Quarter 2 Exam Study Guide

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Quarter 2 Exam Study Guide

Exam Date: Thursday, January 13th

Corrections Due: January 18th by 9 AM sharp

The topics below will be covered on your exam next week. Review the notes/resources in
your assignments to study for the exam.

STUDY TIPS: You may want to create flash cards, thinking maps, or write down the material to
help you review. See your teacher’s website for study aids/tools.

Causes of the Revolution: Effects of French & Indian War, Proclamation of 1763, Sugar Act,
Tea Act, Stamp Act, writs of assistance, protests/boycotts of colonists, Boston Massacre, Boston
Tea Party, Intolerable Acts, Lexington and Concord

The Revolutionary War:

Major battles (New York, Bunker Hill, Trenton, Saratoga, Moore’s Creek, Guilford Courthouse,
Valley Forge (hardships, positive outcomes)
Treaty of Paris 1783 ( what does it do?)
Advantages & Disadvantages of British & Americans during the War
Mecklenburg Resolves
Declaration of Independence

Creating a New Government:

Articles of Confederations: What were the reasons it failed?
Shay’s Rebellion
Constitutional Convention: Why was it needed? Major Plans & Compromises (Virginia Plan,
New Jersey Plan, great Compromise, 3 / 5ths Compromise)
Constitution: Preamble, Know what each Article does, the powers and responsibilities of the 3
branches, criteria for office, check and balances, how a bill becomes a law, the amendment
process, supremacy clause, elastic clause, Bill of Rights (Amendments 1-10), major debates
between Federalists and Anti-Federalists

New Republic
George Washington: Neutrality, Precedents, Whiskey Rebellion, Hamilton’s Plan, Farewell
John Adams: Alien and Sedition Acts
Thomas Jefferson: Trade Embargo/Barbary Wars, Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark
expedition, Marbury v Madison decision/significance
James Madison: War of 1812

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