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Defining a young Learner

Child (6-9) Pre-teen (10-12) Teenager (13-15)

Learns most by doing things Becoming aware of learning and studying Learns in a variety of ways including by
as a separate skill, but still responsive to doing
holistic teaching rather than details

Learns faster, forgets fast: needs constant Developing motor skills - (an ability to Is more critical and complaining, and
reinforcement and recycling use their hands and co-ordinate at the often has a sense of superiority - teacher
same time) has to win enthusiasm

Enjoys Total Physical Response eg. games, Can learn by TPR (Total Physical Maturing, though adolescence can slow
songs, mime etc. response or action games). It helps up social skills development
channel energy. Can sometimes cause

Enters into a fantasy world willingly, Has a developing knowledge and Engages more willingly with reality, fears
loves bright colours, cartoon characters, awareness of world outside home, school being thought of as childish
etc. and family

Learns mainly by speaking and listening Can concentrate for longer, but still needs Has an increasing ability to analyse and
frequent changes of pace draw conclusions

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