Bahria University: Assignment # 1

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Lahore Campus

Assignment # 1


Topic: Pizza delivery quickly (case study)

Enrollment No: 03-398202-022

Program: MS (PM)

Semester 3rd

Course title: Advance Skills for Project Management Professionals

Instructor Name: Doctor Saif

Date of Submission: 21-11-2021

Faculty of Management Sciences

Q1. Analyze the below given case study and provide recommendations in line to
the Lean concepts that we covered in class; it should not be more than of 2
Pages. (Hint # illustrate in Bullet Points)

Lean five principles are followed here which showing how they are applicable for

1- Value.

PDQ has to defined by the customer’s needs for pizza. For example, what is the

timeline for manufacturing and delivery? What is the price point? What are other

important requirements or expectations that must be met? This information is vital

for defining value.

2- Value stream

Once the value (end goal) has been determined, PDQ next step is mapping the

“value stream” or all the steps and processes involved in taking a product (pizza)

from raw materials and delivering the final product (pizza) to the customer. That

process can be in design, production, procurement, HR, administration, delivery, or

customer service. PDQ goal is to identify every step that does not create value and

then find ways to eliminate those wasteful steps.

3- Flow

PDQ shall follow Takt Time theory to consider the customer demands and time of

the demands. After the waste has been removed from the value stream, PDQ next

step is to be sure the remaining steps flow smoothly with no interruptions, delays, or

bottlenecks. “Make the value creating steps occur in tight sequence so that the pizza

service will flow smoothly toward the customer. This may require breaking down silo
thinking and making the effort to become cross-functional, which can be one of the

greatest challenges for lean programs to overcome. However, studies show that this

will also lead to huge gains in productivity and efficiency, sometimes as high as 50-

percent improvement or more.

4- Pull

With improved flow, time to market (or time to customer) can be dramatically

improved. This makes PDQ much easier to deliver pizza as needed, as in “just in

time” manufacturing or delivery. This means the customer can “pull” the pizza

delivery as needed (often in weeks, instead of months). As a result, PDQ don’t need

to be built in advance or materials stockpiled, creating expensive inventory that

needs to be managed, saving money for both the manufacturer/provider and the


5- Perfection

All mobile production and delivery vehicles shall be equipped with tracker for better

tracking of location. A priority setter software shall be employed to identify the

vehicle in the area of order delivery. lean thinking and process improvement part of

positive response in PDQ culture. Every employee should be involved in

implementing lean. Lean experts often say that a process is not truly lean until it has

been through value-stream mapping at least half a dozen times. Application of Lean

techniques shall result in positive outcomes.

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