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Workplace Transferable Skills

Necessary Skills in
Skills the Place of Work
Interpersonal- Works well Transferable skills - Skills
with people in groups and that you can move over/use
contributes to a group effort. in a new
They also work well with both environment/career.
men and women of diverse
backgrounds. I can use transferable skills
in my career because if I did
The Interpersonal Workplace
lots of talking and social
Skill relates to my future
work in one job, I would be
career as a doctor because
able to take the social skills
all doctors must be able to
from the previous job and
talk to and work with
patients. apply it to my new career.

Hayden Eisenstein
B Elective (Career)
Basic Skills Thinking Personal
Skills Qualities
Basic Skills - Skills most children Thinking Skills - Skills that Personal Qualities - Unique
learn in elementary school learn qualities about yourself such as
require you to use your
such as reading, writing, self-management, integrity and
mathematics, listening, and brain to solve problems,
honest, responsibility, and
speaking. learn, and reason.

If you were a doctor, you would You would need to use the
need to have good reading and A doctor would need to have
writing skills because you would
thinking skill "Decision integrity and honesty because a
need to be able to read reports Making" when being a doctor would be considered bad
that come back from patients and doctor because what they and/or terrible if he lied and
you would need to write because decide, such as whether a scammed his patient out of
you might be prescribing someone money. This is why integrity and
something like an antibiotic.
patient gets a surgery or
honesty are important in a
not, could determine the
life or death of the patient.

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