Licenciatura en Enseñanza y Aprendizaje Del Inglés en Educación Secundaria, Sociolingüística, Definición de Sociolingüística

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🕮 Licenciatura en Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Inglés en

Educación Secundaria, Sociolingüística, Definición de

SECUNDARIA Análisis del discurso
Estudiante normalista: Sánchez Flores Valeria Grado y Grupo: 3ro II Fecha de entrega: _23-mar.-21

Unidad: I II III # de tarea: 1.1.1 Evidencia de evaluación y aprendizaje: Variaciones del lenguaje

In the video show us the variation of three different variation of language and how to use it in the
context while in the reading they teach us how we as teachers has to train our students to notice the
different meanings that one word could have.
We have to teach our students to be multilingual but also, notice all the difference that one word could
have also with the pronunciation.
In the same way that speakers belonging to distant geographical regions have less linguistic contact
than speakers from the same geographical area, it is a well-established fact that within a geographical
area people readjust their speech more with people from the same social group.

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