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“Heneral Luna directed by Jerrold Tarog”

by Kathleen Claire Montefalco

1. What is the film all about?

Set during the Philippine-American war, Heneral Luna follows the life of one of Philippine
History's most brilliant soldiers, Heneral Antonio Luna, as he tries to lead his countrymen
against colonial masters new and old and to rise above their own raging disputes to fulfill the
promise of the Philippine Revolution.

2. What are the things that you like and dislike about the film?

The thing that I like about Heneral Luna is It triggers something in every Filipinos' heart
because it triggers a sense of realization and nationalism in the people. Second is it has a sense
of humor, the jokes were really easy to reach, but not predictable. Lastly is the cast and
characters, the characters were amazing because each character represents the characteristics
of the majority of the Filipinos. It's easier to relate or understand where they are coming from
and it's easier to reflect on ourselves to change for the better. While the thing that I dislike
about the film is not being too realistic, I think this mostly applies to the part where they
slaughter Heneral Luna. He was shot and stab a million times, yet he can still stand up and
utter sentences.

3. What did you feel while watching the film?

Surely, these emotions are not enough to describe how I felt while watching the movie. I’m
amazed by how John Arcilla, without a doubt, gave life to Hen. Luna's character his emotion
and the way he says his lines are truly impeccable. In addition, I also feel proud because by this
film I will know the history and story of our heroes that helped and led the Philippines during
the revolutionary years but; there are also some gruesome and graphic special effects showing
the violent brutality of warfare which will shock you.
4. What needs to be improved in your own opinion?

The things that need to be improved in Heneral Luna are the portrayal and realism of the
characters, we all know that Heneral luna is a true hero during the Philippine-American war
but some scenes acted in the movie were way over the true Heneral Luna. What I also mean is,
the director should also stick to the plot and follow the real character of Heneral Luna,
because some audiences may be confused and bewildered by the true character of the hero.
But, I would say the overall movie was good and it leaves a great understanding of our unsung
heroes that led the freedom of the Philippines.

5. Conclusion?

This movie reminds every Filipino that we should love and appreciate the freedom that we
are embracing today. Because during the Filipino-American war, many shoulders died and
risked their lives just to protect our nation and fight for our freedom. This movie showed what
is really happening behind politics. Government officials try to protect their names and hide
their real intentions just to have power. And until now, this was exactly the kind of
government we have today. We need a Heneral Luna in today’s generation. A Heneral Luna
that will fight ‘till the end of his life. A Heneral Luna that wholeheartedly serves the whole

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