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The Great Bell Tower is about 100 meters high. For a long time it was the
highest [haiest] (самое высокое) building in Ukraine! It is so beautiful and
amazing. If you are travelling to Kyiv, you can see the Bell Tower at a distance
of many kilometers. People, who want to enjoy the fantastic view of Kyiv from
the top of the Great Bell Tower, need to walk 374 steps up. I think it is worth
[wɜːθ] it – (Я думаю, это стоит этого.)

According (согласно) to the legend, the builders [‘bɪldəz]of the Bell Tower
were the twelve Greek masters whose relics rest in the Near Caves now. But,
according to historical documents, the process was much simpler [‘simple]
(простой). A Ukrainian hetman (= a head (глава страны) of the
country)started the first works in 1707 (seventeen-oh[ou] seven). Later [‘leitə]
(позже), Johann [dʒɒ’hen] Gottfried [‘gotfrid] Schedel [ʃedel], a German
architect, finished the construction. He said: “This Bell Tower In Kyiv Pechersk
Lavra will last for ages (будет стоять века)”. The bell and the tower clock with
chimes [tʃaɪmz] (куранты) are located on top of the tower. The first clock was
placed in 1744 (seventeen-forty-four) and in 1903 (nineteen –oh [ou] three) it
was replaced [rɪˈpleɪst] by a new one.

Every quarter of an hour (каждую четверть часа) you can hear a melodic
[məˈlodɪk] sound [saund] from the bell tower. And every hour the clock
strikes [straiks] (бьёт).

The Bell Tower is open to visitors. “Who has not climbed [klaimd] (взбирался
на )” the Great Tower of Lavra has not seen [si:n] (не видел) Kyiv”. People
used to say [ju:st to sei] (раньше говорили) in the old days in Kyiv. Indeed
[in’di:d] (действительно) you can see the whole [houl] (весь) Kyiv and the
whole Lavra.

If you are tired – there is a nice mini-park with a metal well-room (бювет).
There is a fountain [ˈfauntɪn] with drinking water, and several [‘severəl]
(несколько) tombstones [ˈtuːmstəunz] (надгробные плиты).

The Old House of the Governor of Lavra is located right [rait] (прям) behind
the Great Tower of Lavra. It is a link (связующее звено) in a chain (цепь) of
buildings surrounding [səˈraʊndɪŋ] (окружающих) the Cathedral Square

The house was built as a cell (что имеется в виду?) for kvass brewers
[ˈbruːərz]. Kvass is a drink made from rye bread [rai bred] (ржаной хлеб).
Then, it was turned into (был переделан) a wine storage room, and in 1824 –
it became the governor’s house. The governor ruled Lavra on behalf of [bi’ha:f]
(от лица) the Abbot, whose house was located nearby [nɪəˈbaɪ] (поблизости).
People called it ‘’ the house of archimandrite [a:ki’mændrait] (or the superior
abbot [suːˈpɪəriər ˈæb.ət] (главы настоятель храма).


It is a two-storey L-shaped edifice [ tu: stori el ʃeipt ‘edifis] (Г-образное

двухэтажное монументальное здание).

The building was constructed in 1908-1909 by the Lavra Abbot Flavian

(Gorodetsky), Metropolitan of Kyiv, for his personal library [ˈlaɪbrəri]

In 1910, the library included [in’kludid]more than eight thousand book titles
[taitlz] and more than fifteen thousand volumes [ˈvoljuːmz] (томов).

During the World War II [wɜːld wɔː ˈtuː] the library was plundered [ˈplʌn.dəd]
by Germans. Only a few books were [wɜ:] returned [ rɪˈtɜːnd] later (позже).

They are now stored [sto:d] (хранятся) in the State Historical Library in the old
Hospital Monastery of Lavra.

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