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Engineering Design Process of Face Masks Based on
Circularity and Life Cycle Assessment in the Constraint
of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Núria Boix Rodríguez 1, * , Giovanni Formentini 1 , Claudio Favi 1 and Marco Marconi 2

1 Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, 43124 Parma, Italy; (G.F.); (C.F.)
2 Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Business Organization, Università degli Studi della
Tuscia, 01100 Viterbo, Italy;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-0521-90-6344

Abstract: Face masks are currently considered key equipment to protect people against the COVID-19
pandemic. The demand for such devices is considerable, as is the amount of plastic waste generated
after their use (approximately 1.6 million tons/day since the outbreak). Even if the sanitary emergency
must have the maximum priority, environmental concerns require investigation to find possible
mitigation solutions. The aim of this work is to develop an eco-design actions guide that supports
the design of dedicated masks, in a manner to reduce the negative impacts of these devices on the
environment during the pandemic period. Toward this aim, an environmental assessment based
 on life cycle assessment and circularity assessment (material circularity indicator) of different types

of masks have been carried out on (i) a 3D-printed mask with changeable filters, (ii) a surgical
Citation: Boix Rodríguez, N.; mask, (iii) an FFP2 mask with valve, (iv) an FFP2 mask without valve, and (v) a washable mask.
Formentini, G.; Favi, C.; Marconi, M. Results highlight how reusable masks (i.e., 3D-printed masks and washable masks) are the most
Engineering Design Process of Face
sustainable from a life cycle perspective, drastically reducing the environmental impacts in all
Masks Based on Circularity and Life
categories. The outcomes of the analysis provide a framework to derive a set of eco-design guidelines
Cycle Assessment in the Constraint of
which have been used to design a new device that couples protection requirements against the virus
the COVID-19 Pandemic.
and environmental sustainability.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948. https://
Keywords: face masks; life cycle assessment; LCA; environmental analysis; eco-design; product
Academic Editor: development process; circularity; engineering design; COVID-19
Ali Bahadori-Jahromi

Received: 18 March 2021

Accepted: 23 April 2021 1. Introduction
Published: 28 April 2021 It is almost a year since the World Health Organization (WHO) classified the COVID-19
disease caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 virus as a pandemic [1], and by March 2021, more
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral than 100 million people had been infected [2] around the world, causing a global emer-
with regard to jurisdictional claims in gency that will continue until effective health care, prevention and/or medical treatment
published maps and institutional affil-
solutions (e.g., vaccines) are widely implemented.
During this period, the world has seen how human interaction, work and personal
hygiene habits, as well as daily routines, have changed. The most common method of
disease diffusion is through respiratory droplets, meaning that the virus can be transmitted
while people are breathing or speaking [3,4]. There are various methods of spreading the
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. virus: by direct contact with surfaces/people on which these droplets have been deposited
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. (large droplets > 20 µm) and airborne transmission, during which infection occurs when
This article is an open access article people inhale the droplets in the air (small droplets < 5–10 µm) [5–7]. Given this context,
distributed under the terms and
the importance of using devices that can reduce the spread of these particles has become
conditions of the Creative Commons
more evident, facial masks being the most recommended and effective device to reduce
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
contagion, along with the limitation of contact between people (such as lockdowns carried
out in various countries) [8–10]. That is why WHO guidelines and several research studies

Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948.

Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 2 of 26

recommend the use of masks both in closed and open spaces [8,11–13]. These devices act
as a physical barrier to prevent particle dispersion, thus filtering the exhalation of infected
individuals [14]. For this reason, masks should be worn during daily activities (work,
public transport, etc.) by a large part of the population during 2021, especially in places
where ventilation is not good [7,13–15].
The WHO has estimated that 89 million medical masks are needed per month [16], a
huge quantity that caused limited stocks in many countries during the initial period of the
pandemic [17–19]. Moreover, their production entails a large consumption of fossil-based
materials and the generation of large amounts of waste (difficult to manage), which can
cause an environmental issue. This problem should not be forgotten although, at this time,
efforts should be focused on solving the current health emergency. These sustainability
issues are due to the fact that masks (surgical and PPE, or personal protective equipment)
are usually disposable devices, generally produced by using different layers of nonwoven
fibers made of thermoplastic polymers [20] and sometimes functionalized to improve their
filtering properties [21,22]. This type of devices is very difficult to recycle, which makes the
end of life (EoL) of the product another critical and impactful aspect to manage since most of
the masks end up being discarded in municipal/sanitary landfills or incinerated [23], with
considerable emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) [24]. Furthermore, masks potentially
represent a source of microplastics, which are very dangerous for microorganisms living
in water and can reenter the human food chain, causing severe health problems [25,26].
This is the reason why studies are being promoted to obtain masks with biodegradable
materials [27], which should facilitate their end-of-life disposal.
With the aim of improving the sustainability of the health sector, the focus is being
placed on increasing the lifespan of these devices, mainly through their reuse [28]. In this
way, some governments (i.e., Spain) [29] are taking measures that promote the manufacture
and use of reusable hygienic masks (specified in UNE 0065 standard). Additionally, various
investigations have focused on giving biocidal properties to masks to increase their useful
life and reduce bio-infectious waste [30,31]. Studies such as those by McGain et al. [32] and
Ertz and Patrick [28] have exposed the economic and environmental benefits of reusing
medical devices. Klemeš et al. [33] have conducted research focused on the energy and
carbon footprint associated with masks and PPE during the COVID-19 pandemic period.
The result of this study shows that if a proper selection of materials is made, a suitable
design is used, and user guides are drawn up, reusable PPE leads to a reduction in
energy consumption and environmental footprint. Kumar et al. [34] have carried out an
environmental analysis and sustainable waste management study of PPE kits (surgical
mask, gloves, goggles, suit), considering different scenarios such as end-of-life landfill
disposal or incineration (centralized and decentralized), finding, as a result, that the most
unfavorable situation is landfill disposal. Allison et al. [35] carried out an investigation
comparing single-use masks with reusable ones, considering various scenarios, finding
that the use of reusable masks reduces the amount of waste entering general waste streams.
Results obtained by Schmutz et al. [36] and Boix et al. [37] comparing surgical and reusable
masks instead highlight the great dependence that the impact calculations have on the use
phase (personal behavior) and materials used. However, these studies do not offer a global
comparison of the different models of masks available on the market, a clear vision when
comparing the different impacts (environmental, circularity, etc.), or facilitate decision
making from the eco-design perspective.
Only a few and preliminary life cycle assessment (LCA) studies and eco-design analy-
ses have been carried out on this topic (the environmental impact of face masks) [38,39].
The main goal of this research paper is to develop an eco-design actions guide that helps
engineers and designers during the process of product development of new masks, with
the objective to reduce the negative impacts of these devices on the environment during
this pandemic period. To achieve this objective, an LCA analysis on different types of
masks was carried out: (i) M1—3D-printed mask with changeable filters, (ii) M2—surgical
mask, (iii) M3—FFP2 mask with valve, (iv) M4—FFP2 mask without valve, and (v) M5—
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 28

Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 3 of 26

during this pandemic period. To achieve this objective, an LCA analysis on different types
of masks was carried out: (i) M1—3D-printed mask with changeable filters, (ii) M2—
surgical mask, (iii) M3—FFP2 mask with valve, (iv) M4—FFP2 mask without valve, and
(v) M5—washable
washable mask. Themask. studyThewasstudy was performed
performed considering considering
the Italianthe Italian scenario;
scenario; Italy was Italy
of theone
first EU tocountries
face thetopandemic
face the pandemic
emergency,emergency, therefore
therefore having thehaving
data datafor
available available for the
the analysis. analysis.the
However, However,
study can the
bestudy can beand
transferred transferred
replicatedand to
other to other
countries. countries.
This paper has Thisthepaper has the
ambition ambitionato
to provide providebasis
scientific a scientific
to reducebasistheto
waste produced during this pandemic, increase the circularity of
reduce the waste produced during this pandemic, increase the circularity of these devices these devices (through
the study of
(through thethe material
study circularity
of the materialindicator
circularity(MCI)), and increase
indicator (MCI)), theandoverall
the overall
of face masks. of
sustainability Allface
masks. enable the definition
All analyses enableofthe a framework
definition for of athe development
framework of
for the
an eco-sustainable
development of anmask, which undoubtedly
eco-sustainable mask, whichcan be of great relevance
undoubtedly can beduring
of great the current
during health situation
the current in the
serious world.
health The novelty
situation of the paper
in the world. is to overtake
The novelty the main
of the paper is to
limitations of general studies regarding the environmental
overtake the main limitations of general studies regarding the environmental performance of face masks,
performance a study thatmasks,
of face allowsproviding
having a global
a study vision
that of the impacts
allows havingofa the masks
global currently
vision of the
on the market and facilitating eco-design decision making.
impacts of the masks currently on the market and facilitating eco-design decision making.
The rest
rest of
of the
organizedas asfollows:
follows: Section
Section 22describes
describes thethemethodology
followed to to develop
develop the the LCA
LCA analysis,
analysis, the
the calculation
calculation of of the
the circularity
circularity index,
index, asas well
wellas as
the eco-design guidelines and mask development process; Section
the eco-design guidelines and mask development process; Section 3 presents the results 3 presents the results
obtainedfor forthe
masks, their most
their critical
most aspects
critical and also
aspects anddevelops an eco-design
also develops an eco-
guide, in addition to proposing a framework for the development
design guide, in addition to proposing a framework for the development of a sustainable of a sustainable mask;
Section 4 discusses the main outcomes of the research. Finally,
mask; Section 4 discusses the main outcomes of the research. Finally, Section Section 5 summarizes the5
conclusions and possible future developments.
summarizes the conclusions and possible future developments.
2. Materials and Methods
2. Materials and Methods
The following study has been carried out using a methodology composed of three
The following study has been carried out using a methodology composed of three
easily identifiable phases: (i) assessment of environmental and circularity key performance
easily identifiable phases: (i) assessment of environmental and circularity key
indicators (KPIs), (ii) a knowledge-based system for eco-design, and (iii) ask development
performance indicators (KPIs), (ii) a knowledge-based system for eco-design, and (iii) ask
process. The workflow and the main activities of each phase are reported in Figure 1 and
detailed in theprocess.
following The workflow and the main activities of each phase are reported in
Figure 1 and detailed in the following subsections.

Figure1.1. Methodology.
Figure Methodology.

2.1. Environmental
2.1. Environmental and
and Circularity
Circularity KPI
KPI Assessment
In order
In order to
to meet
meet the
the objectives
objectives ofof this
this study
study and
and identify
identify critical
critical points
points of
of these
products, LCAmethodology
methodologyhas hasbeen
Handbook, which
Handbook, which identifies
1. Goal and scope definition;
2. Life cycle inventory (LCI);
3. Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA);
4. Interpretation.
This type
makesit it
possible to to
possible establish thethe
establish environmental impacts
environmental and and
impacts the
resources used during the life cycle of the product, including some categories that may
the resources used during the life cycle of the product, including some categories that may not
nottaken into into
be taken account when
account a simpler
when study
a simpler is conducted.
study is conducted.
The functional unit chosen to carry out the comparison is “The use of a face mask that
complies with UNI EN 149:2009 or UNI EN 14683:2019 standards and is able to prevent the
emission of respiratory droplets, in a pandemic situation for Italian citizen during a month.” It
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 28

Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 The functional unit chosen to carry out the comparison is “The use of a face mask4 of 26
complies with UNI EN 149:2009 or UNI EN 14683:2019 standards and is able to prevent the
emission of respiratory droplets, in a pandemic situation for Italian citizen during a month.” It
was decided
decided to to take
take thethe time
time reference
reference of of 11 month
month to to facilitate
facilitate thethe calculation
calculation of of the
the impact
during the entire pandemic due to the uncertainty that exists regarding the end of
the entire pandemic due to the uncertainty that exists regarding the end this
of this
period, making it possible to obtain the total impact by
period, making it possible to obtain the total impact by multiplying the results obtained multiplying the results obtained
by the
the total
total months.
months. Italy Italy has
has been
been used
used as as the
the reference
reference country
country due due to to the
the available
available data
necessary for the analysis; however, the obtained results can be transferred to
for the analysis; however, the obtained results can be transferred to other
other EUEU
countries and geographical
countries and geographical areas. areas.
To facilitate
facilitate comparative
comparative analysis,analysis, it it was
was established
established that that the
the reference
reference flow flow isis aa face
mask that complies with UNI EN 149:2009 or UNI
mask that complies with UNI EN 149:2009 or UNI EN 14683:2019 in order to consider EN 14683:2019 in order to consider
masks that that assure
assure aa certain
certain degree
degree of of safety
safety for for final
final users.
users. TheThe UNIUNI EN EN 149:2009
149:2009 is is the
reference standard for PPEs that foresees a series of testing
reference standard for PPEs that foresees a series of testing and marking requirements (e.g., and marking requirements
inspection, inspection,
leakage, leakage, compatibility
compatibility with skin, with skin, flammability
flammability of material, of breathing
for this kind for of
this kind of protective
protective equipment equipment
dedicateddedicated to the protection
to the protection of nose and of
nose and mouth. Among the required performance tests,
mouth. Among the required performance tests, the penetration of filter material is the the penetration of filter material
is therelated
test test related to droplet
to droplet emission
emission (and(and inhalation).
inhalation). The Thepenetration
penetrationofoffilter filter material
material is
quantified through the particle filtration efficiency (PFE) parameter by following the test
procedure in inaccordance
accordancewith withthe theUNIUNIEN EN 13274-7:2019.
13274-7:2019. According
According to this test,test,
to this masksmaskscan
be classifiedinto into
categories:FFP1FFP1 (PFE(PFE≥ 80% ≥ of
80% PFE), FFP2FFP2
of PFE), (PFE (PFE≥ 94%), and FFP3
≥ 94%), and
FFP3 ≥(PFE 99%). ≥ The99%).UNI TheEN UNI 14683:2019
EN 14683:2019 is the isreference
the reference standard for surgical
standard masks
for surgical that
that foresees requirements
requirements andand testtest
methods forforsuch
equipment,generallygenerally dedicated
dedicated to
medical environments.
environments. The The standard
standard includes
includes requirements
requirements about aboutmaterial
splash resistance,
splash resistance,microbialmicrobial cleanliness
cleanliness (bioburden),
(bioburden), biocompatibility, and bacteria
biocompatibility, and filtration
filtration (BFE). The latterThe
(BFE). is the keyisparameter
latter that allows
the key parameter thatthe verification
allows of whether
the verification of
the material
whether used to used
the material manufacture the mask
to manufacture the is ableisto
mask filtrate
able a reference
to filtrate a referencepathogen,
pathogen, the
the Staphylococcus aureus, withwith
aureus, a certain efficiency:
a certain BFE ≥
efficiency: BFE95% for Type
≥ 95% I masks
for Type and BFE
I masks and ≥ BFE98% ≥
for Type II or IIR masks (which are also resistant
98% for Type II or IIR masks (which are also resistant to splashes). to splashes).
The system
The system boundaries
boundaries considered
considered in in the
the LCA
LCA study study include
include (Figure
(Figure 2) 2) (i) mask
production (material extraction and, for the M1 mask, the manufacturing(additive
production (material extraction and, for the M1 mask, the manufacturing process process
(additive (ii) transportation
manufacturing)); (distribution
(ii) transportation center and final
(distribution center user);
and (iii)
finalusage phase;
user); (iii)
(iv) maintenance
usage (disinfection with
phase; (iv) maintenance ethanol or
(disinfection withwash);
ethanolandor (v)wash);
end ofand life.(v) end of life.

Figure 2. System boundary.

Figure 2. System boundary.

Five different
different types
types of
of masks
masks available
available on
on the
the market
market have been selected
have been selected as
as follows:
•• M1—3D-printed
M1—3D-printed model.
model. This
This commercial
commercial mask
mask uses disposable FFP2
uses disposable FFP2 filters.
filters. This
technology isis very
very widespread
widespread onon the
the market
market for
for masks
masks with
with aa reusable
reusable structure.
The 3D-printed
3D-printed part
part has
has to
to be
be disinfected
disinfected to
to ensure
ensure that
that it
it is safe to
is safe to use.
use. FFP2
FFP2 filters
guarantee a filtration efficiency of at least 94% and must be changed every 8 h of
use [41].
Sustainability 2021,
Sustainability 2021, 13,
13, xx FOR
REVIEW 55 of
of 28

Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 5 of 26

guarantee aa filtration
guarantee filtration efficiency
efficiency of of at
at least
least 94%94% and
and mustmust be be changed
changed everyevery 88 hh of of use
• •• M2—surgical
M2—surgical mask.mask. This This
mask. This type
type type
of of
of device
device is foris
device is for
for single
single single
use onlyuse
use only and
and andas acts
acts as
as aa barrier
a barrier to to
barrier to
prevent droplets
droplets from
from being
being transmitted
transmitted during
prevent droplets from being transmitted during breathing or speaking. They mainly breathing
breathing or
or speaking.
speaking. They
They mainly
protect otherother
protect other
people, people,
not the not the
the wearer,
notwearer, wearer,
although they
they cantheyhelpcan help
can to
help to
to prevent
prevent prevent
the user the user
user from
thefrom from
coming into contact with a stream of liquid. They must be discarded every 4 h of use
coming into
into contact
contact with
with a
a stream
stream of
of liquid.
liquid. They
They must
must be
be discarded
discarded every
every 44 h
h of
of use
use [41].
• •• M3—FFP2
M3—FFP2 with with with exhalation
exhalation valve.valve.
valve. maskmask
This is foris
mask for
for single
issingle single
use anduse
use isand
and is
is designed
designed to to
designed to
facilitate breathing
breathing through
through its
its valve.
valve. It
It protects
facilitate breathing through its valve. It protects the user from possible external the
the user
user from
from possible
possible external
contamination, but itbut
but itit does
does does not
not protect
not protect protect
others. others.
others. mustmust
They must be
be discarded
be discarded everyevery
discarded 8 h of88 hh of
every of
use [41]. [41].
• • M4—FFP2
M4—FFP2 without without an exhalation
an exhalation valve.valve.
As inAs theinprevious
the previouscase, case, it issingle
it is for for single
use use
but, since
but, since since
it does itit does
not not
not have
have an
an exhalationvalve,valve,
an exhalation valve, itit protects
it protects protects both
both the the user
user and
and others.
userothers. others.
It It
to be to
needs to be
be discarded
discarded everyevery
discarded 8 h of88use
every hh of use
use [41].
of[41]. [41].
• •• M5—washable
M5—washable mask.mask.
Mask Mask
can be can be
be reused
canreused reused
several several
several times, maintaining
maintaining its
its filtering
its filtering filtering
efficiency for at least 50 washes. In this case, maintenance
efficiency for at least 50 washes. In this case, maintenance consists of washing the the
efficiency for at least 50 washes. In this case, maintenance consists
consists of
of washing
washing the
product in a washing machine at a recommended temperature between 40 C and 75
product in a washing machine at a recommended temperature between ◦
40 °C and
75 ◦ C°C
°C [42].
The life life
life cycle
Thecycle inventory
cycle (LCI)(LCI)
inventory mustmust
(LCI) consider
must all
all materials
all materials
consider and
and energy
and energy
materials flowsflows
energy (inputs
flows (inputs
and outputs)
and related
and outputs)
outputs) to theto
related tofunctional
the unit so
the functional
functional that
unit sothey
so that are
that they
they quantified.
are The full
are quantified.
quantified. Thedescription
The full
full description
of theof
LCI (both and background
(both foreground
foreground and data) is reported
and background
background data) as
data) isSupplementary
is reported
reported as Materials
as Supplementary
to make the study
Materials to fully
to make the study
the In this
study fully
fully manuscript,In
reproducible. the
In LCImanuscript,
this has been mainly
manuscript, divided
the LCI
the LCI has been
has been
into two parts:divided
the firstinto
one is two parts:
related the materials
to the first oneused is related to the materials
and manufacturing phase,used
and and
the second one is related
manufacturing phase,
phase,to and
the secondThe
second oneLCI
one is for the materials
is related
related to
to the useand
the use manufacturing
phase. The
The LCILCI for
for the
seeks to and
materials know exactly the components
and manufacturing
manufacturing phase
phase seeks
to materials
to know
know thatthe
exactly make
the up these products.
components and
and materials
For this
that make
make up upthethese
five types
these of masks
products. For studied
For this
this were manually
purpose, the
the five disassembled,
five types
types of masksand
of masks each were
studied were
manuallywas disassembled,
weighed using the
disassembled, andappropriate
and each component
each equipment
component wasforweighed
was it. Table 1using
weighed showsthe
using the appropriate
the results
of theequipment
LCI manufacturing
for it. Table phase for each
1 shows the type of of
results mask.
the LCI manufacturing phase for each type
of mask.
Table 1. Life cycle inventory (LCI) of the mask production phase.
Table 1.
Table 1. Life
Life cycle
cycle inventory
inventory (LCI)
(LCI) of
of the
the mask
mask production
production phase.
Type Image Component Weight [g] Material
Type Image
Type Image Component
Component Weight
Weight [g]
[g] Material
Material Process
Manufacturing Process
0.50 0.50 PP—Polypropylene
PP—Polypropylene N.A.
Filter Filter N.A. N.A.
0.50 0.50 PE—Polyester
M1 M1
Structure 30.00
30.00 30.00 PLA
3D printing
3D printing
Bands Bands 3.00 3.00 Synthetic Synthetic
rubber rubber N.A. N.A.
1.28 1.28
1.28 PP—Polypropylene
PP—Polypropylene N.A.
Filter Filter N.A. N.A.
1.28 1.28 PE—Polyester
M2 M2
Nose adapter
Nose adapter 0.44
adapter 0.44 0.44 Aluminum
Aluminum Aluminum Wire
Wire drawing
Wire drawing
Bands Bands 0.02 0.02 Cotton Cotton N.A. N.A.
Filter Filter 5.00
5.00 5.00 PP—Polypropylene
PP—Polypropylene N.A.
PP—Polypropylene N.A. N.A.
Valve Valve
Valve 5.00 5.00
5.00 PP—Polypropylene
PP—Polypropylene Injection
Injection molding
Injection molding
M3 M3
M3 Nose
Nose adapter
Nose adapter 0.95
adapter 0.95 0.95 Aluminum
Aluminum Aluminum Wire
Wire drawing
Wire drawing
Nose Nose protection
Nose protection 0.05 0.05
0.05 PU—Polyurethane
PU—Polyurethane foam foam
foam N.A. N.A.
Bands Bands 3.00 3.00 Synthetic Synthetic
rubber rubber N.A. N.A.
Filter 5.00
5.00 PP—Polypropylene
PP—Polypropylene N.A.
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEWFilter 5.00 PP—Polypropylene N.A. 6 of 28
Nose adapter
Nose adapter 0.95
0.95 Aluminum
Aluminum Wire drawing
Wire drawing
M4 M4
M4 Nose adapter 0.95 Aluminum Wire drawing
Bands Bands
Bands 3.00 3.00
3.00 Synthetic rubber
Synthetic rubber rubber
Synthetic N.A. N.A.
2.70 2.70 PP—Polypropylene
PP—Polypropylene N.A.
M5 Filter
Filter N.A.
M5 Bands Filter 2.70
1.00 2.70 PE—Polyester
Cotton PE—Polyester N.A. N.A.
Bands 1.00 Cotton N.A.

To define the inventory of the use phase, it must be taken into account that the study
scenario is Italy where it is estimated that there is a daily need for masks of 40 million [43].
The daily mask estimation, together with the useful life of each type, allows us to know
the total masks needed during the established period of time (one month), as can be seen
in Table 2.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 6 of 26

To define the inventory of the use phase, it must be taken into account that the study
scenario is Italy where it is estimated that there is a daily need for masks of 40 million [43].
The daily mask estimation, together with the useful life of each type, allows us to know the
total masks needed during the established period of time (one month), as can be seen in
Table 2.

Table 2. Life cycle inventory (LCI) of the use phase.

Type Lifespan Units [million]

Mask - 40
Filter 8h 600
M2 4h 1200
M3 8h 600
M4 8h 600
M5 50 washes 40

Considering the use phase, M1 and M5 models require some type of “maintenance.”
In the case of M1, the ethanol used to disinfect the 3D-printed mask was considered in the
inventory. On the other hand, for the M5 model, the water, electricity, and soap that are
consumed in a standard washing cycle performed with a washing machine were quantified.
Concerning the end-of-life assessment, the hypothesis that all masks are disposed of in
municipal landfills was established. For secondary data, datasets from Ecoinvent 3.5
were used.
Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) was carried out using a specific software tool
(i.e., SimaPro The selected impact indicators are the most suitable for the purpose
of this article. Two different methods have been used: i) ReCiPe and ii) cumulative
energy demand (CED). With the first method, it is possible to have an overview of the
environmental loads using the midpoints (12 chosen categories, see Table 3) and endpoints
(three categories, see Table 3), facilitating the interpretation of results [44]. On the other
hand, the single-issue CED method was used to complement the information provided
by ReCiPe concerning the LCIA of energy resources since CED allows us to take into
account the energy consumption related to the product (directly or indirectly) during its
life cycle [45].

Table 3. LCIA methods and indicators analyzed [44].

LCIA Method Indicator Acronym Unit

Global warming potential GWP [Kg CO2 eq]
Ozone depletion potential ODP [kg CFC11 eq]
Photochemical oxidant formation potential OFP [kg NOx eq]
Particulate matter formation potential PMFP [kg PM2.5 eq]
Terrestrial acidification potential TAP [kg SO2 eq]
ReCiPe Midpoints Freshwater eutrophication potential FEP [kg P eq]
Terrestrial ecotoxicity potential TETP [kg 1.4-DCB]
Freshwater ecotoxicity potential FETP [kg 1.4-DCB]
Marine ecotoxicity potential METP [kg 1.4-DCB]
Human toxicity potential HTP [kg 1.4-DCB]
Fossil fuel potential FFP [kg oil eq]
Water consumption potential WCP [m3]
Human Health HH [-]
ReCiPe Endpoints Ecosystem ED [-]
Resources RA [-]
Single Issue Cumulative energy demand CED [MJ]

Finally, the research work includes the analysis of the product circularity, sharing the
vision of the EU and its purpose of achieving a circular economy [46]. In order to evaluate
this factor, the material circularity indicator (MCI) was used. MCI studies the flow of
the product, indicating how restorative it is [47] and considering values in the range of
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 7 of 26

0 and 1 (0 being fully linear and 1 being fully circular). The MCI calculator tool [48] was
used to obtain the value of this parameter (in this tool, the minimum value that can be
reached is 0.1, considering this result fully linear). A key parameter for the calculation of
the MCI is the “utility,” which can be calculated using a simplified version of the method
(Equation (1)) proposed by [47] as follows:
X= (1)

• L represents the useful life of the product;
• Lav refers to the average useful life of the industry.

2.2. Knowledge-Based System for Eco-Design

In order to minimize the consumption of resources and the impact on the planet, eco-
design has to be adopted as a design method, using a life cycle thinking (LCT) approach
in which the entire life cycle of the product is taken into account. Approximately 70% of
a product’s cost, environmental impact, and functional requirements can be determined
during the design phase, thus demonstrating the importance of eco-design in those stages
of the project [49]. The application of scientific and technological principles to design and
carrying out engineering activities in a sustainable way, together with the LCT approach
to optimize the life cycle of a product in order to protect the environment and improve
economic progress, are defined as life cycle engineering (LCE). There are different design
support tools that have been in use for years, with a broad spectrum ranging from extremely
easy to use (i.e., recommendations) to some with a very complex structure [50].
To carry out the knowledge-based system step, methodologies that have already
been shown to be effective in literature were followed. An example is the “Ten Golden
Rules” explained in the study by Luttropp and Lagerstedt, which presented a qualitative
approach to the application and creation of an eco-design guide [50]. On the other hand,
the guidelines of the international ISO 14006:2011 [51] (updated in 2020) standard were
used, establishing a methodology and a flowchart that must be followed to incorporate eco-
design during the development of a product. This methodology is based on the following
six phases:
• Define product functions;
• Environmental analysis;
• Environmental improvement strategies;
• Develop environmental objectives;
• Environmental product specification;
• Develop technical solutions.
During the environmental assessment phase, LCA analysis was used and integrated
into the eco-design application. Articles that work with both methods (LCA and eco-
design) were a source of inspiration [52,53], together with the detailed explanation and
application of the methodology set out in the ISO 14006:2011, presented in the article
by Navajas et al. [54]. Therefore, as reported in many of the reviewed existing success
experiences, after an LCA analysis, the most impactful components are usually identified
to create a database that has a key role in establishing which aspects should be the focus of
attention for achieving a significant environmental improvement while maintaining the
functionality of the product. In the present paper, to carry out this analysis and obtain
an eco-design actions guide, the same methodology was followed by first establishing
criticalities of each phase of the device’s life cycle (once the LCA and MCI analyses have
been performed) and then developing specific measures to improve these aspects. Figure 3
shows how this methodology has been customized for an application to the specific
case study.
of attention for achieving a significant environmental improvement while maintaining the
functionality of the product. In the present paper, to carry out this analysis and obtain an
eco-design actions guide, the same methodology was followed by first establishing
criticalities of each phase of the device’s life cycle (once the LCA and MCI analyses have
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 been performed) and then developing specific measures to improve these aspects. 8Figureof 26
3 shows how this methodology has been customized for an application to the specific case

Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 28

Figure 3. Eco-design methodology applied to this study.
Figure 3. Eco-design methodology applied to this study.

2.3. Mask
Mask Development
Development process
The process
process workflow
workflow followed
followed to
to carry
carry out the development
development of a new device is
depicted in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Process workflow.

Figure 4. Process workflow.

First ofofall,all, eco-design
eco-design measures
measures should should be included
be included in the listin the listrequirements
of product of product
developed by developed
the same authorsby the of
thisauthors of this
paper and paper and
discussed discussed
in depth in [55],inalong
in [55],
along with
specific the specific
regulations andregulations andthese
standards for standards
list ofdevices. A list of
requirements is requirements
the collection
of the collection
customer’s needsof customer’s
that must beneeds that must
satisfied by thebe satisfied
creation of by the creation
a physical product of aorphysical
product or system. In it, together with environmental aspects, other factors
In it, together with environmental aspects, other factors such as safety and ergonomic such as safety
and ergonomic design were also covered. Table 4 shows an example of
design were also covered. Table 4 shows an example of some sustainability requirements.some sustainability
Table 4. Excerpt of the list of sustainable requirements [55].
Table 4. Excerpt of the list of sustainable requirements [55].
Type Requirement
Type Requirement
Wish Might be made of sustainable materials
Demand Might be made of sustainable
Might be reusable materials
Demand Might be reusable
Might be durable
Demand Might provide filtering status information
Might be durable
Wish Might be recyclable
Wish Might provide filtering status information
Demand Need to allow to see the face
Wish Might be recyclable
Might be personalized
Wish Need to allowNeed
to see
to the face for daily use
be cheap
Wish Need to be available for each person in very constrained time
Might be personalized
Wish Need to be cheap for daily use
Demand Need to be available for each person in very constrained time

It is interesting to notice that pillars of sustainability other than environmental factors

Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 9 of 26

It is interesting to notice that pillars of sustainability other than environmental factors

have been considered. For example, the “Need to allow to see the face” has an important role
in the social aspect of sustainability (facilitating comprehension during a conversation and
improving safety in certain environments). This requirement is highly debated in the social
context; indeed, face masks decrease speech intelligibility and make communication more
difficult, especially for people with hearing loss, and few works have been developed to
tackle this issue [56–58].
The first step of development was followed by the functional analysis of the product,
applying the methodology proposed by Pahl and Beitz [59]. The Pahl and Beitz theory uses
a black box to represent the main product function, while the flows of material, energy,
and signal are transformed by the function itself passing through the black box. The main
function is then divided into subfunctions with a hierarchical structure. and a complex tree
structure is created. In order to carry out this analysis, the main function (characterized
by a black box) must be defined (“Filter air from viruses and pollutants to protect a person”),
which is also composed of various subfunctions related to each other through different
fluxes (i.e., mass, signal, and energy fluxes).
The result of the functional analysis represents the starting point for the modulariza-
tion phase, following the heuristics method for product modularization proposed by Stone
and Wood [60]. The lowest hierarchical level of the functional analysis is used to identify
modules. This step consists of grouping functions by using three separate strategies (heuris-
tics): (i) dominant flow (DF), (ii) branching flows (BF), and (iii) conversion–transmission
modules (CTM). The main objective of the identification of the modules is to group the
functions of the previous phase into categories that facilitate the identification of the
technological implementation.
To carry out the last product development phase, a morphological matrix [61] can be
used, which allows us to analyze and compare the different possible solutions for a given
problem. The morphological matrix allows generating an exhaustive set of solutions for
a given problem (in this case, each product “module”), organizing them into a matrix in
which rows identify modules and columns identify possible solutions (i.e., design options).
The morphological matrix enables the analysis of all the engineering solutions that may
occur during the development of the facial mask. It concerns the analysis and permutations
of any possible solutions generated to fulfill each module identified within the previous
step. Thus, the various solutions obtained in the morphological matrix can be combined to
obtain the final product that meets all the requirements.

3. Results
3.1. Environmental and Circularity KPI Assessment
This section presents the results obtained during the environmental and circularity
investigations. Table 5 shows the values of the LCA midpoints studied, considering the
use phase of the product and its end of life. These results show that the highest values
in all categories analyzed have been obtained for M3 (FFP2 mask with valve), then M4
(FFP2 mask without valve), followed by M2 (surgical mask), and with a large difference
of up to an order of magnitude in some categories (i.e., GWP), M1 (3D-printed mask) and
M5 (washable mask). Figure 5 shows the percentage distribution for the GWP indicator;
the rest of the ReCiPe midpoints are reported in Table 5, and the percentage distribution
is analogous.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 10 of 26

Table 5. ReCiPe midpoints (H).

Impact Category Unit M1 M2 M3 M4 M5

GWP [Kg CO2 eq] 3.9 × 106 2.7 × 107 5.6 × 107 3.8 × 107 1.5 × 106
ODP [kg CFC11 eq] 1.8 6.1 1.0 × 10 8.3 2.3
OFP [kg NOx eq] 1.3 × 104 1.0 × 105 1.9 × 105 1.4 × 105 5.7 × 103
PMFP [kg PM2.5 eq] 3.7 × 103 3.4 × 104 5.7 × 104 4.5 × 104 2.1 × 103
TAP [kg SO2 eq] 9.9 × 103 8.0 × 104 1.5 × 105 1.1 × 105 4.5 × 103
FEP [kg P eq] 5.9 × 102 5.3 × 103 1.0 × 104 7.7 × 103 4.2 × 102
TETP [kg 1.4-DCB] 4.9 × 106 2.9 × 107 4.8 × 107 4.3 × 107 1.9 × 106
FETP [kg 1.4-DCB] 1.2 × 105 1.0 × 106 3.4 × 106 3.1 × 106 4.5 × 104
METP [kg 1.4-DCB] 1.7 × 105 1.3 × 106 4.7 × 106 4.3 × 106 5.8 × 104
HTP [kg 1.4-DCB] 2.4 × 106 1.4 × 107 9.6 × 107 9.2 × 107 7.5 × 105
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER[kg oil eq]
REVIEW 1.2 × 106 7.3 × 106 1.7 × 107 1.1 × 107 4.1 × 10115 of 28
WCP [m3] 5.4 × 104 2.0 × 105 3.9 × 105 2.9 × 105 7.0 × 104

Figure 5. Percentage distribution of the GWP indicator.

Figure 5. Percentage distribution of the GWP indicator.

ordertotomakemakethe theinterpretation
interpretationofofresults resultseasier,
disposablemasks masksand andother
that allow total or partial reuse of the device were analyzed
that allow total or partial reuse of the device were analyzed separately. The first group separately. The first group
refers M2,M3, M3,andandM4;M4;it itshould
mindthat thatthe
and M4but butentails
environmentalimpacts impactsfor foritsitsmanufacturing.
manufacturing.M3 M3greatly
from M4 in the FFP, GWP, and OFP categories (about 36%,
from M4 in the FFP, GWP, and OFP categories (about 36%, 32%, and 27%, respectively), 32%, and 27%, respectively),
with theaverage
differenceofof20%. 20%.The Thevariations
models,which whichhavehave
the same lifespan, are due to, among other factors, the fact that
the same lifespan, are due to, among other factors, the fact that the M3 is composed of five the M3 is composed of five
different components, and the amount of plastic (PP) used
different components, and the amount of plastic (PP) used is double that in the M4 case. is double that in the M4 case.
comparingM4 M4andandM2, M2,ititisisobserved
observedthat thatthethehighest
occur theHTP,HTP,METP,
METP, andand FETPcategories
FETP categories(about(about85%, 85%,68%,
68%,and and67%,67%,respectively),
with averagedifference
differenceofof40%. 40%.The Thefact
in this second case is due to the completely different
in this second case is due the completely different manufacturing and use phasesmanufacturing and use phases of of
respect totoM4.
addition,the theamount
amount of material necessary necessary to tofulfill
demand facemasks
differentfor forM4 M4and andM2;
for M2has hasa agreater
regards reusable
reusable solutions,
solutions, afterafter comparing
comparing M1, which
M1, which allowsallows
the reuse the ofreuse of the
the mask
mask structure
structure since the since theare
filters filters are disposable,
disposable, with M5,with which M5,canwhich can beupreused
be reused up to 50
to 50 washes
without thelosing
filtration performance,
the filtration it is observed
performance, that the greatest
it is observed that the difference occurs
greatest difference
in HTP, and FFP,
METP and(about
METP 69%, 66%,69%,
(about and66%,66%,and respectively). By contrast,
66%, respectively). the impact
By contrast, the
ODP and of ODP WCP categories
and WCP categoriesof M5 are of higher
M5 are than higher those
M1 (about 33% and
of M1 (about 33%30%,and
respectively). The factThe
30%, respectively). thatfact
WCP thatisWCP
higherisin the case
higher in theof M5
caseis of
dueM5 toisthe
due cotton used
to the during
cotton used
during the mask production phase (a critical material for this indicator) and the
maintenance (i.e., washing) required by this mask during its useful life for the purpose of
Subsequently, a more in-depth analysis of the midpoints for each mask was carried
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 11 of 26

the mask production phase (a critical material for this indicator) and the maintenance (i.e.,
washing) required by this mask during its useful life for the purpose of disinfection.
Subsequently, a more in-depth analysis of the midpoints for each mask was carried
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 28
out. Figure 6 shows the results for M3, which exhibits the highest levels of impact.

Figure Midpoints(H)

As canbebeinferred,
inferred,in inalmost
almostall allcategories,
productionof ofthe
the phase causing the most impact during its life cycle. Only in FETP, METP, and HTP,HTP,
the phase causing the most impact during its life cycle. Only in FETP, METP, and the
the end
end of causes
of life life causes
the the highest
highest impacts.
impacts. This
This distribution
distribution ofof theimpacts
the impactsofofcontributions
similarto tothat
andM4 M4masks
However, consideringthe thegiven
recallsthe thetime
for theM2M2andandM5,M5,the
influenceof ofvolume
volumeof ofmasks
without anyexception.
Given itsgreat
relevance,the theresults
productionphase phasewerewerestudied
Dueto tothe
relevant indicator
indicator forfor
polymers [62–64],
[62–64], Figure 7
7 showsthethe
comparison of the different
of the models
different modelsstudied in terms
studied in termsof GWP. As expected,
of GWP. As expected, M1
M1thehasgreatest valuevalue
the greatest due todue
the to
amount of plastic
the amount of required to produce
plastic required its structure,
to produce but this
its structure,
initial impact
but this will
initial be offset
impact willduring
be offsettheduring
use phase (duephase
the use to the(due
reusetoofthethis part of
reuse of this
the mask).
part of
Endpoints (HH, ED, RA) were also analyzed, allowing a global overview of how
the mask).
each component affects each area of protection and thus facilitating decision making for
eco-design. As can be inferred in Figure 8, in the case of the M1 mask, the 3D-printed
structure, which is also the reusable part of this device, is the part with the greatest impact
during its production. This fact shows the importance of the material selection, seeking
durable and easy-to-disinfect solutions.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 12 of 26

Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of

Figure 7. GWP [kg CO2-eq/functional unit] of the manufacturing phase.

Endpoints (HH, ED, RA) were also analyzed, allowing a global overview of how eac
component affects each area of protection and thus facilitating decision making for ec
design. As can be inferred in Figure 8, in the case of the M1 mask, the 3D-printed structur
which is also the reusable part of this device, is the part with the greatest impact durin
its production. This fact shows the importance of the material selection, seeking durab
Figure 7. GWP [kg CO2 -eq/functional
easy-to-disinfect unit] of the manufacturing phase.

Figure 8. Endpoints
8. Endpoints (H) (H) for(percentage
for M1 M1 (percentage distribution).

For M2M2(see(see Figure
Figure 9),nose
9), the the nose adapter
adapter (made(made of aluminum)
of aluminum) is the component
is the component that th
has the greatest impact on HH and ED, while in the case of RA, the material
has the greatest impact on HH and ED, while in the case of RA, the material needed needed to
make thethe
represents the most
represents thecritical flow. flow.
most critical
M3 is composed of five elements, with nose protection practically negligible. Once
again, the nose adapter is the most relevant on HH and ED, while for the RA endpoint, the
valve is the component that has the greatest impact, as can be seen in Figure 10.
Figure 8. Endpoints (H) for M1 (percentage distribution).

Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 For M2 (see Figure 9), the nose adapter (made of aluminum) is the component that
13 of 26
has the greatest impact on HH and ED, while in the case of RA, the material needed to
make the mask (PP and PE) represents the most critical flow.

Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 28

Figure 9. Endpoints (H) for M2 (percentage distribution).
Figure 9. Endpoints (H) for M2 (percentage distribution).

M3 is composed of five elements, with nose protection practically negligible. Once

again, the nose adapter is the most relevant on HH and ED, while for the RA endpoint,
the valve is the component that has the greatest impact, as can be seen in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Endpoints (H) for M3 (percentage distribution).

Figure 10. Endpoints (H) for M3 (percentage distribution).

The resultsofofM4
without the valve and the nose protection.
without the valve and the nose protection.
Lastly, for the M5 mask, the bands (made of cotton) have the greatest impact on HH
and ED, while for the RA endpoint, the material used as a filter causes the highest level of
impact (see Figure 12).

Figure 11. Endpoints (H) for M4 (percentage distribution).

Figure 10. Endpoints (H) for M3 (percentage distribution).
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 14 of 26
The results of M4 are shown in Figure 11 and are analogous to the previous ones but
without the valve and the nose protection.

Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 28

Figure 11.Endpoints

Lastly, for the M5 mask, the bands (made of cotton) have the greatest impact on HH
and ED, while for the RA endpoint, the material used as a filter causes the highest level of
impact (see Figure 12).

Figure 12.Endpoints

Finally, ordertotounderstand
life cycle of these devices, the results of the CED are shown (Table
life cycle of these devices, the results of the CED are shown (Table 6). 6).

Table 6. Cumulative
Table energy
6. Cumulative demand
energy for the
demand for use
the phase.
use phase.

Impact Category
Impact Category Unit Unit M1M1 M2 M2 M3
M3 M4
M4 M5
Fossil MJ MJ 5.45.4
× 10 7
× 107 3.33.3× ×
8 7.6
7.6 ×10
× 8
108 4.8 × 10
4.8 × 108
8 1.9×× 10
1.9 1077
Non Nuclear
Nuclear MJ MJ 3.73.7
× 10 6
× 106 1.91.9× ×
7 7 7.3
107 3.9 × 10
3.9 × 107
7 2.0 × 1066
2.0 × 10
Biomass MJ MJ 4.24.2 ×3103
× 10 5.55.5× × 3 3
1010 1.2 104 4
1.2××10 1.1 1044
× 10
1.1 × 1033
6.2×× 10
Biomass MJ MJ 3.53.5
× 10 6
× 106 3.73.7× ×
6 6 1.3
107 7.6 × 10
7.6 × 106
6 1.6×× 10
1.6 1066

Renewable Wind,
Wind, solar,
solar, geothermal MJ 3.0 × 105 7.4 × 105 3.6 × 106 2.0 × 106 1.7 × 1055
Renewable Water
MJ MJ 3.01.1
× 10 5
× 106
7.41.4× ×
7 3.6 × 106
2.3 × 107
2.0 × 106
1.8 × 107
1.7 × 10
6.4 × 105
Total Water MJ MJ 1.16.3 ×6107
× 10 1.43.7× × 7 8
1010 2.3 107 8
8.7××10 1.8 1078
× 10
5.5 × 1075
6.4×× 10
Total MJ 6.3 × 107 3.7 × 108 8.7 × 108 5.5 × 108 2.3 × 107
As in the previous cases, M3 has the highest values, followed by M4, M2, and with a
As in the previous
large difference cases,
(of an order of M3 has the highest
magnitude), M1 and values, followed
M5. The byM1
fact that M4,and
large difference (of an order of magnitude), M1 and M5. The fact that M1 and M5 are not
disposable masks makes their demand during the whole life cycle much lower. This result
explains why their values of CED are lower, as in the other impact categories. From these
results, it can be inferred that to reduce the impacts related to resources and energy (RA
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 15 of 26

disposable masks makes their demand during the whole life cycle much lower. This result
explains why their values of CED are lower, as in the other impact categories. From these
results, it can be inferred that to reduce the impacts related to resources and energy (RA
and CED), action must be taken on the filters. If the objective is the ecosystem and human
health, the nose adapter is more relevant.
After the LCA analysis, a study of the circularity of these devices was also carried out
through the MCI (Table 7). The first analyzed mask was the 3D-printed (M1) mask, for
which the utility parameter was based on lifespan. M1 is composed of the mask structure
and filter, which have a very different useful life, thus MCI was calculated separately. For
the 3D-printed structure, it is assumed that the durability is 300 times higher than an FFP2
mask, which is 8 h (X = 300). On the other hand, filters have a lifespan equal to the average
of the FFP2 devices (X = 1). In all cases, it was considered that the source of input materials
is “virgin” and that 100% of output materials have a landfill destination.

Table 7. Utility and MCI for different masks.

Type Utility MCI

M1 filter 1 0.1
M1 structure 300 1.0
M2 1 0.1
M3 1 0.1
M4 1 0.1
M5 50 0.9

As can be seen in Figure 13, the M1 structure is a completely circular product (because
of high utility), while the M1 filter (along with other disposable devices) is considered
fully linear. In order to increase the circularity of this mask, recycled or reused sources
for materials should be used, together with actions aimed at increasing utility. In general,
eco-design actions should be mainly focused on masks considered fully linear since these
devices have the worst circularity performance.

Figure 13. MCI chart.

Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 16 of 26

3.2. Knowledge-Based System for Eco-Design

Through the results of various indicators revealed in the previous section and taking
into account the objectives of this study, which seeks to create a guide of eco-design actions
that allows reducing the negative impact on the environment due to the design and pro-
duction of face masks, it can be established that the best alternative studied is M5, followed
by M1. This demonstrates that totally or partially reusable products favor the reduction of
negative impacts. By following the methodology described in Section 2.2, Table 8 reports a
list of eco-design actions to make face masks a more circular and sustainable product. To
improve the usefulness of the identified guidelines, they have been divided according to
the main phases of the mask life cycle: material and manufacturing, use, and end of life.

Table 8. Eco-design guidelines.

Lifecycle Phases Criticalities Related Eco-Design Guidelines

• To choose the most sustainable and low
energy-intensive 3D printing processes
High impacts related to manufacturing • To evaluate if it is a large production
process (3D printing) (M1) volume and change the manufacturing
process to a more sustainable one (i.e.,
injection molding)
• To reduce the number of components
High impacts due to complex structure (integrate parts with same material)
(M3) • To use as few diverse materials as possible
Material and manufacturing • To avoid outlet valve
• To choose more sustainable materials (i.e.,
PP instead of PE)
• To avoid coupling PP and PE for the
High impacts and low circularity due to manufacturing of filters (nonwoven fabric)
the use of virgin materials (M1, M2, M3, • To use a mix of virgin and recycled input
M4, M5) materials (or if possible, only recycled
• To avoid the use of Aluminum as nose
• To prefer washable and reusable (fully or
Disposable products (M2, M3, M4)
partially) products
• To increase useful life of the filters by
Use modifying the material’s properties (i.e.,
Low duration of filters (M1) surface activated filters) [65–67]
• To optimize weight and surface of filters
• To use washable and interchangeable filters
Multimaterial for filters that reduces • To use single materials
circularity (M1, M2)
• To develop products according to the
design for disassembly rules
Difficulties in separating components and • To reduce the number of components
End of life materials (M2, M3, M4) • To use easy to disassemble joints (i.e.,
snap-fit and press-fit)
• To develop dedicated EoL processes for
Open loop EoL (M1, M2, M3, M4, M5) material recycling
• To organize dedicated collection systems

3.3. Mask Development Process

As can be seen, LCA and MCI help to identify the critical factors of the product (face
mask) and successively define eco-design actions that can be taken into account during the
design of new masks, thus creating a framework for the development of these products
in a sustainable manner. In this way, following the methodology proposed by Pahl and
Beitz [59], a new product can be developed in a very short time, concentrating efforts
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 17 of 26

on critical aspects and making the reaction to this health emergency swift and efficient.
Applying the process workflow explained in Section 2.3, it is possible to obtain a mask
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 ofof
prototype adapted to the needs expressed in the list of requirements. The main level 28
functional analysis is shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14. Functional
Functional analysis
analysis (main

The input
The input flows identified in in terms
terms of
defined as
as follows:
•• Fresh
contaminatedair: air: the
•• Protection
signal: the
the signal
•• Human
force: the
the force
requiredto toapply
On the
On the other
other hand,
• Exhausted air: represents the result of the breathing process (contaminated air);
• Exhausted air: represents the result of the breathing process (contaminated air);
• Heat: generated by the breathing process.
• Heat: generated by the breathing process.
After having defined a detailed functional structure, results of the modularization
After having defined a detailed functional structure, results of the modularization
phase that takes only the dominant flow into account can be seen in Figure 15, identifying
phase that takes only the dominant flow into account can be seen in Figure 15, identifying
five modules and two auxiliaries: (i) import and regulate air, (ii) allow safely breathing;
five modules and two auxiliaries: (i) import and regulate air, (ii) allow safely breathing; (iii)
(iii) protect and cover exposed body parts; (iv) guarantee filter efficiency; (v) guarantee
protect and cover exposed body parts; (iv) guarantee filter efficiency; (v) guarantee filter
filter change; (Auxiliary 1) display filtering status; and (Auxiliary 2) personalize.
change; (Auxiliary 1) display filtering status; and (Auxiliary 2) personalize.
The full set of modules identified by the use of the three heuristic methods are reported
in the following Table 9.

Table 9. Modules retrieved by the use of the three heuristic methods.

ID Module Type DF CTM BF

A Import and regulate air Main X
B Allow safely breathing Main X
C Protect and cover exposed body parts Main X
D Guarantee filter efficiency Main X
E Guarantee filter change Main X
F Personalize Auxiliary X
G Display filtering status Auxiliary X
H Display protection sterilization Auxiliary X
I Extract water after virus separation Auxiliary X X
L Monitor protection efficiency Auxiliary X
M Convert air Main X X
N Dissipate exhaust air Main X X
O Block water droplets after breathing Main X X
P Ergonomic for fixation and adaptation Main X
Q Dissipate heat Auxiliary X
• Exhausted air: represents the result of the breathing process (contaminated air);
• Heat: generated by the breathing process.
After having defined a detailed functional structure, results of the modularization
phase that takes only the dominant flow into account can be seen in Figure 15, identifying
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 five modules and two auxiliaries: (i) import and regulate air, (ii) allow safely breathing;18 of 26
(iii) protect and cover exposed body parts; (iv) guarantee filter efficiency; (v) guarantee
filter change; (Auxiliary 1) display filtering status; and (Auxiliary 2) personalize.
Sustainability 2021,13,
REVIEW 19 ofof 28
19 28

The full
The full set
set of
of modules
modules identified
identified by
by the
the use
use of
of the
the three
three heuristic
heuristic methods
methods are
reported in the following Table
reported in the following Table 9. 9.

Table Modulesretrieved

ID Module
Module Type
Type DF
AA Import and regulate
Import and regulate air air Main
Main XX
BB Allowsafely
Allow safelybreathing
breathing Main
Main XX
CC Protect and cover exposedbody
Protect and cover exposed bodyparts
parts Main
Main XX
DD Guarantee filter efficiency
Guarantee filter efficiency Main
Main XX
EE Guaranteefilter
Guarantee filterchange
change Main
Main XX
FF Personalize
Personalize Auxiliary
Auxiliary XX
GG Displayfiltering
Display filteringstatus
status Auxiliary
Auxiliary XX
H H Display protection sterilization
Display protection sterilization Auxiliary
Auxiliary XX
II Extract water after virus separation
Extract water after virus separation Auxiliary
Auxiliary XX XX
LL Monitorprotection
Monitor protectionefficiency
efficiency Auxiliary
Auxiliary XX
M M Convert air
Convert air Main
Main XX XX
N N Dissipateexhaust
Dissipate exhaustair air Main
Main XX XX
OO Blockwater
Block waterdroplets
breathing Main
Main XX XX
PP Ergonomic for fixation and adaptation
Ergonomic for fixation and adaptation Main
Main XX
QQ Dissipateheat
15. Functional
Figure analysis
15. Functional including
analysis includingdominant
dominant flow heuristicmethodfor
flow heuristic method for module
module identification.
identification. XX

The technological
The technological implementation
technological implementation
implementationwas was carried
wascarried out
carriedout taking
outtaking into
takinginto account
intoaccount all
accountall the
allthe eco-
design actions
designactions (i.e.,
actions(i.e., type
typeofof filter
offilter material,
filtermaterial, ease
easeofof disassembly),
of disassembly), creating
disassembly),creating a morphological
creating aa morphological
matrix. An excerpt
excerptof of the
ofthe results
theresults isshown
resultsisis shownin
shown inFigures
in Figures16
Figures 16and
16 and17.
and 17.

Figure 16.Morphological
Figure Morphological matrixfor
for Module2.2.
16. Morphologicalmatrix
matrix forModule
Module 2.

Figure 17.Morphological
Figure Morphological matrixfor
for ModuleAuxiliary
Auxiliary 1.
17. Morphologicalmatrix
matrix forModule
Module Auxiliary 1.
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 20 of 28
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 19 of 26

All the design steps previously described were carried out by the same authors of
All the
this work design steps
following previously
the design described
process wereby
described carried outparticular,
[59]. In by the same authors of
a systematic
this work following the design process described by [59]. In particular,
requirements analysis (also known as requirements engineering) was adopted, and a systematic re-
quirements analysis (also known as requirements engineering) was adopted,
several tools were used to define the list of requirements (i.e., market analysis, discussion and several
tools were
forum, used to define
checklist) [68]. the
Aslist previously
of requirements (i.e., market
mentioned, foranalysis, discussion forum,
the development of
checklist) [68]. As previously mentioned, for the development of functional/modular
functional/modular decomposition, the approach proposed by Pahl and Beitz [59] was de-
adopted for thethefunctional
approach proposed by Pahl
analysis, while theand Beitz [59]
heuristic was adopted
method developed for the functional
by Stone and
analysis, while the heuristic method developed by Stone and Wood
Wood [60] was used for the module derivation. Finally, the last step dealt with [60] was used for the
module derivation. Finally, the last step dealt with the definition
definition of the morphological matrix, which was carried out with brainstorming of the morphological
matrix, which
sessions between wasthe
carried out with
authors brainstorming
of this work, othersessions between
researchers, andthestudents
authors of
of this
work, other researchers, and students of the mechanical engineering course, including
mechanical engineering course, including systematic analysis of the industrial patents.
systematic analysis of the industrial patents.
After all analyses, it was possible to obtain a final mask result, combining the
After all analyses, it was possible to obtain a final mask result, combining the different
different solutions identified in the morphological matrix in order to fulfill the
solutions identified in the morphological matrix in order to fulfill the requirements pre-
requirements previously established and taking into account the eco-design guidelines
viously established and taking into account the eco-design guidelines identified through
identified through the initial LCA and MCI analyses. The device proposed in Figure 18 is
the initial LCA and MCI analyses. The device proposed in Figure 18 is the simplest ver-
the simplest version, which only considers the main modules, and it was developed by
sion, which only considers the main modules, and it was developed by the authors of
the authors of this work, together with classroom work performed with the students of
this work, together with classroom work performed with the students of the mechanical
the mechanical engineering course.
engineering course.

developed by
by the
the authors
authors of
of this
this work.

In this device,
device, respiration
respiration (inhalation
(inhalationand andexhalation)
exhalation)is iscarried
carried outoutby by natural
natural de-
pression (thus
depression (thusavoiding
increase the
the number
number of components
with the
with the corresponding
corresponding economic
economic and and environmental
environmental impacts).
impacts). For For the
the filtering
filtering phase,
phase, aa
widely used
widely used N95
N95 filter
filter was
was chosen,
chosen, minimizing
minimizing the the surface
surface inin order
order to to reduce
reduce thethe amount
of material
of material used.
used. In Inaddition,
addition,itit was
was decided
decided to to activate
activate the
the filter
filter surface
surface withwith metallic
oxide coating
oxide coating to to guarantee
guarantee its its efficiency
efficiency and
and antimicrobial
antimicrobial properties
properties [22,67].
[22,67]. InIn order
order toto
simplify the filter changing process, a snap-fit fixing system for the mask
changing process, a snap-fit fixing system for the mask structure and structure and the
the of the
cover filter
of the waswas
filter chosen
chosenin order to have
in order to havean economic
an economicand andeasy-to-use
easy-to-usesolution. Fur-
thermore, to optimize shape and dimensions based on the
Furthermore, to optimize shape and dimensions based on the anthropometric and anthropometric and ergonomic
ergonomic the mask wearability
characteristics, was studiedwas
the mask wearability with a virtual
studied with human model
a virtual (Figure
human model19).
The ergonomic
(Figure 19). The analysis
ergonomic was performed
analysis by the authors
was performed by theof authors
this work using
of this a virtual
work usingfita
assessment method (by means of CAD environment) to design
virtual fit assessment method (by means of CAD environment) to design a facial mask a facial mask that fits with
that fitspresenting
with people different anthropometric
presenting features (e.g., the
different anthropometric distance
features from
(e.g., thethe ear’s tragus
distance from
the ear’s tragus up to the top point in the bridge of the nose, the height of the tip width,
up to the top point in the bridge of the nose, the height of the tip of the nose, skull of the
the distance
nose, between
skull width, theeyes, nose width,
distance betweenetc.)eyes,
[69]. nose
The study
width,was developed
etc.) [69]. The using 3D was
study face
scan data of more than a hundred people to find the most proper
developed using 3D face scan data of more than a hundred people to find the most proper shape of a facial mask.
Since this phase is not the focus of this work, the ergonomic analysis is not discussed
in detail.
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 21 of 28

Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 20 of 26

shape of a facial mask. Since this phase is not the focus of this work, the ergonomic
analysis is not discussed in detail.

Figure Exampleofofthe
19.Example thedeveloped

After theLCA
LCA andand MCI
MCI analyses,
observethat a reduction
that of 650,000
a reduction tons
of 650,000
(extending results to one year) in terms of CO2 eq. emissions can be obtained in Italy by
tons (extending results to one year) in terms of CO2 eq. emissions can be obtained in Italy
simply choosing reusable devices such as M5 instead of disposable masks such as M3.
by simply choosing reusable devices such as M5 instead of disposable masks such as M3.
In this way, benefits at the environmental level and the improvement of the circularity
In this way, benefits at the environmental level and the improvement of the circularity can
can be appreciated. This decision allows reducing GHGs and also leads to an economic
be appreciated. This decision allows reducing GHGs and also leads to an economic
benefit. After the development of the new mask designed by following the proposed
benefit. After the development of the new mask designed by following the proposed
methodology and the identified eco-design suggestions, an environmental impact analysis
methodology and the identified eco-design suggestions, an environmental impact
of this innovative prototype was carried out in order to make a comparison with M1
analysis of this innovative prototype was carried out in order to make a comparison with
since both are devices with similar characteristics (reusable structure of the mask and
M1 since both are devices with similar characteristics (reusable structure of the mask and
disposable filters). For this new mask, the manufacturing process selected was injection
disposable filters). For this new mask, the manufacturing process selected was injection
molding, based on the guidelines defined above, highlighting the 3D printing process as a
molding, based on the guidelines defined above, highlighting the 3D printing process as
criticality. It was verified that the optimized model produced by injection molding using PP
material Itfor
theverified that the obtains
mask structure optimized model
better produced
results by all
in almost injection moldingstudied.
the indicators using
PP as material for the mask structure obtains better results in almost
Figure 20 shows the normalized results; in this way, the percentage advantage obtainableall the indicators
with theFigure 20 shows
new solution canthebenormalized
inferred. The results; in this way,
only category the percentage
in which advantage
the new design has a
obtainable with the new solution can be inferred. The only category
greater impact is FFP, due to the use of a fossil-based material (i.e., PP). However, in which the these
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEERdesign
REVIEWhas a greater impact is FFP, due to the use of a fossil-based material22(i.e., of 28 PP).
impacts can be mitigated by substituting this type of plastic with a well-known and largely
However, these impacts
used bio-based can PLA)
plastic (i.e., be mitigated
[70]. by substituting this type of plastic with a well-
known and largely used bio-based plastic (i.e., PLA) [70].

Figure 20. Normalized midpoints for the manufacturing phase (3D-printed mask vs. new mask
Figure 20. Normalized midpoints for the manufacturing phase (3D-printed mask vs. new mask
Results for the use phase, when disposable filters are used, are analogous to those
ones shown in the mask production phase, confirming the design improvement. In
addition, if filters are substituted with washable ones (following the eco-design guidelines
that recommend the use of nondisposable filters), the proposed mask prototype has the
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 21 of 26

Results for the use phase, when disposable filters are used, are analogous to those ones
shown in the mask production phase, confirming the design improvement. In addition,
if filters are substituted with washable ones (following the eco-design guidelines that
recommend the use of nondisposable filters), the proposed mask prototype has the lowest
impact on the use phase of all devices studied, even lower than M5 (see Figure 21). This
result is in line with recent work [71] developed on the same subject but using a different
metric than LCA (i.e., the environmental impact index (EI)). Indeed, the mentioned work
highlights that quilt and cotton are appropriate cloth-from-cotton material for making a
nonmedical mask with the highest quality of filtration efficiency and breathability while
having the lowest environmental impact, whereas polypropylene fabric is the worst mate-
rial in terms of environmental impact. Alternatively, another interesting research work [72]
tried to investigate the adoption of recycled material from reprocessed FFP2 face masks.
The study demonstrated how the reprocessed material has a lower environmental impact
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW
and financial burden than new disposable face masks without compromising 23 of 28 qualifications
and filtration efficiency.

Figure 21. Normalized midpoints for the use and EoL phases (new mask prototype with washable
Figure 21.
filters vs. Normalized
washable mask). midpoints for the use and EoL phases (new mask prototype with washable
filters vs. washable mask).
Summarizing, it is possible to affirm that the usefulness of this type of methodologies
and approach
Concerning to developing new sustainable
the maintenance face masks
phase for thishasmask,
been clearly demonstrated
the use of ethanol for the main
by this study. Despite the fact that to date it has only been applied in the context of face
structure (mask body) and soap and water for the filters allows combining the advantages
masks development, it can be certainly used for the development of other widely used
of the M1 and
protection M5.(e.g.,
devices Thissuits,
gloves),benefit is mainly
replicating due towith
the process the fact
the that
needed the greatest efforts
of the eco-design
customizations (e.g., process are concentrated
the definition on the
of specific eco-design improvement
guidelines, of the use phase.
use of appropriate
KPIs Summarizing,
for each product) and it isobtaining
to affirm that improvements
the usefulness also in these
of thisproducts.
type of methodologies
Finally, some limitations of this study should be mentioned.
and approach to developing new sustainable face masks has been clearly For example, a univocal demonstrated by
EoL scenario was studied. If sanitary landfills would have also been considered an end-
this study. Despite the fact that to date it has only been applied in the context of face masks
of-life scenario, a reduction in impacts could have resulted, especially in the case of M3
and M4 devices, itwhich can beare certainly used
the ones that for the
generate the development
most plastic waste. of other
it is used protection
clear after(e.g., suits,
studying thegloves), replicating
results of this theeven
research that process with end
if a sanitary theofneeded customizations (e.g.,
life had been
the definitionthe values of the circularity
of specific eco-design index would not have
guidelines, use changed since the method
of appropriate KPIs for each product)
used to calculate MCI makes no distinction between landfill types. To avoid this
and obtaining environmental improvements also in these products.
limitation, the circularity study can be extended using other additional indicators. Despite
incineration some
shows highlimitations of this study
GWP (as confirmed should
by the study [34])be
it ismentioned. For example,
a promising option for a univocal
EoL scenario was
the management studied.
of this If sanitary
waste compared withlandfills would
landfilling amonghave all thealso
othersbeen considered an end-
of-life scenario, a reduction in impacts could have resulted, especially in the case of M3
and M4 Lastly, it should which
devices, also be taken into consideration
are the that the results
ones that generate the of the M5
most mask vary
plastic waste. However, it
depending on the material used and the number of times it can be washed without losing
clear after studying the results of this research that even
properties, this being a key factor for both the environmental and circularity
if a sanitary end of life had
been considered,
performance. the values of the circularity index would not have changed since the
method used to calculate MCI makes no distinction between landfill types. To avoid
this limitation, the circularity study can be extended using other additional indicators.
Despite incineration shows high GWP (as confirmed by the study [34]) it is a promising
option for the management of this waste compared with landfilling among all the others
impact categories.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 22 of 26

Lastly, it should also be taken into consideration that the results of the M5 mask
vary depending on the material used and the number of times it can be washed with-
out losing filtering properties, this being a key factor for both the environmental and
circularity performance.

5. Conclusions
The present paper focuses on the proposal of an eco-design methodology to support
designers in the development of environmentally sustainable face masks. The work was
performed by using well-known methods for the environmental and circularity analysis
of products (i.e., LCA, MCI). Consolidated procedures to formalize useful knowledge on
past experiences (i.e., the definition of eco-design guidelines) and to reuse it for product
improvement projects (i.e., systematic approach to design with specific constraints due
to the pandemic situation) were followed to derive eco-design action in the development
of sustainable facial masks. To date, this study can be considered the first attempt in the
protection devices sector to contribute to the preservation of the natural environment while
facing the world COVID-19 emergency, with a preventive approach to be applied during
the design phase. More generally, considering that the risk of future unexpected events
such as the COVID-19 pandemic is not null, it can be affirmed that this kind of methodology
will be useful each time a very high demand for disposable fossil-based products (as face
masks) will be needed to face an emergency situation.
Results obtained with the first methodology step allow having an overview of the
environmental performance of five common face masks and lay the foundation for the
successive definition of design best practices. Reusable masks (M1 and M5) have clear
advantages, compared to disposable products (M2, M3, and M4). However, these products
also cannot be considered really sustainable, and different criticalities were identified
(e.g., use of fossil-based or impactful materials, open-loop end of life). The proposed
redesigned project demonstrated that by starting from the knowledge of the environmental
performance of well-known products, it is possible to obtain significantly improved face
masks in all the used KPIs by preventing observed criticalities and applying the best design
choices concerning material selection, sustainable manufacturing processes, and durability
of mask components.
Future developments will regard the following points:
• LCA analysis refinements: an extension of the environmental and circularity analyses,
which include additional details (e.g., specific inventory for the nonwoven fabrics man-
ufacturing, the inclusion of the waste collection phase within the system boundaries,
etc.) will help in a definition of more specific guidelines and actions;
• LCA analysis scenarios: additional scenarios (e.g., sanitary landfill EoL, different
typologies of washable masks, etc.) will allow defining a larger set of design guidelines
ad to provide the best solution for policymakers in this complex context;
• Consequential LCA: since the production and disposal of anti-SARS-CoV-2 masks are
becoming of global importance for the socioeconomic management of the pandemic,
an additional consequential LCA will be able to estimate how the global environmental
burdens are affected by the production and use of this product. Consequential LCA
could bring some additional important conclusions to couple with the results of
this study.
Another direction of research could be the definition of multiobjective design method-
ologies dedicated to the sustainable development of face masks looking at the promotion
of two combined targets: (i) the minimization of negative environmental impacts (as in the
present paper) and (ii) the maximization of other performance (e.g., filtration efficiency,
cost estimation, etc.).

Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at

.3390/su13094948/s1, Excel file.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 23 of 26

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, C.F.; methodology, M.M.; software, N.B.R. and C.F.;
validation, M.M.; formal analysis, G.F.; investigation, G.F., N.B.R. and M.M.; resources, C.F. and
M.M.; data curation, M.M.; writing—original draft preparation, N.B.R.; writing—review and editing,
C.F., G.F. and M.M.; visualization, C.F. and M.M.; supervision, C.F.; project administration, C.F. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

List of Acronyms

BF Branching flows
BFE Bacteria Filtration Efficiency
CED Cumulative Energy Demand
CTM Conversion-transmission modules
DF Dominant flow
ED Ecosystem
EoL End of Life
EU European Union
FEP Freshwater eutrophication potential
FETP Freshwater ecotoxicity potential
GHG Greenhouse gas
GWP Global warming potential
HH Human Health
HTP Human toxicity potential
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LCA Life Cycle Assessment
LCE Life Cycle Engineering
LCI Life Cycle Inventory
LCIA Life Cycle Impact Assessment
LCT Life Cycle Thinking
M1 Mask type 1
M2 Mask type 2
M3 Mask type 3
M4 Mask type 4
M5 Mask type 5
MCI Material Circularity Indicator
METP Marine ecotoxicity potential
ODP Ozone depletion potential
OFP Photochemical oxidant formation potential
PE Polyester
PFE Particle Filtration Efficiency
PLA Polylactic acid
PMFP Particulate matter formation potential
PP Polypropylene
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PU Polyurethane
RA Resources
TAP Terrestrial acidification potential
TETP Terrestrial ecotoxicity potential
UV Ultraviolet
WCP Water consumption potential
WHO World Health Organization
Sustainability 2021, 13, 4948 24 of 26

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