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form this radial alignment, the root of each feather must be pointed

John 1:3-5 with a remarkable degree of accuracy.

• Not only this. A peacock can also make his feathers vibrate and
“Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that produce a characteristic hum.
has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The
light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.”
4) Peacock feathers
1) Introduction • But let’s look even closer one of these beautiful feathers.
• What’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen in nature? Perhaps • There are almost one million barbules on one single peacock feather.
it’s a sunset? Perhaps it’s something massive like a huge waterfall or • The individual strands of the feather are coloured so perfectly that
canyon? Perhaps you’ve been lucky enough to swim in a coral reef or there is a coordinating circular pattern that crosses from strand to
see the Northern lights? strand. It’s as if someone took a paintbrush and painted circles across
a hundred straight strands of hair. It is remarkable.
2) Salt lakes… • I mean… what are the odds? This must be the work of a divine
• I was once fortunate enough to travel across Bolivia, where among
other amazing things I spent a few days on the beautiful salt lakes, • And yet… If you asked most people, they’d probably say that science
Salar De Ayuni. When it rains, these form the largest natural mirror on has disproved the existence of God.
this planet!
• When we study nature we see incredible things that blow our minds. 5) Science says…
Closer to home, have you ever managed to take a look at a peacock
feather? They are utterly breathtaking. • In science we’re usually told, “Life arose by chance association of
organic substances, and slowly over millions of years developed by
natural processes from cells all the way to you and me.”
3) Peacock feathers
• At school, on TV, in textbooks, encyclopedias, museums and so on, we
• See the way the feathers fan out perfectly. There are around 170 of are almost ALWAYS presented with this concept as proven fact.
• To question it makes you seem anti-intellectual.
• Notice the way these “eyes” are spaced apart with a remarkable
degree of uniformity.
• The feathers form a semi-circular fan over an angle of more than 180
degrees. The fan formation is beautifully even. For the feathers to

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6) Give it enough time • This is well beyond the laws of probability, and a protein is not even
close to becoming a complete living cell.
• And although the odds of all this forming naturally seem pretty small,
we’re told it’s simply a matter of time… • [In maths it’s accepted that any probability less than 1 in 1050 will
never happen. That is the cut-off].
• Richard Dawkins in The Blind Watchmaker uses the example of
dealing a perfect bridge hand.
• “It may seem highly unexpected for a perfect bridge hand to be dealt, 9) A cell forming naturally…
but it’s only because we live such short lifetimes”. • So what about making a living cell??
• Now I don’t play Bridge and I doubt you do either…but let’s test the • Sir Fred Hoyle who has a PhD in astronomy, and Chandra
theory with something we’re familiar with. Wickramasinghe, professor of applied maths and astronomy,
calculated that the probability of getting a cell by naturalistic
processes is 1 in 1040,000
7) Heads or tails? [Play the game!!]
• This is an outrageously small probability that could not be faced even
• Let’s imagine we decide to toss 100 coins up in the air.
if the whole universe consisted of organic soup.
• What are the odds that they’d all land with heads facing up? It can’t
• I am a mathematician, and the maths alone proves to me that the
be that much can it?
world could not have begun without some significant intervention.
• Yes it is! The odds of 100 heads is just under 1 in 1030
• Now, let’s say you tossed all 100 coins every second since the world
10) What about the planets?
began 4.6 billion years ago (a conservative estimate)
• Physicist Paul Davies calculated that in order for planets to exist, the
• 145 million billion seconds have lapsed in 4.6 billion years. That’s
relevant initial conditions had to be fine tuned to a precision of one
quite a lot!
part in 10 followed by a thousand billion billion zeroes at least.
• And yet the odds of throwing 100 heads in our new experiment are
• Gravitational force must be what it is, for planets to have stable orbits
still extremely low… 1 in 8.7 trillion!!!
around the sun. Otherwise if gravity had a greater force they would
fall into the sun and burn up or if weaker, they would escape from
8) A protein forming naturally… their orbit into a very cold, outer darkness. It is estimated that a
change in gravity by only one part in 10 to the power of 100 would
• Now we’ve got some idea of how this works, let’s take the maths one have prevented a life-permitting universe.
step further. What about forming a protein naturally…?
• Stephen Hawking wrote, “If the rate of expansion one second after
• Walter Bradley, PhD, materials science, and Charles Thaxton, PhD, the big bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred
chemistry, calculated that the probability of amino acids forming into thousand million million, the universe would have re-collapsed before
a protein is 1 in 4.9 x 10191 it ever reached its present size.”

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• Our universe is exquisitely fine-tuned, made with unbelievable 13) Applying the second law…
precision and accuracy. As philosopher William Craig writes: • How the second law of thermodynamics support the idea that life
“Improbability is added to improbability until our minds are reeling in spontaneously arose….?
incomprehensible numbers.”
• It doesn’t! Without external intervention, everything goes from order
• The only POSSIBLE explanation for this is that something or someone to disorder.
outside of space and time, someone divine and eternal, could have
started it all. Science points to the existence of God! • It simply wouldn’t be possible to start with basic elements such as
hydrogen and for them to form over millions and millions of years
11) First law of thermodynamics • Basic chemicals
• Have you come across the first two laws of thermodynamics? • Then amino acids
• … The First Law of Thermodynamics states that matter and energy • Then proteins
can’t be created or destroyed. You can convert energy from one kind
to another, but doing this won’t mean any gain or loss of energy. • Then cells
• It’s a law we use when calculating momentum and we see it at work • Then life, with humans whose brains are the most complex,
when we play games like pool. organised material in the universe!
• The thing is, if matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, • That runs in complete contradiction to scientific laws, without the
where did all that energy come from which started up the world, intervention of a being who is outside of time, who has not been
without an external force? created but has always been.
• Of course, we would’ve saved quite a bit of time today if we’d gone
straight to the Bible, because it tells us exactly that…
12) Second law of thermodynamics
• The second law of thermodynamics, follows from the first.
14) John 1:3-4
• “In a closed system, with no outside input of order or information,
systems ALWAYS tend to increase in entropy (disorder).” • Last week you learn about the WORD who existed before all time, was
with God and was actually God…
• Basically, left to its own devices, everything goes from order to
disorder. • And today we see that through HIM all things were made. Read v.3-4
• Leave a car in a field for twenty-five years and it will rust. • Just in case we’re not clear… without him nothing was made that has
been made!
• Leave your bedroom untidy and it will not tidy itself but will go into
further disorder and chaos! • He is the source of all life. Everything originates from him.

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• It now makes sense. Only an eternal, divine being, outside of space 16) Irreducible complexity
and time, could have made the immensely complex and finely tuned • Here’s what Charles Darwin said about any organ found to be
universe in which we live. irreducibly complex…
• There’s another factor to consider and that’s the idea of irreducible • “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which
complexity. could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight
modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.” Charles
Darwin, Origin of Species
15) The Bombadier Beetle
• In my view, we can be left in no doubt that God must exist.
• The tiny bombardier beetle has an amazing defense mechanism.
• In Romans 1:20 Paul states “For since the creation of the world God’s
• He has twin ‘exhaust tubes’ at his tail
invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been
• From these, he fires boiling-hot noxious gases with a loud pop, into clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that
the face of his enemies! people are without excuse.”
• He mixes two chemicals (hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone), • So why do people choose to ignore the possibility that the world was
which would usually form a dirty, ugly mixture. not just formed by naturalistic processes, and that it requires the
• But the clever little beetle uses a special ‘inhibitor’ chemical to stop intervention of a Creator?
the mixture from reacting. • I think it’s because people are biased. The default position for many is
• When the enemy approaches, he uses two enzymes, to make the that God doesn’t exist.
chemical reactions go millions of times faster.
• These chemicals catalyze the extremely rapid decomposition of 17) Naturalism over observation
hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen and the oxidation of
• According Scott C. Todd, an immunologist at Kansas State University
hydroquinone into quinone, causing them to violently react and
“even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such a hypothesis
explode—but not so soon as to blow up the beetle, of course!
is excluded from science because it is not naturalistic.”
• His defense mechanism is amazingly complicated, and could only have
• Science will often not allow us to draw any conclusions that God
been created with all the parts working together perfectly.
created the world, because belief in God is not allowed into science
• Anything other than a perfectly working defense mechanism, and lessons…!
he’d blow himself up! He must’ve been made fully formed.
• He is irreducibly complex. Just like a mousetrap or the ligaments of
18) John 1:5
our knee joints, until fully formed he has little use.
• “The light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood

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• Back in 2006, two extraordinary events took place: • Verse 5 is more accurately translated as “The light shines in the
darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it.”
a. Richard Dawkins said that he believes, but cannot prove, “that
all life, all intelligence, all creativity and all design anywhere in • So, Jesus has triumphed over darkness. When he encountered
the universe is the … product of Darwinian natural selection.” demons on earth, they were terrified of him because they knew he
In other words, much of what he believes is unsupported by had conquered the darkness.
evidence. • And when faced with death, though it looked very much like he was
b. But the other extraordinary event was that the late English defeated, death could not hold him. The darkness could not overcome
philosopher and atheist, Professor Antony Flew, publicly him. He rose from the dead. The light of the world came back to life!
announced that he had abandoned his atheism, and had done • This is why Easter is so exciting for Christians.
so on the basis of scientific arguments, which now persuade
him that there is a God.
• We’ve seen evidence around us that shows there has to be a Creator Let’s draw to a close…
behind it all. But people will react differently to this. Some will accept It may be that you have dismissed Jesus it the past because you think
it, and others will dismiss it. science has disproved the existence God. Well, if that’s the case, please
• And even if we accept it, if we only go by what we see around us as think again. Please see that science does quite the opposite. Open your
evidence for God, we don’t really understand what God is like eyes to see that this world shouts out the existence of a Creator,
anyway. Yes, pretty awesome to have made all this. Yes, extremely old someone outside of time and space, to create all this out of nothing. And
or, as we’ve seen, outside of time! Certainly beyond our open your eyes to Jesus, God in human flesh, to see what this Creator is
imaginations… really like.
• But what about his character? What is God really like? It may be you’ve been following Jesus for years but find it hard to keep
going? Well, take heart. You are following the very source of life and light,
• One of the great Christmas verses from the Bible comes later in John 1 the creator who was there from the beginning. He is the light, and the
v18, “No one has ever seen God, but God the one and only, who is at darkness of this world has not overcome him. Whatever this life throws at
the Father’s side, has made him known.” you, Jesus the light has triumphed over the darkness.
• This is why Christmas is so amazing. No other religion offers anything Either way, make Jesus the centre of everything. He is the source of life,
like it – the claim that the Creator of the universe has entered his own the true light, the real hero of this story, the unique Creator of the
creation! universe, the answer to the mathematical improbabilities of this universe,
• We can speculate about what God is like, but when we look at Jesus and he has overcome the darkness of our world.
we really see God revealed in human form, whom we can relate to. How differently we would live if we really truly believed that Jesus
• Verse 5 describes Jesus as a light, shining the darkness. When he created the entire universe and has overcome the darkness.
came 2000 years ago he came into our world of suffering, pain, [Read the passage to end?]
sadness, selfishness and death. But Jesus triumphed over all this.

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