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The first argument which is related to what to make debate is when juror 9 the old man challenges

the juror 10’s reasons in order to find the boy on trial not guilty.

In this scene we have the juror 10’s arguments is that the testimony of the 18 years old boy on trial
should not be trusted due to his background.

So juror 9 judges the mindset of the juror 10 the man he is.

To make a good debate we have not to make evidence or details personals or every kind of elements.

And even more we don’t have to make debate personal

For instance we can take juror number 8 and number 9, when he discuss the trial with juror 10 he
listen the testimony of the woman who lives across the street and who accuses the defendant of
killing his father.

What is important to notice about the juror 8 is the fact that he never judges number 10, he doesn’t
express any opinions and he doesn’t appeal to the other people in the deliberation room

He just questioning his line of reasoning. He makes his true job. What every juror should do
investigate between voting. For the juror 10, the defendant is guilty because of his background. It’s
also important to make the debates about the line of reasoning.

In a particular scene juror 8 said that we can suppose the witnesses were wrong, and the juror 12
asks him what’s the point of having witnesses if they were wrong ?

And juror 8 said could they be wrong, he tries to convince that witnesses are not always relying.

And he tries to make them doubt to convince them the boy is not guilty.

In a debate we need to make sure that all members stay focused in the debate.

Make sure that debates stay focused on a particular point and not zigzagging around the point.

So we don’t know if people are wrong or not but we can investigate to make sure that they say the
truth. Thus, in a debate we mustn’t allow the points to be missed

Juror number 11 states his reasons for being skeptical of the defendant’s guilt

We have to make them inquiries

So that juror 4 make a good example of how to address a line of reasoning and juror 11 questioning
of how to question a line of reasoning.

Always juror 11 is skeptical and juror 4 is answering to the juror 11 questions.

In debate juror have to treat other juror like a sport

As we saw in the movie 12 angry men when juror 8 questions juror 4 about what he did last night.
Juror 4 does not tried to change the point of the debate he just tries to challenge juror 8 to prove the
defendant is guilty.

The juror 4 loses at his own challenge because he doubted about the fact that the defendant is guilty
or not

In the debate we don’t need to let juror to become mean-spirited and we don’t need make debate

Thus in a debate we have to keep a debate focused, make inquiries of the opponent and we have to
treat a discussion as we would a sport and like that we can win a debate and convince all the people.

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