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Abraham Lincoln by Harold Holzer ‘all do not join now to save the good old ship of the Union this voyage nobody will have a chance to pilot her on another voyage.”—from Abraham Lincoln's speech Sigat Cleveland, Ohio, February 15, 1861 1 Less than two months after Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated president in 1861, he encountered ‘one of the most difficult tasks ever experienced by a United States leader: civil war. No United States president before or since has been burdened with a graver crisis, nor emerged with a greater reputation, 2 OnMarch 4, 1861, Lincoln took his oath of office, assuring Southemers he had no quarrel with them. But they had a quarrel with him. Seven Souther states had already seceded, forming the Confederate States of America. This action presented the most direct challenge to national authority in the brief history of this young country. The quarrel could not be resolved easily. In mid-April, the first shots were fired. The American Civil War had begun, 3 Lincoln called the struggle ahead “a people’s contest.” The president was determined to preserve ‘majority rule. He wamed that if democracy were defeated in America, it would surely never rise again anywhere in the world. 4 Armere few weeks later, Union forces were crushed at the Battle of Bull Run at Manassas, Virginia. Although the Union troops outnumbered the Confederates by about 10,000, the Union army actually lacked other necessary resources. The officers were unfamiliar with the land, The maps of the time were inaccurate and led them astray. In addition, the soldiers were both young and inexperienced. The Union defeat was disastrous. A despairing Lincoln realized that the Civil War ‘would be long, costly, and brutal, Still, he steadfastly rejected proposals to abandon the war, He could not permit the South to depart from the Union. 5 Notuntil September 1862, atthe Battle of Antietam in Maryland, did Union forces finally triumph. Lincoln seized on this vietory to act boldly. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation. This freed all slaves, including those living in rebel states. This historical action became one of the earliest and most important steps in the fight for Affican American civil rights. 6 Although emancipation did change history, it did not immediately alter the course of the war. The Confederate army won many victories in major battles. Desperate for a Union general who would stand and fight, President Lincoln hired and fired many candidates with shocking swiftness inthe frst ‘years ofthe war. Meanwhile, Lincoln was beset by unrest in the North. Antiwar Northemers ddemanded peace. A military draft proved highly unpopular. Governing became more of a challenge ‘because Lincoln was saddled with a Cabinet that initially questioned his competence as president. Lincoln also endured a personal tragedy: the death of his son. 7 Inspite of the troubles on every side, Lincoln insisted on preserving the Union. In the hostile End of Module 2 Assessment Page 7 of 16 Q schooinet political arena, Lincoln lived by the saying thatthe best way to disarm enemies was to turn them into fiends. Throughout his presidency, Lincoln showed wisdom, humor, and patience in overcoming, tremendous difficulties. 8 Lincoln also inspired people. In November 1863, ina two-minute speech at Gettysburg, he gave new life to the war effort. The effect was to rally the North to what Lincoln called a “birth of freedom” for America. This speech remains the greatest speech ever given by an American president 9 Lincoln's finest moment may have been on March 4, 1865, at his second inauguration, In his speech, he defended the sacrifice of lives. He said this sacrifice had been necessary to rid America of the evil of slavery. Then Lincoln called for a new era of peace. 10 ‘The war ended a month later. Lincoln immediately began plans to reconstruct the devastated Union. As determined as he had been in saving the Union, he was just as committed to reuniting and rebuilding the war-tom country, He might have succeeded. But he was prevented by an embittered Confederate sympathizer. In April 1865, John Wilkes Booth shot and killed President Lincoln. 11 Photographs and paintings reveal the toll the Civil War exacted from Lincoln, He appeared to have aged 20 years instead of four, Lincoln paid a high personal price in leading his country, but his calm determination saved the Union. Many historians consider Abraham Lincoln the greatest United States president. He was the best man forthe job at what might have been the most critical time in ‘American history. 12. “With malice toward none, with charity forall, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we ar in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have bore the battle, and for his widow and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.” q q | q g Lincoln in 1861 Lincoln in 1865 "yaicary draft sequting residents oF county to serve as soldiers in atime of war Adapted from “Abraham Lincoln” by Harold Holzer from Cobblestone Magazine. © Carus Publishing Company. All Cricket Media ‘material is copyrighted by Carus Publishing Company, d/b/a Cricket Media, andor various autbors and illustrators. Any commercial tse or distribution of material without permission is stritly prohibited, Please visit hp:/ww.eicketmedia.comnforicensing? for licensing and fr subscriptions. End of Wodule 2 Assessment Page 8 of 16 Q schooinet

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