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Fault Location in Radial Distribution Lines Using

Travelling Waves and Network Theory

Ajendra Dwivedi, Xinghuo Yu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia,

Abstract— This paper proposes a method for locating a fault in a calculating the fault distance irrespective of the fault
radial distribution network using travelling waves together with resistance and load.
network theory. The single-ended travelling wave measurement Another method which has been a subject of interest for
scheme is used to calculate the distance of the fault from the many researchers is based on travelling waves [9]-[16].
terminal node. However, due to the radial structure of the
Unlike the impedance based methods, travelling wave
distribution network, there could be more than one possible fault
candidates at the same distance. The spanning tree structure and
technique can be used to measure distance to faults in all
unsymmetrical nature of such networks are then taken into kinds of power lines such as AC transmission lines, HVDC
consideration to isolate the actual faulty link from all possible transmission lines, lines with cable sections and overhead
fault candidates. The methodology is explained on a simple 12 lines, lines with T-branches etc. They are based on high
node example and further verified on the IEEE 34 node test frequency signals where the fault location is provided by the
feeder network using Matlab and Alternate Transients arrival time of the transients at the line terminals [1]. Such
Program/Electromagnetic Transients Program (ATP/EMTP). fault location techniques can be broadly classified in to two
types, namely, single-ended measurement and double-ended
Index Terms – Distribution system, fault location, network measurements. The important factor in this type of fault
theory, radial network, spanning tree, travelling waves. location are detection of transient current or voltage signals
and signal processing using wavelet transform, correlation etc.
I. INTRODUCTION to calculate the arrival time at the measurement points [13]-
The size of distribution systems have grown immensely [16]. In case of double ended measurements, the faulty signals
with increasing power demand which has resulted in a are recorded at the two ends of the transmission line and the
complex structure with large number of transmission lines. arrival times help in calculating the fault distance. With the
This increased size with variety of loads adds to the developments in the global positioning systems (GPS), it is
complexity of the network and poses new challenges in the easy to synchronize the recording devices at different nodes to
maintenance of reliable power supply. Such systems can accurately calculate these time stamps. In case of single ended
experience faults due to physical or electrical breakdowns method [12]-[14], fault distance is determined by analyzing
which could cause interruption in supply of power. To the fault travelling waves recorded at one end of the line.
maintain high quality of customer service, it is essential to fix Time difference between the initial detected fault surge and
these faults and restore power supply to minimize the corresponding reflected surge is used for such
interruptions. Accurate location of these faults can help the calculations. ATP/EMTP is a powerful simulation tool for
utilities in quick repair and maintenance of the problem and analysis of transients and electromagnetic waves. It has been
hence reducing the downtime. used quite often to compare and validate field measurement
Various fault location techniques have been studied and results [17].
developed to identify and locate faults in power lines and Travelling wave theory has been mostly used to calculate
networks. References [1]-[4] give comprehensive reviews of fault distance in transmission lines between points of
the existing fault location methods for power networks and measurements. However, it does address the problem of
distribution networks. Fault location techniques usually locating a fault if there are branches in the transmission lines
involve measurement and calculation of impedance, current, such as in radial distribution systems. In such cases, there
voltage and other fault transients and the changes are used could be multiple fault candidates at the same distance from
along with other system parameters to predict the fault point. the measurement point due to the radial structure of the
Mora-Florez et al [5] compared 10 different fault location network. Yu et al [18] reported the potential use of network
methods based on impedances. The fault location methods can theory in power system research and in locating faults. This
be either single-ended where measurements are taken only at paper utilizes the knowledge of tree-like structure and
one end of the faulty line or double-ended where these unsymmetrical nature of the distribution systems to resolve the
parameters are measured at both ends. Han et al [6] proposed above mentioned problem and identify the actual faulty line.
a fault location algorithm for radial distribution systems with The paper is organized as follows: Section I gives the
single-ended measurements using a sinusoidal steady state introduction and rationale of this research. Section II lists
analysis method. One of the advantages of such approaches is some preliminaries and basics of travelling waves and network
that they do not require the line parameters which make them theory. Section III describes the modeling of a distribution
more robust. This has been rightly demonstrated by Radojevic system as a spanning tree network and explains the
et al [7]. Djuric et al [8] proposed an algorithm which allows methodology used to calculate the fault distance and identify

978-1-4244-9312-8/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 1051

the faulty link using travelling waves and network theory. and current transients. The resistance is assumed to be
Section IV validates the methodology on the IEEE 34 node negligible so the solution to the above wave equations for a
test feeder system and demonstrates the identification of faulty lossless line in terms of forward and backward travelling
link and distance. Section V concludes the paper with waves can be expressed as:
discussions and future recommendations. e( x, t ) = e f ( x − vt ) + er ( x + vt ) 

i ( x, t ) = e f ( x − vt ) − er ( x + vt )
Zc Zc 
This section describes some basics of the travelling waves and
network theory. It discusses the ideas behind travelling wave Zc is the characteristic impedance of the transmission line
theory in locating faults in transmission lines. It also includes and v is the velocity of propagation of wave which is close to
definitions of few basic network elements and other the speed of light. They can be calculated in terms of line
topological parameters. It briefly explains the tree structures parameters as follows:
and the way information can be searched through such L 1
networks. Zc = and v= (3)
A. Travelling Wave Theory [1] These travelling waves are recorded at the terminals or
nodes with Travelling Wave Recorders (TWRs). Further, they
can be processed to get the time taken by them to travel to the
nodes. These recordings can be done from one terminal of the
transmission line called single-ended measurement or from
both terminals of the line called double-ended measurements.
B. Network Theory and Spanning Tree [19][20]
A network can be defined as a set of nodes or vertices with
connections called links or edges. We can see in Fig. 2, that
vertex is the fundamental unit of a network, also called as site
(in physics) node (in computer science) or actor (in
sociology). They are connected together by lines called edges,
also known as bond (in physics), link (in computer science) or
a tie in (sociology).
A spanning tree or tree is part of a graph or a network G
Fig. 1 Travelling Voltage and Current Waves due to Fault such that it contains all vertices and some (or all) edges of the
original network in such a way that there is a unique path
The basic idea of travelling wave fault location theory lies between every pair of vertices and there are no loops or cycles
in the fact that when there is a fault in any power system it formed. Further, there can be weights associated with the links
generates electromagnetic current and voltage transients of the network. These weights incorporate some of additional
which travel forward and backwards along the transmission features of the system under study apart from the topological
lines to all the terminals or nodes until a post-fault steady state characteristics.
is reached. A lattice diagram illustrating the travelling of Travelling through a network or the flow of information
waves due to fault transients is shown in Fig. 1. Forward (with usually happens with an alternate sequence of nodes and edges
subscripts f) and reverse (with subscript r) voltage and current which is defined as path. Depth first search [20] is one of the
waves leave the fault point and travel towards the nodes. algorithms for traversing or searching through a tree structure.
These nodes represent discontinuity or impedance change so We select and start at the root node and search to the farthest
part of the energy is reflected back and the remaining continue point in a branch before selecting another branch.
to travel towards other nodes of the network. kA and kB are
reflection coefficients which are determined by the
characteristic impedance ratios and represent wave
amplitudes. Similarly, tA and tB represent the travel times from
the fault point to the nodes A and B. Construction of lattice
diagrams becomes difficult if attenuation and distortion of
signals are taken into account, so time-frequency resolution of
the transients can also be used to determine the travel time of
these fault signals to the line terminals.
The voltage and current at any point x obey a set of partial
differential equations given by:
∂e ∂i ∂i ∂e
= −L and = −C (1)
∂x ∂t ∂x ∂t
Where, L and C are the inductances and capacitances of the Fig. 2 Spanning Tree and Depth First Search
line per unit length and e and i are the electromagnetic voltage

Fig. 2 shows an example of a tree structure and the method
of traversing through the network using depth first search. The
numbers within the circles give the order in which the nodes
are searched.


The following section discusses the methodology to calculate
the fault distance and identify the faulty line in a distribution
system based on network theory. It briefs the use of travelling
wave theory to record and process the fault transients. Further, Fig. 4 Sample Radial Network
this section defines the modeling of a radial distribution The above network can be modeled mathematically using
system with proper weights on edges to incorporate the the adjacency list. If there is a connection between node i and
topological property. Finally, the fault locating algorithm is j then it can be represented as an element (i, j) along with the
explained using a sample network. weight wij of the connection. All other nodes which are not
A. Single-Ended Travelling Wave Recording and Processing connected have a weight 0. In the current example, the weight
of the connection is the distance between the nodes. The
Travelling wave recorders (TWRs) are installed at the two
complete connection of the sample network has been listed in
ends of the radial distribution systems. Whenever there is a
Table I.
fault, current and voltage transients in the form of
electromagnetic waves are originated at the fault point and
Table I. Network Connection
travel to the terminals. These signals are recorded and
Node Node
processed individually at both ends of system using single- Weights Weights
Connections Connections
ended fault location technique.
(1,2) 11 (6,8) 14
The recorded transients are processed using wavelet
(2,3) 7 (8,9) 20
transform to extract the time information at each node [13]-
[16]. The wave velocity v, which is close to the speed of light, (3,4) 12 (8,10) 8
can be calculated using the line constant program of (3,5) 30 (10,11) 19
ATP/EMTP [21][22]. (2,6) 12 (10,12) 15
As shown in Fig. 3, in case of single-ended measurement, (6,7) 22 All Others 0
the time difference ∆t = (t 3 − t 2 ) between the initial fault
transient and the corresponding reflected surge from fault C. Fault Location in Radial Networks
point is calculated and then the fault distance from the Fig. 5 illustrates the block diagram of the fault locator. It
measurement terminal can be given as: consists of two travelling wave data acquisition units at the
∆t.v two ends of the radial network which record the
x= (4)
2 electromagnetic current and voltage transients generated due
to the fault. The wave data is analyzed using wavelet
transform to extract the time stamps and calculate the fault
distance. Next, different fault candidates are isolated using

Travelling Wave Travelling Wave

Data Acquisition Data Acquisition
Unit 1 Unit 2

Calculate Fault Calculate Fault

Distance X1 From Distance X2 From

Fig. 3 Lattice Diagram for Single-Ended Fault Measurement Depth First Search Depth First Search
From TWR 1 to From TWR 2 to
Find Fault Find Fault
B. Network Model of a Radial System Candidates Candidates
Fig. 4 shows a sample radial network with 12 node and 11
edges. The numbers within the circles are the node identities Output Faulty Link
and Fault Distance
and the number on the edges show the length of the
connecting links.
Fig. 5 Block Diagram of Fault Locator

depth first search from both ends. The candidate which is The identification of the faulty link can be summarized in
common in both the searches is output and the faulty link. the following steps:
Although the fault distance can be calculated form any one (a) Model the radial system as a network and store the
end but due to the radial structure of the network, there could topology and distance between nodes in an
be multiple fault candidates at the same distance from the adjacency list as shown in Table I.
measurement node. If x is the calculated fault distance then the (b) Time stamps are recorded individually at the two
flowchart in Fig. 6 explains the algorithm to identify and ends of the radial system using single-ended
isolate all possible fault candidates. travelling wave measurement.
(c) Calculate the distance of the fault from one end of
Calculated Fault the network using Equation (4).
Distance = x (d) Use depth first search to isolate all the possible fault
Sum = 0 candidates from the measurement node of the
(e) Calculate the fault distance from the other end of the
network as in step (c).
Advance to a new adjacent node
(f) Use the depth first search to isolate all possible
candidates from the other end of the network.
(g) Due to the unsymmetrical structure of the network,
Sum = Sum + Lf there will be only one common fault point among
(Lf is length of link traversed
the list of fault candidates resulting from the two
searches in step (d) and (f). This common candidate
will be the actual faulty link.

Is Sum > x In order to further illustrate the above listed fault location
No methodology, a fault is introduced between node 8 and node 9
in the sample network of Fig. 4. The travelling wave recorders
at the two ends of the network record the fault transients.
Record Last link added as a fault These transients are analyzed to calculate the time stamps at
candidate the two ends, which are further used to calculate the fault
distance. The fault distance from node 1 is 43 units and from
node 12 is 29 units.
Back track to previous nodes
until adjacent node found
Although the fault distance from node 1 is calculated but
due to the radial structure of the network, there are more than
one fault candidates (links) at the calculated distance. In order
Sum = Sum – Lb to search the fault candidates we take advantage of the
(Lb is length traversed back) unsymmetrical tree structure of the network and use depth first
search. The process has been illustrated in Fig. 7, where the
numbers within circles are node identities and the numbers
outside give the search order. There are four fault candidates,
All adjacent nodes namely on link (3, 5), (6, 7), (8, 9) and (8, 10), searched from
traversed node 1.

Output fault

Fig. 6 Flowchart to Search Fault Candidates

Fault location in a radial network can be broadly classified

into two parts:
 Calculating the fault distance which is done using
travelling wave theory. Fig. 7 Search for Fault Candidates from Node 1
 Identifying the faulty link which is done using
network theory. In a similar manner, as shown in Fig. 8, we calculate the
distance of the fault point from other end of the network and
search for possible fault candidates. Three fault candidates are

Table II (b). Identification of Faulty Link (Case II)
Case II: A fault is introduced at 12390 feet from TWR2 on the
line connecting node 858 and node 864 i.e. link (858, 864)
Fault distance calculated Fault distance calculated
using single-ended travelling using single-ended travelling
wave measurement from wave measurement from
TWR1 X1 = 178589 feet TWR2 X2 = 12383 feet
Fault candidates identified Fault candidates identified
using depth first search at a using depth first search at a
distance of X1 from TWR1 distance of X2 from TWR2
are on links (858, 834), (858, are on links (858, 832) and
Fig. 8 Search for Fault Candidates from Node 12 864) and (888, 890) (858, 864)
Since, the fault point on line connecting node 858 and node
found from node 12, namely on link (10, 11), (8, 9) and (8, 6). 864 is common among the fault candidates searched from
We can clearly see that fault on line (8, 9) is the common TWR1 and TWR2 respectively, so the output faulty link is
candidate in both the searches and hence the actual fault point. (858, 864).


This section describes the application of the methodology Table II (c). Identification of Faulty Link (Case III)
explained in the previous section. The proposed method has Case III: A fault is introduced at 23290 feet from TWR2 on
been applied on IEEE 34 node test feeder [23] which is the line connecting node 888 and node 890 i.e. link (888, 890)
modeled and simulated in ATP/EMTP and calculations are Fault distance calculated Fault distance calculated
done using Matlab. using single-ended travelling using single-ended travelling
Fig. 9 shows the one line diagram of the IEEE 34 node test wave measurement from wave measurement from
feeder. The two TWRs as shown in the figure, record the fault TWR1 X1 = 179670 feet TWR2 X2 = 23276 feet
transient waves reaching the nodes, which are further Fault candidates identified Fault candidates identified
processed using wavelet transform to calculate the wave using depth first search at a using depth first search at a
arrival time at each end. distance of X1 from TWR1 distance of X2 from TWR2
The wave arrival time is used to calculate the fault distance are on links (858, 834) and are on links (852, 854) and
from the two ends respectively. Due to the radial structure of (888, 890) (888, 890)
the network, there are more than one fault candidates at the Since, the fault point on line connecting node 888 and node
calculated distance. This ambiguity is resolved by using the 890 is common among the fault candidates searched from
network topology and doing a search from the two ends as TWR1 and TWR2 respectively, so the output faulty link is
described in the previous section. (888, 890).
In three different cases, faults are introduced in different
parts of the network and the proposed methodology is applied The distance measurements are in feet and the calculated
to calculate the fault distance and identify the faulty link. The fault distance has been rounded to nearest integer. Although,
results have been tabulated in Table II. X1 is the fault distance the proposed methodology can identify the faulty link
calculated from TWR 1 and X2 is the fault distance calculated accurately but the errors are higher in single-ended travelling
form TWR 2. wave measurement scheme as compared to double-ended
measurements. So, if the fault is very close to the node or on a
Table II (a). Identification of Faulty Link (Case I) link with very small length then the output result might be
Case I: A fault is introduced at 116500 feet from TWR1 on erroneous.
the line connecting node 828 and node 830 i.e. link (828, 830)
Fault distance calculated Fault distance calculated V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE
using single-ended travelling using single-ended travelling This paper has utilized some of the existing principles from
wave measurement from wave measurement from network theory to extend its application to locating faults in
TWR1 X1 = 116372 feet TWR2 X2 = 72677 feet radial distribution systems. Single-ended measurements are
Fault candidates identified Fault candidates identified done individually from the two ends of the network and fault
using depth first search at a using depth first search at a distances are calculated using travelling wave theory. Further,
distance of X1 from TWR1 distance of X2 from TWR2 network theory is used to isolate the actual faulty link from a
are on links (828, 830), (824, are on links (830, 828) and number of possible fault candidates at the calculated distance.
826) and (818, 820) (854, 856) The proposed methodology has been demonstrated and
Since, the fault point on line connecting node 828 and node validated on the IEEE 34 node test feeder. The modeling,
830 is common among the fault candidates searched from simulations and calculations are done using Matlab and
TWR1 and TWR2 respectively, so the output faulty link is ATP/EMTP.
(828, 830).

Although, the proposed methodology identifies the faulty VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
candidate (link) accurately but single-ended travelling wave The authors would like to thank two power utilities
scheme is less accurate compared to double-ended Powercor/Citipower and Jemena (previously named Alinta) in
measurements. Furthermore, it only takes into account one Australia for their valuable feedback and support for this
fault at a time. However, this paper gives a new direction to project. This project has been funded by the Australian
the use of network theory in power system research. Future Research Council (ARC) linkage scheme (project number
work will include optimizing the current methodology and LP0562568).
validating it on a real distribution networks.

Fig. 9 IEEE 34 Node Test Feeder

Proceedings of 14th IEEE Electrotechnical Conference, pp. 768-773,

Ajaccio, September 2008.
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