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Create a Batch in Purchasing

Great Plains

o Create an ID: Date and initial (ex: 041421ES)

o Origin: Payables TRX entry

o Transactions

o Description: it should say the description on the invoice. Try to be as accurate as you can
o Document date: invoice date (or as close as possible depending if the month is closed)
o Vendor ID: enter
o Document #: invoice number
o PO: type in the PO (there will only be one on certain invoices like W.B. Mason or Milton Cat)
o Purchases: Enter invoice amount

o Distribution

o If you’re unsure, go to purchasing, inquiries, transaction by vendor and look at previous
invoices to see what they are normally coded to. Ask Nancy if you are unsure
o Hit “ok”
o Hit “Save” and you can start the next invoice
o When you have entered all of your invoices, find the batch you created
o Click printer in top right. File print
o Exit out of the batch area so James can post

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