobiotics, such as
aromatic and heterocyclic amines (HAs) and PAHs, which
In humans, CYP1A1 is involved in the pathogenesis of vari- are produced during the roasting or charbroiling process of
ous diseases, including cancer. Hence, novel methods have meat. The metabolites generated from the metabolic activa-
been suggested to selectively suppress CYP1A1 expression. tion of HAs and PAHs exhibit mutagenic and carcinogenic
N-(4-butyl)-4-chloroethoxy-1,8-naphthalimide (NBCeN) properties (Sachse et al. 2003). CYP1A2 is suggested as
is a novel CYP1A1-specific fluorescent probe that is an iso- a biomarker for cancer as it can metabolize and activate
form of 4-hydroxy-1,8-naphthalimide (HN) fluorophore procarcinogens. However, this suggestion has been hardly
with high specificity for CYP1A1 (Dai et al. 2017). This accepted because the mRNA expression level of CYP1A2
CYP1A1-specific probe enabled real-time biomonitoring of is reported to be highly variable between individuals. Addi-
CYP1A1 in the living cells and tissues along with the effi- tionally, the activity or expression level of CYP1A2 is
cient and rapid screening of CYP1A1 modulators. Hence, downregulated in some human cancers. Furthermore, the
CYP1A1-specific probes, including NBCeN, can be a pow- cytotoxicity of 2-OHE2, a major metabolite of CYP1A2-
erful experimental tool to reveal the role of CYP1A1 in liv- catalyzed reaction, is lesser than that of 4-OHE2 because
ing organisms and identify efficient regulators of CYP1A1. it is further metabolized into 2-methoxyestradiol. Various

Biological roles of cytochrome P450 1A1, 1A2, and 1B1 enzymes 69

clinical studies have demonstrated the anti-cancer effects of of NAFLD (Anstee et al. 2013). The expression of CYP1A2
2-methoxyestradiol (Lakhani et al. 2003; Faber et al. 2005; in an experimental animal model fed on a fructose-rich diet,
Mueck and Seeger 2010; Ren et al. 2016; Wuensch et al. which is associated with increased prevalence of obesity in
2019). Among the three human CYP1s, CYP1A2 exhibits humans, was lower than that in the control group. Treat-
the highest ­E2 hydroxylation activity on C-2, which results in ment with an anti-diabetic drug mitigated the downregulated
the generation of 2-OHE2. This indicated that CYP1A2 has expression of CYP1A2 (Chang et al. 2014). Moreover, one
the potential to exert anti-cancer effects (Hong et al. 2004). study examining the correlation of CYP1A2 genotype with
Recently, the tumor-suppressive function of CYP1A2 has the risk of developing myocardial infarction (MI), a major
been identified in lung adenocarcinoma and hepatocellular cause of CVD-induced death worldwide, revealed that the
carcinoma patients (Gastelum et al. 2020; Yu et al. 2020). polymorphic genotype of CYP1A2 with low inducibility
Therefore, CYP1A2 is one of the risk factors of cancers as was associated with an elevated risk of MI (Cornelis et al.
it metabolizes and activates procarcinogens but not always 2004). These findings suggest that CYP1A2 is involved in
able to be considered as cancer inducing factor. Thus, the pathogenesis of T2D and CVD through substrate detoxi-
CYP1A2 polymorphism is widely studied in various types fication rather than substrate activation. A recent clinical
of cancers (He and Feng 2015; Koonrungsesomboon et al. study revealed that the activity of CYP1A2 in the T2D group
2018). was higher than that in the control group (Urry et al. 2016).
CYP1A2 is also associated with multiple non-tumorous However, this study also considered the coffee intake pat-
liver diseases as its expression is upregulated in the liver tern and involved a small group of participants (n = 16).
(constituting approximately 15% of the hepatic levels of Therefore, further clinical studies are needed to determine
CYPs) (Wang and Tompkins 2008). The expression and the activity of CYP1A2 in patients with T2D.
activity of CYP1A2 are downregulated in patients with Additionally, several studies have revealed the potential
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), the most wide- correlation of CYP1A2 with non-hepatic human diseases.
spread liver disease in United States and other nations CYP1A2 is reported to function as a neuroprotective enzyme
which has been recently recognized as a significant clini- in Parkinson’s disease through the demethylation and detoxi-
cal disorder, and in the animal model of NAFLD (Wieck- fication of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine
owska and Feldstein 2008; Fisher et al. 2009; Merrell and (MPTP), a parkinsonism-inducing neurotoxin (Coleman
Cherrington 2011). NAFLD is characterized by non-alco- et al. 1996; Forsyth et al. 2000). Furthermore, chronic inter-
holic steatohepatitis, steatosis, fibrosis, and cirrhosis in mittent hypoxia, a major characteristic of sleep apnea, sig-
the hepatic tissues and hepatocytes (Yoshioka et al. 2004; nificantly inhibited the expression of CYP1A2 in an animal
Kleiner and Makhlouf 2016; Cobbina and Akhlaghi 2017). model. This suggested that the impaired drug-metabolizing
During the pathological progression of NAFLD, steatosis activity of CYP1A2 must be considered before adjusting
leads to increased inflammation and ROS-induced oxida- the dosage of drugs for patients with sleep apnea (Zhang
tive stress in patients with NAFLD (Cobbina and Akhlaghi et al. 2018a, b).
2017). The expression of CYP1A2 is also downregulated
in patients with sepsis. Several studies have demonstrated Devising therapeutic strategies based
that the inhibition of CYP1A2 is associated with the induc- on the drug‑metabolizing activity of CYP1A2
tion of pro-inflammatory responses, which leads to tissue
damage (Crawford et al. 2004; Wu et al. 2006). Addition- The major role of CYP1A2 in humans is catalyzing the
ally, CYP1A2 modulates inflammation by metabolizing oxidative metabolism of up to 10% of clinically relevant
eicosanoids. CYP1A2 primarily metabolizes arachidonic drugs (Klein et al. 2010). Although there are diverse drugs
acid to distinct regioisomers of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids that are metabolized by CYP1A2, some specific drugs are
(EETs), which exert anti-inflammatory effects. A recent predominantly metabolized by CYP1A2. The representa-
study has suggested that CYP1A2 may function as an anti- tive substrate of CYP1A2 is caffeine. CYP1A2 catalyzes
inflammatory factor through the generation of 17, 18-epoxy- the demethylation of more than 95% of caffeine and gener-
eicosatetraenoic acid(EpETE), a novel anti-allergy and anti- ates various primary metabolites, including paraxanthine,
inflammatory lipid mediator (Zordoky and El-Kadi 2010; theophylline, and theobromine (Guest et al. 2018). These
Nagatake and Kunisawa 2019). These findings suggest that metabolites have a higher affinity to adenosine receptors than
CYP1A2 may be considered as an anti-inflammatory CYP caffeine. Additionally, theophylline (dimethylxanthine) is
enzyme in humans. also mainly metabolized by CYP1A2 (eliminates 75% of
NAFLD is associated with an increased risk of develop- theophylline) (Fredholm 1995; Faber et al. 2005; Barnes
ing type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). 2013). The major metabolic pathways, including hydroxyla-
Hence, several studies have investigated the potential cor- tion, N-deethylation, N-demethylation, and N-oxidation, of
relation of CYP1A2 with these extrahepatic manifestations the following drugs are primarily catalyzed by CYP1A2:


70 Y.-J. Kwon et al.

flutamide (an endocrine therapeutic agent for prostate can- needed to elucidate the function of CYP1A2 haplotypes and
cer), lidocaine (a local anesthetic agent; minor pathway), identify the novel genotype of CYP1A2 in humans based
melatonin (metabolizes 90%; a neuro- and cardio-protective on the phenotypes of coffee intake and smoking (Sachse
anti-cancer agent), tacrine (metabolizes more than 90%; et al. 1999; Djordjevic et al. 2010; Lesche et al. 2020). The
reversible cholinesterase inhibitor to treat Alzheimer’s dis- therapeutic drugs that are substrates of CYP1A2 must be
ease), triamterene (metabolizes almost 100%; a potassium- established after the identification of the CYP1A2 genotype
sparing diuretic), tizanidine (a skeletal muscle relaxant), in patients.
zolmitriptan (a highly selective anti-migraine agent), and Several suggestions have been proposed to establish
clozapine and olanzapine (anti-psychiatric agents) (Fontana therapeutic strategies by devising novel methods for tar-
et al. 1998; Wild et al. 1999; Ozono et al. 2002; Zullino geting and regulating the expression of CYP1A2. A recent
et al. 2002; Granfors et al. 2004; Orlando et al. 2004; Fuhr study reported a newly designed and synthesized quinazo-
et al. 2005; Ma et al. 2005). Furthermore, other drugs, such line-based inhibitor of CYP1A2 (Corral et al. 2020). The
as acetophenone and 3,4-methylenedioxymethampheta- quinazoline moiety was selected as the basal structure of a
mine (MDMA, ecstasy) are also metabolized by CYP1A2 novel inhibitor based on previous findings that reported the
but have minimal or unclear clinical relevance (Faber et al. specific affinity of quinazoline compounds for CYP1A2 with
2005; Asakawa et al. 2017; Vizeli et al. 2017). Various drugs inhibitory effect (Veith et al. 2009). The novel inhibitors
are metabolized and excreted through CYP1A2-mediated strongly inhibited CYP1A2 activity.
activity. However, these drugs can be activated as prodrugs Previously identified regulators for CYP1A2 expression
for therapeutic activity. Anti-cancer agents, such as dac- on a molecular regulatory basis, such as transcription fac-
arbazine, tegafur, flutamide, and a popular non-steroidal tors, epigenetic modulators, and miRNAs, are considered
anti-inflammatory prodrug, nabumetone, are prodrugs that as potential candidates to target for regulation of CYP1A2.
are activated by CYP1A2 (Ortiz de Montellano 2013). The Recently, several studies have been reported to regulate
catalytic activity of CYP1A2 affects the pharmacokinetics CYP1A2 via targeting Pregnane X receptor (PXR) and
of drugs, including non-renal elimination and bioavailability. constitutive androstane receptor (CAR), transcriptional
Hence, the catalytic activity of CYP1A2 is a critical fac- inducers for CYP1A2 (Yoshinari et al. 2010; Manda et al.
tor that determines the optimal dosage of therapeutic agents 2017). Especially in hypoxia status which affects the drug
(Perera et al. 2013; Sychev et al. 2018; Ruan and de Leon metabolism through changes in drug-metabolizing enzymes,
2020). the synergistic induction of CYP1A2 by combination of
The inducibility and catalytic activity of CYP1A2 are rifampicin, a PXR agonist, and (6-(4-chlorophenyl)-imidazo
often determined based on genetic polymorphisms. In (2,1-b) thiazole-5-carbaldehyde) (CITCO), a CAR agonist,
particular, SNPs of CYP1A2 have been extensively stud- has been significantly repressed (Duan et al. 2020). Fur-
ied and more than 40 SNPs have been identified (Aldrich thermore, prolyl hydroxylase domain 2 (PHD2) inhibitors,
et al. 2009). Several SNPs, including − 163C > A, exhibit hypoxia-inducible factor-α (HIF-α) stabilizers which mimic
enhanced catalytic activity. In contrast, some CYP1A2 hypoxia, downregulate the expression of CYP1A2 along with
SNPs, such as 186F > L, exhibit impaired catalytic activity PXR and CAR (Takano et al. 2021). The epigenetic modula-
(Murayama et al. 2004; Djordjevic et al. 2008; Koonrung- tors, such as histone deacetylase inhibitors, are also eligible
sesomboon et al. 2018). The close linkage disequilibrium for regulatory tools targeting CYP1A2 because hypomethyla-
between the most common and extensively studied CYP1A2 tion and histone acetylation of CYP1A2 has been reported
polymorphisms (− 163C > A, − 729C > T, − 739 T > G, − 24 to elevate the expression of CYP1A2 mRNA (Jin and Ryu
67delT, − 3113G > A, and − 3860G > A) results in the gen- 2004; Miyajima et al. 2009). Since the interindividual vari-
eration of various CYP1A2 haplotypes (Gunes and Dahl ation of CYP1A2 with different drug-metabolizing activity
2008). Compared with the wild-type CYP1A2*1A (rapid possibly depends on the allele-specific expression which is
metabolizer), CYP1A2*1F (rs762551, − 163A > C) exhibits affected by DNA methylation, the epigenetic regulation of
slower drug (mainly caffeine) metabolism (slow metabo- CYP1A2 may contribute to establishing the personalized
lizer) (Guest et al. 2018). Individuals with CYP1A2*1F therapeutic strategies (Ghotbi et al. 2009). The pharmaco-
(− 163A > C) are associated with an increased risk of devel- genetic studies based on the drug-metabolizing activity of
oping various human diseases, including hypertension, CYP1A2 also have been conducted to establish personalized
MI, stroke, prediabetes, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and therapeutic strategies for each individual with a specific dis-
blepharospasm (Cornelis et al. 2006; Palatini et al. 2009, ease. Thus, several miRNAs that potentially target CYP1A2
2015; Mao et al. 2020; Siokas et al. 2020a, b). The enhanced and regulate its drug-metabolizing activity have been identi-
consumption of coffee and smoking may elevate the activ- fied through in silico screening with multiple studies vali-
ity of CYP1A2 through the induction of SNPs exhibiting dating the in silico prediction (Swart and Dandara 2014;
upregulated enzyme activity. However, further studies are Wei et al. 2018). Along with previously identified miRNAs

Biological roles of cytochrome P450 1A1, 1A2, and 1B1 enzymes 71

which have been demonstrated to post-transcriptionally reg- pathogenesis of POAG (Vincent et al. 2002; Fan et al. 2006).
ulate CYP1A2 mRNA, such as miR-122, miR-320, and miR- Genetic linkage analysis and mutation screening identified
132-5p, novel miRNAs with potential to target CYP1A2 can that mutant CYP1B1 causes PCG (Sarfarazi 1997). PCG,
be efficient small molecular tools for regulation of CYP1A2 a rare type of glaucoma, is an autosomal recessive disor-
(Chen et al. 2017; Gill et al. 2017; Wei et al. 2018). In the der with impaired penetrance and the most common type of
future, efficient strategies for personalized treatment will be glaucoma in children (Do et al. 2016; Chouiter and Nadifi
established through CYP1A2 genotype analysis of patients 2017). Although various PCG loci have been mapped by
and subsequent modeling for suitable regulation of CYP1A2 genome-wide association studies and genome sequencing
activity. technologies, only CYP1B1 has been recognized as the
major PCG causative factor (Alsubait et al. 2020). More than
150 PCG-associated CYP1B1 mutations have been identi-
CYP1B1 fied. Wild-type and mutant model structures corresponding
to several PCG mutations were established and subjected to
Clinical and experimental evidence of the role molecular dynamic simulations to reveal the properties of
of CYP1B1 in various diseases the mutant enzyme structures (Achary et al. 2006; Chouiter
and Nadifi 2017).
Similar to CYP1A1, CYP1B1 is expressed in various extra- CYP1B1 mutants exhibit impaired or loss of catalytic
hepatic regions, including the eye, heart, prostate, uterus, activity and/or reduced abundance in the PCG and POAG
and ovary (Gajjar et al. 2012; Faiq et al. 2014). The major phenotypes (Chavarria-Soley et al. 2008; Lopez-Garrido
endogenous substrate of CYP1B1 is E ­ 2. However, CYP1B1 et al. 2010). The similarity of haplotype backgrounds of
also metabolizes arachidonic acid, retinol, and melatonin glaucoma-related CYP1B1 mutations in patients with POAG
through hydroxylation or oxidation (Choudhary et al. 2004; and PACG has been described in a previous study, which
Ma et al. 2005). As CYP1B1 exhibits multifunctional activi- reported that the PACG phenotype may share common
ties in diverse metabolic pathways, it is reported to play criti- properties, including reduced enzyme activity, with POAG
cal roles in various human diseases. The role of CYP1B1 is phenotype (Chakrabarti et al. 2007). Mutant CYP1B1 exhib-
extensively investigated in glaucoma and cancers. its impaired E
­ 2 hydroxylation activity in patients with glau-
coma, which promotes the nuclear localization of estrogen
Glaucoma receptor alpha (ERα). This leads to the binding of ERα to the
putative estrogen response elements in the promoter region
Glaucoma, a heterogeneous disease, is one of the leading of MYOC (Mookherjee et al. 2012). In the glaucoma phe-
causes of permanent loss of eyesight worldwide (Weisschuh notype, the CYP1B1-mediated metabolism of arachidonic
and Schiefer 2003). In addition to blindness, glaucoma is acid and the subsequent generation of 12(R)-hydroxyeico-
associated with neurodegenerative features, such as reti- satetraenoic acid (12(R)-HETE), a corneal arachidonic acid
nal ganglion cell death and degeneration of the optic nerve metabolite that can potentially inhibit the activity of N­ a +,
(Gong et al. 2015). The elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) ­K -ATPase, may be downregulated (Masferrer et al. 1990a,
is considered as a major risk factor for glaucoma (Vasiliou b). The downregulation of 12(R)-HETE enhances corneal
and Gonzalez 2008). Glaucoma has been classified into sev- clouding related to glaucoma through the regulation of ­Na+,
eral categories based on specific criteria. The three major ­K+-ATPase activity, which influences corneal susceptibility
categories of glaucoma are primary open-angle glaucoma to pressure-induced hydration and increases IOP (Masferrer
(POAG), primary congenital glaucoma (PCG), and primary et al. 1990a, b; Vasiliou and Gonzalez 2008). Furthermore,
angle closure glaucoma (PACG) (Vasiliou and Gonzalez melatonin, a substrate of CYP1B1, is reported to exert vari-
2008). Increased IOP and glaucoma are associated with ous biological effects associated with glaucoma in the eye,
multiple developmental disorders, including Peters’ anom- including dopamine synthesis/release and ocular growth and
aly (PA) and Rieger’s anomaly (RA), which are categorized development (Dubocovich 1983; Doyle et al. 2002; Rada
as anterior segment dysgenesis (ASD) (Gould and John and Wiechmann 2006). Other substrates of CYP1B1, such
2002). Various mutations in CYP1B1, including missense as retinoids affect the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase,
and nonsense mutations, deletions, insertions, duplications, which may act as a modifier for iridocorneal angle defects
and silent mutations, have been identified in patients with through the production of dihydroxyphenylalanine, a product
POAG, PA, RA, and PCG (Vasiliou and Gonzalez 2008). of tyrosinase-catalyzed reaction (Libby et al. 2003; Doshi
The mutation status in CYP1B1 is reported to determine et al. 2006). Melatonin and retinoids are not sufficiently
the severity of the glaucoma phenotype (Melki et al. 2005). metabolized by mutant CYP1B1 with impaired activity,
In patients with POAG, CYP1B1 functions as a genetic which results in the biological phenotypes associated with
modifier of myocilin (MYOC), which is involved in the glaucoma in the eye.


72 Y.-J. Kwon et al.

Recently, the molecular mechanism of CYP1B1 in glau- X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) through the
coma has been elucidated. The deletion of CYP1B1 is activation of protein kinase Cε (PKCε), which phosphoryl-
associated with enhanced oxidative stress in the trabecular ates XIAP and inhibits the ubiquitin–proteasome-mediated
meshwork and retinal vascular cells, which affects the tissue degradation of XIAP (Baek et al. 2019).
integrity and function through the modulation of the produc- The carcinogenic effects of CYP1B1 are mainly mediated
tion of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (Falero-Perez through its catalytic activity, which results in the genera-
et al. 2018). In a recent study, the transcriptome profiles tion of 4-OHE2. Hence, various studies have examined the
of CYP1B1 + / + and CYP1B1−/− retinal astrocytes show correlation between CYP1B1 polymorphisms associated
that CYP1B1 may control the functions of retinal astro- with ­E2 metabolism and cancers. The following four allelic
cytes which are significant for neurovascular development variants of CYP1B1 have been identified in various types
and integrity through regulation of genes involved in cell of cancers: intron 1–13 C > T, codon 449 T > C, Arg48Gly
adhesion and migration (Falero-Perez et al. 2020). Moreo- (142C > G, R48G), Ala119Ser (355G > T, A119S), Leu-
ver, recent studies have also reported novel mutations in 432Val (4326C > G, L432V), and Asn453Ser (4390A > G,
CYP1B1 and their functional significance in the surgical N453S) (Gajjar et al. 2012). In particular, the polymor-
management of glaucoma (Afzal et al. 2019; Coelho et al. phisms in exon 2 and 3 regions (R48G and A119S on exon
2019; Khafagy et al. 2019). Further studies are needed to 2, L432V, and N453S on exon 3) markedly affect the cata-
elucidate the mechanisms of glaucoma and devise novel effi- lytic activity of CYP1B1 (Chang et al. 2003; Gajjar et al.
cient therapeutic strategies. 2012). These four polymorphic variants exhibit higher cata-
lytic activity than the wild-type allele. The R48G substitu-
Cancer tion occurs in the region involved in protein folding and
stability. This variant exhibits enhanced activity through
The role of CYP1B1 in cancers has been examined in several the upregulation of gene expression rather than regulat-
studies as it exhibits tumor-specific extrahepatic expression ing its enzymatic function (Chang et al. 2003; Zhang et al.
patterns in various types of tissues, including the breast, 2013a, b). A119S, which is located in substrate recognition
ovary, prostate, brain, and colon tissues (Murray et  al. site 1, may enhance catalytic activity through the regula-
1997, 2001; D’Uva et al. 2018). CYP1B1, which exerts tion of substrate binding (Gotoh 1992). N453S and L432V
tumorigenic effects through its catalytic activity, is one of exhibited enhanced catalytic activity because both alleles
the activators of procarcinogens, such as PAHs. The activ- encode the heme-binding domain, which is critical for its
ity of CYP1B1 generates carcinogenic metabolites, which catalytic activity. Unlike L432V, N453S also suppresses the
results in the production of DNA adducts and promotes expression level of CYP1B1 through the induction of protein
DNA damage. During the metabolism of procarcinogens, degradation (Chang et al. 2003; Bandiera et al. 2005). Previ-
the generation of ROS may be upregulated, which promotes ous studies have reported that polymorphic CYP1B1 alleles
tumorigenesis (Moorthy et al. 2015; Alsubait et al. 2020). with enhanced catalytic activity are risk factors for cancers
In the estrogen metabolism pathway, CYP1B1 catalyzes (Watanabe et al. 2000; Ko et al. 2001; Tanaka et al. 2002;
the hydroxylation of E ­ 2 primarily at the C-4 site, which Sasaki et al. 2003; Gu et al. 2018). Taken together, CYP1B1
results in the production of 4-OHE2. The major metabo- is generally considered as a tumorigenic enzyme in humans.
lite of CYP1B1, 4-OHE2 is a potential key mediator of the
carcinogenic activity of CYP1B1. In the canonical metabo- New evidence of the role of CYP1B1 in various diseases
lism, 4-OHE2 reacts with quinones and is converted into
­E2-3,4-Q, which predominantly forms depurinating DNA In addition to glaucoma and cancer, diverse metabolic dis-
adducts and consequently promotes tumorigenesis through eases, including obesity, hypertension, and renal dysfunction
the induction of DNA damage or aberrant gene expression are correlated with CYP1B1. This is because CYP1B1 is
(Dawling et al. 2004; Alsubait et al. 2020). A recent study involved in the metabolism of various endogenous substrates
elucidated the carcinogenic mechanism of CYP1B1, which (Li et al. 2017).
involves the 4-OHE2-mediated induction of cancer cell pro- The expression of CYP1B1 is upregulated during the
liferation and invasion by the activation of Wnt/β-catenin differentiation of C3H10T1/2 cells into adipocytes (Zhang
signaling and the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) et al. 1998). Furthermore, genetic analysis after CYP1B1
process through the upregulation of Sp1 (Kwon et al. 2016). disruption revealed that CYP1B1 induces the expression of
CYP1B1 has been reported to inhibit the cancer cell apop- stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1) and various genes stim-
tosis by epigenetic regulation of death receptor 4 (DR4) via ulated by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha
controlling DNA-binding activity of Sp1 (Kwon et al. 2018). (PPARα) that are involved in energy homeostasis (Larsen
Furthermore, the anti-apoptotic effect of 4-OHE2 in can- et al. 2015). Moreover, deficiency of CYP1B1 ameliorated
cer involves the induction of the protein expression level of high-fat diet-induced obesity, learning and memory deficits,

Biological roles of cytochrome P450 1A1, 1A2, and 1B1 enzymes 73

and glucose tolerance through the inhibition of genes the catalytic activity of CYP1B1 on chemotherapeutic as
involved in fatty acid transport and synthesis, such as CD36, CYP1B1 is expressed predominantly in the tumors and
SCD1, and fatty acid synthase and the upregulation of genes involved in carcinogenesis. CYP1B1 inhibits the cytotoxicity
related to fatty acid oxidation, such as uncoupling protein of various chemotherapeutics, including cisplatin, paclitaxel,
2(UCP2), carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1a(CPT1a), and docetaxel, flutamide, mitoxantrone, tamoxifen, doxorubicin,
Nuclear factor-erythroid-2 related factor 2 (Nrf2) (Liu et al. and daunomycin (McFadyen et al. 2001; Rochat et al. 2001;
2015; Yang et al. 2019). These data suggest that CYP1B1 Xie et al. 2017). Clinical and pre-clinical studies have also
may affect adipogenesis and induce obesity. demonstrated that CYP1B1 inhibits the cytotoxicity of these
The correlation of CYP1B1 with hypertension, a leading chemotherapeutic agents against tumors (Sissung et  al.
cause of CVD, has also been reported (Yaghini et al. 2010; 2008; Cui et al. 2015). Thus, tumors expressing upregulated
Falbova et al. 2020). In angiotensin II (Ang II)-dependent CYP1B1 expression are resistant to the cytotoxic effects of
hypertension, CYP1B1 is involved in Ang II-induced pro- chemotherapy. This phenomenon has been identified as one
liferation, migration, and protein synthesis in the vascu- of the drug resistance mechanisms.
lar smooth muscle cells by metabolizing arachidonic acid Therefore, therapeutic strategies for cancers should be
(Yaghini et  al. 2010). Recent studies demonstrated that established based on the expression level of CYP1B1 or the
CYP1B1 modulates Ang II-induced hypertension through status of CYP1B1 polymorphism in the target tissues. To
the generation of 6β-hydroxytestosterone (6β-OHT) from improve the efficacy of chemotherapeutics, various stud-
testosterone, which plays a critical role in the upregulation ies have identified the inhibitor of CYP1B1 to attenuate
of Ang II-induced vascular reactivity and causes hypertro- CYP1B1-induced drug resistance and established the treat-
phy, endothelial dysfunction, and elevation of oxygen radical ment combination of anti-cancer drugs and CYP1B1 inhibi-
production (Anderson and Mazzoccoli 2019; Pingili et al. tors. Naturally occurring compounds, including flavonoids,
2020). Intracerebroventricular 6β-OHT contributes to Ang coumarins, stilbenes, and anthraquinones, and several syn-
II-induced hypertension in the brain by increasing the mean thetic aromatic compounds, such as α-naphthoflavone, are
arterial pressure, ROS production, and neuroinflammation in reported to inhibit the catalytic activity of CYP1B1 (Chun
the paraventricular nucleus (Singh et al. 2020). Furthermore, and Kim 2003; Cui et al. 2015; Dutour and Poirier 2017).
CYP1B1 also influences Ang II-independent hypertension Several CYP1B1 inhibitors, such as resveratrol, isorhamne-
by inhibiting ROS production and activity of ERK1/2 and tin, and kaempferol inhibit the expression of AhR and con-
p37 MAPK (Li et al. 2017). sequently, suppress the expression of CYP1B1 (Chun et al.
The etiological agents for most diseases associated with 2009; Alsubait et al. 2020). Furthermore, the anti-cancer
aberrant CYP1B1-mediated metabolism are products gen- agents that competitively inhibit CYP1B1 may also be con-
erated from the metabolism of eicosanoids, including ara- sidered as CYP1B1 inhibitors (Rochat et al. 2001). Novel
chidonic acid. EET and HETE, which are metabolites of CYP1B1 inhibitors, such as the synthetic pyridylchalcones
CYP1B1-mediated arachidonic acid metabolism, have been 7 k (DMU2105) and 6j (DMU2139), have been used in
reported to suppress glomerular filtration through the regula- combination with cisplatin to treat cancers. Treatment with
tion of the vasoconstrictor response of endothelin-1 and Ang these inhibitors increased the sensitivity and susceptibility
II in the kidney or modulation of the ­Na+ transport in the of cancer cells to cisplatin (Horley et al. 2017). Addition-
proximal tubule, which consequently induces renal dysfunc- ally, various novel inhibitors of CYP1B1, like carvedilol
tion (Li et al. 2017). CYP1B1-mediated ROS generation also and quinazoline derivatives have been reported (Siddique
leads to renal dysfunction (Jennings et al. 2012). Moreover, et al. 2017; Wang et al. 2020). The treatment combination of
a recent study demonstrated that CYP1B1 is upregulated by chemotherapeutic agents and CYP1B1 inhibitors may result
indoxyl sulfate in the uremic toxins of patients with chronic in enhanced anti-cancer efficacy.
kidney disease and induces cardiac hypertrophy through Several prodrugs have been developed for targeting tumors
the generation of HETE, a metabolite from arachidonic overexpressing CYP1B1. These prodrugs must be activated
acid metabolism that mediates the pathophysiology of the by CYP1B1 to exert cytotoxic effects. Hence, these prodrugs
cardiovascular system (Zhang et al. 2020). As CYP1B1 has are associated do not exert cytotoxic effects on the non-can-
diverse endogenous substrates, its role in human diseases cerous tissues. Additionally, the growth-inhibiting activity
must be explored further. of these prodrugs is highly specific against the tumor tis-
sues. CYP1B1 also metabolizes 3,4-methylenedioxy-3′,4′,5′-
Novel suggestions for establishing therapeutic strategies trimethoxychalcone (DMU-135), a novel prodrug that is
based on CYP1B1 highly specific for tumors. DMU-135, which is metabolized
by CYP1B1 within the tumor tissues, exerts anti-cancer
CYP1B1 is involved in the metabolism of several drugs effects through its metabolite, DMU-117, a potent tyrosine
through hydroxylation. Various studies have examined kinase inhibitor, without exerting cytotoxic effects on the


74 Y.-J. Kwon et al.

non-cancerous tissues (Sale et al. 2006). The anti-cancer mech- substrates (Fig. 3; Table 5). In particular, CYP1 enzymes
anism of AF, which is a substrate of CYP1B1, is similar to that play a critical role in human diseases because their substrates
of DMU-135 (Kuffel et al. 2002). In some cases, the CYP1B1 are exogenous chemicals or endogenous substances with
inhibitors exert synergistic effects by producing metabo- potential pathogenic properties. Genetic variants of CYP1
lites with anti-cancer properties after being metabolized by enzymes are risk factors for various diseases owing to their
CYP1B1. Resveratrol, which is a natural stilbene that inhibits altered catalytic activity. The possibility of CYP1s acting
CYP1B1, is metabolized by CYP1B1 resulting in the gen- as direct regulators without exhibiting catalytic activity on
eration of piceatannol. Piceatannol exerts anti-cancer effects proteins such as transcription factors or proteases has not
through the inhibition of tyrosine kinases (Fleming et al. 1995; been clarified; this must be explored in further studies.
Potter et al. 2002; Gajjar et al. 2012). These findings indi- Occasionally, CYP1 enzymes exert incompatible effects
cate that the anti-cancer efficacy can be improved through the on specific biological processes depending on the experi-
development of novel strategies involving CYP1B1 inhibitor mental conditions. This might be caused by the complexity
and CYP1B1-metabolized prodrugs. of the CYP1 activity on a broad spectrum of substrates and
Various studies have examined the molecular mechanism the presence of unknown functions or substrates. There are
underlying the regulation of CYP1B1 expression and devel- several polymorphic alleles of CYP1s whose functions or
oped novel methods for suppressing CYP1B1 expression substrates have not yet been identified. The unknown func-
in cancers. The expression of CYP1B1 can be upregulated tions of CYP1s may be involved in various types of human
in cancers through hypomethylation of the promoter region diseases. The identification of novel functions and substrates
of CYP1B1 or by targeting the CYP1B1 mRNA-specific of CYP1s will provide useful insights into the pathological
miRNAs, such as miR-27b-3p and miR-187-5p (Tokizane processes of human diseases.
et al. 2005; Tsuchiya et al. 2006; Mao et al. 2016; Liu et al. The drug-metabolizing activity of CYP1s must be con-
2020). Interleukin-6 (IL-6), a pro-inflammatory cytokine sidered to formulate therapeutic strategies for some diseases
and a key factor for local inflammation in the colon, is a
risk factor for colon cancer. CYP1B1 can be induced by IL-6
through epigenetic modulation of miR-27b expression (Patel
et al. 2014). Leptin, a key factor in obesity-related breast
cancer that influences the balance of ­E2 metabolism, was
recently demonstrated to upregulate CYP1B1 by binding to
the CYP1B1 promoter (Shouman et al. 2016).
Several studies have suggested novel anti-cancer drugs
that target and attenuate CYP1B1 inducers or new strate-
gies using endogenous (miRNAs) or synthetic inhibitors
of CYP1B1. IL-6 promotes the expression of CYP1B1
through the IL-6/JAK/STAT3 signaling pathway. Hence,
novel agents targeting IL-6, the IL-6 receptor, or JAK that
have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration
for clinical use may efficiently inhibit CYP1B1 expression
in cancers (Patel et al. 2014; Johnson et al. 2018). Further-
more, the direct introduction of miR-27b into cancer cells
synergistically enhanced the cytotoxic effects of doxorubicin
through the suppression of CYP1B1 (Mu et al. 2015). A new
delivery system of the CYP1B1 inhibitor α-naphthoflavone
using hyaluronic acid-modified cationic nanoparticles has
been suggested to overcome the CYP1B1-mediated drug
resistance of cancers (Zhang et al. 2019a, b). Currently,
there are ongoing efforts to develop therapeutic strategies
and efficient methods to overcome drug resistance. Fig. 3  Summary for the functions of CYP1s and human diseases
which are related with CYP1s. CYP1s are commonly induced by aryl
hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)-AhR nuclear translocator (ARNT) com-
plex following binding of ligands to AhR. Ligands for AhR are chem-
Future perspective ical inducers like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and extensively
exist in multiple environmental factors such as cigarette smoking.
CYP1s mediate metabolic processes for drugs, procarcinogens, and
Human CYP enzymes are involved in the pathogenesis of various endogenous substrates like steroids and show deep correlation
several human diseases as they metabolize a broad range of with metabolic diseases, including obesity, hypertension, and cancer

Biological roles of cytochrome P450 1A1, 1A2, and 1B1 enzymes 75

Table 5  Drug-metabolizing CYP1 enzyme Representative substrate drugs Functions of drugs

substrates of CYP1s
CYP1A1 Aminoflavone Anti-cancer agent prodrug
Dacarbazine/Procarbazine Alkylating agent prodrug
Flutamide Endocrine anti-prostate cancer agent prodrug
ICT2700 Duocarmaycin-like alkylating agent prodrug
5F 203/GW610 DNA adduct-inducing agent prodrug
CYP1A2 Caffeine Stimulator for central nerve system
Theophylline Drug for respiratory diseases/caffeine metabolite
Flutamide Endocrine anti-prostate cancer agent
Lidocaine Local anesthetic agent
Melatonin Neuro/cardio-protective anti-cancer agent
Tacrine Reversible cholinesterase inhibitor
Triamterene Potassium-sparing diuretic
Tizanidine Skeletal muscle relaxant
Zolmitriptan Highly selective anti-migraine agent
Clozapine/Olanzapine Anti-psychiatric agent
Acetophenone Ingredient for synthesis of pharmaceuticals
3,4-methylenedioxymethampheta- Psychoactive drug
mine (MDMA, ecstasy)
CYP1B1 3,4-methylenedioxy-3′,4′,5′- Anti-cancer agent prodrug
trimethoxychalcone (DMU-135) Anti-cancer agent prodrug
Aminoflavone Anti-cancer natural product

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P, Gudbjartsson DF, Kiemeney LA, Thorsteinsdottir U, Stefans-
Conflict of interest  The authors declare that there are no competing son K, van Rooij FJA, Aulchenko YS, Hottenga JJ, Rivadeneira
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