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Assessment of sustainable construction in Lebanon

Rita Awwad *, and Karim El Khoury

Department of Civil Engineering, Lebanese American University, Byblos, Lebanon

* Corresponding author (

Purpose One of the most critical contemporary issues is achieving and maintaining sustainable development, adapting
the use of natural resources to provide for the needs of our rising populations without threatening the survival and quality
of life for future generations. Sustainable construction, in particular, is a concept that is gaining importance all over the
world and is gradually improving life for populations that recognize its importance. The current environmental degradation
in Lebanon due to limited natural resources, population increases, and inefficient urban management, threatens the
economic growth and the wellbeing of the people and thus dictates the urgent need for planning and taking action on a
comprehensive environmental sustainability strategy. The main purpose of this research is to explore the Lebanese
construction industry in order to evaluate sustainability achievements on both design and construction levels. This re-
search also studies sustainability standards and practices implemented in some developed countries and in the sur-
rounding region in order to better assess the current status of sustainability development and corresponding public
awareness in the Lebanese construction market with respect to foreign industries. Based on the aforementioned, this
research addresses challenges to sustainable construction in Lebanon and provides recommendations to enhance the
use of energy-saving materials and the application of environmentally-friendly construction methods. Method This as-
sessment is done through two complementary approaches: (i) a comprehensive literature review of all pertaining gov-
ernmental regulations, public policy, and guidelines that have been enacted to promote building sustainability in Leba-
non, as well as a survey about existing green buildings and ongoing green projects along with the implementation chal-
lenges; and (ii) conducting interviews with Lebanese parties that are key players in achieving sustainable development
such as local experts, public agencies, municipalities, architectural and contracting firms, private agencies dealing with
environment protection, and real-estate companies. Results & Discussion The concept of sustainable production and
construction is still very primitive in Lebanon and the role of the government in promoting sustainability is not yet well
established. Some public entities including, but not limited to, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Environment, the
Ministry of Energy and Water, the Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) have put some effort through
internationally funded projects and campaigns by UNDP and the European Commission aimed at promoting sustainable
production and consumption in Lebanon. However, these efforts were not enough to have a significant impact on these
industries and resulted merely in voluntary guidelines rather than serious measures to reduce energy usage and pollu-
tion. Another finding of this research is that major efforts need to be made towards enhancing public awareness of sus-
tainability issues. Hence, this research analyses the observed deficiencies in the Lebanese construction market and
provides some recommendations that, if turned into action plans, constitute a promising transition from a short-sighted
construction focusing on short-term goals of profit making and fast growth and lacking concern for the environment to a
global long-term sustainable development that ensures the welfare of the current and future generations.

Keywords: Management and social issues, sustainability, public policy, construction practices.

INTRODUCTION buildings for heating and cooling purposes. Accord-

Lebanon has been undergoing a reconstruction and ing to the same report, the increase in CO2 emis-
rehabilitation phase since 1990 which marked the sions reached 35% between 1994 and 19991. These
end of a hostile 15-years civil war. This war has not facts highlight the urgent need for a major transition
only damaged the country’s infrastructure but more- from a shortsighted construction focusing on short-
over it has weakened its economy, depleted its natu- term goals of profit making and fast growth and lack-
ral resources and greatly polluted its environment. ing concern for the environment and for scarcity of
Additionally, Lebanon has been suffering from power natural resources to a global long-term sustainable
shortage for the past twenty years and as a result development that ensures the welfare of our current
private power generators became the main alterna- and future generations.
tive for providing electricity to the population and The concept of sustainable production and construc-
consequently controlling the society’s quality of life. tion is still very primitive in Lebanon and the role of
According to the United Nations Framework Conven- the government in promoting sustainability is not yet
tion on Climate Change, Lebanon’s energy use re- well established. Some public entities including but
sulted in the emission of 12 million tons of CO2 in not limited to the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of
1994 of which 8% generated from energy used in Environment, the Ministry of Energy and Water, the
Lebanese Institute for Normalization (LIBNOR), and in paving the way towards a clean and sustainable
the Council for Development and Reconstruction environment. The Ministry of Environment (MoE)
(CDR) have put some effort through internationally was established in 1993 (decree 216) to protect the
funded projects and campaigns by UNDP and the environment and was amended in 2005 to address
European Commission that aimed at promoting sus- sustainability issues. For instance, giving protected
tainable production and consumption in Lebanon. status to some green areas consisting about 2 % of
However, these efforts were not enough to have a the total surface area, and improving solid waste
significant impact on the concerned industries and collection and treatment in several parts of the coun-
resulted merely in voluntary guidelines rather than try are some of the improvements made in this re-
serious measures to reduce energy usage and sub- spect3.
sequent pollution. In particular, sustainable construc- Furthermore, the MoE has enacted several laws to
tion is starting to gain the interest of some develop- govern the protection of the environment in Lebanon.
ers in the Lebanese market but yet there is still a lot One of these laws is the Environmental Protection
to be achieved in this field namely improving building Law (decree 444) which addresses the importance
codes to include more incentives for green construc- of preserving the nature and the environment
tion and enhancing the legislative body to enforce through setting a strategic national plan, revised
these regulations. every two years. The law dictates that a national
This paper assesses the current status of sustaina- environmental council representing the concerned
ble development in Lebanon, particularly in the con- ministries as well as expertise and NGOs working in
struction sector, and provides an extensive overview the private environmental sector will be developing,
over pertaining laws and regulations. It also presents implementing and supervising the environment pro-
a wide perspective about international sustainability tection plan. The law also stresses the importance of
practices in some neighboring Arab countries and increasing public awareness through introducing the
other Western countries in order to better understand concept of nature conservation into academic curric-
where Lebanon stands on the international sustaina- ulums and organizing awareness campaigns, lec-
ble development scheme. The paper ends by identi- tures and symposiums. Furthermore, the law sug-
fying the different challenges the Lebanese industry gests incentives to encourage the population protect
faces and provides recommendations to enhance their environment through allowing up to 50% dis-
sustainable development and to promote green counts on importation taxes corresponding to
buildings in Lebanon. equipment or technologies that reduce or prevent
environment pollution or that serve solid waste
THE LEBANESE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY treatment. It also designates fines for each violation
In the past couple decades, Lebanon’s environment of the environment wellbeing. Another important
has been deteriorating exponentially due to destruc- initiative is decree 14865, enacted by MoE in 2005,
tive exploitation of natural resources and to the pre- where the ministry promises to make financial con-
occupation of the government with political, financial tributions to non-profit organizations to carry out
and economic matters. Forested areas which used environmental activities that enhance sustainable
to cover 13 % of Lebanon have decreased tremen- development including promotion of research in this
dously to only 5 % as a result of forest fires, cutting field.
of trees and urbanization. Marine resources have However, and despite all the environmental regula-
suffered from extensive pollution all along the Leba- tions that have been adopted by the Lebanese gov-
nese coast and have revealed the presence of mer- ernment, indicating the environmental maturity and
cury and copper due to discharge of untreated awareness of the public authorities, the problem still
wastewater and industrial waste. A national water remains in enforcing these legislations. A project led
quality survey conducted in 1990 indicated that ap- by UNDP in conjunction with the Ministry of Justice
proximately 70 % of all water sources were exposed was approved in 2007 and aimed at improving the
to bacteriological contamination2. Air pollution result- judiciary system of the Lebanese Ministry of Justice
ing from the combustion of petroleum products for and building its capacity in enforcing environmental
power generation and transportation purposes has legislation. However, this project faced many chal-
reached high-levels almost approaching the WHO lenges such as the lack of proper archiving and elec-
health norms. Furthermore, most sand and gravel tronic filing of cases, and the lack of environmental
used in construction are obtained through removal of law courses offered at the Lebanese universities4.
sand from the coastal strip and through quarrying in Thus, the project focused on introducing an envi-
the mountains; which poses serious threats of inten- ronmental course at the Institute of Judicial training
sive coastal erosion and morphology, and mountain- at the Ministry of Justice to help judges better under-
ous terrain erosion and landslides. stand the flaws of the current system and the ways it
To address these environmental threats, Lebanon can be improved.
has undertaken several initiatives that are mandatory
From the construction perspective, this paper con- Brocéliande, a residential project in the Beirut sub-
ducted a comprehensive survey over the Lebanese urbs of Yarzé by Greenstone Real Estate Develop-
building code and found out that it merely provides ers, which is the first to take into consideration the
guidelines or minimal incentives towards achieving sustainability standards of the UK’s BREEAM rating
sustainable construction. For instance, the code system by using building components and construc-
specifies certain design guidelines for windows tion practices that are energy efficient. However,
placement that enhances natural lighting and saves these projects result merely from personal initiatives
on power, and it allows for subtraction of wall areas by developers or owners that are aware enough of
from allowable area exploitation only if proper isola- the long term benefits of sustainable construction
tion is used like double glazing. Besides, the Ministry and are not enough to declare a sustainable con-
of Environment developed several laws that help struction pattern in the Lebanese industry.
protect the environment against the hazards result- Based on the aforementioned, it is observed that the
ing from construction activities. One such example is main obstacle towards green construction is the fact
decree 8006 which regulates sanitary waste disposal that the current construction law does not take into
methods. Another such important decree is the envi- consideration the environmental impact of design
ronmental law 444, developed in 2002, that stresses and construction aspects in buildings and hence
the importance of conducting an Environmental Im- does not firmly enforce an environmental impact
pact Assessment (EIA) study for public and private assessment for each project to study and control its
buildings exceeding a certain built area. This EIA effect on the nature. The other main concern, and
serves to analyze and reduce any negative impact a beside the lack of proper legislation system with
building might have on the environment, and to pro- adequate monitoring agencies, is the lack of public
tect the safety of its inhabitants and visitors. But awareness about the importance of sustainable de-
unfortunately, and similar to all other environmental velopment and preservation of the nature’s re-
regulations, EIA is not mandatory because it has not sources. A survey conducted by UNDP showed that
been enacted yet by the Council of Ministers. The only six out of fifty universities in Lebanon include
decree stated that it would be enforced through spe- courses about environmental laws and policies in
cialized governmental controlling bodies which have their undergraduate curriculums4. Thus, a critical and
not been formed yet and thus making the law inef- promising step towards achieving sustainability is
fective. raising awareness of the public about the benefits of
One of the key players towards achieving sustaina- sustainable construction through organizing more
bility in the Lebanese construction market is the campaigns and updating our educational curriculums
Lebanese Green Building Council (LGBC) which is a to teach the new generation about the environment
non-governmental organization founded in 2008 to and the relevant regulations. Once real-estate buy-
promote sustainability and the use of energy-saving ers or end users become knowledgeable about
materials for buildings. To serve its purpose, LGBC green buildings and their benefits, it consequently
organizes sustainability awareness campaigns and influences developers and contractors.
evaluates the energy efficiency of buildings through
its own developed rating system (ARZ) for green SUSTAINABILITY IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES
buildings. The ARZ rating system contains four lev-
els of certifications with five-year validity that assess Arab Countries in the Middle East Region
the efficiency of several components: orientation and Sustainable development is recently becoming one
structure design, energy, materials, water, building of the top concerns in the Middle East region. Ac-
isolation, materials, indoor environmental quality, cording to a study conducted by Merrill Lynch, one of
operation & maintenance optimization, and waste the world’s leading financial management and advi-
and toxics reduction. Although LGBC has been very sory companies, around 20% of the wealthy inves-
active in promoting sustainable construction and tors in the Middle East region, have already invested
despite the emergence of some NGOs that have the in green related technologies. In fact, green building
necessary expertise in tools and techniques required councils have been established in most of the Arab
for green buildings (e.g., Lebanese Association for states, and while some rely on previously estab-
Energy Saving and for Environment, Green Hand, lished rating systems such as LEED, others create
Green Line Association, Lebanese Solar Energy their own rating systems such as the ARZ system in
Society, etc.), the movement towards sustainable Lebanon, Estidama in the United Arab Emirates and
construction is still very primitive and the percentage the QSAS in Qatar5.
of green buildings remains very minimal. Examples On the other hand, the UNDP has been active as
of current green projects under construction are Beit well through a comprehensive plan on the regional
Misk which is a rural residential project targeting scale to help the Arab countries save their environ-
sustainability, and the Sama Beirut tower aiming for ment threatened by water scarcity, desertification
LEED certification. Another example is La and other concerns. The UNDP has been working
closely with governments through its Country Office Assessment System; tailored to the country’s condi-
to tackle certain problems on the national level: tions and vision. Furthermore, and according to the
combating desertification, improving water manage- Ministry of Environment, the QSAS and the Qatar
ment, mobilizing funding from the Global Environ- Building Standards of 2010 (QBS) should be applied
ment Facility, and taking an integrated approach to to all public buildings in Qatar as well as residential
climate change. and commercial complexes. Another huge leap to-
Zooming further into the wealthier countries of the wards leadership in sustainability is the fact that the
region, the United Arab Emirates exhibits a fast country has started its project to host the 2022 World
growing economy exposed to extreme heat condi- Cup in 12 stadiums presenting zero carbon impact
tions and desertification risks. This makes the con- and relying on solar power for all functions7. This
servation of energy vital and a strategic planning to would definitely become an inspiring incentive for the
reduce the environmental harm essential. On the region.
bright side, the UAE benefits from a high GDP and a Saudi Arabia is another country in the Arab region
strong commitment to environmental duties making it exhibiting a high GDP and gaining further interest in
one of the leading countries in strategic planning sustainable development. Several initiatives were
within the Arab countries. Unlike Lebanon, an in- taken by the kingdom, most importantly, the adoption
creased wealth resulting from the extraction of natu- of the Green Building- EcoSENS program that aims
ral oil allowed the UAE to invest in developing and to raise awareness and provides training for local
implementing environmental regulations to varying engineers for the LEED certification program. Also,
degrees according to each emirate. Also, the UAE new buildings for Princess Noura University and the
ratified several international conventions such as the Ministry of Higher Education are applying LEED
Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations Convention to standards5. The Saudi Green Building Council is also
Combat Desertification, which shows its commitment playing an important role in spreading awareness
to preserve the environment. Besides, the Emirates and providing a platform for various construction
Green Building Council (EGBC) plays a key role in sectors to facilitate green construction.
protecting the environment and in raising public Other countries of the Arab world, with a GDP similar
awareness6. to Lebanon, remain at an early stage of reaching
Among the United Arab Emirates, Dubai is taking a sustainability, notably Jordan. Many efforts are put
leading edge towards sustainable construction. In into the matter, and the Jordan Green Building
fact, the Government of Dubai, Dubai Electricity & Council has been established in 2009 taking part of
Water Authority, and the Municipality of Dubai coor- the World Green Building Council. This organization
dinated the creation and implementation of the is supported by the USAIDS and has been working
“Green Building Regulations & Specifications”. This on creating standards and recommendations while
code, inspired by the LEED system, is applicable to spreading awareness throughout the country. The
all the buildings in Dubai and targets areas such as campaign is fully supported by the royal governing
ecology and planning, building vitality, and resource family along with the concerned ministries. Addition-
effectiveness in terms of energy, water, material and ally, other bodies such as the Jordan Engineers As-
waste. Accordingly, more than 300 buildings are sociation are working closely with other regional
certified to be green today in Dubai alone. bodies such as the Gulf Organization for Research
As for the emirate of Abu Dhabi, its Urban Planning and Development to promote sustainability. A prom-
Council (UPC) has introduced a framework for sus- ising initiative towards green construction is the de-
tainable design, construction and operation under velopment of Al-Mushatta Industrial City that aims to
the name of Estidama Pearl Rating System. All new become the first green industrial city in the region5.
buildings, villas, and government-owned and operat- While these initiatives enlighten the public about the
ed buildings are required to achieve a minimum importance of sustainable development, Jordan, and
sustainability score under the Pearl system. The similarly to Lebanon, suffers from the lack of a prop-
Masdar development project, a sustainable city de- er judiciary body that can implement and enforce
signed to house 50,000 people in a green environ- environmental legislations.
ment with an investment of almost 25 billion USD, is Egypt is another neighboring country to Lebanon
the highlight of Abu Dhabi’s commitment to sustaina- that is also at a preliminary stage of launching and
ble development. implementing a strategic sustainable development
plan. The Egyptian Green Building Council was es-
On the other hand, Qatar who is living a period of tablished in 2009 encouraging the implementation of
economic prosperity and construction boom has already existing codes aiming to preserve the envi-
been also one of the leading countries in the Arab ronment, combat desertification, and reduce energy
region in the sustainability field. Qatar has combined consumption in buildings. For this purpose, the
regional and international certification systems into council developed the Green Pyramid Rating System
one comprehensive system, the Qatar Sustainability which is similar to the ARZ system in Lebanon by
LGBC but accustomed to fit the Egyptian environ- This plan works on studying lifecycle costs for new
mental needs and building requirements. Several buildings while assessing environmental, economical
initiatives have been studied and considered by and social aspects. Besides, there are several non-
EGBC that highlight the interest of developers in governmental organizations that provide major ef-
sustainable projects. Examples are the Eco-villages forts to raise public awareness and encourage the
National Project approved by the Minister of Hous- green industry, the most important of which is the
ing, Utilities and Urban Communities, the Affordable USGBC which provides consulting, monitoring and
Green Housing project that aims to create sustaina- environmental impact assessment services for build-
ble homes for middle income families, and the New ings through the LEED certification program. This
Hermopolis, a new resort capable of housing 52 certificate has become very popular over the years
visitors that runs purely on ecological principles. to expand over 120 countries, including Lebanon.
Another important incentive towards sustainability is As for the United Kingdom, the government is direct-
the construction of the HSBC buildings in Cairo ac- ly involved in assisting and planning sustainable
cording to the LEED standards. However, and ac- development. The Code for Sustainable Homes and
cording to developers of these projects, the main the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) for Con-
challenge to advancing in sustainability remains the struction set the minimum requirements for buildings
absence of enacting and enforcing proper environ- in order to attain sustainability (energy and water
mental regulations. efficiency). The code for sustainable homes is an
Based on the aforementioned, the Arab countries are environmental assessment rating method for new
clearly divided into high and low income govern- homes that evaluates the environmental perfor-
ments. And it is well observed that this particular mance of a building during design and post construc-
status reflects on the development and implementa- tion phases. The environmental impact of a building
tion of strategic plans towards sustainability. This is measured according to nine categories including
may be due to the elevated immediate cost of invest- energy and carbon emissions, surface water runoff,
ing in sustainability, or even the fact that awareness water use, materials, waste, pollution, etc. This code
comes hand in hand with the buying power of the is mandatory for all new dwellings and the assess-
government and its capacity to reflect on environ- ment results are recorded on a certificate assigned
mental considerations. to the dwelling9. Also, the EPC for construction tar-
gets both homes and commercial buildings. The
Western Countries evaluation targets energy reduction within appliances
In contrast with most developing countries that are including heating, air conditioning and ventilation.
still taking the initial steps towards achieving sus- Obtaining the certificate is required according to the
tainable development, many of the developed coun- building code. Besides, the “Sustainable and Secure
tries are past this stage to a more mature phase Buildings Act 2004” is another legislation among
where sustainability standards and regulations have many others that put the UK’s on the right track to-
been enacted and implemented, and are in constant wards achieving sustainability.
change for the better. On the other hand, the European Union Member
For instance, there are many bodies in the United States have also formulated their long-term strategy
States of America that contribute to the implementa- to achieve economic, social and environmental sus-
tion of sustainable development, most importantly tainable development and have set certain targets to
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which reach by 2020. Along its sustainability plan, the Eu-
issues laws and regulations, compliances and en- ropean Commission has issued many policies and
forcements. The EPA addresses the construction legislations impacting the construction industry some
sector by monitoring air pollution, waste, and other targeting the energy efficiency of buildings, control
hazardous pollutants resulting from construction. over hazardous construction materials and others
Many building codes are issued according to the addressing workers’ conditions. Among these regu-
specific conditions of each region or state. The most lations are the Waste Framework Directive which
recent one is the “2012 International Green Con- aims at providing a better management of wastes
struction Code” issued by the International Code resulting from the construction industry, and the
Council and sponsored by the American Institute of Energy Efficiency Package aiming at reducing ener-
Architects and by US green building council. This gy consumption10. These frameworks emphasize the
code constitutes a regulatory framework for new and importance of monitoring construction products by
existing buildings that establish sustainability re- classifying and regulating dangerous substances
quirements from the design phase to the construc- used in the construction industry such as chemicals,
tion phase and operation of the building8. Another waste issues, indoor emissions, soil and groundwa-
regulating body aiming for the same goal is the US ter releases, etc.
Department of Homeland Security which issued the Moreover, the European Commission has put into
“2011 Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan”. action several incentives that encourage its states
and their local governments to improve their envi- lives, and discuss the ways they can be addressed.
ronment and commit to sustainable development. In addition, the private and public sectors should
One of these initiatives is the European Green Capi- both coordinate and create incentives to orient de-
tal award which is granted to the city that has the velopers and users towards sustainable develop-
highest environmental standards and which can be a ment such as discounts on environment-friendly
role model that inspires other European cities to materials and green construction technologies, re-
compete for sustainability. For instance, both Nantes bates on solar panels, reduced interest on loans for
(France) and Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) were the win- green houses, etc.
ners of this price for 2012. Another such incentive is Another major barrier threatening the sustainable
the One Billion Euros research investment entitled development in Lebanon is the lack of a proper legis-
“Energy-Efficient Buildings” and financed jointly by lative system responsible for enforcing and monitor-
EC and the industry. This programme was launched ing green construction practice. While the Ministry of
in July 2009 and aims at promoting the integration of Environment along with the Ministry of Energy and
green technologies and energy efficient materials in Water are trying to spread awareness through cam-
new buildings in order to reduce CO2 emissions and paigns and other initiatives, the absence of a solid
save on energy usage. building code or regulations along with the absence
To summarize, it is clear that Western countries are of a credible monitoring agency represent the most
taking a huge leap towards achieving sustainability challenging threat yet to overcome. The government
due to the complementary efforts of their govern- plays a key role in this regard and should at least
ments and non-governmental agencies. They mostly enforce the minimum requirement of submitting an
exhibit a dynamic platform for green construction environmental impact assessment for new buildings
supported by public awareness and a legislative to the corresponding authorities for approval. It
body that ensures the orientation of the industry in should also ensure that at least public projects use
the proper direction. components and construction practices that are
energy efficient and environmentally sustainable so
CHALLENGES TO SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION IN they provide a role model for the private sector. An-
LEBANON AND RECOMMENDATIONS other incentive that the government can initiate is to
In comparison with sustainability development in the organize a Green City Award, similarly to the Euro-
surrounding Arab countries, U.S, U.K. and the Euro- pean Commission, in order to motivate Lebanese
pean Union member states, Lebanon seems to have cities to compete for sustainability.
taken some primitive steps towards the sustainability Last but not least, cooperation and coordination of
plan but a lot remains to be achieved yet so it can efforts between the governmental parties such as the
take a place among the leading countries in this Ministries of Environment, Industry and Public
field. Works, the Council for Development and Recon-
Besides the scarcity of its natural resources, Leba- struction, the different NGOs such as LGBC and
non has suffered from a long civil war that lasted others, the developers, the educational and training
about 15 years and thus brought the country under a institutions and the public is a crucial factor to face
heavy financial debt and hindered its economic the current challenges and to put the country on the
growth. In fact, only 2.4 % of total public financial right and fast track towards sustainability.
resources are allocated to environmental protec-
tion11. And of course green construction requires CONCLUSION
higher immediate investments than ordinary one This paper presented a detailed assessment of the
which makes convincing developers and users of sustainability aspects of the construction sector in
opting for sustainable construction a challenge. Here Lebanon discussing the pertaining environmental
comes the importance of public awareness and rec- regulations, in particular the construction law, the
ognizing the benefits of lower life cycle costs of contribution of concerned NGOs and the few appli-
green buildings. Thus it is mandatory to teach our cations of green construction in the market. Then, it
generations about our environmental concerns, the provided an extensive review of the international
importance of preserving our natural resources, and sustainability practices and their implementation in
the urgent need to develop and enforce environmen- surrounding Arab countries and in some other devel-
tal regulations in order to protect our environment. oped countries in order to have a better perspective
Hence, green construction technologies and their of the Lebanese sustainability efforts. This paper
effect on the environment as well as building codes concluded by identifying the challenges towards
and regulations should be introduced into our Civil promoting green construction in Lebanon and pro-
Engineering curricular programs. Also, the media vided recommendations that help turn the sustaina-
(visual or written) should help promote sustainability bility development plan into reality.
by dedicating enough time or space to talk about
environmental issues, show their impact on our daily
1. Bureau for Development Policy, , ”Progress toward
Environmental Sustainability”, United Nations De-
velopment Program, pp.134-135, Lebanon 2003.
2. UNDP, “A Profile of Sustainable Human Develop-
ment in Lebanon”, Human Development Report,
3. Sarraf, M. and et. al, “Cost of Environmental Deg-
radation- The Case of Lebanon and Tunisia”, Envi-
ronmental Economics Series, 2004.
4. UNDP, “SEEL Project”, Annual Project Report,
5. Sustainable Construction, Ekaruna Magazine,
Lebanon, 2011.
6. Salama, M., Hana A.R., “Green Buildings and
Sustainable Construction in the United Arab Emir-
ates”, Proceedings of Annual ARCOM Conference,
pp.1397-1405, UK 2010.
7. Hope G., Green Qatar, Construction Week Online
Magazine, 2011.
8. Environmental Protection Agency, “Federal Envi-
ronmental Requirements for Construction”, United
9. Department of Communities and Local Govern-
ment, “Code for Sustainable Homes”, United King-
dom, 2010.
10. European Union, “Sustainable development”,
11. United Nations Environment Programme, “Blue
Plan -Mediterranean Country Profiles”, Lebanon,

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