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By: Brittany Pabon

- Syphilis is a chronic
bacterial disease that

Basic information you comes from an

infection during sexual

and overview
- The disease happens in
- Syphilis can affect the
skin on different parts
of the body such as
back, hand, etc…
- The STD causes sores on
your genitals
- a cause of syphilis is when there is a sexual skin to
skin contact with someone who already has the
- the main way to conceive the STD is through
Causes of Syphilis having vaginal or anal sex
- You can spread syphilis through sores on your

and how it spreads body because many people don’t realize they have
the sores
- it’s not spread through normal contact which
means you won’t get it from sharing food or
using a public restroom
Signs and Symptoms of Syphilis
- primary stage: when a. syphilis sore
-the signs can be so slight you will not
pops up
notice them
- Secondary Stage: rashes may appear on
- Signs of syphilis could be confused with a hands and could be flu like symptoms
rash or pimple so people don’t know they - Late stage: this stage of the STD can
have it. cause tumors, loss of vision and
statistics of Syphilis in
NYC from 2000-2009
Prevention of Syphilis
-when having intercourse always use a condom
- when you are sexually active have regular STI test and checkups
- if you or your sexual partner has syphilis avoid having sex until it is properly
- first you need to be diagnosed
with syphilis with either a blood or
treatment of cerebral fluid test
- you can treat the early stages with
Syphilis medication
- once it’s known you have syphilis
there are follow up appointments
to check on the STD
-Usually tested through a blood test
- you can get tested at a doctors office
Testing - the results will come back as either
positive or negative
Information - another test but it’s not as
about syphilis commonly used is cerebral fluid test
Summarizing Points
- The main way to prevent Syphilis is when having sex always use a condom
- if you know you have syphilis do not have sec and make sure to get properly
treated so it didn’t cause long term problems
- The main way of spreading is through sexual contact not everyday situations
- syphilis is divided into stages (primary, secondary and late)

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