RW-RMF-Resistivity Tool Type Selection - EFRAIN-CRUZ-SEEROIL

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Resistivity toll type selection

This tool planner, in EXCEL, was built as an aid on the proper Resistivity tool selection, mainly on those cases
that a doubt arises on the selection of the Laterolog vs Induction type tools.

The use of the spreadsheet is easy. It is splited into four sections, two input sections and two output sections.
The input sections is also divided into two subsections:

1 - Borehole (Datos del Lodo)

2 - Reservoir (Datos del Reservório)

To be able to select a tool the program requires at least one parameter to be entered in each subgroup, apart
from the mud type and mud weight.
The "Available Parameters" checkbox must be checked so that the calculations will be more precise. As
mentioned above, at least one parameter for Borehole and one for Reservoir are required. If more parameters
are available, more accurate will be the tool selection.

For example, for Borehole either Rm, Rmf, Rmc or Mud Salinity must be entered. If only one parameter is
available the others will be estimated from that one. For the Reservoir either Rw or Formation Water Salinity
must be entered. If only one is available the other will be estimated.

Don't forget to enter the appropriated temperature that corresponds to each resistivity. The program will
calculate all the resistivities at the reservoir temperature for the proper evaluation of the tool selection.

The charts used on the calculations are available on the different tabs on this spreadsheet and can be used for
verification or hand calculations.
The parameters Rm, Rmf, Rmc, Rw, Equivalent Mud Salinity and Equivalent Formation Water Salinity, at
Reservoir Temperature are displayed on the Results Section (Resumen).
All the conditions are them checked and the recommended tool is listed for each condition. The tool that meets
more conditions is then selected (Selección de Herramienta).
In case you want to add any comment you can do so on the section "HERRAMIENTA RECOMENDADA".

Add your

Just select the cell on the blank space and enter your comments on it.

Based on the local experience, some default values can be changed. For example, the default value for
Rm/Rmf is 2.5 but in some areas the DLL can be used with much higher values of Rm/Rmf mainly in
high resistivities formation (carbonates). If you feel that the defaults values needs to be adjusted to
your area, you can do so by clicking on the button "SELECT CUTOFFS".

Select Cutoffs

Any suggestion to improve this product is very welcome. The spreadsheet was designed in Spanish since it is
mainly for use with PEMEX. If you feel that a version in another language is required, let me know.

Jose Salles
Selección HRI vs DLL

Fecha: 21-mar-08
Preparado por:

Datos del Pozo / Reservório

Datos del Lodo

Densidad 10.6 lb/gal Tipo WBM
Marque si Disponible Temperatura
Rm ✘ 2.326 ohm.m @ 70 °F
Rmf ✘ 1.094 ohm.m @ 70 °F
Rmc ✘ 2.083 ohm.m @ 70 °F
Salinidad ppm
Rt ohm.m
Ф (Promedia) %

Datos del Reservório

Marque si Disponible Temperatura
Rw 0.025 ohm.m @ 196 °F
Salinidad ✘ 20000 ppm


Rm 0.881 ohm.m @ 196 °F

Rmf 0.414 ohm.m @ 196 °F
Rmc 0.789 ohm.m @ 196 °F
RW 0.130 ohm.m @ 196 °F
≈ Salinidad Equivalente Lodo (NaCl) 2,490 ppm
≈ Salinidad Equivalente Formación (NaCl) 20,000 ppm

Selección da Herramienta
Condición Valor Herramienta
Tipo de Lodo WBM DLL o HRI
Rt 0 DLL o HRI
Rm 0.88 DLL o HRI
Rt/Rm 0 HRI
Rmf/Rw 16.6 HRI

Herramienta recomendada

Basado en la información suministrada y en las recomendaciones de la

literatura existente, recomendase el uso de la herramienta HRI.

By:J.Salles Ver: 1.0

Rmf and Rmc estimation from Rm
m Rm
Conversions of NaCl Solutions
Laterolog vs Induction Determination Chart
tion Chart

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