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Indian Economy in 2011: the following claim: “…CPIs [consumer

price inflation] in fast growing countries

Dualism in Policy Formulation will rise relative to CPIs in slow growing

countries” (p 27). This thesis is deduced
from the Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis
which essentially posits that rapidly ex-
Pulin B Nayak panding economies would tend to have
faster appreciation in exchange rates, but
Our policymakers face a 1  A View from it is well known that conventional econo-
the Economic Survey metric tests have resulted with mixed
dilemma: should we have

he Economic Survey 2010-11 has findings for the predictions of the B-S effect.
adequate food and nutrition for
drawn a picture of the Indian econ- The claim would therefore seem to be far
all or should we have world-class omy in the past year from which from obvious.
airport terminals? In an ideal one may legitimately draw some comfort. At a minimum it ought to be conceded
world, one could possibly have The economy has substantially withstood that the recent spurt of food inflation ought
the shock of the collapse in world growth to be much better managed. The Survey
them both. But if there are limited
arising due to the global financial crisis of states on p 26:
resources and there is a question 2007-09, the ripple effects of which con- On 7 January 2011, for instance, onions were
of setting priorities, then surely tinued through 2009-10 and indeed per- selling for Rs 30 in Agra and 57.5 in Delhi;
sisted well into 2010-11. The problem was for Rs 35 in Nagpur and 62 in Mumbai; for
it should be possible to hold the Rs 23 in Thiruvananthapuram and 60 in
compounded by two years of particularly
view that the former should Dindigul….What these price differentials
poor agricultural performance during suggest more than anything else is not so
get precedence. Well-trained 2008-09, when in fact there was a nega- much hoarding as the cartelisation of trade
neoclassical economists can often tive growth recorded, and 2009-10. Under resulting in the prevention of entry of new
the circumstances an overall growth rate traders. The problem needs to be tackled us-
employ much abstract modelling ing our Competition Act 2002.
of GDP of 8.6% during 2010-11 would seem
to prove the opposite.
to be very creditable. Well, one might ask the policymakers at
There are many other points of comfort. the highest levels, what has been prevent-
Foreign exchange reserves in December ing them from using the Act these past
2010 stood at $297.3 billion, which is the nine years? Surely they need some an-
fourth highest after China, Japan and swering to do, or is it enough that we have
Russia. From a level of Rs 50.95 per US passed the Act and should not really be
dollar on 31 March 2009 the rupee appre- concerned about its implementation, just
ciated to Rs 45.14 per US dollar by end as we have passed, for example, the Child
March 2010. This was largely brought on Labour Prohibition Act a quarter century
by foreign institutional investor (FII) in- back in 1986?
flows, driven no doubt by India’s relatively The second particularly disturbing deve­
strong macroeconomic performance and lopment is the daily barrage of scam-
better return as compared to other alter- tainted matters at the highest levels of the
native destinations across the globe. The government, which really means that vast
latest market rates, as on 11 March 2011, sums of public funds have been openly
put the $ at Rs 45.24, which means that swindled while at the same time it is
the rupee has held steady in the interna- proving extremely difficult to fix responsi-
tional market over the past year. bility. Indira Gandhi had famously re-
But lest it be thought that we are here to marked that corruption is a global phe-
only sing paeans to the managers of the nomenon. Very true. The confidence of
public finances in the country let it be said the Indian aam aadmi in bureaucratic and
that the Union Budget 2011 has been pre- political probity and integrity has never
sented under a cloud of two particularly really been parti­cularly high. But it must
troubling sets of conditions. First, the be conceded that in the aftermath of the
inflation rate in the past year has been Commonwealth Games and the 2G scams,
Pulin B Nayak ( teaches at hovering in the double-digit range, and perceptions about probity in government
the Delhi School of Economics, the food inflation in particular has been have hit an abysmal low, so much so that it
Delhi University.
too high for comfort. The Survey makes is clawing into the innards of our polity.
10 march 19, 2011  vol xlvI no 12  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly

The credibility of any budget-making populace and are willing to think creatively precedence. But well-trained neoclassical
exercise must then necessarily be judged out of the box. There is a huge response to economists can often employ much ab-
against a clear appreciation of this fact. this scheme amongst the disadvantaged, stract modelling to prove the opposite.
dispossessed and women across the length
2  Dualism in Policymaking and breadth of the country. 3  Budget 2011-12
No observer of economic policymaking in The NAC has been pushing for a Right to It is against this background that we ought
India today could possibly have failed to Food Act with universal coverage. The to assess the Union Budget for 2011-12.
notice the sharp divergence in the policy proposal insists on “the physical, social Union Finance Minister Pranab Kumar
stance between the executive arms of the and economic right of all citizens to have Mukherjee has tried to marry the two al-
government principally housed in the access to safe and nutritious food, consistent most unmatchable strands, and under the
ministries of finance and planning on the with an adequate diet necessary to lead an circumstances has done a commendable
one hand and the National Advisory active and healthy life with dignity”. Surely job. For most parts in the fiscal and other
Council (NAC) on the other. Most of the after 63 years of independence this is the major sectors, it is business as usual, with
top-end economic advisors in the first least that any citizen should legitimately some minor tinkering. His principal prior-
group are typically pro-reform enthusiasts demand from a State that has been riding ity seems to have been to continue on the
who are impatient with schemes directed on a high growth path over the past decade growth momentum, with the GDP growth
at the poorer sections of the population. and, according to some of the most voluble rate possibly moving up again to the 9%
Such schemes are invariably dubbed as of the opinion-makers, has become a major range in the coming year.
“populist” and are judged to be inefficient “player” in the international arena. But as One must acknowledge here that the
and unproductive and are argued to be we know, the right to food concept, as part finance minister is a consummate politi-
fiscally unsound. of a basic and fundamental human right, cian and has a clear understanding of the
In the aftermath of the financial melt- is facing the toughest opposition from some political compulsions of the day. But he is
down of 2008 there was a systematic and of the highest functionaries of the state also a great realist and an old hand at
well-orchestrated clamour from the captains on the ground that it would be fiscally budget-making. He has gone for continui-
of industry and from the leaders of trade unaffordable. And this when it has been ty and stability and has opted to go for fis-
chambers to be granted doles and tax demonstrated time and again that the cal consolidation. He can be hardly fault-
concessions. Editors of pink newspapers country has the wherewithal, and it is only ed for this. The fiscal deficit is set to be
would however typically regard these as a question of reordering priorities. limited to 4.6% of GDP, down from 5.1%
“stimulus” packages that are supposed to A very serious issue comes up here. This this year. This will certainly go some way
enhance efficiency because they would keep has to do with the political mandate on towards containing the inflationary trends
the wheels of production running. Hasn’t the basis of which the UPA was returned to witnessed in the past year. Public debt for
Barack Obama been giving stimulus pack- power after their first term. Self-appointed the next year is targeted at 44.2% of GDP,
ages to large corporate houses in the US? referees of fiscal control are typically well lower than the 52.5% target set by the
Ipso facto, therefore, it must be desirable in secure with their well-paying sinecure Finance Commission.
India as well, the argument would run. jobs and they enjoy the great privilege of This has been at least partly achieved by
It is well known that the passage of the never having to return to the voting masses cutting overall expenditure as a propor-
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act to get a true check on how representative tion of GDP from 15.4% of GDP in 2010-11 to
(NREGA) was brought about substantially their views are. 14% in 2011-12. But the worrying part here
at the instance of the NAC in the face of The obvious tension between the views is that capital expenditure by the govern-
teething opposition from columnists and of these two opposing groups should be a ment is going to come down from 13.4%
leaders of public opinion in the influential point of no small importance in our polity of total expenditure to 12.7%. Capital ex-
English language media. But anyone familiar today. The UPA government would be foolish penditure in recent years has been under
with the texture of political economy in to disregard the sentiments of a huge mass 2% of GDP, and in a situation where is a
India today will note that it is the passage of the population, 77% of which, according great need to build up economic and social
of this act which was substantially behind to the National Commission for Enterprises infrastructure, this should be a matter of
the return of the United Progressive Alliance in the Unorgansied Sector (NCEUS), spends serious concern.
(UPA) to power two years back. It can be less than Rs 20 a day per capita. Much of the infrastructure build-up is
nobody’s case that what is now the Mahatma To put the dilemma somewhat differ- expected to be carried out by the private
Gandhi National Rural Employment Guar- ently, one might ask whether we must sector, for example, by raising FII invest-
antee Act (MGNREGA) is free of corruption have adequate food and nutrition for all or ment in medium-term corporate debt for
and does not harbour a certain degree of should we have world-class airport termi- infrastructure fivefold to $25 billion. Tax
inefficiency. But in the past five to six years nals? In an ideal world, one could possibly sops have been extended to some more
there is plenty of evidence of this scheme have them both, but if there are limited sectors by classifying them as infrastruc-
delivering in those districts and regions resources and there is a question of setting ture. These include agricultural storage
where the administrators are sympathetic priorities, then surely it should be possible and fertilisers. Pranab Mukherjee has also
and sensitive to the needs of the local to hold the view that the former should get proposed creating tax-free bonds worth
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   march 19, 2011  vol xlvI no 12 11

Rs 30,000 crore for infrastructure, on top direction. In order to avoid the phenomenon eloquent about double-digit growth rates
of a 23.3% step-up in the government’s of cascading of taxes in a sequential pro- makes one wonder as to what is the kind
Plan expenditure. duction process, it makes sense to tax value of social reality they are living in.
The finance minister has done well to added and to pitch the tax at some uni- If, as a mature and sensitive finance
end tax holidays for developers of special form moderate rate, enough to meet the minister, Pranab Mukherjee is to consider
economic zones (SEZs) and companies expenditure requirements. some serious major priorities, then possi-
located within such zones. He has also re- Three further points are in order. First, bly some of the following concerns, in our
sisted pressure from companies housed in I think it is fair to say that through a variety view, ought to be paramount. First, public
software technology parks to extend the of schemes and programmes, including a expenditure on health in India has been
tax holiday on export profits beyond 2011. substantial allocation for NABARD, expan- abysmally low at under 1 percentage point
Also, both companies and developers will sion of agricultural storage capacity, and of GDP for more than a half century after
pay a higher minimum alternate tax – interest subvention for small farmers, independence. It is only in the very recent
charged on companies that enjoy exemp- among others, the finance minister has past that the figure has tipped 1% of GDP.
tions and pay no tax at all – of 18.5% start- shown that he is sensitive to the prime need But we need to go much further than this,
ing this year. They will also have to pay for substantially supporting the agricultural possibly to the range of at least 3 to 4%
dividend distribution tax of 15% after sector. Second, there is a substantial step- over the next 10 years. It is this alone
1 June this year. up in the allocations for the rails, roads which will ensure the health of the masses
On the direct tax front, Pranab Mukherjee and the port sectors. Third, the increase in in this country, and not further recourse
has set April 2012 as the deadline for the exemption limit in personal income to some market-based clever health insur-
implementing the Direct Taxes Code. The taxes from Rs 1.6 lakh to Rs 1.8 lakh is ance strategies. Second, there has to be a
broad philosophy of this rests on the very much welcome, keeping in view the much greater explicit push for manufac-
received wisdom of tax theorists and prac- recent spate of inflation. It must however turing, which comprises a mere 16% of
titioners across the globe. This is based on be conceded that this is only in the nature GDP in India, compared to 40% in China.
two simple features, following the pioneer- of a minor tweak, and for any comprehen- This is the sector that lends dynamism to
ing work on optimal taxation by James sive reform in direct taxes one would have an economy and offers the potential for
Mirrlees, which are to have broad-based to wait for the implementation of the employment generation. The services sec-
and moderate rates. This indeed informed Direct Taxes Code. tor now accounts for more than 55% of
the recommendations of the Tax Reforms GDP in India, but unfortunately this is not
Committee set up in 1991 under Raja J 4  Balancing Act the sector in which one can expect as rapid
Chelliah’s chairmanship, and this has On the strict mechanics of budget balanc- a growth of employment generation as one
been the guiding principle of tax policy ing, one can hardly take issue with Pranab can expect in the manufacturing sector.
ever since. After nearly 50 years of stagna- Mukherjee. He has on the whole managed Third, the government has to explicitly
tion at around 3% of GDP direct taxes have to achieve a deft balancing act between back up wages in all central and state-
only now come around to nearly 6% of competing ends. Since his purported aim has funded activities to meet at least the state-
GDP in the past five years. been to maintain the growth momentum, wide minimum wage norms. Without that
One of the aims of the Chelliah Com- he has been much helped by the handsome the minimum wage legislation would be a
mittee was to increase reliance on direct savings rate of 33.7% of GDP recorded for peculiar mockery of our notion of social de-
taxes while simultaneously reducing the 2009-10, of which the household sector had mocracy. Finally, agriculture now com-
relative importance of indirect taxes. It is a savings rate of 23.5% of GDP. The figure prises under (or less than) 15% of GDP,
only in 2007-08 that direct taxes at the for gross capital formation (investment) is down from nearly 60% at the time of inde-
centre for the first time tipped indirect in fact even higher, at 36.5% of GDP in pendence. Yet, more than 60% of the
taxes. With greater rationalisation in 2009-10. It is this which is at the heart of country’s population is still substantially
union excise and gradual reduction of cus- the robust growth rate in GDP of 8% plus, dependent on agriculture. It is this which
toms duties, indirect taxes at the centre arising simply from the crude Harrod- is at the heart of the increasing inequality
now account for around 4% of GDP, down Domar formulation of the expected growth of incomes as well as the growing immis-
from 5.6% of GDP in 2007-08. Union ex- rate being the ratio of the investment rate erisation. This can only be combated by a
cise used to be the single biggest revenue to the capital-output ratio, supposed to be massive influx of funds into agricultural
earner till 2005-06 (3% of GDP). It is now in the region of a bit more than 4. infrastructure building. If funds are limit-
corporation tax (3.8% of GDP in 2010-11) This also means that if the growth mo- ed, and if we must keep the fiscal deficit
by a long margin, with excise duties stand- mentum is assured, a caring finance minister under acceptable levels, then maybe we
ing reduced at 1.7% of GDP in 2010-11. has to be seen to deliver on distributive may have to give up some world-class air-
On the overall position of indirect taxes justice, even though at the margin there port terminals expected to be built across
at the central and state levels, the country might be some trade-off involved with the India, and maybe have much fewer
still awaits political acceptance of the growth rate. But we need not make a fetish swanky malls in the mushrooming new
goods and services tax (GST). The overall about the growth rate, and certainly the way townships all over the country. We should
rationale of GST seems to be in the right one sees some top functionaries waxing be prepared for this discomfort.
12 march 19, 2011  vol xlvI no 12  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly

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