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Hello all,

I am new to this group, I use Gann as a core of my techniques, I came

across something I find interesting on the description of this
list"Gann's geometrical approach to trading the markets drew heavily
on the works of an astrologer, L.J. Jensen. Jensen taught Gann to
look at price and time as related phenomena. Gann relied heavily on
Jensen in learning about the factor of time in his analysis.
Through the study of "astrocycles" he realized price is a function of

I read Jensen work, is there a evidence of Jensen tought Gann? is

there a book describe this in more details?




Welcome!! I know Haythem from another list and he posts interesting

market information.

Haythem, please don't say that Jensen ever taught Gann anything. I
talked to Jensen. Jensen was aware of Gann, but they never met. I think
that Jensen had a comtemptous attitude toward Gann. probably due to Jensen
having a very big ego. Anyway, there is no historical proof that they ever
met or that Jensen influenced Gann in any way. My telelphone conversations
with Jensen supports this.

Welcome aboard.



You are correct. As far as I know, there was no relationship. When I

talked to Jensen he was not happy when I asked him if he knew Gann. He said
he was aware of him and implied less than fondness. My conversations with
Jensen were circa 1979. I also have his original writings from the 1930s.
Anyway, trying to get information out of Jensen was like pulling teeth. A
friend of mine
once worked with Jensen briefly in the Kansas City area. He got to know him
fairly well.



I want to comment on the message I posted yesterday 5/22/2001 in red:

THE TREND IS LEGITIMATELY UP"(not meant as shouting but for emphasis).
5/23: please see attached gif for some comments.
2. Watch for head and shoulder pattern if reversal occur to define your entry for your
short position or closing the long.
5/23: please also see attached gif for Head and Shoulder pattern.
3. Remember 5/23/2001 still falls within 1 trading day of 5/22/2001.
5/23: if you read the first message I posted for 5/18 and 5/22 turning point
(message#5704 dated Sunday 5/13/2001) I stated as some of the evidence for 5/22/2001
+/- 1 trading day"
EVIDENCE FOR  5/22/2001
 It is cluster ratio (see gif)
Venus will complete 1.62 of cycle (As you know 1.618 is the golden ratio)
Cross of Gann angles 1X1 and 3X1
Cross of Gann angles 1X1
It is 13 day (Fib) from 5/10/2001
There is some other evidence calculated mathematically( that I will keep it to myself :-) )
Follow this link for attachments"
I don't want to comment on above and repost the charts because I already post them and
you can recheck them by following the above link.
But I want to comment on some of the evidence calculated mathematically and was
original posted on 4/18/2001 message # 4457. I will repost the gif for convenience and
some comments.
4. I still favor continuation of the trend up and tomorrow will be another trading range
day based on last NASDAQ behavior on 5/17/2001 and 5/18/2001.
There is the"throwback" of the cup with the handle pattern I talked before about which
occur in 75% of cases, this turn down could be the "throwback" will see, that is why I am
not sure of how significant the turn down until more evidence shows up.
Happy trading,
Happy trading :-)

Like many here, I always want to know why is one stock a leader ,
the other not.

In using IBM incorp date of 6/16/1911, when breaking the numbers down
6+1+6+1+9+1+1 = 25 = 2+5=7

Here the Life Lesson number is 7, some key words: religious, higher

In our religion we are always looking guidance. When listening to the

talking heads or reading the Wall Street Journal, I'm always hearing
whats IBM earnings or whating to hear from IBM, etc.

So the street will always view IBM as a stock or management for

guidance, based on the life lesson of 7.

Why is IBM also known as "Big Blue"? In using the square of 3 in


(6/16/1911) The number one comes up three times and six twice. The
number 1 is associated with White and 6 / Blue. Hence, IBM's first
favorite color is white and Blue the second. Big Blue.
There is more to the number 1 but I'll leave the post as is.

Just Food for thought,

Joe Frabosilio

After Haytham discussed BEAS and it's CF of 1.75, I thought that I would visit IBM.
After studying almost a year's worth of data, it "appears" IBM has a conversion factor of
Here's what I found:
July low 100 to Aug high 135 is +1.5 or +270* = 132.25
Aug high 135 to Oct low 88 is -2 or -360* = 92.51
Oct low 88 to Nov high 104 is +.75 or + 135* = 102.62
Nov high 104 to Dec low 80 is -1 or - 180* = 84.60
Dec low 80 to Feb high 118 is +2 or +360* = 119.77
Feb high 118 to Mar low 88 is -1.5 or -270* = 87.65
Mar low 88 to May high of 120 is +1.5 or +270* = 118.38
These prices are close but not perfect. Perhaps the CF should be tweaked a bit....
I have not done time work w/ IBM yet.....
Enjoy !

I trade NASDAQ stocks and most of my analysis involve NASDAQ composite index as
the blue print for NASDAQ stock movements in general. “TIME” is the most important
factor I look at, “PRICE” is important “only”(and only “ if”’) it combined with time in
harmonious balanced way.
 Price Analysis using square of 9 method:
If you take A-B swing, you will see that B price is projected from square root of A low
plus 1.75 which is 315 degree(on Sq of 9) that number resquared will give 38.71 ~ 39
which is the projected price for B.
 B-C retracement found it is support at 180 degree of square of 9.
 You should expect if the “trend is up-bullish” to see the resistance level at 315 degree, in
fact, resistance of swing C-D found at 270 degree
 D-E retracement is 180 degree line
 E-F swing at 135 degree
 F-G retracement again 180 degree
 G-H is 180 degree
 My observation that retracement should touch 180 degree before it reverse up based on
historic behavior, so far the current BEAS price level did not achieve 180 degree yet.
  Time Analysis :
 A-B (square root of 7+2)^2 = 22 add it to A gives you 4/26/2001 Turning Point”E”( 7 is
the difference in calendar days between A and B)
A-D(square root of 16+2)^2= 36 add to A gives you 5/11/2001 Turning Point “G”
B-C (square root of 1 +2)^2= 9 add it to B gives you 4/20/2001 Turning point”D”
 D-E(square root of 6+2)^2 =20 add it to D gives you 5/9/2001 this is not turning point
because time and price are not balanced, there is other ways to know it was not a turning
point but I leave this to you to resolve it.
 E-F(square root of 7 +2)^2=22 add it to E gives you 5/17/2001 this is not turning point
because time and price are not balanced, there is other ways to know it was not a turning
point but I leave this to you to resolve it.
 D-G is 6/4/2001 is potential turning point if it hit 180 degree price level
 F-G is 5/27/2001 was in the weekend 5/29/200 was significant down movement.
G-H is 6/8/2001

> Thanks for the tutorial. Does this apply to all time frames (e.g.,
weekly, 30 min, etc.)?
> Bill


Yes. it apply to all time frames, I know personally one of Gann masters use it for intraday
to trade SP future.
By the way, replace the word"BEAS" by any stock or future market you want and use the
technique, it works well because it is a natural law.



> Haytham, Have you tried using TDs instead of CDs for time analysis ?
> just curious,
> gk


becuase astro stuff is calculated using CDs, that is why I use CDs more frequently, I also
look at fib count for TDs and CDs.

There is some other ways to convert price to time, I am in the process of testing it and if I
feel it is important I will share it.



For those who is interested to know BEAS hit 45 degree around the price 39.50, it
holding very and will penetrate resistance level, this is "very" bullish for the stock and
NASDAQ since BEAS is a part of NASDAQ 100.


P.S. Price and Time is not balanced for turning point which lead me to believe the trend
will continue up.

Haytham,  I assume you are sq rooting from the 5-22 high for BEAS. I am curious to
know, would you not want to sq rt from the 5-30 low ?
thx,  gk
I posted the reply to GK by mistake on another site, for those interested in reply, please
send me private email so I will send you my reply, in this way I avoid having many
traders receive the same info twice since many belong to multiple lists.


Hi Brian and all,

I was reading your post with a lot of interest(by the way, I want to thank you for posting
the charts with explanation. It is much better than using text to explain what you mean),
since you honestly shared with us important things, I would like to share important thing
I recently read from George Bayer work. It is method#6:
Below is my personal summery of the method and it is better to read the method from the
original source if you want to have a full understanding of it.
 Method # 6 Detecting The Change of Trend By Means of Critical Degrees
 George Bayer found important critical degrees in the ecliptic, “ whenever Mars or
Jupiter arrives at these locations on the elliptic in longitude; there is a change in the
market. At times we find several planets arriving on one and the same day at critical
degrees making a change of trend a surety” page 125,Time Factors in The Stock Market.
 “These critical degrees are valid for each sign of the zodiac. They are located at 0, 5,  17,
25 and 30 degree.”
 “Supposing Mars passes into the sign of Virgo as will happen on September 26th,1936.
Then we should find changes coming into the market the moment this planet passes over
the first degree, over the 5th, the 17 1/2th and the 25th degree. This phenomenon occurs
through every sign of the zodiac.”
 The same is true with Jupiter. A planet such as the sun, Mercury or Venus, due to their
fast motion, reach these degree so often and soon that they cannot be used as indicators
singly, but only in connection with several hitting on one and the same day. It means a
change, for example, when Mercury happen to be at 5 degree of a sign, Venus passes 17
degree and 30’ of some sign and the Sun may enter into a new sign, thus crossing 0
degree and this all in a single day”
 “In case Mars or Jupiter happens to pass one of these critical degrees also on that
specific day, you surely will have a change in the market.”
 These critical degree has to be watched in association with other methods such as
method #1, watch the volume as we approach the time for the change, “watch all the
factors on the other methods and combine those indicating a down move and separately
those indicating a possible gap upward and weigh carefully.”
 “The law of the critical degree as given above refers to the market as a whole and when
following then in individual stocks you are apt to take severe losses, although you may be
right as to the trend of the general market.
Therefore, I had to do some more research to overcome this difficulty. Here is the result:
Each stock react (also commodities) at specific degree and minutes of the Zodiac to one
or two planets on one or two positions.”
"Taking wheat for example, we note that Venus and Mars and no other planet bring about
the changes. These two planets, as they cross 23 20, respectively 12 degree 16 minutes of
a sign, produce changes. The stock Phillip Morris acts only on Venus and the changes
occur when Venus passes 17 degree and 30’ of any sign. Each stock must be searched
over a period of time as the planets bringing about the changes are decoded” “In 1935,
wheat made its important tops and bottoms exclusively the moment Mars passed 12
degree and 16 minutes of a sign”
Best regards,

Hi Haythem,
Thank you for your posts, they are very illuminating. One question though, I was so
excited by your method of determining price and time using square roots so I looked at
the S & P 500 Cash Index, on a 1 minute chart, I reasoned that all time periods must
work. However, I must say I was extremely disappointed in the fact that I took the days
low and first rally and then tried to work forward time changes,
not one turning point came out accurately, in fact not even close. If you wouldn't mind
could you email me with the theory.....I may have misunderstood it, but math is math.
What I did find that was interesting was that if you took the trading day and divided it
into 1/7ths and 1/8ths the major turning points came in at these time
periods and their 50% points, from major lows and highs during the day.

Hi Neil,

Have you tried different time frame like 60 min, I am not sure why this did not work on 1
min but I know that every "freely" traded market must follow the natural laws, it is either
manipulated market or a lot of noise on 1 min bars, try to use different market frame
especially hourly,daily and weekly data.


Looking at the OEX, it appears that it's vibration # is 2. W/ the recent high of 680
plugged in:
sq rt of 680 = 26.076
26.076 - .75 (135*)  = 25.326
25.326 squared = 641.42 (darn tootin' close)
It's hip to be square......(little did H Lewis know what he was singing !)


If you know historically what degree the retracement found a support level you will be
able to know what price level to cover your short or go long(if it is balanced with time),
also if you combined with good timing using other things, you will have very high
probability trades.



Thx for your help, Haytham. 

I do have to work on the time element a bit. As the OEX is at 662, the 90* is at 667.56, if
2 is the magic #.....
thx again,  gk

> Hello Anthony,

> I think the title is,
> George Bayer's "Stock and Commodity Trader's Handbook of Trend
> Determination."
> You can purchase reprints from several places. I purchased mine from
> Ballantrae Reprint
> When you read it you can tell this very energetic individual testing astro
> techniques leaving nothing behind (that's what he says as no stones
> unturned). You can tell he is very inspirational person.
> I wonder he had contact with Gann since they overlap in age?
> Regards, Utaro


The method I posted was from "Time Factors in The Stock Market"



Hi Gregory,
Sorry for being late in posting but I have been working in decoding one of the mysteries
in Gann book "The Tunnel Thru The Air" and I just posted in WITS list as my
contribution to the list(I would have post it here also but I am afraid that many belong to
both lists and will be getting a duplicate copy ---may not like it).
Anyway, Instead of giving one projection, I would like to mentioned very important rule
to watch for reversal down:
I have posted here(or on the WITS site) rule 1 for Bayer, here is rule number 2:
"We use the geocentric longitudinal speed of Mars and mercury given in Raphael
Ephemerides. Each time Mars reaches a point that is 59 min apart from the Mercury
speed we are due for a down trend of about three days duration. It does not matter
whether we have been going upward in the trend before. We might have been going
downward and upon reaching this differential, we are heading for further down".
You may ask how this method is accurate and whether it can apply to Nasdaq, well I
tested Nasdaq starting 10/11/1984 until 6/29/2001 in a bullish strategy with optimizing
profit, The gif picture is enclosed, I should caution the use of this strategy blindly it is
only meant for a reference, the idea is to watch price action around the projected days and
trade the reversal. The projected days for 59 min differential are:
Of course it is not the only days you need to watch but is is very helpful if you combine it
with other tools.

this question was asked in another group,  do you have any insights for us. I can see how
the angles between planets are still relevant but I have trouble with the house analysis
without adjusting for this.
Another issue to consider is the fact that the mainstream western astrology has decided to
stick with the "first point of Aries" to keep uniformity. This took place in about 600 BC.
Due to Earth precession, today's crossing point of ecliptic to the celestial equator at
equinox has moved Westward about 36 deg. As a result, the relative position of the Earth
(House) and the Fixed Stars (Zodiac) is off by 36 deg. Good example right now is to look
for Mars and Antares in the night sky. Between these celestial bodies, the angle
separation is just under 8 deg. When you look into the geocentric horoscope, you will see
the Mars in the middle of Sagittarius. Antares is the center of the constellation Scorpio so
in reality Mars is in Scorpio. For personal astrology, I wonder how this affect the birth
signs and the interpretation.

Norman, I found your Astro interpretation formula "planet-verb,sign-adverb,house-

subject/object" extremely clarifying. I was thinking  about something like this.
Thanks, this piece of astro logic is really sublime and your intuition must be strong. 
If Nasdaq is represented by Aquarius, then by which sign Dow and S&P are represented
and what aspect would take to bust them? Saturn, Pluto other malefics can do the job?
I don't think that 12 signes=12 harmonics is the secret to anyone. The dilemma is from
which point of the sky to count. Both, western and sidereal make sense.
I found 3 levels of astrology:
1)Astrology of present moment or Transit to Transit.
It gives general results. Good for financial averages and general market forecasts:
There is a free online book, describing some details:
2)Natal Astrology. This gives individual information on stock or the person. This gives
more specific information.
3) Horary and individual cycle analysis. These give the most precise information.

Dear Serge, Robert, and Don,

When I undertook the study of astrology, I was told on the first day that if one could not
see something, anything in a chart three different ways, it was not so (and likely a poor
chart synthesis  and interpretation).  Each of these paths to the truth are but winding ways
up the mountain. In the West, we were hobbled by the need to hide our light under
baskets lest we become a light by being burned at the stake or have our hair cut at the
neckline for daring to think for ourselves and question authority. To pursue the mysteries,
even in so outward and practically oriented a form as astrology, was dangerous enough
that one just could not get a life insurance policy underwritten anywhere. So it went
underground, was encoded in double talk and high mystery and so on, and was
"christianized" in some quarters (Lilly) for lack of a better term. In the East, the Art was
lost in other ways, but remained largely whole from the perspective of western eyes. At
least, the culture of India supported it enough to tolerate  and even enjoy it. It is easier for
the Western Mind to see the East and vice versa because we are not imbued with it. I
thought our Mysteries bankrupt and corrupted here in the West. This, is not so, the same
richness is here in the West, but it is truly locked down, hidden, and "encrypted".
This long-winded paragraph is a preamble to this notion. The astrology of the West is a
deep and as rich as anything from the Vedas (and the Vedas are *rich*). Our problem is
extracting it. A good example of Western Mystery is found in this book:
 The Opening of the Way : A Practical Guide to the Wisdom Teaching of Ancient Egypt
Best yet, everything by her husband. For our purposes, this book is tops:
 The Temple of Man : Apet of the South at Luxor
This temple was built on similar principles to what is found in the Square of Nine. As
was the Temple of Solomon. Both worthy of our considered study.
Back to astrology. The outer planets are less material for our individual lives--they are
mostly generational in nature and more usful to mundane astrology. People are knocking
their noodles silly trying to over-analyze themselves and others with trans-Saturnine
aspects when practically speaking there is not much use in them in the everyday. Vedic
astrology is practical to the nth degree. Besides, it uses harmonics to an adept degree and
can extract the same information as would be found in the Outer Planets (remember the
planets are all in harmony, so all have sympathetic resonance with each other [see an
aside below]). My best and favorite book on Astrology is George Llewellyn's ABC--it
does not have Pluto at all and just a few words on Neptune. Now, Uranus *is* important
to our work here especially since so many markets, most particularly the Stock and
Soybean markets are resonant with it. Uranus heavily influences my life in a personal
level. Even though it is not a classical planet, I feel that astrologers have always known of
Uranus; they just did not want to be burned at the stake for saying it was there when no
one in authority could see it. (That same authority burned every map they found that
showed any land mass below the equator.)
Our biggest problems in astrology are Fat egos, hidden knowledge, Bravo Sierra of the
Highest Order by new age nitwits,  snake-oil salemen, and get this one--too much food on
our plate. One can lost in the fruitful study of Vedic astrology nevermind the Vedas; it is
magnificent. Once one is steered towards some correct materials, here in the West, you
are just as lost in study. It is a beautiful thing.
Now all that being said. Here is why  I like Heliocentric. I don't want to get into it, but
there is considerable empirical evidence that the planets do affect us and the Earth and are
correlated to the angles that they form heliocentrically. (See Lt Cdr David Williams,
Financial Astrology). A theory is that the various gravity wells we call planets, especially
Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Uranus, modulate the solar atmosphere and the ionic
bombardment and hence the electrical nature of our planet. This is a pretty good theory
since Nelson was able to predict ionic and magnetic storms from the Sun with it.
Heliocentric is the most "detemistic" of the schools of astrology.
For Heliocentric *and* Sideral Zodiac, I ask that one look at what was going on in the
soybean market when Uranus was 0aqu00, 0gem00, and 0lib00. (Use an orb of 2 degrees
at most--there are other cycles present at one of these--makes me think of another cycle,
larger! cycle, at work.When is the next 0aqu00 transit of Uranus and what does one think
about beans now?
Cosmobiology and Uranian Astrology are pretty cool--here is a place that make adept use
of the Outer Planets. They are worth of study. I would study these more, but I am
overwhelmed. They make keen use of midpoints as does Magi Society (these guys are
using an acient form of Astro akin to that which came out of Western Heritage).
[My aside is this: one can use just one Planet or Light to do a complete market analysis.
Either or both of the Lights work great, I think any of the aforementioned planets known
to affect us on the Heliocentric Zodiac work fine. I suspect that all planets would work
since they are all chords in the same Harmony. God is Awesome.] I use the Sun for
almost all my intraday and for most of my daily charts. I use the Outer planets from
Jupiter through Neptune for longer time frames. I don't know what to do about Pluto--I
guess I am stuck in the 1930's:)
Don, the astrology used by the Sumerians, Babylonians, Chaldean, Egyptians, and
**Hebrews** was very powerful. They were very different from what we get today in
out trade paperback astro-cookbooks. Not only did they disregard Houses and Arabic
Parts (both of Greek origin), they ignored any planet below the Horizon. The Horizon
was important to the the 60th degree with them. The first Planet above the Horizon and
the Cumulating (highest) Planets or Lights were the most important Planets. They used
the fixed stars, had "hot spots", used planetary containments, *declination*, and
Ptolemeic aspects (Ptolemy had to get them from somewhere).The Ptolemeic aspects
were least considered--that there was an aspect was more important that the angle. The
Decans of the Egyptians, were probably based up the fixed stars and certainly must be the
forerunner of the House system. This ancient Art from before the Greeks was incredibly
rich and totally competent. Frankly, I see such things as the House systems as
degeneration at worst and confirmation as best. Actually, the Hellenistic Greeks forward
was a degreneration of knowledge.
I appreciate you mind, your faith, and your questions into this Art. A last comment about
Astrology and why it might be so different and appears to be muddled. Trading the
markets is a art as well as a science and skill. No two of us do it the same way. Astrology
is the same; it is an Art. What works is what you find that works--it took me a long time
to get that.
As for birth times, it is scary how accurate a chart rectification is in the hands of someone
who knows what they are doing, My chart was rectified to within 1 degree over a
campfire with NO ephemeris just an interview with a master astrologer. I was so
impressed I undertook the study.
With Kindest Regards,
Ken Macht .'.
The most critical datum in natal astrology is the CORRECTLY RECTIFIED natal chart.
This is the step which most people skip. And that is their downfall. A few years ago, I
studied the natal wheat chart. I found one natal chart which was
January 2, 1877. Wheat, corn, and oats were all "born" on that date. When I researched
the information, I found that in 1877 all the commodities started trading on January 2nd.
The Great Chicago Fire burned many of the yearly annuals printed by the CBOT. The
oldest annual on the shelves of the CBOT happened to be for 1877. The CBOT decided
to produce a table which listed the first trade dates for several commodities. A summer-
hire student was asked to collect the data. He went to the CBOT library, looked at the
oldest annual, and wrote down the dates. This 1877
natal chart had NOTHING to do with wheat, corn, or oats. This chart was TERRIBLE at
predicting futures price moves in wheat. Why should it have any value?

After you find the CORRECT natal chart, then you need to learn how to use it. Not all the
natal planets are active in generating price moves. Not all transiting planets
are active in generating SIGNIFICANT price moves. You need to learn which natal
planets/points and which transiting/progressing/etc planets/points are important.


When you are working on a natal chart for something like wheat, you can get price data
for hundreds of years. This data can provide you with hundreds of "major events". In
order to rectify a natal chart we need a special type of "event". An useful event should
have the following characteristics:

1. Be a spike top or bottom

2. Occur in the middle of the week and NOT close to a holiday
3. Have a SINGLE major planet which has a SINGLE hit to the chart

In real life, things are not so helpful. A MAJOR turn will often be accompanied by
SEVERAL hits to the chart. A major turn often occurs on a Friday or a Monday. When I
rectified the natal wheat chart, I used price data back to 1259. I selected spike turns. If the
turn was on a Friday or Monday, I considered those aspects
which would occur during the weekend. I also considered all holidays.
I then logged the natal locations which were hit. I logged the data in increments of 10
minutes (1/6th of a degree). I also logged the data in two "buckets" -- isolated hit and
group hit. The hits by each planet were logged separately. I will give a little
example. Let's assume that Neptune and Pluto hit the Ascendant "during" a Friday. The
Neptune aspect hits first (on Friday), and the Pluto aspect hits on Saturday. My tally sheet
would look as follows:

. . . Neptune Pluto
28 deg 30 min: 0+1 0+0
28 deg 40 min: 0+1 0+0
28 deg 50 min: 0+1 0+1
29 deg 00 min: 0+1 0+1

We had two hits, and can't determine if Neptune or Pluto caused the turn. We also can't
tell exactly WHERE the hot spot is located. Now, let's analyze a few hundred
more hits to this same location. Again, I will only use Neptune and Pluto in this example:

. . . Neptune Pluto
28 deg 30 min: 13+43 3+56
28 deg 40 min: 11+ 51 5+61
28 deg 50 min: 9+143 11+89
29 deg 00 min: 16+246 47+496 <===
29 deg 10 min: 10+206 31+286

It appears that the consensus "likes" 29 deg 00 min as the "something". Since we don't
have any natal planets at that degree, this is either the Ascendant, Midheaven, or the Point
of Fortune. Let's assume this is the Ascendant because it seems to be a reasonable time.
We set 29 deg 00 min on the Ascendant, and see what comes out as the Midheaven. If we
have found the correct Ascendant, then we will find a large group of hits on the
corresponding Midheaven.

I used ALL the major turns in wheat. Several of these turns were very broad, and were
added to a broad range of "buckets" in our tally. I used Jupiter outward.
I also used the true North Node, Transpluto, etc. When you find the correct chart, it is
very obvious for the data in the "buckets". This analysis will also show you which areas
in the natal chart are "hot" and which transiting planets are important. After you have the
correct natal chart, then you can look at hits by Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc for smaller


I think I have just bought one of the best books to date. It is the work of George
Lindsay.He produced a model called the Long Sequence, starting with the low in 1982 on
the Dow he forecast 20 years ahead, his model called for a high in the Dow 1stQ of 2000
and a low in 2001. Using the same formula on the S&P 500 taking the Bull Market top on
24th March 2000 the last day of his Basic Decline, Short Time Frame gave 3-22-01 and
the first day of the Long Time Frame gave 4-4-01.
Sometimes he used the 2nd top, if 9-1-00 is used (assuming the low hasn't come in yet)
the decline low would come in between 7-24-01 and 8-30-01 or later 9-12-01 to 11-23-
01. His work is by far the most accurate I have read to date. He does say that if a
sideways move happened on the Dow, the low can be pushed back, this
would then give a low in Gann's terms this would complete the 20 year cycle.
On a side note I found a fundamental equation that
is supposed to work out fair value of stocks etc.....on the S&P 500 over the last 2 days it
gave a pivot point of 1237....rounded up 1239 for Thursday it would give a pivot of 1224.
We'll see!

As you all know squares of natural numbers(1,2,3,..) represent important "time"

resistance levels need to be watched.
Some other evidence of 6/29/2001 turning point:
5/24/2000 L to 9/1/2000 H is 70 trading days X 4(natural square of 2) = 280 add this to
5/24/2000 will equal 6/29/2001
3/7/2001 to 4/4/2001 L  =20 trading days X4=80 added to 3/7/2001 = 6/29/2001
Natural number squares: 5/24/2000 to 6/29/2001 is 401 calender days(400 is square of
Last, 4/4/2001 to 6/29/2001 is 60 trading days.
P.S. I hope some has benefited from my previous messages(5/13/2001) # 5704 on RTsite
when I posted 5/22/2000 as a turning point for Nasdaq(it was actual turn) and recent
message on WITS site (6/17/2001) # 456 for projected turning point on 6/19/2001 -/+ 1
d(6/20/2001 was the actual low)

6/10/2001 10:24 pm

Since 6/29/2000 -/+ 1 trading day confirmed to be turning point for Nasdaq composite,
the next turning point to watch 7/13/2001 -/+ 1 trading day(Don't underestimate the
power of math..time will confirm...)

Best wishes,


Gann said to watch for turning point on the 98th day (2 x 7squared).
6/29 @98 solar degree is 99 days from 3/22.

6/15 to 6/29 = 14 c. days = 5/22 to 6/5

5/22 @61 solar x phi = 98.6 solar degree 6/29


> Hi,
> Could you tell me the rules for selecting the
> turning dates and the numbers used to compute
> your time projections.
> Thank you,
> Seymour Schatz

Hello Seymour,

The rules are related to the seven priciples of Hermes(Master of Masters), Gann(the great
master of the this century taking Galileo work to another dimension) and Natural laws.
Price and Time are expected to meet(balance) by the date mentioned(+/- 1 trading day).

Also it is the natural square of 10 from major low for nasdaq on 4/4/2001 and end of
measured move down.



Hi Folks,
I did some study on Vedic cycles of planets to the stars.
I found that planetary exaltation points often mark important reversals in the
Moon works like a clock on short term. The next reversal is on Monday 16th
So I translated sidereal degrees of exaltation, provided in Vedic sources into tropical
degrees using Sri Yukteswar ayanamsa of 22 32". So I just added this differential to
arrive to the system, that is commonly used. Opposite to exaltation there are points of
debilitation or weakness. They can be used as well. But the best are trines to exaltation.
Squares work as well especially with Mars.
The points of exaltation (translated to tropical) are:
Sun         02 32" Taurus
Moon       25 32" Taurus
Mars       20 32" Aquarius
Mercury   07 32" Libra
Jupiter     27 32" Cancer  
Venus     19 32" Aries
Saturn     12 32" Scorpio
Nodes     as Mercury
So to get additional points, add degrees in increments of 120 for trines and increments of
90 for squares and watch the magic.
You can find more great rules and translate them to the tropical system and to the market
movement. The name of the book is
"The Astrology of the Seers" by David Frawley.


Nice job. I have the Frawley book, too.

"Ditto" on the recommendation.

Also try the two Braha books, and "Light on Life," by DeFouw and Svoboda.
Their new book is a called "Light on Relationships."
The second book deals more in "synastric" Vedic astrology.

For beginners in Vedic, start with "Light on Life."

Next, move to "Learn Hindu Astrology Easily," and "Astrology, Destiny and the Wheel
of Time," both by K.N. Rao.
And a must: a "sidereal" ephemeris, try: "Lahiri's Indian Ephemeris, 2001," Astro-
Research Bureau Calcutta.




I appreciate if someone can help me in one or more issues below:

1. I am doing somework with planatary hours and intraday high and lows, i wonder if
there is a way to know the exact time for intraday high or low without doing it manually
bu going back to a day say in 1990 to look when high and low intraday was made.

2. When I am searching an ephemeris for a "time" of an aspect let say in 1987 how would
I know if daylight saving time was used then( I live in the US).

3. What is the best way to search chronological events, say we are now in 2001 and I
want to know what happened 100 year back in 1901, is there web site list event calender
local and internation and goes back hundreds of years or how can I get such info.

Thank you in advance for your help.



The reason for our energy goes down during the summer is Kepler second law of motion:
 As you know earth circle around the sun in elliptical pathway. Aphelion is the furthest
point to the sun and this occur during the summer time. Perihelion is the closest point to
the Sun and this occur during the winter.
 Now..according to Kepler second law of motion the Earth moves fastest near the
Perihelion(winter) and slowest near the Aphelion(summer), in another words the speed of
the Earth(and anything on it) slow down in the summer and fasten during the winter and
that will cause change in the energy level of everything on Earth when the Earth change
its speed. Earth has less energy in the summer time(and moves slowly) and Earth has
more energy in the winter time(and moves faster). That is why we feel more energetic
during the winter and less energetic during the summer because we are part of the planet
Earth and we MUST follow its natural laws, so use it to your advantage!!!!
 If you would like to see animation follow this link:
For those who play golf here is my 2 cent:
Learn Kepler 2nd law of motion because other golfers are using it to their advantage,
check this site

Yes Don, it is not summer time in some other part of the world but it
is still Aphelion position of the planet earth which has less energy.
Maybe the use of word "summer" is incorrect and I should use Aphelion
and Perhelion position of the earth. It happen that Aphelion position
of the earth corollate with the summer time in the US.



Gann considered certain numbers to be "Natural" Resistance Numbers.

Gann ranked the numbers in the order of importance with 360, the number of degrees in a
circle, as the most important number, and then he divided the circle in half so that 180
became the second most important number. He divided the circle again by four- 90, by
eight-45, then by three, to get 120 and 240. There we have "Natural resistance numbers"
numbers that pop up everywhere...

Combine those with 144, the square of 12 and a natural Fibonacci

number, plus all the even numbers 100,200, 300 etc. Prices do top out, bottom out or find
support/resistance around these "natural" numbers

Gann always said 'Don't guess-KNOW!"

What are some of the other important numbers?

One week ago I discovered the relation which was able to explain "every" bottom
intermediate and major in Nasdaq. I retested the result starting 1985 until now and I was
able to reproduce "every" single bottom"exact" price and "exact" time
prospectively. I was very happy to discover that, I talked to my wife of what should I do
with this info and whether I should sell it for millions or go foreward and present it in
economic conference...for now I decided to trade and test it foreward.

The reason I am mentioning that, I am a kind of disappointed to say that Gann

geometrical models are not able to explain "every" bottom or top with exactness so when
you say " Gann always said 'Don't guess-KNOW!"" I was wondering wheather Gann
knew other models and did not share it with his student..!!! knowing what I found I think
he might did...!!

There are so many numbers which considered to be important some mentioned by you
and Serge but the big question is what is the relation between these numbers(tops and
bottoms) with each other.



> Does the model you discovered involve astrology or is it purely technical?
> Gregory.

Hello Gregory,

It is based on square of 9,astro and a math relation!



Since we are talking about the numbers, let us play with them:
1 X 108 =   108 is the atomic weight of silver, the element traditionally associated with
the moon 20 X 108 =    2160  
number of miles of the moon’s diameter  2160       number of years a platonic month is
lasting 40 X 108= 25920    number of years a platonic year is lasting
 ¼    X 108= 27  number of days of the duration of sidereal revolution of the moon    1/6
X 108 = 18     number of years of the duration of a saros-period(cycle of eclipses) The
moon’s synodic and sidereal period of revolution have a ratio of 100 : 108(exactly
100:108.0848)  Now do you see any correlation with each of the above number…
Well....the answer in part 2

   All of your digits add up to 9. On a post a few days ago, you implied that the key to
universal wisdom was the number 4.  Right?  Have you so quickly fallen out of love with
4 and into love with 9?   As for Silver, my table of elements shows that Silver is 47. Is
that a different type of number than your 108?  DId you know that Copper is a Lucas 29
and Silver is 1.618 times copper = 47?  Both of those numbers add up to 11. 11 in
Kabbalah is called an immovable number, meaning you don't reduce it. 11 is 11. Also,
Copper and Silver are known for being good electrical conductors. The 11th sign of the
Zodiac is Aquarius, which rules Electricity.  Looks like I have gone full circle.

> All of your digits add up to 9. On a post a few days ago, you implied that the key to
universal wisdom was the number 4. Right?

HA: Hello Norm, there is no discrepancy/contradiction between the 2 post, one talk about
number 4 importance being the "smallest" perfect square and the other post talk about
summing all the numbers to and how amazingly end with one number which happen to
be 9. If you are more interested I can talk about the importance of number 19... this is
numerology and I believe these type of post shows the importance on numerology in
trading, universe and our lives.

Have you so quickly fallen out of love with 4 and into love with 9?

HA: No Norm, I love them all :-)

As for Silver, my table of elements shows that Silver is 47. Is that a different type of
number than your 108?

HA: 108 is rounded to the closest number, below is the exact with some references


Source: StatLib

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology Statistical Reference Datasets

Atomic Weight of Silver

The atomic weight of a reference sample of silver was measured at NIST using two
nearly identical mass spectrometers. This project was undertaken in conjunction with the
redetermination of the Faraday constant.

Reference: Powell, L.J., Murphy, T.J. and Gramlich, J.W. (1982).

"The Absolute Isotopic Abundance & Atomic Weight of a Reference
Sample of Silver". NBS Journal of Research, 87, pp. 9-19.

48 Observations

DId you know that Copper is a Lucas 29 and Silver is 1.618 times copper = 47? Both of
those numbers add up to 11. 11 in Kabbalah is called an immovable number, meaning
you don't reduce it. 11 is 11. Also, Copper and Silver are known for being good electrical
conductors. The 11th sign of the Zodiac is Aquarius, which rules Electricity. Looks like I
have gone full circle.

HA: Thank you very much for the info.



> REPLY YLPER , AL, how or what is the number 19

> deal? Have heard of it but, how does it relate?/ Please &
> Takks-a-lot. Joe
Sorry Joe, I did not see your post until now, I will prepare something soon about number
19. Just to let you start thinking about the importance of 19, 19 X 19 = 361 ! It is very
important number and help in trading too!! 1+9=10, 1+0=1
also 361= 3+6+1=10 1+0=1


Dear Readers,
In my studies, I have come across the magic number 9 many times. It is called the divine
9 in some places. I remember Gann places a lot of importance on 7 and 9.

For those interested in background material, here is some information that I can gather.

In Gann's reading list, there is 'The Light of Egypt' by T H Burgoyne, and the number 9 is
gone into in some detail.

For a number to be a 'real divine number', or to test its validity as being a 'proper number'
to be part of the Universe, the idea is that you add up all the digits.
If the sum is 9, then yes its ok and part of the grand scheme of things, If not, then its not
really a part of the system. (It seems to be a good little test in my experience.)

Anyway, in 'The light of Egypt’, we have

earth's pole moves 1 degree in .......7200 common years = 9
pole moves round once in .............7200 divine years = 9
sun moves thru space at rate of.......108,000 miles per hour=9..
sun moves thru 12 signs in...........25,920 years = 9
(Believe me, these figures are given on Page 108 = 9)

In another one of the reading list, 'Ancient Prehistoric Wisdom’, by Ludwig Larsen, there
is a lot of work on these numbers. example, See chapter 18 ( 1+8 = 9, not kidding) This
chapter starts on page 135 (again 1+3+5 = 9, still not kidding)

Here we have mention of the special 1008 year cycle.

Larsens theory uses Neptune cycle as 168 years,
Saturn as 28 years, and Uranus as 84 years.
So within this super cycle of 1008 ys ( a thousand years) there is
12 of Uranus cycle = 1008
equals 6 of Neptune's cycles (6 x 168)
equals 36 of Saturns cycles. (36 x 28)

Sounds like a grand cosmic clock.

Note in fact, cycles are not the neat 28 yr for Saturn or 168 ys for
Neptune but 84 seems ok for Uranus.
Overall I think there is something to be gained in study of such numbers and hope it is
interesting to some readers at least.

Kam Chand

Hi Kam ,
I would urge you in the strongest of terms to get the 2
audiotapes of the Jim Watkins  Computrac 1992 New
Orleans Conference . Great value for $15-00
He deals with Gann
The Indian and Roman Indiction numbers and squarings on
Bonds and Dow & SP500.
any info on Jim Watkins and anything he may have
published would be appreciated.

 Let us start with 108, the method is sum every number: 1+0+8=9
2160 : 2+1+6+0=9
25920: 2+5+9+2+0=18=1+8=9
27: 2+7=9
18: 1+8=9
 also 108 is 90+18 so 9+0=9 and 1+8=9
The reason I wanted to bring this to your attention is when I read Sepherial work, I was
not impressed in this method, it did not mean too much to me but when I realize how this
method can be used I realized its importance.
 The above mentioned number 108 and its other relation are not part of Sepherial work(to
my knowledge)
 P.S. Every time I look deeper at and deeper in the universe and it is perfect construction I
get more and more shocked, amazed with God, the creator and the merciful.

I did not want to bore you but we can talk about number 108 for hours to come until you
think there is nothing in the universe except number 108.

As an interesting addition in some Japanese and Indian
temples they ring the bell 108 times and I think but am not
sure some of their rosaries have 108 beads  so there has been
some universal recognition across the ages and continents.
Not to be forgotten is that 9x12=108
                                          108x4=432 a musical harmonic of
the solar year 6/5.
432 is the 3rd square of 144  and 144 days is the helio
synodic cycle of Venus- Mercury .
 144 days =venus/mercury helio synodic conjunction
144 weeks = 10 mercury/mars helio synodic conjunctions
144 months = 1 Jupiter orbit

Since we are talking about the numbers, let us play with them:
1 X 108 =                                         108 is the atomic weight of silver, the element
traditionally associated with the moon
20 X 108 =         2160                      number of miles of the moon’s diameter
 2160                            number of years a platonic month is lasting
240 X 108= 25920                          number of years a platonic year is lasting
 ¼    X 108= 27                                number of days of the duration of sidereal revolution
of the moon              
 1/6 X 108 = 18                                number of years of the duration of a saros-
period(cycle of eclipses)
 The moon’s synodic and sidereal period of revolution have a ratio of 100 : 108(exactly
 Now do you see any correlation with each of the above number…
Well....the answer in part 2


I read this and I found it very interesting:

Accordingly to dr. R van Hulst, when divers spend 28 days at a depth of 40 meters, under
pressure, their hear and beard will grow half as fast.

A very interesting fact, which demonstrates that processes are time dependent.

....thinking it possible to delay the "aging process"?!!!! by applying certain


Another question..thinking loudly... are the ancients lived for hundred of years because of
certain conditions were present caused them to live longer...

Wondering...surfing the universe..

Just thoughts to consider since it is time to enjoy sun, relax while we in the aphelion
position of the earth !



Hello all,
I was thinking of something I found recently which"may greatly" benefit determining
market turns to the minute long before it happen!!!!
I have not done the research on it yet since I am very busy in another project which I
need to complete before I start others. If you guys are interested in pursuing it with me I
will talk and we can help each other to resolve all the issues related to it .


Here is what I found, as I have been watching this for quite some time..

First, I have an astro clock and set it to NYC as that is where the market action is taking

Second, I was watching OEX, ANDW and LU...each time a planet hit the midheaven
with 2 minutes (not degrees), the stock would go up...once the planet moved off the
midheaven, the stock would go down.

I used this knowledge to trade..for instance, if a planet were coming up on the midheaven
and I wanted to trade it, I would do so 30 seconds before the planet moved off the
midheaven...that way I was sure to get the best price.

I also noticed that planets coming up on the ascendant or horizon would tend
to pull a stock price down.


Hello Richard,

Your observations are similar to mine but we need to prove that...what I am thinking is to
test Nasdaq, DOW and SP500 by going back 100 trading days from today and see if there
is a trend change when a planet cross MC or ascendant.

We need first to agree on the "format" or the work sheet so all of us are analysing
different markets using the same parameters.

Next we should divide the markets between us and finally prepare a final report so
everyone know from testing a 100 trading day how many days trend change "intraday"
when a planet cross MC or ascendant.
Best regards,



Your observation also falls in with my time-line for a rally using only the Moon & Vesta.

MN/Vesta is my "work-in-progress."

I've found that MN/Vesta sextiles are very powerful aspects for "DTX" to rally. We have
a MN/Vesta sextile on Aug8, Wed, at 3:41p EDT.


Actually, you are on track with your observations.

Vesta is one of the four asteroids, Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta, discovered in the late

It is the size of our state Arizona and supposedly is the only asteroid which can been seen
with the naked eye.

I'm looking at the percentage of market turns vis-a-vis the the Moon's aspects only in
relation to Vesta.

More on this later.



the supporting aspects are not that great right now...we got that saturn exact opposition to
pluto...but...on what happens..that might be a really good time to get
in....but I wouldnt stay long...

also...essentially any planet over the MC causes an up...except north node… havent found
that to work at when the sun and merc come up to
the mid heaven you should see an up as well....but again..supporting aspects
arent that great to jump in yet..(damn moon in pisces…lol)

Sepherial in his book "Laws of Values"

Page 52"The degree of the zodiac occupying the midheaven (or meridian) and that
occupying the horizon, are sensitive points. It is found that the transits of the planets
over these points are productive of very marked effects which influence the financial
world to the greatest possible extent"
He then continue to say "It is a matter of empiricism as what degree holds the meridian
and consequently the horizon of various places".
Then he list some cities MC and Ascendant, in particular interest(to me) he list New York
city MC as 24 degree Pices and Ascend as 14 degree Cancer(He did not state Chicago)
He then say on page 58 "we see that a complete system of polarisation can be deduced
and the student of the planetary influence will find that the great commercial centres of
the world are influenced by the transit of major planets through the degrees occupying the
MC and ascendant together with their oppositions, quaratures, trines and sextiles. It
should be observed, however, that the stationary positions of the major planets in these
degrees are far more effective than mere transits and great crises always attend the stay of
a planet in a sensitive degree,i.e., a degree occupying an angle of a horoscope"
My observation: there is 3 time frames which I generally observe change in the trend
(intraday): 10-10:30 am, 12-1pm, 2-3 pm. I have noticed in many occasions that when a
planet cross the MC it change market direction, 2-3 pm change in direction may also
correlate when a planet cross MC .
GOAL: To prove or disprove the reliability/validity of Sepherial above claim ! and how
accurate such forecast of market trend change when a planet cross MC, ascendant or any
other sensitive points observed by any trader.
My time is 12:28 am eastern and I have to get some rest so excuse me if I don't
participate in the discussion until later today.

There is a good Walter Russell  webside
Baumring was preaching similar ideas as well.

There is another one

I was talking about geometric dynamic squaring, not sq of 9 algebra.

The only one I posted on geometric was with ellipses. That was precise cut too.
There is much more to it. I just opened the curtain little bit. Stuff is completely mind
blowing in terms of how it works. The idea is rooted into geometry of OM. I was
experimenting with those ratios for a while and found a jewel Baumring , Gann were
describing. But this is not another piece of theory, it is a precise technique.
The one I posted on sq of 9 wasn't bad, but it is from another series.
Those shapes can be programmed, but I am not a programmer and why wait and limit
yourself to some financial package. The way I showed you with MSWord/Paint is fine.
Practically everyone has it. The way to program it is to build a shape and use it and resize
it.. This is geometric programming. What else do you need?
The idea of geometric squaring is equating parts to one
We can equate points of price and time - fixed squaring, where point of time(positive)
and point of Price(negative) create fusion or unity, sort of mind/time molecule.
or we can equate patterns-swings - dynamic squaring, where up swing positive, down
swing negative create elementary unite or atom of the trend. It calls dynamic, because the
unite of equilibrium is changing with each swing.
And we go from there, having it multiplied and transformed into 2 and 3 through the
sequence of geometric shapes from zero to infinity to project the future.
If enough people is interested I may publish an E-manual. something like Don Fisher.
Let me know. I have 3 market theorems of my own.

> 1.What is difference between the three gifs that you posted?
HA: Hello Narayan, Gann1 and 2 are meant to be sent with different
zoom(with the same scale) but it came out the same.

> 2. Considering that the arcs and squares are now moving further
apart, how is it going to be useful for shorter term projections?
HA: You can overlap other significant highs and lows(for example
5/22/2001 high for Nasdaq comp.) then see where is the clusters
(wheels within wheels :-) )
Does one now draw new arcs and squares

HA: Yes
> 3.Is there any rules about where one can start an arc or can it be
drawn from any pivot low to pivot high and viceversa?

HA: It has to be significant highs and lows.

Hello Victor,

I think we will prove that some planets "turn" the market and others
don't, this is now clear in my mind, it only time to prove it

We will not be pinpointing only time but "exact" price !!!!!!and what
"time" to be significant!!!!!!!that will be my gift to the
participants..I will discuss it privately with the participants at the
end of project.



I wondered if you would do something for me please.....I believe that to get a true
interpretation of the Gann method the perimeter of the circle must be equal to the
perimeter of the square.......this would mean the circle must be mostly outside the
square.....for example using the proportions of the great Pyramid to measure the diameter
of the earth and the radius of the earth+ the radius of the moon the
following occurs....a large circle (Earth ...size 11) has the moon (size 3) sat on the top of
it......the bottom of the pyramid..(base)triangle sits at the midpoint of the square, the apex
of the pyramid is the centre of the the following occurs.....diameter of earth=
7920 miles, radius of moon is 1080 miles so height of
pyramid from base to apex is 3960 miles plus 1080 miles = 5040 miles......if the moon
now revolves around the outside of the earth, the perimeter of the circle is exactly the
same as the square......this is the "squared circle" .....just visually looking at your charts, a
circle outside the squares give much better turning
points and prices. Maybe you could help.
Thanks.....on a side note I think the S &P 500 cash must hit an angle falling at about 4
points a day falling from 1129 Monday downwards before the low is in, this can be
touched intraday only ready for a reversal.


Neil & Bill:

I have something VERY interesting on how the Moon squares the Circle of the Earth. I
am going to show you the GOD signature on earth mathematically and how the New
Jerusalem constructed by the Moon squaring the circle of the Earth, I will show you how
the prophesy fullfilled by the third verse...

Neil, there is no difference in what I showed you and what you said, the only difference
to my knowledge is vibration ratio is different to match Nasdaq comp.



I want to start with explaining basic Cabalah. First, I want to define Cabalah: is an
alphabet of symbols in which a spiritual language is constructed so that communication
between being in different states of consciousness can be establish, I Cabalah: God,
Angels and men find a common language through symbology.
There is 3 types of Cabalah: English, Hebrew, Greek.
Both Hebrew and Greek alphabet evolved simultaneously. Both alphabets contain 22
letters ONLY.
Around the 6th century B.C., because of the Pythagoras teachings, the letters were
increased to 27 letter to complete 3 full octaves of vibration.....
I don't want to talk about above because it will take few hours to write and explain, I
want to say English Cabalah is considered the "key to the God Consciousness”
(Personally I do not agree with English being "the" key but I agree of English being "one
of the keys") and since I will do the explanation in English I will use English Cabalah:
For letter A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E......
At one time in the past there was what is called the New Jerusalem which is graphically
and mathematically is the same of the orbit of the Moon around the circle of the Earth.
If you take Moon diameter 2160 mile and check Earth diameter, we will find that Earth
diameter at the poles is 7900 miles and 7927 miles at the equator, so if we assume an
average value of 7920 miles(which is 20/27 of the difference between the extremes), we
will bring God into the manifestation since the fraction 20/27 converts into the infinite
decimal 0.7 407 407 407.., which translate into GOD GOD GOD GO ( 0=O, 4=D, G=7
from English Cabalah ) when you read it from right to left!!!!!!!!!!!! (this is God
signature in cabalah way)This fulfills the prophecy in the 3rd verse :
" And I heared a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with
men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be
with them, and be their God(21:3)"
Another reason in rounding off the Earth's mean diameter to 7920 miles is to reduce the
relative diameters of the two bodies to even whole numbers, a simple division by 720 will
do the trick:
Earth diameter = 7920 miles
Moon diameter = 2160 miles
7920/720= 11 ( 11=K for King)
2160/720= 3
Look at the gif picture then the next step will be to measure the perimeter of the Earth
square 4 X 11 = 44.
it is found that the circular distance that the Moon travel around the Earth during one
revolution is number 44 which is exactly the same as the perimeter of the Earth's square.
In other words the relative sizes of the Earth(king) and his bride(the Moon) are such so
that the Moon square the smaller circle of the Earth and the Earth square the smaller
circle of the Moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is what I wanted to say for now.
Regards and goodnight,

Well, let me pitch in to this monumental effort too, and maybe help decrease
your workload just a bit.
As far as I know, for any given location on planet Earth, "MC" is *defined*
by the position of the Sun at high noon.
That is, *by definition*, Sun *will* cross MC at exactly 12:00 noon for any
and every chosen location on the earth, every single day of the year (currently 1:00 pm at
New York because of the daylight savings time).
Always have been and always will be.
If you do find a significant turning point correlation for Sun conjunct MC, that will truly
be an amazing discovery, since, apparently nobody had noticed that the market turns at
exactly noon time every single day throughout the history of NYSE.



Rereading Gann's curse one can realize that it was coming with Gann's advisory in a form
of  composites- forecasting models. Gann never disclosed how to build them.
Then the rest of the stuff in the course like trend lines sq.9, etc. are supplementary
techniques to work out the composites in real market conditions.
So no wonder that today, people have hard time understanding the disclosed part, because
it was a supplement for work which isn't available right now and wasn't disclosed in the
course, but was mailed in already completed form as newsletter.
That's the catch.
I think that instead of focusing on other matters, we should focus primarily on this
particular Astro cycle subject. Then we advance much rapidly to the point
of full understanding.

> it is clear there is a connection between ganns work, the bible and the
> mayan's, has anyone every looked into any connections with the other major
> religious writings for muslim's (koran) , hindu's and buddhism writings and

I did and all the roads lead to Rome.But in order to understand Gann astro system you
must understand the "signs" specifically ONE sign in the bible and if you do you will
know EVERYTHING Gann knew about astrology and you will know his entire astro
system from Tunnel Thru The Air.



> > Joe

If you knew what Gann mean by 3 and 7 you will have the definite answer to all the
questions you have mentioned including the tide !

It is true of what you said "it is all there right in front of our eyes" because most don't see
what they don't know.....Gann said he will give his system to "few people" who
“understand the signs and discern the future and profit from it" ...the signs Gann
mentioned are in the Bible..I am not talking about any spiritual or philosophical
meaning..Gan "entire" astro system is in the Tunnel Thru The Air but "few people" will
search for the key in the Bible..once you find the will understand what Gann
meant by the 2 numbers you mentioned and many other will understand
"entire" Gann will understand when the bottom will and you will
find..then you will follow what Gann believed when he said"I beleive in the saying:"In
silence,by silence,through silence were all things made".



Why Roman Pope isn't the master trader then? He reads Bible every day.
So it takes more then reading Bible. I know Vedic monks. They know Bhagavat
Gita, they heard about yugas and even versed in philosophy but if they don't
study Astrology, they don't know forecasting besides their intuition. The same can be said
about Muslim folks.
Bible, Veda or Quran, it boils down to practical work with ephemeris and market data
and knowing life cycles.

Gann was building composites and concrete forecasts, making sense out of it.
I don't see many doing it, just a lot of holly talk around it.

I experiment with helio and geo sidereal planetary lines to come closer to it.
I already found something better then Galactic Trader does, but looking for

Some Gann-style analyst says that initial stock market decline should end in 19 month
from the top, which brings us into November 2001. There is also a talk about big changes
as we approach 360 year and 510 year cycles.
2001 is only the beginning of dramatic changes ahead. 2001 - The year of
cycle convergence.

If you want more detail, let's work out ephemeris of smaller planets. Leave your Bible
and Koran for prayer time.

> Hi Haytham,
> Nice posting.
> Do you know where Gann got this silence quote? It is quite interesting that in a vacuum
(like in one of Robert's tunnels) there can be no sound at all...
> SV

Page 67 TTA first line




He has to be talking about Numerology. The DNA part, I have no clue. I think your a
member of WITS. I wrote this in June.

This is a fairly simple trading tool that many overlook, for some reason. The Vibration
Number of a stock could be the incorporated date or first trade date. One of the first
things to learn is, Numerology(basics). I've seen folks who try to use the date
ie(11/10/1925) they would use 10. This is not going to work. You only have 1 piece of
the 1000 part puzzle.

The example I'm going to work with is Coca-Cola (KO). First trade date 9/26/1924, its
incorp. date I don't know exactly, but I read somewhere its 9/19/1919, in Delware. This
would explain the reason why KO colors are Red and White. Thats a different story.

9+2+6+1+9+2+4= 33.....3+3=6, written 33/6.

The Number 6 is the Vibration Number.

Days in the month that breakdown/equal to, to the number 6, 6th,15th,24th.

A Favourable Period for the ruling Number 6 is, April 20th, May 27, Sept. 21, Oct 27.

I'm not going to talk about how this comes about, to long and a little advanced.
Numbers are given to days of the week, the number 6 is Friday.

Now, lets start looking at KO. The first red line you'll see is April 6, 1999, then Oct
6,1999, then again April 6, 2000. None of these dates fell on a Friday. On Shorter time
frames Fridays were good days to trade KO.

Now another tool to use is the Table Chart. The explanations that I would receive were,
find one that works. Not a very good explanation.
Since you all ready know the Vibration number, look at the Table chart of 6. Draw your
squares within squares and follow the price.

A little background about myself, I don't like fancy computer programs.

I believe in burning the midnight oil with , a pencil, calculator, and charts. This is the
only way to learn. Now I do download charts but a lot has to do with work. I've seen
folks program Trig into a calculator, take away the calculator and they were lost.

Hope this clears up a lot of the mystery.

Joe Frabosilio


According to that 19 century book Numerology is a delusion. Take a look:

These theorems besides their calculative value have something to learn from - the
approach itself is based on the inner nature of numbers. It simply transcends the
complexity with an elegant logic that even a child can grasp.
See for yourself.

2. Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah

or All from nine and the last from ten.
This sutra is often used in special cases of multiplication.

Corollary 1: Yavdunam Jaavdunikritya Varga Cha Yojayet

or Whatever the extent of its deficiency, lessen it still further to that very extent; and also
set up the square of that deficiency.
For instance: in computing the square of 9 we go through the following steps:

The nearest power of 10 to 9 is 10. Therefore, let us take 10 as our base.

Since 9 is 1 less than 10, decrease it still further to 8. This is the left side of our answer.
On the right hand side put the square of the deficiency, that is 1^2.
Hence the answer is 81.

Similarly, 8^2 = 64, 7^2 = 49

For numbers above 10, instead of looking at the deficit we look at the surplus. For
11^2 = 12 1^2 = 121
12^2 = (12+2) 2^2 = 144
14^2 = (14+4) 4^2 = 18 16 = 196
and so on.


Yes there is market DNA. It is surprise to me to know Brad knows about that, I have sent
recently a private message to Bonnie describing QQQ DNA structure..


Here are the links about DNA. After you read it, you'll get a pretty good idea what's all
Then try those sequences on Stock time cycles. The bases are adenine (A),
thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G). That's what is being used. (Brad
mentioned those.) Some tie it to astro aspects. Brad said he doesn't (may be
lying, may be not. Figure it out.)
Surfing links below will get you edu. into genetics (for free):


In the time of research I feel compel sometime to say something..what cross my mind
today is the PERFECT NUMBERS...
In math the "perfect numbers" are the numbers which its divisible numbers equals the
summation of same numbers.
6 is divided by 1, 2, 3 and 1+2+3 = 6 so it is a perfect number .
28 divided by 1,2,4,7,14 and 1+2+4+7+14 = 28 so it is a perfect number .
On page 74 TTTA Gann said" authority is found in Ezekiel 28:3"........
On page 69 TTTA Gann said" three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. I
believe that a man who understands the meaning of that has the power under the heaven
and earth..."

what is very interesting I learned recently that according to the theory of biorhythms,
there are three cycles in human life that start the day you are born. These are the physical,
emotional and intellectual cycles, of length 23, 28, and 33 days, respectively.
I found above very interesting because 22, 33 are multiple of 11 which as the wise
man/women know they are multiple of 11  and he/she know how powerful  this
mathematical sequences in trading the market.
Regarding 28 I prefer 27 because 27 X 2 = 54 again it is very powerful number in the
Finally, ignore what I said above I don't know what I am talking about.

What trigger me to write this post is a recent discussion about Gann...YES, there is
FIXED cycles controlling the market movements dynamically. Gann showed you(I hope
you see it). Utaro is right.
You should go back and see what Gann wants you to see...and how his forecast still stand
to this fact it stand to our current situation.  I am not going to bring DJIA
cycles(although there in a person(alive) on planet earth can do it :-) ) I will leave Gann
work to you guys to break his code yourself and become another Gann..what I will show
you how fixed cycles become dynamic when combined..I will show in the next few posts
how Nasdaq cycles evolve...i am not going to show you the whole pictue but part of it
because my goal of these posts is to show you fixed cycles in action.
Sorry, I will not be able to answer any question on the subject.

A couple of weeks ago I posted that geo Mars had moved almost 210 degrees exactly
from 9/21 low to the 7/24 low in the SP. Everybody knows that the SP cash low was
775.68 (?) or rounded 776. And everybody remembers the cash low of 9/21, 944.75, or
945 rounded. I wrote that the difference in lows was 169 pts or the sq. of 13. Right? (It
sufficiently fired up jeaston, and rightly so.)

I returned to the puzzle of why the sq of 13. Well, I haven't figured it out...yet. But I did
get this:

1176 high this year to 776 is 400 pts., the sq. of 20. The difference between 13 and 20,
"7." Mars traveled 210 degrees or "7" times 30 degrees.

(Further, I found the helio cycle of Mercury, from the 1/14/00 DJIA high to 9/21/01,
moved 616 days or "7" X 88.)

Anyway, take your Hex chart and move around it counter-clockwise to "7" degrees Leo
or 127 degrees, the position for Mars just after Noon on 7/24. Ninety degrees away is

Now, counter-clockwise, line up the 0 degree line on 210 degrees, and viola! 776! This
CANNOT be found on the Sq of 9. 776 on that square, using same method,
equates to approximately 110 degrees. All of this means, for that period of 306 days, low
to low, the SP was following geo Mars in a 6-sided pattern through
space and time!

(To make a "Sq of 7" one must employ a cycle 6. The sq. of 9 comes from a cycle of 8.
The sq. of 10 would be a cycle of 9 and so on.)

Gann surely used this simplistic method, one that is known to Mikula and, I believe,
Ferrara, and of course a few others at GG. But what the criteria is in
selecting the planets still escapes me. Have fun with this.

There is no criteria..each market has different planets, rhythm and vibration..the fun and
excitement is in finding the correct ones.

Time to sleep,

Have a good night, tomorrow will be interesting reversal..



I hope you don't fall in the me I would start is short to intermediate
"real" top(majority of traders don't know the difference between "actual" and "real"
top)..the professionals will short on the "actual" tops and may add to their short on the
"real" one(it is another opportunity to make more money :-) ..this is what happened in
MSFT when I called the "actual" top..this is also what happened in QQQ on 7/24/2002....
The question is were do you start the new cycles..the answer is the actual.. because it is
hidden from the eyes on the majority :-)..

Best wishes,

It is not my wish but I the wish of Gann...I am doing this post.
On page 83 ( 8+3 = 11 !!! ) of the TTTA Gann said " I believe it is the duty of any man
who understands science and mathematics and the cycle theory, and knows what is
coming, to warn the people in order that they may prepare for the trouble ahead. Many
will scoff and laugh and refuse to believe until it is too late...God has given us signs by
which we may know what is coming, if we will only believe them. He says: "OF, ye
hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the
I have debated this in my mind a lot...whether to say or not to say..but I have decided to
say simple thing..take rest from the market and watch the market show in October
2002..for those who are not experience don't trade next October..we have a meeting with
destiny..15 year cycle is knocking our door !! you know this cycle from Gann but you
don't know why it will be active now...
October 1987 to October 2002 is 180 month ..this is what I can say...look also for
similarity between 1973 and..2002. use DJIA since you can not use Nasdaq.
P.S. even with this knowledge most will not know how to use it.

As I promised Stuart I am making this series of post to show some miracles alive… that
is why I highly respect Gann..he keeps amazing me,
I am going to use DJIA(excuse me Norman I will be using DJIA for the period of these
posts :-)  ) as my chart in this way I keep consistency since I will subsequently show you
1972 and 1973
Stay tune..I am going to post several posts my goal to keep you attention high and
focused on each post because all are connected at the end in your minds...if I do in other
way you will loose high focus if the post is long(psychologically speaking).
To set the record straight I will not discuss anything has been shared by others with
is one of the reason why I will "never" answer or talk about some info which I feel it is
sensitive or confidential...

I am going here in this post to list some of the obvious turning points for DJIA. I will list
the following:
Year 2002:
1/7/2002 High
2/8/2002 Low
2/14/2002 High
3/8/2002 High
5/7/2002 Low
5/17/2002 High
7/24/2002 Low
5/22/2002 High
Please look at the gif carefully while I am preparing the next will need to
remember(or print gif) these dates so you can follow other posts.

Next I would like to show you 1973:

In 1973 the high for the year was in January and that has set the trend of the market at
that year which was DOWN..Gann taught us how to forecast the trend for the year by
looking at January as some know..
Anyway we also have a high of 2002 in January in DJIA ( and it was the high of the year
for Nasdaq)
Year 2002:                Year 1973:
1/7/2002 High=====>1/11/1973 High
2/8/2002 Low=====>2/8/1973 Low
2/14/2002 High====>2/13/1973 High
3/8/2002 High=====>3/8/1973 High
5/7/2002 Low=====>5/7/1973 High(Inversion)
5/17/2002 High====>5/21/1973 Low(Inversion)
7/24/2002 Low====>7/26/1973 High(Inversion)
8/22/2002 High====>8/22/1973 Low(Inversion)
See attached gif for 1973.

The final year I would like to show is the year 1972:

Befor I proceed there is some typo I need to correct: The last row under the year 2002
should be 8/22/2002 instead of "5/22/2002", also in the previous post heading should be
part 3 and this post is part 4 but because I can not correct the typo after I sent I will name
this post part 4A.
Year 2002:                Year 1973:                                  Year 1972:
1/7/2002 High=====>1/11/1973 High=============>1/12/1972 High
2/8/2002 Low=====>2/8/1973 Low===============>2/10/1972 High(Inversion)
2/14/2002 High====>2/13/1973 High==============>2/14/1972 Low(Inversion)
3/8/2002 High=====>3/8/1973 High===============>3/6/1972 High
5/7/2002 Low=====>5/7/1973 High(Inversion)========>5/8/1972 Low
5/17/2002 High====>5/21/1973 Low(Inversion)=======>5/30/1972 High
7/24/2002 Low====>7/26/1973 High(Inversion)=======>7/18/1972 Low
8/22/2002 High====>8/22/1973 Low(Inversion)=======>8/23/1972 High
above show you a proof that market repeat is all about cycle and mathematical
sequences as Gann said. You will see above some variation in highs and lows form
"exact date" this (in part) related difference between "actual" and "real" High and Low( I
would like not to discuss the actual and real difference because what I have mentioned in
my first post)
With this I conclude this series of posts.

Well... does any one care to know what is the code for the support and the is
so is so obvious that almost all miss it.
A TREMENDOUS effort(by many traders) is placed on how to forecast support and
resistance for the Major, Intermediate and short term highs and lows,
EVERY ONE in this group will be Master in Price support and resistance forecast when I
tell you the secret of the Price movement but even if I tell you unless you believe that
Time is more important than price(as Gann said) you will not be successful.
DON'T take my word, don't believe Gann, don't believe anyone, I am going to PROVE
IT !
I "believe" that even if I "prove" this to the mass psychology there will be some will not
get my "believe" will be "proven".
Today for example I was "certain" the market will reverse..why I am saying that..because
Time and Price were in a PERFECT balance.
on 8/22/2002  Price was ahead of Time and that gave a PERFECT opportunity to short
the market at higher prices since the Time is due and the price was in the lost motion may not understand what I am saying but one day I will explain..

What I see from the gif I sent that major support and resistance stop at whole number or it
is midpoint 1200, 1300, 1400 ..etc forget for now the fractions and look at the big
picture...these fractions you can call them "lost motion"
Now you know the significant support and resistance is not that difficult to see if
you have not seen it before.
You will see also some support and resistance levels like 1500, 1600, 2000 the price did
not stop at these levels.........WHY/
Think WHY the price did not stop...WHY?
The answer to follow...
It is very important to ask this question:
There is ONE answer: The time was not due and Price will continue to rise (or fall )to the
next level or its midpoint, that is why Gann said Time is more important than Price.
If you know when the Time is due for CIT then you would know  at what level by
looking at what angle the stock is moving adding the average range between the high and
low daily then see what level or its midpoint  would be close to.
By now you learned the following:
1. The major support and resistance level is based on a whole number
2. You have the proof that Price worth nothing without Time(Support and Resistance are
meaningless without Time)..and you will understand why Gann said Time is more
important than Price
Next I will analyze 8/22/2002 and 8/29/2002

Next I will analyze first 8/22/2002:

If someone remember I commented that MSFT reached it top(I think I made this
comment on 8/21/2002)..I was watching Nasdaq on 8/21/2002 and I know it was hitting
significant resistance(1400 level) and the time was due to change..anything above that
level is best time to start shorting..Price here was AHEAD of Time and the Time came it
arrested Price moving up and reverse it
On 8/29/2002: I was expecting reversal up starting 8/29...on that day the Price hit 1300
range and 9:50 I closed my short and took the long is your best entry
point and with stop few point below the low made earlier..Price(significant support) and
Time(turning point) were in PERFECT balance because they occur in the same time..
By this I conclude this series of posts.

HA: 8/21(my target for high ) hit the level of 1400(Resistance

level), on 8/22 the price should be below 1400(if it was balanced)
and instead of that the Price continue to rise in this way it become
ahead of time(above level 1400). 8/23 price start catching up with
Time and close below 1400.

on 8/29 Time of Turning Point, the Price hit 1300 and reversed
creating the perfect balance of Time and Price

Does it have something to do with 22

> being a master number and 29 reducing to 11 which is also a master
> number and .5 of 22?

HA: I use 11 and 22 in a different way and they are very powerful.

Best wishes,

Morning GGer's:

Disclaimer: Most of you will find the following a complete waste of

your time and I would not read it, if I were you.

Without the written word most of us would not have a clue. Only
relatively recently has the internet made it possible to propagate
information and disinformation free of charge to so many. My personal
sojourn has extruded many $ for books, programs, etc. from my wallet.
To me, it is part of the process, not something of disdain but rather
a delight in the spending.

The question . . . 'which came first?' comes to mind.

And to that end I ask . . . 'the right answer' or 'the wrong answer'.
Which came first? And perhaps more importantly, was it possible to
know the wrong answer, prior to reading the right answer. Or in fact,
was the wrong answer not really wrong, maybe just irrelevant.

For the most part, information comes from the written word. Now the
author can be motivated for many reasons including boredom, ego, self-
discovery, etc. but I will list 3 I would like to discuss.

1. Teacher: Some people have a personal bias towards teaching. Why?

Because they themselves find excitement in learning. Their own
personal path through life is one of discovery. Part of their joy in
discovery is sharing their discoveries with others. Whether they
charge money for their time/knowledge or not is irrelevant. They are
destined to teach.

2. Hypster: Some people follow a course of study/learning to the

point of frustration and quit, ie. find now reward. Knowledge, in and
of itself, is not reward enough for them. Rather than view or accept
there time as wasted effort they write about it and always charge

3. Business: Some people finance their course of discovery by writing

about it, and of course they charge money, but not to the dismay of
their patrons.
From a very early age I wanted to play the banjo. I received very
little encouragement as our family was not, what one might say,
musically inclined. Finally when I was 17 I bought a $79 banjo and a
book. A journey began. Joyful for me, somewhat annoying for others.
For 5 years I worked at learning to play that banjo. I was often
reminded by others that there really wasn't much 'talent' in our
family. I found an ad in the paper and took 'banjo lessons' from a
guitar player [hypster]. As a typical 'musician' of the time, he made
his living playing music and giving lessons. Need to make more money
(?), teach guitar songs on the banjo [hypster]. He was no doubt well
intentioned but he didn't know how to play the banjo. I took one

Four years into this journey I was stationed in Augusta, GA. One day
I came accoss a music store (I believe it was in Marietta) where I
asked about banjo lessons. "Yep" they said. "One of the best, Little
Roy Lewis" [teacher]. Looking back now it is ironic indeed that here
I was, trying to learn to play banjo, yet I didn't know the first
thing about "banjo music". I felt it was a happy sound but I knew
nothing of the actual music. If I had I would certainly have known
who 'Little Roy Lewis' was, and I would not have skipped that lesson
I scheduled for the next week [teacher]. A year later and back home
in Boulder, CO I had occasion to visit a leather store in a downtown
mall. As I was purchasing a new belt I heard the unmistakeable sound
of a banjo coming from down the hall. Unbelieveable . . . there
before me was a music store [business] devoted to banjo and bluegrass
music. Lessons? "Of course, that's what we do!" I took my 1st lesson
that day, right there, right then, on a borrowed banjo. The next day
when I called for a 2nd lesson they said I really should practice for
a week before I took another lesson. I informed him I had been
playing what he showed me for 14 hours straight and was indeed ready.
I only had 5 days left in town before leaving for college and wanted
as many lessons as possible. [business/teacher] He obliged and I
crammed probably 10 to 12 lessons in that week. Five years had gone
by since I first started and now I knew for sure that I would be a
banjo player.

It's funny, that first book I had bought talked about at some point
you would get together with other players and coordinate your efforts
into playing the same song at the same time, ie. play music together,
and I would laugh when I read that. I was still trying to make 'Skip
to my Lou' recognizeable to my friends. LOL. Anyway, I'd better
shorten this story. Three months later at college I had occasion
to 'play' banjo along with a guitar player. Unbelievable. Music.
Unbelievable. And he knew a bass player. . . and here was another
banjo player, and fiddle and mandolin. Unbelievable. Music.
Discovery. And I'll be darn. Within six months I was playing in a
band. And so many people wanted to learn to play banjo I myself
started to teach. Me, a no talent. Imagine that. A year later I
opened a music store and inspired what seemed like half the town to
learn to play the banjo. It's such a happy sound you know.

If I told you the rest of the story you wouldn't believe it so I

won't bore you with it now. Suffice it to say, that was 24 years ago
and the voyage of discovery continues.


ps. My other passion as a youth was crypto quotes. I spent much time
solving them. And so for you diligent ones, here is your clue to time.

Bhg lfcy bicsyhb gf goxh cbopz gmh zfqahp xhsp.

Answer from :

[Please do not post the answer]

Be careful what you consider a "waste" of time. So far Haythem has

sparked my interest in this area and he has now confirmed my own
identifications in past of the whole number trading which I knew
about but now I have a reason to view it differently thanks to him.
True, he may not leak out his secret methods directly but then again
that would be whoring it away. It is up to a teacher to guide the
student in the right direction. All I ask is to be guided in the
right direction and then it is up to me to work my ass off to come up
with my own findings. And if you've read Haythem's posts in the past
you know that he does give forecasts that have been accurate, so why
does he need to come up with a forecast as detailed as the historical
correlations he presents when he comes out with forecasts at what he
determines to be the "due time", the methods of which are his to know
and not everyones? At least he has shared this much and I'm
surprised he has up to now. Be glad and don't complain and waste his
time and energy with negative thoughts. FWIW.

Hi Jason,

30^2 = 900 31^2 = 961 30.5^2 = 930.25. The midpoint btwn "natural
squares" is also a key point in both time and price.

best regards,


Morning Peter,

Congrats! Thanks for your email. Please keep this to yourself as

others will discover in their time as they have interest. You
certainly are a good student. Your next answer is below. You will
find your time spent in the pursuit of time well spent. <G>

Bra fx fndr nh hrf vh axp bcxm. Mnfe rvje jpsr fenwfacncr ferc frc

mnyy zngr rct xl tva.

Ownjr fmrcfa xpf vf rct xl tva nh ferwrlxwr xcr lpyy tva vervt xl


Xcr lpyy tva nh rvwfe vwxpct fer hpc fewrrepctwrthnkfa trzwrrh

vhfwxyxznjvyya horvbncz.

Ercjr, frc jpsrh vervt wrlrwwrt fx vh vhffeewrrhnkfa.

Fmrcfahrgrc jpsrh xpf nh fewrrepctwrthnkfa lwxd frcfe jpsr xw frcfe

jpsr hupvwrt.

Ferwrlxwr, huwfewrrhnka. Mvfje fprhtva vf xorc merc fndr nh ryrgrcfe

jpsr vct ownjr enfh fmrcfahrgrcfe jpsr, huwfewrrhnkfa. Fvbr fer fwvtr

lxw ownjr fx wrgrwhr.


key to time is set as you know with each cube thirtynine then ten
will give end of day price twenty out at end of day is therefore one
full day ahead of time one full day is earth around the sun
threehundredsixty degrees astrologically speaking hence ten
cubes ahead referred to as astthhreesixty twentyseven cubes out
is threehundredsixty from tenth cube or tenth cube squared
therefore sqrthreesixy watch tuesday at open when time is
eleventh cube and price hits twentyseventh cube sqrthreesixty
take the trade for price to reverse

Key to time is set as you know. With each cube thirtynine then ten

will give end of day. Price twenty out at end of day is therefore
one full day ahead of time.

One full day is earth around the sun threehundredsixty degrees

astrologically speaking.
Hence, ten cubes ahead referred to as astthhreesixty.
Twentyseven cubes out is threehundredsixty from tenth cube or
tenth cube squared.

Therefore, sqrthreesixy. Watch tuesday at open when time is

eleventh cube and price hits twentyseventh cube, sqrthreesixty.
Take the trade for price to reverse

--- In gannsghost@y..., "Laurent Leimgruber" <leimgruber@d...> wrote:

> Good morning haytham,
> You say: ONE SIGN in the bible...etc.... What sign are you refering
to. TNX for enlightment.
> Larry

Good morning Larry,

I got as close as I want to be in explaining where to find the "key"

for The Tunnel Thru The Air.

Have a nice day and weekend,


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