Collaboration and Teamwork in The Workplace

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Université Abdelmalek Essaadi

Ecole nationale des sciences appliqués Al-Hoceima

Filière : Génie civil

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BOUDHAN Ouijdane


List of Figures .................................................................................................. 2
General Introduction BENTOUHAMI Nisrine ............................................ 4
I. Definition of collaboration and teamwork ................... BENTOUHAMI
1. Definition of collaboration ....................................................................... 5
2. Definition of teamwork............................................................................. 5
III. Build your teamwork and collaboration Skills BENTOUHAMI Nisrine 6
1. Teamwork Skills in the Workplace .......................................................... 6
2. Collaboration Skills in the Workplace ...................................................... 8
IV. What are the pillars of great team work and collaboration?.......
V. The importance of team work BOUDHAN Ouijdane ......................... 14
VI. How teamwork and collaboration can make or break your team and
your company: ...............................EL ABASSI Siham............................... 18
VII. Does team work really make the dream work ................. TOUTOUH
Asma ................................................................................................................ 23
1. The Origins of Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork ................................. 23
2. What does "teamwork makes the dream work" mean? .......................... 23
3. Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork: how to make it happen ................... 24
4. Five qualities every dream team has in common ................................... 24
5. four Reasons Why Teamwork Makes the Dream Work......................... 26
6. Why It Makes the Dream Work.............................................................. 28
Conclusion…………BOUDOUNT Ikram ................................................... 30

List of Figures:

Figure 1: Teamwork in the Workplace .............................................................. 7

Figure 2:Collaboration in the Workplace .......................................................... 9

Figure 3:Good Inter-Group Relations ............................................................. 11

Figure 4: Quote ................................................................................................ 14

Figure 5: Teamwork ........................................................................................ 17

Figure 6: Quote ................................................................................................ 20

Figure 7:Working in a team ............................................................................. 22

Figure 8:Quote ................................................................................................. 23

Figure 9: Teamwork in the office .................................................................... 23

Figure 10:Image of teamwork ......................................................................... 26

General Introduction

You’ve probably heard thought leaders and business buffs tout

collaboration as the key to business success. But let’s take a step back:
What is collaboration, exactly? It’s more than just teamwork and group
projects. It’s more than just working together in a “you do this; I’ll do
that” fashion.

At the heart of true collaboration is the power of collective intelligence

and knowledge building, the magic that happens in the spaces between
people. It’s about layering and linking individual ideas and contributions
to achieve more together than anyone could achieve alone. As a result,
there’s much to be gained from effective workplace collaboration
happier, more fulfilled, and well-balanced employees who relish
consistently pushing their own limits and highly productive, creative
organizations that put out better products faster.

I. Definition of collaboration and teamwork:
1. Definition of collaboration:

Collaboration means working together with one or more people to complete a

project or task or develop ideas or processes. In the workplace, collaboration occurs
when two or more people work together towards a common goal that benefits the
team or company. Workplace collaboration requires interpersonal
skills, communication skills, knowledge sharing and strategy, and can occur in a
traditional office or between members of a virtual team.

2. Definition of teamwork:
Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to
complete a task in the most effective and efficient way. This concept is seen within
the greater framework of a team, which is a group of interdependent individuals who
work together towards a common goal.

II. Difference between the collaboration and teamwork:

Both teamwork and collaboration involve a group of people working together to

complete a shared goal. The key difference between the collaboration and teamwork is
that whilst teamwork combines the individual efforts of all team members to achieve a
goal, people working collaboratively complete a project collectively. Those collaborating
work together as equals, usually without a leader, to come up with ideas or make decisions
together to complete a goal. Whereas team work is usually overseen by a team leader, and
those within a team are delegated individual tasks to complete to contribute towards the
team’s end goal.

collaboration teamwork

III. Build your teamwork and collaboration Skills:

It all starts with truly leading your life but then extends to learning the skills
to have better collaboration (pertaining to the importance of collaboration) and
teamwork. You don’t have to go for formal training, just make it happen
throughout the day.

1. Teamwork Skills in the Workplace:

o Know Your Goal :

Make sure you are not isolated from your project’s goal. Align your actions
with the goal of your project and drive decision-making.
o Strike off the habit of complaining:
Our brain has a tendency to focus on the negativity. Complaining can take
the whole ship down.
o Use your time wisely :
Be careful about developing time management skills because how you use
your time can impact the project of your team.
o Active listener :
One important part to develop your teamwork skills: be an active listener to
make your team member feel valuable and cut off misunderstandings.
o Conflict management :
Settle disputes through conflict management to mediate problems between
team member.

o Reliability :
This is important to make sure you’re the one who sticks to deadlinesand
completes any tasks you are assigned.
o Respectfulness :
Simple actions in a team like using a team member’s name, makingeye
contact, and actively listening when a person speaks.

o Share your enthusiasm :

This will keep the excitement to work together ongoing throughout.

o Communicate :
Share ideas with each other and be open to feedback – the good andthe
o Strong interpersonal skills :
It is important to speak one-on-one and interact throughout properly.

Figure 1: Teamwork in the Workplace

2. Collaboration Skills in the Workplace:

o Improve your self-awareness:

Be clear of what you want and need from others and how you truly are.

o Resource management:
Successful collaboration requires to organize and share information.

o Collaboration tools:
Clear and timely collaboration using collaborative tools to
communicate anytime anywhere.

o Create a learning experience:

Learning opportunities will make team active and create a desire togrow.

o Encourage innovation:
Get the right exposure to overcome the challenges and obstacles youface.

o Expand your definition of success:

Share your expertise with others so the team achieves big group goals.

o Soft skills:

Improve your soft skills that include dealing with your mindset,character,
and how you handle projects.

o Addressing problems:
Find the obstacles to discuss problems cooperatively at all times.

o Forgiving the mistakes:

Holding grudges will only mislead the team always. Be willing toapologize
and forgive at every step.

o Live by purpose:
Always remember to keep the purpose of the project and project goalsalways in
front of mind.

Figure 2:Collaboration in the Workplace

IV. What are the pillars of great team work and
In this context, many people with experience in teamwork agree on several
pillars that include teamwork, the most prominent of which are:

o Good Communications:
Communication is the most important pillar in any relationship, whether it be
personal or professional. Communication in principle needs to go both ways –
or in business, up and down the ladder. A common mistake that individuals in
leadership roles make is that they assume that delegation is communication.
The misconception is that if they need a task to be done, then all they need do is
tell their subordinates to complete said task, and the task will be completed.
That is not the case in most situations, as a leader should explain not only the
expectations of the request but also the purpose of it. The more information that
a team member has, the more valuable and invested they become. The reverse
can be said for communication up the ladder, as more common than not
individuals feel uncomfortable or afraid to ask for more information from their
leaders. In this case, the result is they do not meet the expectations of the
request due to a lack of clarity. By getting clarification on any tasks, it helps
open up a dialogue with their leaders and create a more open path of
communication for future projects and thus strengthening that relationship. The
same can be said with your peers, as open communication helps build teams.
As a conclusion, in teamwork, silence isn't golden. It’s deadly.

o Understanding:
Understanding is needed between all parties that are involved in any venture.
We all come from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, and to

work together we need to have a basic understanding of (and respect for) each
other. That is not to say that we all have to “like” each other and get to know
everyone on a personal level, but it does mean that we need to have a better
understanding of our teammates. This understanding will also assist leaders in
communicating with their teams and ensuring the message is delivered via the
best method possible. In turn, the team members will gain an understanding of
their leaders’ methodology, reasoning, directions, or requests. Understanding
each other will also help resolve the conflicts that could arise in a productive
and respectful manner.

o Good Inter-Group Relations:

The successful team can often appear threatening to less successful groups.
This can cause isolation and hostility. The effective team works at its relations
with other teams and liaises with them to ensure that help for others will be
given when needed and to minimise or avoid tribal conflict.

Figure 3:Good Inter-Group Relations

o Resolving Conflicts:
The process of conflict resolution is the best way to find the most powerful
solutions in the shortest period of time. It is imperative to encourage all team
members to contribute their best ideas and to put them on the table for open
discussion. Because all sustainable relationships are built on resolving conflicts
in order to grow.

o Building trust.
The team members must have confidence that their fellow members’
intentions are good and helpful. Team members need to take the time to gain
deeper insights about themselves and their teammates. They must be
transparent about what they feel are their limitations.

Take time to ensure committee members feel their contributions are valuable
through leadership participation and taking their actionable advice. This listening
builds trust and confidence across your workforce.

o Increasing Commitment.
Successful teams know they must commit even when the outcome may be
uncertain. Commitment requires clarity and the ability to move forward with
the agreement of the team especially those who may have initially disagreed
with the decision.

o Being Accountable.
Full accountability for each team member is based on establishing effective
guidelines, procedures and practices. There must be straightforward delivery

of positive and logical explanations for each of the team’s actions. The key to
accountability is to eliminate favouritism in all forms and ensure there is a clear
understanding of the task/rules/policies/expectations.

o Appropriate Leadership.
The best teams have leaders whose leadership style can vary according to the
situation, needs of the individual team members and to suit what stage of
development the team may be in. In fact the role of leader in an open and
supportive team, can often change from person to person as dictated by the the
situation. This requires a great working understanding of team roles, a genuine
tolerance of other members and the ability to control egos so that leadership
culture is embraced without threatening any formal status.

o Good Procedures and good plans.

Good teams understand not only the team’s culture, but they also look at the
way that their own team works, how it arrives at decisions, They then use this
information to develop new methods or plans and then implement them

We have to review the "how we do things" not just the "what we do".

Sound and proven working methods and effective decision-making processes

help to achieve ongoing results. Good procedures help ideas to be captured and
worked through without being lost and also ensure optimum usage of human
and material resources for any given challenge. Plan well, brief well, execute
well and then de-brief. This helps to minimise biases and accurately measure
team progress.

in the last, when we talk about a teamwork, we talk about a team leader and
teammates, These pillars are what help a team grow and become more
successful. Knowing that these pillars are not always easy to follow, but by
continuing to try to foster these concepts, you will grow as a team leader and
teammate in all that you do.

Figure 4: Quote

V. The importance of team work:

The following 5 reasons summarize the importance of teamwork andwhy it
matters to you:
o Teamwork motivates unity in the workplace:

A teamwork environment promotes an atmosphere that fosters friendship

and loyalty. These close-knit relationships motivate employees in parallel
and align them to work harder, cooperate andbe supportive of one another.
Individuals possess diverse talents, weaknesses, communicationskills,
strengths, and habits. Therefore, when a teamwork

environment is not encouraged this can pose many challenges towards
achieving the overall goals and objectives. This creates anenvironment
where employees become focused on promoting theirown achievements
and competing against their fellow colleagues. Ultimately, this can lead to
an unhealthy and inefficient working environment.
When teamwork is working the whole team would be motivated andworking
toward the same goal in harmony.

o Teamwork offers differing perspectives and feedback:

Good teamwork structures provide your organization with a diversity of
thought, creativity, perspectives, opportunities, and problem-solving
approaches. A proper team environment allows individuals to brainstorm
collectively, which in turn increases their success to problem solve and
arrive at solutions more efficiently and effectively.
Effective teams also allow the initiative to innovate, in turn creating a
competitive edge to accomplish goals and objectives. Sharing differing
opinions and experiences strengthens accountability and can help make
effective decisions faster, than when done alone.
Team effort increases output by having quick feedback and multiple sets of
skills come into play to support your work. You can do the stages of
designing, planning, and implementation much more efficiently when a
team is functioning well.

o Teamwork provides improved efficiency and productivity
When incorporating teamwork strategies, you become more efficient and
productive. This is because it allows the workload to be shared, reducing the
pressure on individuals, and ensure tasks are completed within a set time
frame. It also allows goals to be more attainable, enhances the optimization
of performance, improves job satisfaction and increases work pace.
Ultimately, when a group of individuals works together, compared to one
person working alone, they promote a more efficient work output and are
able to complete tasks faster due to many minds intertwined on the same
goals and objectives of the business.

o Teamwork provides great learning opportunities:

Working in a team enables us to learn from one another’s mistakes. You are
able to avoid future errors, gain insight from differing perspectives, and learn
new concepts from more experienced colleagues.
In addition, individuals can expand their skill sets, discover fresh ideas from
newer colleagues and therefore ascertain more effective approaches and
solutions towards the tasks at hand. This active engagement generates the
future articulation, encouragement and innovative capacity to problem solve
and generate ideas more effectively and efficiently.

o Teamwork promotes workplace synergy:

Mutual support shared goals, cooperation and encouragement provide
workplace synergy. With this, team members are able to feel a greater sense

of accomplishment, are collectively responsible for outcomes achieved and
feed individuals with the incentive to perform at higher levels.
When team members are aware of their own responsibilities and roles, as
well as the significance of their output being relied upon by the rest of their
team, team members will be driven to share the same vision, values, and
goals. The result creates a workplace environment based on fellowship, trust,
support, respect, and cooperation.
Without the ability to effectively work in a team environment, you could
delay the success of developing, formulating and implementing new and
innovative ideas. The ability to problem solve is reduced, as well as the
attainment of meeting goals and objectives, in turn, limiting the efficiency
and effectiveness of growing a successful company is hindered.

Figure 5: Team work

VI. How teamwork and collaboration can make or
break your team and your company:

There are countless studies that have focused on collaboration and how
teamwork sets companies up for success. The truth of the matter is that
communication is at the heart of this issue. Without it, even the best
employee may struggle to connect with the rest of the group.

• A successful business requires team collaboration

Collaborative tasks in the workplace can help lift every member of your
team to the next level. If you feel stuck at some point, asking a teammate for
their input can help you finish a project successfully.

When trust issues are left unresolved, it can stunt every person on that team
and prevent everyone from moving forward.

when people work together, smartly, it can unleash energy that boosts
creativity, productivity, engagement, communication, and efficiency.

• Collaboration in the workplace takes into account
employees’ ideas, skills, experiences, and opinions:

When individuals work together openly, processes and goals become more
aligned, leading the group towards a higher success rate of achieving a
common goal.

• Collaboration spurs creativity, improves productivity, and

increases employee satisfaction:

With the right mindset and practices, collaboration can be a unique

differentiator for your company. The outcomes mentioned above prove
that collaboration in the workplace is a critical contributor to overall
business success.

• Collaborative leadership:

Solicit feedback from the team and make sure people are a part of the
process. Don’t hide behind closed doors. Make sure everyone feels like they
are a part of the process. People will feel valued and you’ll have more buy-in,
which leads to success.

Line managers are often competent at looking after their own team but lack
the expertise to effectively engage in cross-team collaboration. As a result,
links in the business chain can become broken. The most successful
companies are those embracing cross-team collaboration.

Great ideas don’t come from lone geniuses :When people play off each
other’s skills and knowledge, they can create solutions that are practical and

Figure 6: Quote 3

to stay ahead of the crowd, we need the best people working together to
deliver innovative solutions. With increasing competition in the market,
it’s become increasingly important to encourage collaboration in the

• Alignment:

Effective collaboration requires everyone working towards the same goal

Promoting collaboration is every bit as important as completing a project

risk assessment and workflow analysis. Yet, it’s something that is often
forgotten in lieu of more project-oriented tasks.

Both teamwork and collaboration enable employees to work together

efficiently to complete tasks and reach targets quicker

 When you work in a team, you’ll feel less stressed, Teamwork can
make you happier:

If your team has good energy you encourage and inspire each other, and you
have fun togetheryou’ll feel less stressed, says Murphy. “Studies show that
stress makes us stupid, and leads us to make more mistakes,” says Murphy.

Having happy employees is a worthwhile goal in itself, but the company

benefits, too. Research from the University of Warwick in England
suggests happy employees are up to 20 percent more productive than
unhappy employees. And who couldn’t benefit from a happiness boost?

• Dividing the work lets you grow your skills and Sharing the
workload eases burnout:

Team members can provide emotional support to each other because they
often understand the demands and stress of completing work even better than

Creating an environment that encourages everyone to work together can

have a big impact on your team’s performance, keep the workforce engaged
and efficient and to maximize productivity in the civil service.

Figure 7: Working in a team

• Working in a team helps you take risks that payoff:

When you work alone, you might be hesitant to put your neck on the line.
What if an idea you suggest falls flat? When you work on a team, you know
you have the support of the entire group to fall back on in case of failure. That
security typically allows teams to take the kind of risks that create “Eureka!”

VII. Does team work really make the dream work:

Teamwork makes the dream work is a phrase

you’ve probably heard, but sometimes it’s
elusive. If you’ve ever worked in a team that
really clicks, you’ll know how true it is. A
high functioning
Figure 8: Quote2.
team can achieve incredible results – not just incrementally better, but perhaps
10x those of an average team. But more than that, a great team is a pleasure to
work with. In fact, work becomes motivating, fun and incredibly rewarding
when you’re surrounded by a dream-team. Who wouldn’t want to work in a
team like that?!

1. The Origins of Teamwork Makes the dream work:

Figure 8:Quote 3

2. What does "teamwork makes the dream work" mean?

When a group of people share a common dream or work together to reach a
common goal, their desired results can be reached or surpassed through
effective cooperation. Everyone's role may differ

but, when delegated effectively, every contribution will matter.

3. Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork: how to make it

It’s all very well to have the desire for a high-functioning team, but how do
you actually create a dream-team? Not everyone has the natural leadership
and charisma of some of the well-known leaders of our time, but it’s still very
possible to create an amazing team.

Hiring perfect team members is obviously an ideal way to start, but often we
have an existing team that we want to improve. Don’t worry – no team is a
lost cause and there’s plenty that can be done!

4. Five qualities every dream team has in common:

A shared purpose:

A compelling vision is at the center of every great team.

Whether through an official business statement or a shared
desire to reach a certain result, team members
Figure 9:
are motivated to do their best work when their reason for doing it at all is crystal

A clear delegation of responsibilities:

You've heard the saying, "too many cooks spoil the broth" but not if every
cook has a clear responsibility. Members should add different contributions to
the team, and the best way to do that is to delegate tasks across them. Clear
responsibilities can lead to completed tasks in

shorter times, less back-and-forth between members and a clearer lens in which
to create and evaluate work.

Positive morale :
The best teams are supportive, encouraging and maintain a positive culture
amongst its members. This may not always come naturally, but positivity can
be cultivated through opportunities to understand one another or norms that
emphasize respect and recognition for every member. Something like a "one
mic" policy, a rule in which one person talks at a time, is a good way to make
great listeners out of every team member.

Efficient processes :
It's important to have efficient and effective processes across teams,
especially for those that are remote or involve many members. Processes that
can be clearly defined are how often the team will meet and when, the
itinerary for every meeting, and expectations or guidelines for participating.

Openness to constructive criticism :

One benefit of working in a team is working toward the best results in the
best way. Oftentimes, that means being respectfully honest about what aspects
of the team are holding others back, revising approaches or completely
chucking ideas that don't work. Therefore, in order for a team to work the
most effectively, everyone needs to be open to constructive criticism that is,
sharing critique for the sake of driving the strategy forward.

5. four Reasons Why Teamwork Makes the Dream Work:
Leaders understand that to achieve goals, it’s important to have everyone
working in unison. If they all have different goals, the only result you’ll get
is chaos. Here are four reasons why teamwork makes the dream work.

The Sum is Greater Than the Parts :

If the team has a common objective, everyone should be working to achieve

it. In a supportive team environment, everyone makes contributions based on
their unique skills. They don’t measure how much each has done to help the
common goal.

The team is stronger than the sum of its members because there are more
skills available, so weaknesses can be counterbalanced resulting in the team
accomplishing more than any individual could achieve on their own. There’s
no room for individual egos because everyone has an unselfish, common
goal. When the team succeeds — everyone in theteam shares the glory.

You Only Fail If You Stop Trying:

A team can support each other through the failures and disappointments as
well as the successes. Failures are only reasons why things didn’t work. An
individual may find it hard to try again but the team morale and support will
enable anyone who stumbles to carry on and try, try, try again. Without
failure, there would be no way to measure


It’s important to recognize and admit mistakes because only then can you
move past them and improve your learning curve. As your team celebrates
accomplishments, pride builds up and the team grows even stronger.
Eventually, there won’t be any stress if mistakes or failures do occur because
the team recognizes that a failure simply demonstrates what doesn’t work so
they can continue to narrow the options until finding something that does

 Recognize Your Full Potential:

As individuals; people have a lot of limitations. Each person is good at some

things and bad at others. However, when you’re part of a team, it becomes
easier to recognize people’s full potential because one person’s weakness is
someone else’s strength. It’s the combination of these strengths that sees teams
make powerful, forward progress towards reaching all objectives.

Being part of a supportive team gives everyone the ability to manage their
weaknesses by learning from each other to mutual benefit. One team member
may be an excellent administrator but a lousy salesperson. Another may be
great in sales but struggles with balancing financial records. By supporting
each other, the team gets much stronger as a result. “Use not only all the brains
you have but also all the brains that you can borrow.”

 Leaders are just Part of the Team:

Regardless of whether the leader is a team leader, a junior manager, a senior

manager or the CEO of the organization; you’re just another team member. Of
course, your role could be considered as different to the rest of the team, but
each team member has their area of responsibility and so it really isn’t that
different. If you don’t do your job well, that lets the team down in the same way
as if another team member lets the rest down.

A true leader carries the attitude that says “I’m part of the team. I just happen to
be the one in charge.” It doesn’t mean the leader can accomplish the goals on
their own. That’s why teams are created in the first place.

6. Why It Makes the Dream Work:

Good relationships in a business environment can be beneficial at work

and elsewhere. When everybody gets along, people are more inclined to help
one another without expecting anything in return.

Remember, the goal is to build a business and create an excellent working

environment. When the team falls apart, so does the company. When people work
together and get along well, there’s a much higher likelihood of good work being
produced. It’s not a complicated concept, and ‘teamwork makes the dreamwork’
brilliantly sums up the idea.

Here’s why teamwork makes the dream work. When a team collaborates
effectively, gets along, and puts in their fair share of the effort, it’s possible to
get everybody on the same page about what the goals of the company are.
Management and team leaders share ideas effectively and hold nothing back.

When employees are motivated and encouraged to collaborate together
to solve problems, they cease to be employees and they become a team.
Everybody benefits when the company succeeds, and individual employees are
more likely to achieve goals for themselves and management.

Figure 10: Image of teamwork.

Teamwork is the process through which team members collaborate to
achieve task goals. In this report, we discussed the concept of
collaboration and teamwork in the workplace, specifically we described
how teamwork and collaboration can make or break your team, then we
tried to answer the question does teamwork really make teamwork work,
and of course we introduced the importance of teamwork and the pillars of
great teamwork and collaboration.

Teamwork in general refers to the activities through which team inputs

translate into team outputs such as team effectiveness and satisfaction, it
has graced countless motivational posters. However, although teamwork
is often easy to observe, it is somewhat more difficult to describe and yet
more difficult to produce.

The relationship with the other remains fluctuating between conflicts and
friendship. However, we must overcome all difficulties and spread the
spirit of cooperation, work and motivation.

In the last, you and the team members are two sides of the same coin, and
if two things are two sides of the same coin, they are very closely related
although they seem different.


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