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Didactic Project
Topic: “Present Perfect”
The 5th Form

Prepared by:
English Teacher

2016, April, the 14th

Didactic Project
Date: the 14th of April

Teacher: Alesya Scutelnic

Institution: PI Gymnasium Pervomaiscoe

Form: 5th

Topic: “Present Perfect”

Unit:5/ Lesson:1

Type of Lesson: Fixation of New Knowledges

Allowed Time: 45 minutes

o Sub – Competences:
The pupils will develop the following subcompetences:
- Understanding the general meaning of simple short message, referred to the grammatical topic: Present
- Reading a simple short familiar text consciously and fluently, with adequate intonation.
- Applying the strategies of receiving a written message.
o Operational Objectives:

Pupils will be able:

- to revise the regular and irregular verbs;

- to learn how to form Present Perfect;
- to develop grammatical skills;
- to read a text and answer the given questions;
- to show interest on the topic of the lesson.

o Methods and Techniques:

- Conversation, explanation, description, exercises, crossword.

o Materials:
- Blackboard, chalk, pupils’ textbooks, copybooks, pens, crayons, handouts, worksheets, printouts, pictures,
images, posters with grammatical rules.

o Forms of Activity:
- Whole class work, group work, individual work.

o Bibliography:
- Iulia IGNATIUC, Lara ALADIN, Ludmila FOCA, Dina PUIU, Ana MUNTEAN. “Magic English. Pupil’s Book.
5th Form”. Editura Prut International, Chișinău. 2015.
Stages of the Lesson Resources (methods, Evaluation Time Notes
(Learning Activities) (materials) techniques, forms
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity of activity)
1. Evocation Students greet the
 Warm Up Activity teacher:
Teacher greets the students, asks to English is fun!
smile to each other, checks the English is good!
presence and creates the I speak English
atmosphere saying: And so do you!
- How do you feel, Xenia? Students greet and the Whole class work
- How are you, Tanea? etc.
Good morning, good Discussion 2’
I hope we’ll have a good and warm
morning Conversation
atmosphere during our lesson.
Good morning to you Attention
Good morning, good
Are you ready to start our work?
We are glad to see
I’m glad to hear that you are ready.
Pupils answer the
Let’s start our lesson.
teacher’s questions.
If you understand, we have some
guests today at our lesson. Don’t be
nervous and try to show your best.
 Checking the homework.
At the previous lesson we travelled Whole class work Attention
in the world of regular and irregular Worksheets
Students read the
verbs in the Past Simple Tense and Discussion
your homework for today was to put
some verbs from the given sentences
in the Past Simple Tense. One student is asked to Whole class work The ability to
Let’s check if you have done at home come to the blackboard put the verbs
correctly the task. and makes the same from the
Teacher listen and if it is need task. sentences in
corrects the mistakes. the Past Simple
Today we’ll visit one magic city from Students solve the
Grammar’s country. To find out what crossword, The ability to
is the name of this city, we have to write correctly 5’
Whole class work
solve a crossword (Appendix 1). Crossword the regular and
irregular verbs
Read, please, what word we received. They read the received in the Simple
word: PRESENT Past Tense.
Yes, you are right. The name Communicative
of our magic city is Present Perfect. Method
Teacher announces the objectives - Pupils listen, The The ability to
and the theme of the lesson(the write the date objectives understand the 1’
objectives of the lesson). and the theme of of the Whole Class Work objectives of
the lesson in lesson. the lesson.
their copybooks.
2. Realization of meaning
 Work with the
grammatical topic. - Students listen
I’m sure that you are very excited to very attentively Images Explanation The ability to
know what Present Perfect and make notices understand the
expresses, how we form this tense. about Present Pictures Translation new
Listen very attentively and make Perfect Tense. grammatical
some notices in your copybooks. Whole Class Work topic.
Teacher explains the grammatical Information
subject (Appendix 2, 3, 4).
 Work with a text.
Teacher gives to each student - Students follow
a text (Appendix 5). Teacher reads the on the
text as a pattern. Students follow on worksheets. Worksheets
the given worksheets. The ability to
Question: Who is Mary Fox? Question develop reading 5’
- Answer the
- After that T asks pupils to
Whole Class Work skills.
read in chain (one by one),
correcting the mistakes, if it
- Read in chain. Chain Reading
is need.
- Selective reading: find the
- Read the
sentences in Present Perfect
sentences with Selective Reading
Tense, read them and name
the verbs in the
the verbs.
Present Perfect.
Tasks on the grammatical subject:
1.The class is divided in 2 groups. The ability to
Each group receive the task: conjugate
a) conjugate the verb “open” : 2’
- Groups receive Worksheets Writing correctly a
affirmative form of the Present the task and regular and
Perfect Tense conjugate the irregular verb.
b) conjugate the verb “write” : verbs.
negative form of the Present
Perfect Tense (Appendix 6).
3. Reflection.
 Grammar
Reinforcement. - Students read
Teacher reinforces the new the Textbooks The ability to
grammatical topic, giving the groups statements ,using Copybooks Work in groups make up
some images: Present Perfect Pens sentences using
a) The 1st group should write Tense & write 2 Blackboard Present
what the children have done. sentences in Perfect Tense.
b) The 2nd group should write their copybooks.
what the children haven’t
done yet (Appendix 7, 8). . The ability to
 Present Perfect Quiz - Pupils choose the find out the
(Appendix 9) correct variant Printouts Individual Work correct answer
Pupils receive a small test and write it in from the
concerning the new grammatical the sentence. multiple choice
subject. Each student should choose variants. 1’
the correct variant and write it in
the sentence.

4. Extension.
 Feed back.
Tell me, please, what is the name of
the city that we visited today? Brainstorming The ability to
What rules should you know say something
concerning the new grammatical about Present
topic? Perfect Tense.
Teacher sums up the lesson: Application of
- Have we revise the regular what was
and irregular verbs? learnt.
- Students get
- Have we learned how to form
grades and 8’
Present Perfect Tense? etc., evaluation.
evaluates and estimates
students’ work:
You were very active today. Your
marks are: ……. (saying why they
received such marks).
 Homework.
Teacher gives the homework,
explaining the task from the given - Pupils write their
worksheet (Appendix 10). homework in
1. Put the verbs from the copybooks and
brackets in the Present listen the Explanation
Perfect Tense (5 sentences explanations.
with regular verbs and 5
sentences with irregular

 Warm down.
Our lesson is over.
Did you like it? If you like it, choose
the red tulip and put it in this vase.
If you don’t like it, choose the yellow
daffodils, and put in another vase
Thank you for your active work.

See you next lesson.


Have a Nice Spring Day!!!

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