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🕮 Licenciatura en Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Inglés en

Educación Secundaria, Sociolingüística, Definición de

SECUNDARIA Análisis del discurso
Estudiante normalista: Sánchez Flores Valeria Grado y Grupo: 3ro II Fecha de entrega: _22-mar.-21

Unidad: I II III # de tarea: 1.1.1 Evidencia de evaluación y aprendizaje: Factores sociales, dimensiones y explicaciones

Conversational English can be very difficult when you do not know proper vocabulary, sentence structure and correct
grammar. It is extremely important, conversational English is how you will interact with others native or non-native
English speakers on a daily basis.

Sociolinguistic dimensions
In addition to these components, it is useful to take account of four different dimensions for analysis which
relate to the factors above and which have been only implicit in the discussion so far. These are:
1. A social distance scale concerned with participant relationships
2. A status scale concerned with participant relationships
3. A formality scale relating to the setting or type of interaction
4. Two functional scales relating to the purposes or topic of interaction. (Holmes 2013)i

Activity 1

Watch the following YouTube video:

a. When a Frenchman calls an Indian Call Center: The iRabbit at
b. Iraq Insurgent Subtitles | Sketch Comedy | SkitHOUSE at
c. When a Frenchman dates a British woman at

Activity 2

Answer the following questions choosing one of the videos a, b, or c, above.

1. What is the social context? the context is a French guy and a native customer service guy, because the
French man couldn’t pronounce the correct word so as for the iRabbit to work out

2. What is the purpose of the interaction? The objective is to allow the French man to use the IRabbit and the
objective of the customer is to help the French man to use it, but the problem was that the customer didn’t
understand the pronunciation of the French man

🕮 Licenciatura en Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Inglés en
Educación Secundaria, Sociolingüística, Definición de
3. What are the participants talking about? The customer service first is trying to ask for some personal
information and then to try helping the French man and the objective of the French man is to be understood.

4. Why they don’t speak English in the same way? Because the French man don’t know how to pronounce
English words, I guess is his second language while the customer service looks as though he is a native English
speaker and he understood completely different words

5. What is the relationship between them? There is one customer service and the other is just the French
customer trying to tell their issues with his product so the are completely strangers

6. Are they using formal, impersonal or colloquial language? Explain your answer.the customer service is
using a formal language because often degrees of formality are strongly influenced by solidarity and status
relationships. But not always. A very formal setting, such as a law court, typically influences language choice
regardless of the personal relationships between the speakers.

7. Is the conversation referential or affective? Explain your answer. Is referential because they are not
talking about their feelings or something emotional, they are just giving information about the issues of the IRabbit
and also because in the reading of Holmes (2013) a referential conversation tend to put the emphasis on
information or the referential function, for instance. By contrast, interactions which are more concerned with
expressing feelings often have little in the way of new information to communicate.

Holmes, J. (2013). An introduction to sociolinguistics. p 8-11. London: Routledge

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