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Through the Holidays
Our ability to have control or

What is influence over our own

emotional state.

emotional Our ability to respond to an

external experience with a

Regulation? range of emotions that are

socially acceptable and flexible.
Example: Rethinking a
challenging situation to reduce
anxiety or anger.
Common challenging
experiences felt during the

relationship Loneliness grief and

stress loss
relationship stress
Being home for the holidays. We
might find that we fall back in old
patterns or habits that may no longer
be helpful. The sense of who we used
to be at home and who we are
independently may find conflict.
Tensions may also fly higher during
the holidays.
For some, going solo is
relaxing. For others. the
holiday season can be a time
of loneliness and isolation.
Even if we are with people,
we may not feel that we are
"with" people.
grief and loss
The holidays are infamous for
unavoidable reminders of lost loved ones.
The grief journey may be impacted by
past memories causing sadness and pain.
However, it's important to identify and
acknowledge emotions as real and
understandable. Emotions are valid.
take care of our body
so what can Start with the basics. Proper
we do? sleep, nutrition, hygiene,
vitamins, etc.

stay grounded
Stress can sway us to think in
the past/future, practice
mindfulness to bring you to
the present moment.

acknowledge feelings
Expressing, tolerating, and
sharing emotions with others
builds resilience. Rather than
hiding or dismissing them,
acknowledge how you feel and
know that it is OK to take time
to feel sad, angry, disappointed,
opposite action
Emotions are powerful.
Emotional-driven impulses
intensify our original
emotion. Instead of following
the initial impulses, do the

balancing neg/pos
We typically try to bare
through handling stress.
Make time for activities that
support you.

challenge assumptions
Automatic assumptions influence
how we feel/react. Fact-check
begative assumptions/ elaborate
on alternative theories.

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