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Credits and Contents


Authors Introduction 2
Matthew Sprange, Matt Keefe
The Mobile Infantry 3
Richard Ford The Threat to Humanity 4
Cover Art
Kieran Yanner
Campaigns of the Mobile Infantry 5
Internal Art Units of the Mobile Infantry 7
Scott Clark, Vincent Dutrait, Marcio
Fiorito, Juan Manuel Espinosa, Sam Hobby Section 11
Hart, Kythera, Iordanis Lazaridis,
Danilo Moretti, Phil Renne, Chad Platoon Level Forces 20
Sergesketter, Alejandro Villen, Dave
Wiggins, Kieran Yanner Power Suit Platoons 22
Figure Painter
Adrian Walters
Marauder Platoons 28
Sculptors Exosuit Platoons 35
Shane Hoyle, Bobby Jackson,
Bob Naismith, Ben Saunders, Auxiliary Units 40
Steve Saunders
Weapons List 48
Miniatures Manager
Ian Barstow Company Level Forces 53
Production Director Heroic Traits 55
Alexander Fennell
Emplacement Assets 58
Allyson Miller Mobile Infantry Reference Guide 60
Starship Troopers: Mobile Infantry Army Book TM & (C) 2006 TriStar Pictures Inc. All Rights
Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd. Authorised User. Reproduction of any part of this work by any
means without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. Printed in China.


Today, mankind faces a battle for survival. In the
galaxy, there is a war among the species and there can now
The Mobile Infantry Army Book
This army book provides a full update to the Mobile Infantry
only be one victor. The scourge of the Arachnids washes over lists found in the main Starship Troopers rulebook. Here
entire worlds and even the Skinnies are showing signs of full you will find all the tools you will require when fighting the
mobilisation. There is only one force that can stand against Arachnids, Skinnies and new alien menaces soon to make
these threats and all the other dangers lurking in the universe. their presence known.
The Mobile Infantry are the best trained and best equipped
troops in Earth’s history and they are all that stand between The Mobile Infantry Army Book contains the following
the human race and oblivion. sections.

Over the years, the Mobile Infantry has been trained to fight Forces of the Federation: Overview of the military within the
insurgents, terrorists, disgruntled colonists and even the United Citizens’ Federation, including some of their famous
extra-terrestrial onslaught of the Skinnies. Now the danger campaigns and most dangerous foes.
has worsened and mankind looks to the Mobile Infantry for
security. Army List: The complete Mobile Infantry army list, allowing
you to use all the units, equipment and vehicles in the Starship
Ready to deploy on any world of the known universe, even the Troopers miniatures game.
far reaches of Klendathu itself, the Mobile Infantry can take
on any foe of any size or shape. Utilising the latest military Hobby Section: Packed with photographs of gorgeously
hardware developed by SICON and trained to the peak of painted Mobile Infantry models, these pages contain tips on
human endurance there is no mission the versatile troopers painting, colour schemes and markings.
cannot accomplish.

The Mobile Infantry

The best-trained, best-equipped military force suits, Marauders keep the mobility necessary for a trooper to
mankind has ever deployed, the Mobile Infantry are the fight effectively but provide him with much larger weapons. A
culmination of thousands of years of warfare, technological single Marauder will stall a swarm of warrior bugs but a squad
development and tactical innovation. Capable of dropping of them will drive the Arachnids straight back into their holes
into any warzone with extreme rapidity, troopers are encased and many are powerful enough to engage even the largest
within power suits that provide protection against enemy alien creatures such as the dreaded plasma and tanker bugs.
firepower and provide the mobility that gives the army its
name. Even an organisation such as the Mobile Infantry cannot fight
alone, no matter how well-equipped its soldiers. Forming
Even the basic trooper is equipped to deal with most threats just one military arm of SICON (the Strategically Integrated
he is likely to encounter on the battlefield without having Coalition of Nations), the Mobile Infantry can rely on the
recourse to call for heavy support. His power suit has jump support of the Fleet and of Military Intelligence.
jets which allow him to soar from point to point, keeping the
enemy off balance. It also provides full life support assistance, The Fleet controls the space lanes of the Federation and is
allowing a trooper to keep fighting even in the void of space, responsible for ferrying Mobile Infantry companies from one
and its visor-mounted tactical display gives him up-to-the warzone to another. In battle, troopers can rely on the Fleet
second tactical updates that show the ebb and flow of battle providing them with air cover with TAC Fighters and a quick
in real time. egress with shuttles and drop boats should their positions
threaten to be overwhelmed. The officers of the Fleet do not
The trooper’s standard issue Morita rifle has the penetrating always see eye to eye with the ordinary trooper but both are
power of early tripod-mounted machine guns but, tied into the reliant on the other if they are to achieve victory in war.
power suit’s targeting array, is far more accurate. It features an
underslung grenade launcher that increases its versatility with Military Intelligence is a more mysterious organisation, its
a variety of selectable warheads, ranging from the simple but members commanding great respect among both Fleet officers
effective flechette to the truly lethal bugshot. and the Infantry. Specialists can harness incredible psychic
talent, allowing them to track the movements of tunnelling
Should a squad of troopers prove insufficient to counter a Arachnids or drain a captive Skinnie of vital intelligence.
tactical threat, a wide variety of options exist to upgrade their Others are skilled at analysis and spend thousands of man-
combat effectiveness. Variant models of the Morita include hours planning each invasion of a new world in minute
carbines for close-in fighting or long-barrelled sniper rifles that detail.
can pick off an enemy from great distances. Heavier weaponry
appears in the form of Javelin missile launchers, Hel flamers Together, the Fleet, Mobile Infantry and Military Intelligence
or Triple Thud grenade launchers, each of which enhances a form the backbone that protects humanity from the dangers
squad’s firepower to such an extent that a mere eight men can of the galaxy. However, it is the Mobile Infantry that remains
be capable of stalling an entire Arachnid warrior bug swarm. at the frontline, the first to respond to threats and the last to
retreat from a world that lost to alien invaders. They are both
Heavier support options exist, for battling an enemy so the surgeon’s knife that targets an enemy where it is most
numerous that even power suit squads may prove insufficient. vulnerable and the hammer that can smash entire armies apart.
The near-legendary Marauder suits define the Mobile Infantry The greatest war machine humanity has ever created is now
in the eyes of many citizens of the Federation. Encased within the tool for its very survival.
a ten-foot armoured battle suit, a trooper driving a Marauder
gains the firepower of an entire squad and is easily the equal
of a several main battle tanks fielded by human armies in the
distant past. Retaining the jump jets of the much lighter power

The Threat to Humanity

While the Arachnids are undoubtedly worlds and hundreds of outposts that combine to
the most visible and terrifying threat facing the make the Federation is a near impossible task and
Federation, they are not the only one, for the enemies many move towards independence for no reason
of peace are many. The Mobile Infantry are called to other than a feeling of neglect. Other rebellions
fight, time and again, and must be trained to deal with are more purposeful, with political dissenters
any enemy, from a massive Arachnid horde to a few resisting Federation rule or greedy and ambitious
desperate colonists holding SICON officials hostage governors seeking to take a bigger share of power
in their outpost. for themselves. In a two-tier system of civilian and
citizen, it is perhaps inevitable that inequality would
give rise to distrust and disobedience.
The Trouble With Skinnies
Initially encountered as a race enslaved by the
Regardless of its root causes, rebellion is always
Arachnids, the Skinnies are an enigma. They are often
put down ruthlessly by the Mobile Infantry. In a
encountered as raiders, attacking opportunistically
galaxy where mankind is under attack from a threat
whenever human activity strays too close to their
as terrifying and alien as the Arachnids, it may
own colonies, though they have also aided the Mobile
seem insane to send the Mobile Infantry to fight
Infantry when the Arachnids are close. Recently, the
other humans but without the strong backbone of
Skinnies have proven to be rather more of a threat
the Federation there would be little left to defend
than was initially believed.
and so its integrity must be maintained at all times,
no matter the cost. Since all voting citizens have
Recent attacks on human colonies in the Udora and
performed military service, public support for any
Memphis systems have been blamed on Skinnie
action against insurrectionists is every bit as high
‘soldiers’, rather than the more humble raiders and
as support for action against the Arachnids, and so
militia normally encountered. SICON analysts
long as citizens remain in control of the Federation,
considered these attacks to be part of a co-ordinated
dissent will simply not be tolerated.
campaign rather than just small scale raids, suggesting
that the raiding parties of the past are by no means the
only Skinnie forces at large in the galaxy. The Threat to Survival
Since the discovery of the Arachnids on Pluto, this
Until more information can be gathered, Military race has grown from a mere nuisance to a threat
Intelligence has refused to declare definitively large enough to threaten mankind’s very hold on
whether a genuine campaign is being waged by the the galaxy. Without exception, contact between
Skinnies but it seems possible and some in SICON human and Arachnid has been marked by violence.
talk openly of a war on two fronts, with the Federation Arachnids attack humans on sight and their appetite
caught between Arachnids and Skinnies. for bloodshed seems insatiable. While this threat
remains, the Mobile Infantry adopt the same vigorous
tactics and aggressively root out all Arachnids. While
The Constant Threat– so much as a single Arachnid survives, mankind is
Traitors and Rebels in danger and so the threat must be exterminated
Before the attack on Buenos Aires, the Mobile utterly. The Arachnids must be removed from the
Infantry’s greatest threat was from within. Seldom galaxy and, ultimately, that is the job the Mobile
acknowledged on FedNet or via official SICON Infantry remains dedicated to completing, no matter
channels, insurrection is by no means uncommon the challenge.
in the Federation. Holding together the dozens of

Campaigns of the Mobile Infantry

The Mobile Infantry have a long and noble After this, a broad front was created at the very limits of
history defending Mankind against its own worst excesses. Federation space, where SICON would target a small number
Now, as the Federation reaches for the stars, alien races press of worlds for assault. Each would then be attacked by a
in from all sides and SICON finds itself in a constant state of separate task force, with the aim of destroying any Arachnid
war. The encounter with the Arachnids on Pluto was just the infestation before setting up a new colony. This would then
start of a series of campaigns that placed the entire Federation serve as a launch pad for a fresh assault yet further from the
on a war footing. Now, battles with other sentient races of the core of the Federation.
galaxy erupt across many worlds throughout space as the war
for the species grows in intensity. Though the Federation had to provide some heavy incentives
to find enough people willing to create a new life in a colony
This section takes a look at some of the hardest won campaigns so close to the Arachnids (including offering Citizenship at
the Mobile Infantry have been involved in, battles that cost one point, though this was quickly vetoed), it has so far proved
the lives of many troopers but, at the same time, accelerated a solid strategy. The primary aim is to destroy the Arachnid
Mankind’s hold on its tiny region of the galaxy. threat once and for all, taking many years to reclaim worlds
one by one until humanity, once again, stands on the threshold
of Klendathu, ready this time to deliver a final assault that will
The Aftermath of the Road to Victory smash the bugs forever. However, SICON has a longer strategic
Klendathu was a watershed, not just for the Mobile Infantry
aim that will surpass the lifetime of any human alive today.
who bore the greatest losses that day, but for the Federation
By building new colony worlds slowly and steadily, SICON
as a whole. Until the invasion, there had never been any doubt
ensures that not only will the new territory be resistant to
in the mind of citizen and civilian alike that victory was
counter-attacks from alien forces but that when the Arachnids
inevitable. After all, the three military arms of SICON had
are finally destroyed, mankind will have a productive empire
never yet failed and so there was no reason to believe that
that will stretch across an almost unimaginable region of the
mere animals such as the Arachnids could pose any significant
galaxy. From such a position, it is assumed mankind will
threat. The destruction of Buenos Aires fuelled a desire for
finally be unassailable, with no threat in the galaxy able to
revenge that, in retrospect, led to a swelling pride begging to
challenge his position of ultimate authority and strength.
be brought low.

Interest in the Alpha Hydrae system that contained the The Tophet Campaign
Arachnids’ homeworld of Klendathu persisted a while Skinnies had been seen on the borders of Federation space for
after the aborted invasion as various plans to fight the bugs, many years but it was left to a campaign on Tophet to uncover
capture brains and employ new technologies were tried. hard scientific evidence of their capabilities and intentions. A
Some operations were successful. Many were not. However, routine patrol including the legendary Roughnecks was made
mankind’s hold on the system, linked to a thin supply line with a view to using the planet as a staging post in the ongoing
that stretched back to Federation space (the so-called Road to Road to Victory.
Victory), was too tenuous to maintain for long. The military
forces were gradually pulled back to more civilised regions Initial reconnaissance on a planet within the Tophet system
of the galaxy. revealed the presence of the apparently indigenous Skinnies
and first contact was made. Initially, the aliens appeared
The new strategy, initiated by Sky Marshal Keats and friendly, or at least non-hostile, and the Mobile Infantry
continued by Sky Marshal Natonga after his predecessor fell continued their patrol without further regard for the Skinnies.
out of favour, was aimed at strengthening the defences of the That was the Mobile Infantry’s first mistake…
colony worlds. Already, Arachnid forces were beginning to
push at the edges of the Federation and the Mobile Infantry Having lulled the Mobile Infantry into a false sense of security,
were immediately deployed to rescue colonists who had been the Skinnies unleashed dozens of ambushes, cutting off their
cut off by these thrusts and retake their homes. patrols and throwing the entire Tophet mission into chaos.
Arachnid activity on the planet suddenly increased, leaving

Campaigns of the Mobile Infantry
the beleaguered Mobile Infantry in a dire situation indeed. It begun to come to terms with the military intelligence of the
would prove to be the Roughnecks themselves who held the bugs after the disaster on Klendathu.
key to defeating the Skinnies. In the process, they made a most
unexpected discovery. The Roughnecks captured T’Phai, an With the Federation on the back foot, the Mobile Infantry
important Skinnie leader and, finding all normal interrogation could do little more than aid in the evacuation of Kolai back to
methods insufficient, subjected T’Phai to psychic scrutiny at Gobicahn and other nearby systems, while the world of Kolai
the hands of a telepathic trooper, Private Carl Jenkins. itself was effectively surrendered to the bugs.

What Jenkins discovered was a revelation. T’Phai’s psyche The Arachnids, present in incalculable numbers, also made
revealed two voices—the Skinnie’s own and a second, more the journey to Gobicahn aboard colossal transport bugs. They
alien one. Further investigation revealed the presence of a fell hungrily on Gobicahn’s populated worlds and months of
small control bug, a tiny Arachnid creature which had hidden conflict with the Mobile Infantry ensued. Commitments to
itself on T’Phai’s body and taken control of his mind. With the other military efforts on the borders of the Federation, along
removal of the control bug, T’Phai became not only cooperative with Gobicahn’s isolated location, meant that in the initial
but friendly and with his assistance the Mobile Infantry were phases of the campaign, the Mobile Infantry found themselves
able to form a temporary alliance with the Skinnies, removing stretched perilously thin. Brave resistance actions, notably by
control bugs from many of them and thus turning the tide of the 18th Battalion ‘Mad Dogs’ and the reserve platoons of the
battle against the Arachnids on this world. White Khans, bought the time needed for reinforcements to
Since then, both the Fleet and the Mobile Infantry have
reported several encounters with the Skinnies, both as friend Though less heralded than Klendathu and covered only briefly
and foe. The exact motives of the Skinnies still remains on FedNet, Gobicahn was in fact the greater success of the
unclear to Military Intelligence but they have been classified two and the arriving reinforcements led a highly effective
as an inconsequential threat, allowing more resources to be campaign of extermination, eventually driving the Arachnids
moved to the frontline against the Arachnids. out of the system entirely. Still, the population had been
decimated and the suffering of the survivors meant that the
The Gobicahn Campaign once flourishing colonies of Gobicahn quickly withered away.
Settlement missions first ventured to the Gobicahn system, Nowadays, Gobicahn is nothing more than another dangerous
approximately twelve light years to the galactic east of Earth. frontier of the Federation, one patrolled all the more now the
This was a region of space that hung unusually far beneath reach of the Arachnids is known.
the galactic disk to create the spectacle of an almost
pure black sky above the system’s worlds. Separate
colonies were founded on three different worlds,
and over a two year period more than three hundred
thousand settlers populated Gobicahn.

With the population thriving and beginning to grow,

a second colonisation was planned for the nearby
Kolai system. A program of outpost building was
undertaken on Kolai and settlement began. Then
disaster struck.

Without warning, Arachnids washed over Kolai’s

fledgling settlements, slaughtering colonists in
their wake. When the Mobile Infantry arrived
just three weeks later, they found the Arachnids’
tunnel networks already extensive. The bugs, it was
surmised, had come not recently to Kolai but had
been present throughout mankind’s settlement of the
system, biding their time to strike. The bugs finally
attacked, catching the hapless population unaware and
bringing terror to the system. This strategy showed
considerable cunning on the part of the Arachnids
though there were those in SICON who, finally, had

Units of the Mobile Infantry

behind the shoulders when not in use. Despite this incredible
ARMOURED TROOPERS array of weaponry and heavy armour, the Grizzly still retains
Power Suits the powerful jump jets common to other suits, not suffering
Tailored to the individual trooper, the power suit is the mark of from lack of speed for all its bulk.
the Mobile Infantry, the very essence of their existence. With
tactical systems geared to feed a trooper necessary battlefield
information instantly without overwhelming his senses, and
M4A2 Cougar Exosuit
The Cougar is the lighter of the two M4 Exosuits and it is
protective armoured layers that can deflect a bullet at short
a common misapprehension that it was developed first, as it
range, a power suit complements the training of the Mobile
was the Grizzly that became the original M4. The Grizzly’s
Infantry perfectly. From the standard M-1A4 suit worn by
array of weaponry was considered excessive in some tactical
troopers to the more specialised variants used by Pathfinder
situations, as well as being expensive to maintain at a platoon
and Engineer platoons, the power suit truns a trooper into a
level, and so the Cougar was developed as an alternative,
force more powerful than any human soldier in history.
sacrificing the Grizzly’s Atlas Rig and heavy weaponry in
return for increased mobility.

The Cougar has the most sophisticated jump jets of all

the armoured suits in use by the Mobile Infantry, giving it
phenomenal speed and jump capability. Combined with the
Cougar’s array of sensory equipment and the user’s rigorous
training, the jump jets not only allow great leaps but can also be
used incrementally in numerous situations, providing greater
balance, the stability to fire when moving and the ability to
react at lightning speed. Despite their swiftness, Cougars are
phenomenally strong. At full strength, a trooper in Cougar
armour is capable of overturning a Marauder.

M8 Ape Marauder
The most common version of the Marauder, the M8 Ape is
easily recognised by its massive presence, elongated arms and
loping gait. A single trooper within an Ape can hold off an
M4A1 Grizzly Exosuit entire swarm of Arachnid warrior bugs, laying down a hail of
Designated the M4A1, the Grizzly was the original exosuit, fire to steel an advance of troopers or to cover their escape.
though it came into service later than the Cougar. The Grizzly The Ape Morita Specials, mounted in the suit’s forearms,
is the largest true armoured suit a trooper can wear, with any serve as a general purpose assault weapon, ably assisted by
larger designs instead being classified as piloted vehicles, the shoulder-mounted Derringer rotary cannon. For longer-
such as the Marauders. The Grizzly is identical to the Cougar ranged punch, the Trip Hammer mortar provides a tactical
except for the mounted Atlas Rig—a collection of suspensory artillery capability that rounds out the versatility of the Ape.
gears, armour plates and hydraulic systems fitted over the
shoulders and chest that brace the wearer, allowing him to
hold and fire two huge weapons at the same time. M8C Bigfoot Marauder
A variant Marauder based on the Ape, the Bigfoot was named
It is this devastating firepower for which the Grizzly is because of its particularly large feet, an innovation allowing it
renowned and feared. The Atlas Rig allows one weapon to be to mount levels of firepower that would flaw lesser vehicles.
mounted on each arm, though they can be retracted to cradles The colossal Hail Mary mortar mounted on the Bigfoot’s back

Units of the Mobile Infantry
often gives the impression of a true artillery piece as it far cases or where operations must be conducted in enemy held
outweighs the Trip Hammer but the Bigfoot truly excels at territory, the drop capsule is used.
closer ranges. With the Plasmatic Cannon replacing the Morita
guns in the forearms, the Bigfoot has the potential to create a Light Armour Troopers
veritable firestorm around itself, shredding enemies within its Created specifically for the invasion of Klendathu, the light
reach while the Marauder’s own tough armour holds firm. armour troopers are still present in huge numbers, ensuring
their use for many years to come. With less sophisticated
M9 Chickenhawk Marauder weaponry and training at their disposal, these troopers are
The main fire support platform of the Mobile Infantry, deployed in massed formations, using Skyhooks and Vikings
Chickenhawk Marauders are just as likely to be found mixed to remain ‘mobile’ in the face of marauding Arachnid swarms.
within power suit squads as their larger cousins, the M8 They do, however, enjoy an advantage in numbers, as well
Apes. Capable of being fitted with a variety of weaponry, as access to high-ranking SICON support and battlefield
the M9 is faster and more lightly armoured than the Ape atomics.
but has a considerably harder punch and at greater ranges.
A small squad of Chickenhawks will not simply hold off Neodogs
an Arachnid swarm—they will drive it back and annihilate Neodogs have existed, in one form or another, for decades.
every bug present, sparing only those smart enough to retreat Originally, they were wolf/Alsatian hybrids, genetically
underground. modified to produce a creature with heightened senses and
intelligence. Later incarnations, primarily those used by the
M9B Nighthawk Marauder Pathfinders, incorporated a greater degree of cybernetics,
Mounting powerful sensory arrays, the specialised M9B including sensory implants and an explosive charge which
Nighthawk is a superb anti-aircraft platform, fully capable of would both cut short the suffering of any badly wounded
denying the skies to Arachnid forces even if no TAC Fighters neodog and make one last deadly strike against nearby
are present to support it. Best suited to a supporting role, the enemies. Further refinements have been made with the
Nighthawk is not built to engage the enemy up close. While recently deployed Mk II neodogs, incorporating even more
maintaining positions of tactical advantage such as high bluffs sophisticated sensory implants plus, for the first time, exterior
or other natural emplacements, the Nighthawk can become armour and dedicated weaponry in the form of a laser mounted
isolated and vulnerable to a cunning enemy, using flanking in the skull.
manoeuvres to attack them. For this sort of emergency, the
Nighthawk mounts a Y-rack and, like all Marauders, is more Neodogs must be handled by troopers specially trained for the
than capable of looking after itself in tactical situations. task. This requires a caleb bond to be formed between man
and animal and this bond is firm indeed. The level of empathy
shared by bonded individuals is incredible and the death of
OTHER UNITS either dog or handler can easily lead to the complete mental
CHAS breakdown of the other.
Becoming more common in the armies of the Mobile Infantry,
the CHAS has achieved an acceptance among troopers that Reliant Gun Platform
was slow in coming. The limitations of the CHAS have now Fully air transportable, Reliants have proven to be a key
been found and accepted, allowing them to be incorporated asset in the fight against the bugs. Troopers can place a line
successfully into plans for battle. When deployed in this of platforms in under twenty minutes, allowing the Mobile
fashion, the CHAS is a superb war machine, able to withstand Infantry to quickly establish a fortified perimeter around
a great deal of punishment at the hands of the Arachnids landing fields, base facilities or potential breakthrough zones.
without risking the life of valuable troopers. The Reliants themselves are considered disposable and will
usually be stripped of armament and abandoned when the
Drop Capsules fighting moves on. The Reliant Emplacement can accept a
Launched from space and each containing a power suited wide range of armaments, such as the Twin Fifty autocannon,
trooper or Marauder, a drop capsule is designed to get its Inferno support flamer, Javelin missile launcher, Rapier AA
occupant down to the ground as quickly, if not as comfortably, missile launcher, Bugbroom support laser or Scythe laser
as possible. A steady and measured deployment of Mobile cannon.
Infantry will use Fleet drop boats and landing craft to create
perimeters, establish forward bases and place platoons exactly Micro-support Weapons
where they are needed. However, this is not always possible When suitable locations for emplacements cannot be found,
during war and the enemy is rarely so accommodating as to Mobile Infantry squads will often deploy portable versions
allow a full deployment to proceed without attacking. In such of their smaller support weapons, lending a greater degree

Units of the Mobile Infantry
of firepower to their squads. They are cumbersome but are TAC UAV
preferable to going without such support. Placed under the control of a senior trooper, a TAC UAV
grants a squad a longer punch and better eyes. Circling above
Micro-support weapons are usually mounted on tripods, often the battlefield, this craft is capable of reconnoitering an area
carried by one member of the team while a second carries the and then lending support when the squad moves in. Twin Fifty
weapon itself, and offer the choice of Spitball rocket launchers, autocannon and two scatter bombs give the TAC UAV a punch
Derringer rotary cannon or Scythe laser cannon. The weapons that cannot be underestimated and its ability to stay on station
may lack the devastating punch of those found on the Reliant for hours before retiring to the rear lines to rearm and refuel
but they do nonetheless add considerable weight to a single enables a force to remain under its cover for entire missions.
squad’s armament, with the added advantage that they can
be used in virtually any situation, increasing the squad’s
flexibility considerably. THE FLEET
Flamberge Heavy Ground Attack Missile
SICON Military Intelligence Agent The standard attack missile, launched by large gunships, the
Easily distinguished on the battlefield by their long, flowing Flamberge can accept scatter or firestorm warheads, allowing
coats and jackboots, these agents are the Military Intelligence it to be tailored for specific missions or enemies. It is often
personnel most commonly encountered by troopers. Though used to support Mobile Infantry advances, with craft staying
usually found giving high-level briefings for critical missions, on station miles away as they wait for an officer on the ground
these agents can also be found on the battlefield, taking a to call in an air strike.
personal interest in operations they have crafted themselves.
This is often a comfort to the troopers they fight alongside, for
while Military Intelligence has not garnered a good reputation
Fleet Landing Party
While it is often said that the ‘Fleet does the flying, MI does
for accuracy among the Mobile Infantry, few seriously believe
the dying’, there are numerous fighting men and women
that these agents will willingly put themselves in harm’s way if
within the Fleet itself. All Fleet officers are combat trained
another platoon of Mobile Infantry can be sent along instead.
and a few even specialise in it, forming boarding and landing
parties. Such missions often involve making first contact with
Stalwart Bug Field Generators colonies feared to be under attack. Fleet assets can arrive
Bug Field Generators are a defensive
measure, designed to protect Mobile
Infantry positions and emplacements.
They consist of a relay of field emitters,
portable metal pillars approximately
twice the height of a man. These
generate a powerful electrical charge
covering the area between each pillar
and so can be used to form a perimeter
or defensive line. The Arachnids’
sensitive antennae can detect the field
and find its frequency particularly
unpleasant and so generally stay away.
However, in a frenzy the Arachnids
will still attack the fields. Contact
with the field converts its charge
to an explosive shock, incinerating
bugs as they hurl themselves at the
line. Notable weaknesses of the
Stalwart include the lack of protection
underground, leaving positions
vulnerable to tunnelling attacks, but
particularly strong tanker sub-species
have also been known to pass through
the field unharmed.

Units of the Mobile Infantry
much quicker than the Mobile Infantry, and landing parties Slingshot Drop Boat
can be sent to the planet’s surface to assess the situation. One of the most advanced landing craft ever developed by
Fleet engineers, the Slingshot is the perfect counterpart to
Although the Mobile Infantry are clearly preferred for power suit platoons and is even large enough to carry a limited
planetside missions, Fleet Landing Parties cannot be number of Marauders. Armed with a variety of weaponry, the
underestimated. All are officers, trained to act on their own Slingshot can not only clear a landing zone of hostile forces,
initiative—a vital asset when the first on the scene. It is often it can take off once more and engage in repeated attack runs to
the Fleet Landing Parties who are responsible for gathering support troopers on the ground. Despite any enmity that may
information on an emerging threat, assessing its nature and linger between the Mobile Infantry and Fleet, there are many
providing the intelligence needed to plan the early stages of a troopers who gladly welcome the sight of a Slingshot when
counter-invasion. the Arachnids threaten to overwhelm their position.

Sarissa Space Combat Missile Thunderbolt TAC Fighter

Usually used as an anti-shipping missile, the Sarissa can be Piloted by the top guns of the Fleet, the TAC Fighter is a
recalibrated for ground attack, where it is launched from space powerful attack craft designed to defend the fleet and support
or massive silos on the other side of the world. As well as ground operations. It has a number of standard weapons fits,
the standard warheads utilised by the Flamberge, the Sarissa each tailored to a specific role and permitting the craft to be
is also capable of deploying the Pee-wee and Ajax atomics, used against enemy flyers and Arachnid swarms or to deliver
weapons of awesome destructive potential. an atomic warhead with great accuracy. It is not as agile as
some of its predecessors but until the Arachnids develop a
large flying species that can successfully repel a squadron
Skyhook Retrieval Boat of TAC Fighters, this craft’s heavy armour and superior load
Seen in use most often with light armour platoons, the capacity is preferred.
small Skyhook is sometimes pressed into service to deploy
single power suit squads or, in an emergency, lift them to Viking Landing Boat
safety before their position is overrun. Lightly armoured and Similar to the Skyhook but much larger, the Viking has a
ungainly in flight, the Skyhook is cheap to produce and, in its far greater cargo capacity and is capable of deploying small
unarmed civilian form, is sometimes the mainstay of orbital platoons with ease. Its armour is not much thicker than that of
operations on many colony worlds. The Fleet model is armed its smaller cousin and it is no faster. However, despite being
with a Twin Fifty autocannon that is capable of clearing hot a much larger target, its sheer mass can often ensure the safe
zones before landing. arrival of the troopers inside, so long as Arachnid plasma
activity is suppressed beforehand.


Hobby Section

The conversion for the standard bearer is very simple.

Construct an MI using the straight Shock Stick arm as

shown. Cut a piece of 1.5 to 2mm wire or brass rod to
approximately 75mm in length. Here we have used the
medium-sized printed flag. If you are using the other
flag sizes, the pole’s length will have to be adjusted to
suit. The flag has been attached with PVA glue; simply
fold the flag around the pole, and when the glue is
nearly dry bend the flag into the desired shape. The
glue will then set it in position.

Permission Granted To Photocopy For Personal Use.

Hobby Section

Triple Thud G/L WASP Trooper Female Cap Trooper

Javelin Missile Launcher Hel Infantry Flamer Morita Long

Chickenhawk Cap Trooper Pathfinder Neodog

Reliant Gun Platform MK1 Neodog Ape Marauder

SICON Agent Standard Bearer CHAS

Hobby Section



Hobby Section



Hobby Section



Hobby Section



Hobby Section



Hobby Section



Hobby Section



Platoon Level Forces

This section gives you all the vital information you that can be included in a platoon. Where appropriate, these
need in order to recruit your own platoons before taking a stand restrictions are noted in the platoon lists.
to defend mankind. You will have a great deal of flexibility in
the forces you can commit to battle—many types of units are Every platoon within a Mobile Infantry army may have a
available, from power suit cap troopers through heavily armed different Priority Level. However, the Priority Level of the
Marauder battle suits, up to air strikes and nuclear weapons. entire force, for the purposes of scenarios and engagements,
It is up to you what kind of force you choose to field. Do you will be that of the highest Priority Level platoon.
want a simple lightly armed reconnaissance force or a full
drop of bug-smashing, nuke-toting Marauders? This army list Support Assets
will guide you through the choices you can take. Mobile Infantry cap troopers are extremely efficient
and extraordinarily effective on the ground but there are
Choice of Platoon limits to what they can accomplish alone. For battles more
A Mobile Infantry player can choose to field many kinds of complicated than a simple shooting match, it often becomes
platoon. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses which necessary to deploy heavier levels of ordnance. The Mobile
make some preferable for specific tasks or missions. Infantry has access to three kinds of asset: Fleet, Command
and Emplacement. The availability and flexibility of these
This book contains full lists for three Mobile Infantry assets fluctuates according to the Priority Level of the Mobile
platoons—Power Suit platoons, Marauder platoons and Infantry force. Emplacement assets are detailed on page 58.
Exosuit platoons. There are also other types of platoon which
can be used, such as Light Armour platoons and Pathfinder Regardless of platoon type, tactics, overall points or Priority
platoons. These can be found in other supplements, though Level, no Mobile Infantry army can spend more than 50% of
all are presented in the same format and are subject to the its points on assets.
limitations presented here.

Choosing a Platoon
The following special rules apply to all Mobile Infantry,
Before choosing which troops will make up your army, you regardless of platoon type.
must choose what type of platoon you will field. Your army
may only include one platoon for every full 1,000 points in
the army. So, for example, a 2,000 point army could include Chain of Command
two platoons of MI and these could be of any combination The Mobile Infantry are trained to understand and respect the
of platoon types—two Power Suit platoons, one Power Suit chain of command as if their lives depend on it, from Camp
platoon and one Exosuit platoon and so on. You are also Arthur Currie all the way to Klendathu. The following special
permitted to combine the platoons here with those found in command rules apply to Mobile Infantry forces.
other Starship Troopers supplements, such as the Pathfinders
or Light Armour troopers. Mobile Infantry Unit Leaders
In the Mobile Infantry every unit has a designated unit leader,
Once you have chosen which platoons to include in your army, usually a sergeant or corporal. They command a unit until
you can pick the individual units which will form the fighting they are removed as a casualty. It is quite possible for a squad
men and women you use in battle. You may only choose units to contain both a sergeant and a corporal. In this case, the
from the appropriate platoon type, so an Exosuit platoon sergeant is the unit leader—but should he die, the corporal
cannot include units chosen from the Power Suit platoon list, immediately steps up and becomes unit leader. A Mobile
for example. Certain other restrictions may apply, such as the Infantry squad that loses its sergeant and has no corporal to
minimum or maximum number of squads of a certain type command them falls into Alert Status until an officer takes
command or a new unit leader is promoted by a lieutenant.

Platoon Level Forces
Mobile Infantry have five ranks of note—private, corporal, marker. Models already under control of a unit leader ignore
sergeant, NCO (occasionally referred to as Senior Sergeant) Retrieval Points.
and lieutenant. SICON Military Intelligence agents also have
the ability to command Mobile Infantry units. Mobile Infantry Alert Status Reactions
Mobile Infantry models on Alert Status can use the Beat
9 Sergeants are unit leaders. Feet or Stand By reactions in addition to the default Shoot
9 Corporals are unit leaders if there is no sergeant present in reaction.
a squad.
9 NCOs and lieutenants can be unit leaders in certain
circumstances (see the main rulebook for details). Beat Feet (special Mobile Infantry
9 NCOs, lieutenants and SICON Military Intelligence Move reaction)
Agents are considered officers. Any Mobile Infantry model on Alert Status can take a single
Move reaction when an enemy unit completes an action within
Mobile Infantry Command Range 10”. Turn the model around after moving to signify that it
Mobile Infantry command range is the standard 6” unless cannot make any further reactions for the rest of the player
all officers in the Mobile Infantry force have been killed, in turn. Models that are readied can use a special movement
which case it becomes 3”. mode when making a Beat Feet reaction if desired.

Higher Command Stand By (special Mobile Infantry

On the battlefield the steadying presence of a trusted officer Ready reaction)
can keep men in the fight for longer or make them give up If an enemy model completes an action within 10” of every
hope if he falls. Officers have powers to help maintain the Mobile Infantry model in a unit, the whole Mobile Infantry unit
chain of command, keeping men moving and fighting when may Ready as a reaction. Note that if even a single model in
they become scattered or unit leaders are lost. Lieutenants the Mobile Infantry unit is not within the Alert Status range of
have access to the special Ready actions of Promote and an acting enemy model, this reaction cannot be performed.
Retrieval Point.

Promote (special Mobile Infantry

Ready action–Lieutenants only)
This action must be undertaken by a lieutenant model.
The Mobile Infantry officer can nominate a single
out of command model in his force to be ‘promoted’
to become a unit leader. The new unit leader can
take control of any out of command models within
its command range (6”) and form them into a new
unit. If the new unit leader was within the lieutenant’s
command range when appointed, the promotion lasts
for the rest of the game. If the promoted unit leader
was outside the lieutenant’s command range when
appointed, the promotion lasts for the duration of the
player turn only.

Retrieval Point (special Mobile

Infantry Ready action–Lieutenants
This action must be undertaken by a lieutenant
model. The Mobile Infantry player places a marker
anywhere on the tabletop, representing the retrieval
point being set. The retrieval marker counts as a unit
leader with a command range affecting the whole
tabletop. Any out of command Mobile Infantry model
on the tabletop is allowed to act as if the marker were
its unit leader, as long as any actions or reactions
made are Move actions directly towards the retrieval

Power Suit Platoons

Considered to be the standard by which other A power suit platoon in the Starship Troopers miniatures game
platoons measure themselves, there is little that a few squads contains two or more Power Suit Squads and a commanding
of power suited troopers cannot achieve. They have a tactical Power Suit NCO, though they can swell to include another
flexibility that is second to none and access to the greatest NCO, a Lieutenant and an additional four squads.
range of equipment and weapon options. If you are looking
for a solid force that can handle anything that the enemy Remember, you must decide which platoons to use before
throws, then there is no better choice. choosing any forces. See page 20 for details.

Power Suit Lieutenant 0-1 per Platoon 115 points

Your Power Suit Platoon may include up to one Power Suit Lieutenant.

Power Suit Lieutenant

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Power Suit Lieutenant 115 1 4” D6+1 4+ 4+/6+ 7+ Independent, Jump/12”

Unit Size: A Power Suit Lieutenant is an independent Equipment Options: A Power Suit Lieutenant can be
model. equipped with a WASP pack or Drop Capsule for +10
Weapons/Equipment: A Power Suit Lieutenant is equipped
with a Morita Assault Rifle with underslung G/L and a For an additional +45 points a Power Suit Lieutenant may
Lizard Line. upgrade to an Exosuit Lieutenant if he does not choose any
other options. See page 36 for details on options available to
Options Exosuit Lieutenants.
A Power Suit Lieutenant may purchase the following
options. For an additional +110 points a Power Suit Lieutenant may
upgrade to a Marauder Lieutenant if he does not choose any
Go Career: A Lieutenant may be bought heroic traits up to other options. See page 29 for details on options available to
a total value of +100 points. Marauder Lieutenants.

Weapon Options: A Power Suit Lieutenant can be equipped

with any of the weapons listed below:

9 Shock Stick for +5 points.

9 Frag grenades for +5 points.
9 Smoke grenades for +10 points.
9 One Plasma munition for +25 points.

A Power Suit Lieutenant may replace his underslung G/L

with a Trench Sweeper Laser for +10 points.

Power Suit Platoons

Power Suit NCO 1-2 per Platoon 105 points

Your Power Suit Platoon may include one or two Power Suit NCOs.

Power Suit NCO

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Power Suit NCO 105 1 4” D6 4+ 4+/6+ 7+ Independent, Jump/12”

Unit Size: A Power Suit NCO is an independent model. For an additional +40 points a Power Suit NCO may upgrade
to an Exosuit NCO if he does not choose any other options.
Weapons/Equipment: A Power Suit NCO is equipped with See page 36 for details on options available to Exosuit
a Morita Assault Rifle with underslung G/L and a Lizard NCOs.
For an additional +105 points a Power Suit NCO may
Options upgrade to a Marauder NCO if he does not choose any
A Power Suit NCO may purchase the following options. other options. See page 30 for details on options available
to Marauder NCOs.
Go Career: An NCO may be bought heroic traits up to a
total value of +50 points.

Weapon Options: A Power Suit NCO can be equipped with

any of the weapons listed below:

9 Shock Stick for +5 points.

9 Frag grenades for +5 points.
9 Smoke grenades for +10 points.
9 One Plasma munition for +25 points.

An NCO may replace his underslung G/L with a Trench

Sweeper Laser for +10 points.

Equipment Options: A Power Suit NCO can be equipped

with a WASP pack or Drop Capsule for +10 points.

Power Suit Platoons

Power Suit Squad 0-2 per Officer 195 points

Your Power Suit Platoon may include up to two Power Suit squads for every Mobile Infantry officer in the platoon (Lieutenant
or NCO). You must have a minimum of two squads in the platoon.

Power Suit Squad

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Cap Trooper 25 1 4” D6 4+ 4+ 7+ Jump/12”
Corporal 50 1 4” D6 4+ 4+ 7+ Jump/12”
Sergeant 95 1 4” D6 4+ 4+/6+ 7+ Jump/12”

Unit Size: A Power Suit squad consists of four cap troopers Up to two models may replace their Morita Assault Rifle with
and a sergeant. underslung G/L with one of the weapon choices below:

Weapons/Equipment: Each squad member is equipped 9 Morita Sniper Rifle with underslung G/L for +5
with a Morita Assault Rifle with underslung G/L and a points.
Lizard Line. 9 Hel Infantry Flamer for +10 points.
9 Triple Thud Grenade Launcher for +20 points.
Options 9 Javelin Missile Launcher for +40 points.
Power Suit squads may purchase the following options. 9 M8 Marauder suit for +170 points (see page 31 for
Go Career: The squad sergeant may be bought heroic traits 9 M9 Marauder suit for +170 points (see page 32 for
up to a total value of +25 points. options).

Unit Options: Up to three extra cap troopers may be added The squad may also include a single Micro-support platform,
to the squad at +25 points each. One trooper may be pro- carried by one model in the squad. The Micro-support
moted to a corporal for +25 points. platform may be armed with one of the following weapons
at the cost shown. The platform itself is free.
Weapon Options: A Power Suit Squad can be equipped 9 Derringer +20 points.
with any of the weapons listed below: 9 Spitball Rocket Launcher +10 points.
9 Scythe Laser Cannon +75 points.
9 Shock Sticks for +5 points per model.
9 Frag grenades for +5 points per model. Equipment Options: An entire Power Suit Squad can be
9 Smoke grenades for +5 points per model. equipped with WASP packs or Drop Capsules for +10 points
per model.

Power Suit Platoons


Priority Level One
At Priority Level One, you choose from the following Fleet assets:

Skyhook Retrieval Boat 125 points

0–1 per platoon.

Viking Landing Boat 195 points

0–1 per platoon.

Priority Level Two

At Priority Level Two, you may choose from the following Fleet assets:

Flamberge Heavy Ground Attack Missile 50 points

0–1 per platoon.

Fleet Landing Party 150 points

0-1 per platoon.

Slingshot Drop Boat 300 points

0–1 per platoon.

Thunderbolt TAC Fighter 250 points

0–1 per platoon.

Priority Level Three

At Priority Level Three, you may choose from the following Fleet assets:

Flamberge Heavy Ground Attack Missile 50 points

0–1 per platoon.

Fleet Landing Party 125 points

0-3 per platoon.

Sarissa Space Combat Missile 100 points

0–1 per platoon.

Slingshot Drop Boat 300 points

0–3 per platoon.

Thunderbolt TAC Fighter 250 points

0–4 per platoon.

Power Suit Platoons
Priority Level One
At Priority Level One, you may choose from the following Command assets:

Falcon Missiles +20 points

Any Javelin Missile Launcher can be given Falcon AA Missiles.

Rapier AA Missile Launcher +0 points

0-1 Javelin Missile Launcher can be replaced with a Rapier AA Missile Launcher.

Priority Level Two

At Priority Level Two, you may choose from the following Command assets:

Trench Sweeper Lasers +10 points per

0-1 Power Suit Squad may replace their underslung G/Ls with Trench Sweeper Lasers.

Falcon Missiles +20 points

Any Javelin Missile Launchers can be given Falcon AA Missiles.

Rapier AA Missile Launcher +0 points

Any Javelin Missile Launcher can be replaced with a Rapier AA Missile Launcher.

Atomic Pee-Wee Munition +300 points

0–1 model per platoon may be equipped with an Atomic Pee-Wee munition (only if a model
with Atomic Protocols is in the platoon).

SICON Military Intelligence Agent 80 points

0–1 per platoon.

CHAS Unit 175 points

0-2 per platoon.

Sprite Reconnaissance Skimmers +50 points per

Any Power Suit squad or officer may be mounted on Sprite Skimmers.

TAC UAV 120 points

0-1 officer or unit leader may be designated with control of a single TAC UAV.

Heroic Traits up to +25

0–1 model (may not be an officer) per platoon may purchase up to +25 points worth of
heroic traits.

Power Suit Platoons
Priority Level Three
At Priority Level Three, you may choose from the following Command assets:

Trench Sweeper Lasers +10 points per

Any Power Suit Squad may replace their underslung G/Ls with Trench
Sweeper Lasers.

Falcon Missiles +20 points

Any Javelin Missile Launchers can be given Falcon AA Missiles.

Rapier AA Missile Launcher +0 points

Any Javelin Missile Launcher can be replaced with a Rapier AA Missile

Atomic Pee-Wee Munition +300 points

0–3 models per platoon may be equipped with an Atomic Pee-Wee munition
(only if a model with Atomic Protocols is in the platoon).

Chem Grenades +10 points

Any officer may be equipped with Chem Grenades.

SICON Military 80 points

Intelligence Agent
0–1 per platoon.

CHAS Unit 175 points

0-4 per platoon.

Skinnie Advisor 100 points

0-1 per platoon.

Sprite Reconnaissance +50 points

Skimmers per model
Any Power Suit squad or officer may be mounted on Sprite Skimmers.

TAC UAV 120 points

0-2 officers or unit leaders may be designated with control of a single TAC UAV each.

Heroic Traits up to +25 points

0–1 model per Power Suit squad may purchase up to +25 points worth of heroic traits.

Marauder Platoons

When a mere power suit will not do, bring in the A Marauder platoon in the Starship Troopers miniatures game
Marauders. Each Marauder suit has the firepower of a tank but contains one or more Marauder Suit Squads and a commanding
lacks none of the flexibility of power suits on the battlefield. Marauder Suit NCO, though they can swell to include another
Though they have fewer weapon and equipment options than NCO, a Marauder Suit Lieutenant and a further two units.
power suit platoons, each trooper is a force unto himself,
capable of destroying a huge amount of the enemy’s strength Marauder platoons are always considered to be Priority Level
before succumbing to incoming fire. If you are looking for Two.
a force of brute strength that can rapidly whittle the enemy
down to size, then there is no better choice. Remember, you must decide which platoons to use before
choosing any forces. See page 20 for details.

Marauder Platoons

Marauder Lieutenant 0-1 per Platoon 225 points

Your Marauder platoon may include up to one Marauder Lieutenant. The Lieutenant may be either an M8 Ape Marauder or
an M9 Chickenhawk Marauder but the platoon may only ever include a single Lieutenant. The Lieutenant may be upgraded
into one of the more specialized Bigfoot or Nighthawk Marauder suits.

M8 Ape Marauder Suit Lieutenant

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M8 Ape Lieutenant 225 3 4” 2xD10+1 7+ 3+ 10+ Hits/4, Independent, Jump/8”, Piercing/1

Unit Size: An M8 Marauder Lieutenant is an independent Options

model. An M8 Marauder Lieutenant may purchase the following
Weapons/Equipment: An M8 Marauder Lieutenant is
equipped with a Morita Ape Special, a Hellseed Y-Rack, a Go Career: A Lieutenant may be bought heroic traits up to a
Derringer light rotary cannon, a Trip Hammer mortar and a total value of +100 points. These may not be Talents.
Lizard Line.
Drop Capsule: An M8 Marauder Lieutenant may have a
Special Rules Drop Capsule for +25 points.
An M8 Marauder Lieutenant is subject to the following
special rules. Flamers: The M8 Marauder may replace its Morita Ape
Special with two Hel Infantry Flamers for no extra cost.
Autoloaders: All weapons mounted on an M8 Marauder
suit count as Infinite weapons. Bigfoot: An M8 Marauder Lieutenant may be upgraded to
an M8C Bigfoot Marauder Lieutenant for +100 points.
Lock and Load: Models in M8 Marauder suits can fire two
weapons in a Shoot action.

Chickenhawk Marauder Lieutenant

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M9 Chickenhawk Lieutenant 225 3 5” D6+1 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Independent, Jump/10”

Unit Size: An M9 Marauder Lieutenant is an independent Options

model. An M9 Marauder Lieutenant may purchase the following
Weapons/Equipment: An M9 Marauder Lieutenant is
equipped with a Javelin missile launcher, a Sixgun rotary Go Career: A Lieutenant may be bought heroic traits up to
cannon and a Lizard Line. a total value of +100 points. These may not be Talents.

Special Rules Drop Capsule: An M9 Marauder Lieutenant may have a

An M9 Marauder Lieutenant is subject to the following Drop Capsule for +25 points.
special rules.
Weapon Options: An M9 Marauder Lieutenant may be
Autoloaders: All weapons (other than One-Shot!) mounted equipped with any of the weapons listed below.
on an M9 Marauder suit count as Infinite weapons.
9 Blizzard Missile Pack for +30 points.
Lock and Load: Models in M9 Marauder suits can fire two 9 Inferno Support Flamer for +20 points or Twin
weapons in a Shoot action. Fifty autocannon & Utility Claws for +20 points.

Poor Balance: Models in M9 Marauder suits cannot fire any Nighthawk: An M9 Marauder Lieutenant may be up-
weapons when using their Jump movement mode. graded to an M9B Nighthawk Marauder for +50 points.

Marauder Platoons

Marauder NCO 1-2 per Platoon 210 points

Your Marauder platoon may include one or two Marauder NCOs. These may be any combination of M9 Chickenhawk and
M8 Ape Marauders, but the total number of NCOs in the platoon may not exceed two. They may be upgraded into the more
specialized Bigfoot and Nighthawk Marauder suits.

M8 Ape Marauder NCO

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M8 Ape NCO 210 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 10+ Hits/4, Independent, Jump/8”, Piercing/1
Unit Size: An M8 Marauder NCO is an independent Options
model. An M8 Marauder NCO may purchase the following
Weapons/Equipment: An M8 Marauder NCO is equipped
with a Morita Ape Special, a Hellseed Y-Rack, a Derringer Go Career: An NCO may be bought heroic traits up to a
light rotary cannon, a Trip Hammer mortar and a Lizard total value of +50 points. These may not be Talents.
Drop Capsule: An M8 Marauder NCO may have a Drop
Special Rules Capsule for +25 points.
An M8 Marauder NCO is subject to the following special
rules Flamers: The M8 Marauder may replace its Morita Ape
Special with two Hel Infantry Flamers for no extra cost.
Autoloaders: All weapons mounted on an M8 Marauder
suit count as Infinite weapons. Bigfoot: An M8 Marauder NCO may be upgraded to an
M8C Bigfoot Marauder for +100 points.
Lock and Load: Models in M8 Marauder suits can fire two
weapons in a Shoot action.

M9 Chickenhawk Marauder NCO

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M9 Chickenhawk NCO 210 3 5” D6+1 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Independent, Jump/10”

Unit Size: An M9 Marauder NCO is an independent Go Career: An NCO may be bought heroic traits up to a
model. total value of +50 points. These may not be Talents.

Weapons/Equipment: An M9 Marauder NCO is equipped Drop Capsule: An M9 Marauder NCO may have a Drop
with a Javelin missile launcher, a Sixgun rotary cannon and Capsule for +25 points.
a Lizard Line.
Weapon Options: An M9 Marauder NCO may be equipped
Special Rules with any of the weapons listed below.
An M9 Marauder NCO is subject to the following special
rules. 9 Blizzard Missile Pack for +30 points.
9 Inferno Support Flamer for +20 points or Twin
Autoloaders: All weapons (other than One-Shot!) mounted Fifty autocannon & Utility Claws for +20 points.
on an M9 Marauder suit count as Infinite weapons.
Nighthawk: An M9 Marauder NCO may be upgraded to an
Lock and Load: Models in M9 Marauder suits can fire two
weapons in a Shoot action. M9B Nighthawk Marauder for +50 points.

Poor Balance: Models in M9 Marauder suits cannot fire

any weapons when using their Jump movement mode.

A Marauder M9 Chickenhawk NCO may purchase the
following options.

Marauder Platoons

Marauder Squad 0-2 per Officer 400 points

Your Marauder platoon may include one Marauder squad for each officer in the platoon. There must be a minimum of one
squad in the platoon.
Unit Size: A Marauder squad consists of one cap trooper and Go Career: The squad sergeant may be bought heroic traits
one sergeant. These may be any combination of M8 and M9 up to a total value of +25 points. These may not be Talents.
Marauders, though the cost remains the same. The weapons,
equipment, special rules and options depend on the type of Unit Options: Up to three extra Marauders may be added to
Marauder chosen, as shown below. the squad at +200 points each. These may be any combination
of M8 and M9 Marauders.
Special Rules
A Marauder squad is subject to the following special rules. One cap trooper may be promoted to corporal for +5 points.
These special rules apply in addition to any other special
rules listed in the description of individual Marauder suits. Any number of M8 Ape Marauders in the squad may be
upgraded to M8C Bigfoot Marauders at a cost of +100 points
Autoloaders: All weapons (other than One-Shot!) mounted per model.
on a Marauder suit count as Infinite weapons.
Any number of M9 Chickenhawk Marauders in the squad
Lock and Load: Models in Marauder suits can fire two may be upgraded to M9B Nighthawk Marauders at a cost of
weapons in a Shoot action. +50 points per model.

Options The entire squad may be given Drop Capsules for +25 points
A Marauder Squad may purchase the following options. per model.
Some Marauder suits have additional options available,
which may be purchased in addition to those listed here.

M8 Ape Marauder
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M8 Ape Cap Trooper 195 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 10+ Hits/4, Jump/8”, Piercing/1
M8 Ape Corporal 200 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 10+ Hits/4, Jump/8”, Piercing/1
M8 Ape Sergeant 205 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 10+ Hits/4, Jump/8”, Piercing/1

Weapons/Equipment: An M8
Marauder is equipped with a Morita
Ape Special, a Hellseed Y-Rack, a
Derringer light rotary cannon, a Trip
Hammer mortar and a Lizard Line.

Flamers: An M8 Marauder may

replace its Morita Ape Special with
two Hel Infantry Flamers for no
extra cost.

Marauder Platoons

Bigfoot Marauder +100 points

M8 Ape Marauders may be upgraded to M8C Bigfoot Marauders at a cost of +100 points, as described in the Marauder
squad entry. Any model so upgraded becomes the Bigfoot equivalent, so an M8 Ape cap trooper becomes an M8C Bigfoot
cap trooper, an M8 Ape Corporal becomes an M8C Bigfoot Corporal and so on. Bigfoot Marauders use the following profile,
weapons and special rules.

M8C Bigfoot Marauder

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save KillTraits
M8C Bigfoot Cap Trooper 295 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 11+ Hits/4, Jump/8”, Piercing/1
M8C Bigfoot Corporal 300 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 11+ Hits/4, Jump/8”, Piercing/1
M8C Bigfoot Sergeant 305 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 11+ Hits/4, Jump/8”, Piercing/1
M8C Bigfoot NCO 310 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 11+ Hits/4, Independent, Jump/8",
M8C Bigfoot Lieutenant 325 3 4” 2xD10+1 7+ 3+ 11+ Hits/4, Independent, Jump/8",

Weapons/Equipment: An M8C Marauder is equipped with a Hellseed Y-Rack, two Plasmatic cannon, a Hail Mary mortar
and Lizard Line.

M9 Chickenhawk Marauder
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M9 Chickenhawk Cap Trooper 195 3 5” D6 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Jump/10”
M9 Chickenhawk Corporal 200 3 5” D6 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Jump/10”
M9 Chickenhawk Sergeant 205 3 5” D6 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Jump/10”

Weapons/Equipment: An M9 Marauder is equipped

with a Javelin missile launcher, a Sixgun rotary cannon
and a Lizard Line.

Special Rules
An M9 Marauder is subject to the following special rules,
in addition to those for Marauder Squads.

Poor Balance: Models in M9 Marauder suits cannot fire

any weapons when using their Jump movement mode.

An M9 Marauder may purchase the following options.

Weapon Options: An M9 Marauder may be equipped

with any of the weapons listed below.

9 Blizzard Missile Pack for +30 points.

9 Inferno Support Flamer for +20 points or Twin
Fifty autocannon & Utility Claws for +20

Marauder Platoons

M9B Nighthawk Marauder +50 points

M9 Chickenhawk Marauders may be upgraded to M9B Nighthawk Marauders at a cost of +50 points, as described in the
Marauder squad entry. Any model so upgraded becomes the Nighthawk equivalent, so an M9 Chickenhawk cap trooper
becomes an M9B Nighthawk cap trooper, an M9 Chickenhawk Corporal becomes an M9B Nighthawk Corporal and so on.
Nighthawk Marauders use the following profile, weapons and special rules.

M9B Nighthawk Marauder

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M9B Nighthawk Cap Trooper 245 3 5" D6 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Jump/10"
M9B Nighthawk Corporal 250 3 5" D6 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Jump/10"
M9B Nighthawk Sergeant 255 3 5" D6 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Jump/10"
M9B Nighthawk NCO 260 3 5" D6+1 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Independent, Jump/10"
M9B Nighthawk Lieutenant 275 3 5" D6+1 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Independent, Jump/10"

Weapons/Equipment: An M9B Marauder

is equipped with a Sixgun rotary cannon, a
Javelin missile launcher, a Nighthawk air
defence array and a Hellseed Y-Rack.

Special Rules
An M9B Marauder is subject to the following
special rules, in addition to those presented
for Marauder Squads.

Poor Balance: Models in M9B Nighthawk

armour cannot fire any weapons when using
their Jump movement mode.

Nighthawk Air Defence Array: The M9B

Nighthawk incorporates several sophisticated
systems designed to track fast-moving enemy
air units. When taking a Shoot action while
readied, all of a Nighthawk’s weapons count
as having the AA trait. Any weapon that
already has the AA trait will roll to hit the
enemy using a Target score of 5+, regardless
of the enemy’s usual Target score or flight

Marauder Platoons


Priority Level Two
At Priority Level Two, you may choose from the following Fleet assets:

Flamberge Heavy Ground 50 points

Attack Missile
0–1 per platoon.

Sarissa Space Combat Missile 100 points

0–1 per platoon.

Slingshot Drop Boat 300 points

0–3 per platoon.

Thunderbolt TAC Fighter 250 points

0–3 per platoon.


Priority Level Two
At Priority Level Two, you may choose from the following Command assets:

Atomic Pee-Wee Munition +300 points

0–2 models per platoon may be equipped with an Atomic Pee-Wee munition (only if
model with Atomic Protocols is in the platoon).

CHAS Unit 175 points

0-3 per platoon.

Falcon Missiles +20 points

Any Javelin Missile Launcher can be given Falcon AA Missiles.

TAC UAV 120 points

0-1 officer or unit leader may be designated with control of a single TAC UAV.

Heroic Traits up to +25

0–1 model per squad may purchase up to +25 points worth of heroic traits. These may
not be Talents.

Exosuit Platoons

One of the most specialised platoons found in the Mobile Infantry of Heinlein’s original novel, then there is no
Mobile Infantry, with a training regime that rivals that of the better choice.
Pathfinders, Exosuit troopers have access to the very latest
technologies from Earthside R&D. Their Exosuits are the An Exosuit platoon in the Starship Troopers miniatures game
most heavily armed and armoured machines for their size, contains one or more Exosuit Squads and a commanding
possessing awesome potential on the battlefield. If you are Exosuit Lieutenant, though they can swell to include two
looking for a small, elite force that closely resembles the NCOs, and an additional five units.

Exosuit Platoons

Exosuit Lieutenant 1 per Platoon 160 points

Your Exosuit Platoon must include one Exosuit Lieutenant. He may be equipped with either a Cougar or Grizzly Exosuit.

Exosuit Lieutenant
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Cougar Lieutenant 160 2 6” 2xD10+1 5+ 3+/5+ 8+ Hits/2, Independent, Jump/15”,
Grizzly Lieutenant 160 2 6” 2xD10+1 5+ 2+ 8+ Hits/2, Independent, Jump/15”

Weapons/Equipment: A Cougar Lieutenant is equipped Options

with a Sixgun rotary cannon, a Hellseed Y-rack and a Lizard An Exosuit Lieutenant may purchase the following options.
Go Career: An Exosuit Lieutenant may be bought heroic
A Grizzly Lieutenant is equipped with two Sixgun rotary traits up to a total value of +100 points.
cannon, a Hellseed Y-rack and a Lizard Line.
Drop Capsule: An Exosuit Lieutenant may have a Drop
Special Rules Capsule for +10 points.

Git the Hell Out!: A Cougar Lieutenant may re-roll any Weapon Options: The Sixgun rotary cannon may be
failed dodge saves. Each save may only be re-rolled once. replaced with a Firestorm missile system at a cost of +25
points per weapon.
Atlas Rig: A Grizzly Lieutenant may fire two weapons in
each shoot action.

Exosuit NCO 0-2 per Platoon 145 points

Your Exosuit Platoon may include up to two Exosuit NCOs. These may be any combination of Cougar or Grizzly NCOs but
the total number in the platoon may not exceed two.

Exosuit NCO
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Cougar NCO 145 2 6” D10+1 5+ 3+/5+ 8+ Hits/2, Independent, Jump/15”, Piercing /2
Grizzly NCO 145 2 6” D10+1 5+ 2+ 8+ Hits/2, Independent, Jump/15”

Weapons/Equipment: A Cougar NCO is equipped with Options

a Sixgun rotary cannon, a Hellseed Y-rack, and a Lizard An Exosuit NCO may purchase the following options.
Go Career: An Exosuit NCO may be bought heroic traits up
A Grizzly NCO is equipped with two Sixgun rotary cannon, to a total value of +50 points.
a Hellseed Y-rack, and a Lizard Line.
Drop Capsule: An Exosuit NCO may have a Drop Capsule
Special Rules for +10 points.

Git the Hell Out!: A Cougar NCO may re-roll any failed Weapon Options: The Sixgun rotary cannon may be
dodge saves. Each save may only be re-rolled once. replaced with a Firestorm missile system at a cost of +25
points per weapon.
Atlas Rig: A Grizzly NCO may fire two weapons in each
shoot action.

Exosuit Platoons

Exosuit Squad 0-2 per Officer 325 points

Your Exosuit platoon may include up to two Exosuit squads for each officer in the platoon. You must include a minimum of one
squad in the platoon.

Unit Size: The unit consists of one Exosuit Sergeant and two Unit Options: Up to three extra troopers may be added to
Exosuit Troopers. These may be any combination of Cougar the squad at a cost of +100 points per model. These may be
or Grizzly Exosuits. The weapons, equipment, special rules either Cougar or Grizzly troopers, or any combination of the
and options depend on the type of Exosuit chosen, as shown two.
One Exosuit trooper may be promoted to corporal for
Options +10 points. A model promoted in this way becomes the
An Exosuit Squad may purchase the following options. appropriate Exosuit corporal, so a Cougar Trooper becomes
Some Exosuits have additional options available, which a Cougar Corporal and so on.
may be purchased in addition to those listed here.
The entire squad may be given Drop Capsules for +10 points
Go Career: The squad sergeant may be bought heroic traits per model.
up to a total value of +25 points.

Cougar Exosuit
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Cougar Trooper 100 2 6” D10 5+ 3+/6+ 8+ Hits/2, Jump/15”, Piercing /2
Cougar Corporal 110 2 6” D10 5+ 3+/6+ 8+ Hits/2, Jump/15”, Piercing /2
Cougar Sergeant 125 2 6” D10 5+ 3+/6+ 8+ Hits/2, Jump/15”, Piercing /2

Weapons/Equipment: Cougar Exosuits are equipped with Options

a Sixgun rotary cannon, a Hellseed Y-rack, and a Lizard Cougar Exosuits may choose from the following options, in
Line. addition to those available to Exosuit squads.

Special Rules Weapon Options: Any number of Cougar Exosuits may

Cougar models are subject to the following special rule. replace their Sixgun rotary cannon with a Firestorm missile
system at a cost of +25 points.
Git the Hell Out!: A Cougar model may re-roll any failed
dodge saves. Each save may only be re-rolled once.

Grizzly Exosuit
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Grizzly Trooper 100 2 6” D10 5+ 2+ 8+ Hits/2, Jump/15”
Grizzly Corporal 110 2 6” D10 5+ 2+ 8+ Hits/2, Jump/15”
Grizzly Sergeant 125 2 6” D10 5+ 2+ 8+ Hits/2, Jump/15”

Weapons/Equipment: Grizzlies are equipped with two Options

Sixgun rotary cannon, a Hellseed Y-rack, and a Lizard Grizzly Exosuits may choose from the following options, in
Line. addition to those available to Exosuit squads.

Special Rules Weapon Options: Any number of Grizzly Exosuits may

Grizzly models are subject to the following special rule. replace one or both of their Sixgun rotary cannon with the
Atlas Rig: Grants the Load and Load special rule, allowing 9 A Firestorm missile system at a cost of +25 points per
Grizzly models to fire two weapons in each Shoot action. model for each weapon replaced.
9 A Thermic Lance at a cost of +30 points per model for
each weapon replaced.

Exosuit Platoons


Priority Level One
At Priority Level One, you may choose from the following Fleet assets:.

Slingshot Drop Boat 300 points

0-1 per platoon.

Priority Level Two

At Priority Level Two, you may choose from the following Fleet assets:

Flamberge Heavy Ground 50 points

Attack Missile
0–2 per platoon.

Slingshot Drop Boat 300 points

0–2 per platoon.

Thunderbolt TAC Fighter 250 points

0-1 per platoon.

Priority Level Three

At Priority Level Three, you may choose from the following Fleet assets:

Flamberge Heavy Ground 50 points

Attack Missile
0–3 per platoon.

Sarissa Space Combat Missile 100 points

0–2 per platoon.

Slingshot Drop Boat 300 points

0–3 per platoon.

Thunderbolt TAC Fighter 250 points

0–4 per platoon.

Exosuit Platoons
Priority Level One
At Priority Level One, Command assets are unavailable.

Priority Level Two

At Priority Level Two, you may choose from the following command assets:

Atomic Pee-Wee Munition +300 points

0–1 model per platoon may be equipped with an Atomic Pee-Wee munition
(only if model with Atomic Protocols is in the platoon).

CHAS Unit 175 points

0-2 per platoon.

TAC UAV 120 points

0-1 officer or unit leader may be designated with control of a single TAC

Heroic Traits up to +25

0–1 model (may not be an officer) per platoon may purchase up to
+25 points worth of heroic traits.

Priority Level Three

At Priority Level Three, you may choose from the following Command assets:

Atomic Pee-Wee Munition +300 points

0–3 models per platoon may be equipped with an Atomic Pee-Wee munition
(only if model with Atomic Protocols is in the platoon).

CHAS Unit 175 points

0-4 per platoon.

TAC UAV 120 points

0-5 officers or unit leaders may be designated with control of a single TAC UAV

Heroic Traits up to +25 points

0–1 model per squad may purchase up to +25 points worth of heroic traits.

Auxiliary Units

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
CHAS 175 2 8” D10+D6 8+ 6+ 10+ Hits/3, Jump/12”, Retaliate

Unit Size: The unit consists of one CHAS


Weapons/Equipment: A CHAS is
equipped with a Morita Ape Special, a Hel
infantry flamer, a Javelin missile launcher
and a Trip Hammer mortar.

Special Rules
A CHAS unit is subject to the following
special rules.

Autoloaders: All weapons mounted on a

CHAS count as Infinite weapons.

Alpha Strike: A CHAS may fire all its

weapons in one Shoot action if its previous
action was Ready.

Deathwish Circuit: A CHAS may

voluntarily self destruct with a Ready
action. This removes the CHAS model
from the game and inflicts Retaliate damage
upon all models within point blank range.

Auxiliary Units
Drop Capsule
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Drop Capsule Special +1 Burn — 6+ 3+/5+ 9+ No Flinch

Special Rules Quick Delivery: Drop capsule models must Move (Fly)
Drop Capsules are subject to the following special rules. onto the battlefield as their first action. Their second action
must be a Move (Land) action. Should the drop capsule be
Aero-Braking: Drop capsule units can opt to delay their destroyed before the end of the Air phase, the model inside
entry onto the battlefield by firing early brake thrusters or is automatically a casualty and removed from the table.
requesting over-delays in their drop patterns. This is not
without its problems—altering drop ratios and orbital passes
can severely delay the arrival of drop capsule units if this
option is taken. As such, every drop capsule unit may use
either of the two entry times stated below:

1. Appear as Reserves in the first possible Air phase (this

will normally be the Air phase in the second turn, since
Reserves cannot normally enter in the first game turn).
2. Appear as Reserves in a later Air phase (usually the third
turn onwards). Roll a D6; on a 1 the unit is delayed and
does not arrive this turn. The unit can try again at the
beginning of each subsequent Air phase.

Flamberge Heavy Ground Attack Missile

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Flamberge Missile 50 3 Burn Cruise 2xD10 6+ 5+ 8+ Hits/2

Special Rules Note that a model with Atomic Protocols must be present in
Flamberge missiles are subject to the following special the force in order to purchase the Atomic Pee-Wee warhead.

Missile: As a missile unit, the Flamberge may only perform

the Move (Fly) and Charge (Crash) actions.

A Flamberge heavy ground attack missile may choose from
the following options:

Weapon Options: The Flamberge must be equipped with

one of the following warheads:

9 Scatter bomb for +0 points.

9 Firestorm bomb for +50 points.
9 Atomic Pee-Wee munition for +300 points.

Auxiliary Units

Fleet Landing Party 125 points

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Ensign 20 1 4” D6 3+ 5+ 6+
Senior Ensign 45 1 4” D6 3+ 5+/6+ 6+
Fleet Lieutenant 90 1 4” D6 3+ 5+/6+ 6+ Fleet Liason

Unit Size: The unit consists of one

Senior Ensign (unit leader) and four

Weapons/Equipment: Each member

of the Fleet Landing party is equipped
with a Morita Carbine and a Shock

Special Rules
Fleet Landing Parties are subject to the
following special rules.

Commission: All members of the Fleet

are commissioned officers with some
command authority. A Fleet Landing
Party is unaffected by the loss of officers
in the Mobile Infantry (see page 20).

In addition, a Fleet Landing Party

which is out of command may take a
special Ready action to promote one
member of the party to unit leader. The
model remains an Ensign in all respects
but becomes the unit leader. This Ready
action to Promote is the only action
that an out-of-command Fleet Landing
Party is permitted to take and in all
other respects the unit will follow the
normal Mobile Infantry rules for being
out of command.

A Fleet Landing Party may choose from
the following options.

Unit Options: Up to five extra Ensigns

may be added to the party at a cost
of +20 points per model. The Senior
Ensign may be promoted to a Fleet
Lieutenant at a cost of +20 points.

Weapon Options: Any member of the

Fleet Landing Party may exchange his
Morita Carbine and Shock Stick for a
Morita rifle at no cost.

Auxiliary Units
Sarissa Space Combat Missile
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Sarissa Missile 100 4 Burn 4xD10 8+ 4+ 10+ Hits/4

Special Rules Note that a model with Atomic Protocols must be present in
Sarissa Space Combat Missiles are subject to the following the force in order to purchase the Atomic Pee-Wee or Ajax
special rules. warheads.

One Chance: The Sarissa may not return to the battlefield

if it leaves it.

Missile: As a missile unit, the Sarissa may only perform the

Move (Fly) and Charge (Crash) actions.

Weapon Options: The Sarissa must be equipped with one

of the following warheads:

9 Scatter bomb for +0 points.

9 Firestorm bomb for +50 points.
9 Atomic Pee-Wee munition for +300 points.
9 Atomic Ajax munition for +500 points.

SICON Military Intelligence Agent

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
SICON Military Intelligence Agent 80 1 5” D6 3+ 6+/4+ 6+ Independent, No Flinch

Weapons/Equipment: SICON Military Intelligence Agents

carry Morita carbines.

Special Rules
The SICON Military Intelligence Agent is subject to the
following special rules.

Officer: A SICON Military Intelligence agent is an officer

and may be bought heroic traits up to a total value of +100

Atomic Protocols: Only Mobile Infantry forces including

a model with Atomic Protocols gain access to atomic

Vital Mission: A Mobile Infantry force including a SICON

Military Intelligence agent can try to make the game last one
turn longer than normal at the option of the Mobile Infantry
player. Roll a D6 at the end of the last game turn if a further
turn is desired. On a roll of 4 or more, one additional game
turn is played. On a 3 or less the game ends as normal.

Auxiliary Units
Skinnie Advisor
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Skinnie Advisor 100 1 5” D6+1 4+ 4+/5+ 6+ Climb/5”, Jump/12”

Weapons/Equipment: The Skinnie Advisor is armed with Attached: A Skinnie Advisor must be attached to a Mobile
a Constrictor Rifle. Infantry unit at the start of the game. The Advisor counts as
part of the unit but Mobile Infantry prejudice means it may
Special Rules never become unit leader.
The Skinnie Advisor is subject to the following special
rules. Partially Exothermic: The Skinnie Advisor does not lose
his dodge save when targeted by weapons with the Flame
Ambush: This ability can be used by Mobile Infantry forces trait.
including a Skinnie Advisor. A Power Suit Squad the Skinnie
Advisor is attached to can be concealed in an area of terrain Options
within the Mobile Infantry deployment area. Write down the The Skinnie Advisor may choose from the following
location of the ambushing unit before any other models are options.
deployed on the tabletop. The Mobile Infantry player can
reveal the ambush and place the unit on the tabletop at any Weapon Options: The Skinnie Advisor may replace his
time. Constrictor Rifle with a Morita Assault Rifle and Underslung
Grenade Launcher at no cost.

Skyhook Retrieval Boat

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Skyhook Retrieval Boat 125 5 Loiter, V/STOL 2xD10 6+ 5+ 9+ Hits/6

Weapons/Equipment: The Skyhook Retrieval Boat is Air Transport: A Skyhook can carry up to 12 Size points of
armed with two Twin Fifty autocannon. models (maximum individual model Size 1).

Special Rules
A Skyhook Retrieval Boat is subject to the following special

Auxiliary Units
Slingshot Drop Boat
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Slingshot Drop Boat 300 6 Cruise, Loiter, V/STOL 4xD10 8+ 4+/5+ 12+ Hits/8
Special Rules Heavenly Mercy (+0 points): If the Mobile Infantry
A Slingshot Drop Boat is subject to the following special player has a functional Heavenly Mercy Rescue Tender in
rules. his force at the end of a game where it has landed on the
battlefield, he reduces his total casualties by D6+6 power
Air Transport: A Slingshot can carry up to 20 Size points suit equipped models of his choosing (any power suit model
of models (maximum individual model Size 4). Due to may be chosen, including Pathfinders). The Heavenly Mercy
extensive stocks of ammunition, any allied models within must have landed for two consecutive turns at any point in
the point blank range of a Slingshot may ignore the ammo the game to take advantage of this rule. Heavenly Mercy
rules. variants lose the Air Transport special rule.

Countermeasures: A Slingshot’s dodge save against all Standard Air Transport (+0 points): The Slingshot Drop
missile weapons is 4+ rather than the usual 5+. Boat gains the following weaponry:

Linked Ordnance Deployment: A Slingshot may deploy 9 Derringer light rotary cannon
up to two ordnance munitions in a single Shoot (Bomb)
action. Tactical (+100 points): The Slingshot Drop Boat gains the
following weaponry:
Choose one of the following payload options.
9 Five Scatter bombs
Ground Support (+100 points): The Slingshot Drop Boat 9 Two Blizzard missile packs
gains the following weaponry: 9 Derringer light rotary cannon

9 Six Firestorm bombs

9 Three Scatter bombs
9 Derringer light rotary cannon

Auxiliary Units
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
TAC UAV 120 3 Loiter, V/STOL 2xD6 7+ 5+ 10+ Hits/3

Weapons/Equipment: The TAC UAV is armed with a Twin However, if the controlling model also has the Fleet Liaison
Fifty autocannon and two Scatter Bombs. trait and is readied during the Air Phase, he is able to upload
additional scanner and sensor information to the TAC UAV,
Special Rules greatly enhancing its accuracy. The TAC UAV may re-roll
The TAC UAV is subject to the following special rules. each missed shooting dice once so long as the controlling
model model remains readied.
Drone Flight: A TAC UAV is unmanned and only semi-
intelligent. As such, it is reliant upon directions from the Lock and Load: The TAC UAV can fire three weapons in a
ground for its optimal course in battle. Designate one Shoot action but cannot create separate fire zones.
independent model or unit leader as the TAC UAV’s
controller. If this model is killed or otherwise removed from
the battlefield, the TAC UAV may take only a single action
during the Air Phase.

Auxiliary Units
Thunderbolt TAC Fighter
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Thunderbolt TAC Fighter 250 5 Burn, Cruise 3xD10 7+ 5+/4+ 10+ Hits/5

Weapons/Equipment: The Thunderbolt TAC fighter is Ground Support (+100 points): The TAC fighter gains the
armed with a Sixgun rotary cannon and two Rapier AA following weaponry:
missile launchers.
9 Three Firestorm bombs
Special Rules 9 Four Scatter bombs
The Thunderbolt TAC fighter is subject to the following
special rules. Tactical (+100 points): The TAC fighter gains the following
Linked Ordnance Deployment: A TAC fighter may deploy
up to four ordnance munitions in a single Shoot (Bomb) 9 Two Scatter bombs
action. 9 Two Blizzard missile packs

Options In addition, the Tactical TAC fighter has Modular Drop Tanks,
TAC fighters are always configured to their role. Choose which allow the fighter to use the Loiter flight speed.
one of the following configurations. The TAC fighter gains
any new weapons, equipment or special rules listed for Atomic (+500 points): A model with Atomic Protocols
the configuration, in addition to the standard weapons and must be present in the force in order to purchase the Atomic
special rules above, which are common to all configurations Payload. If purchased, the TAC fighter gains the following
of TAC fighter. You may not choose more than one of the weaponry:
following configurations for each TAC fighter.
9 One Atomic Ajax munition
Air Superiority (+0 points): The TAC fighter uses the
weapons, equipment and special rules listed above in the
main entry with no additions.

Viking Landing Boat

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Viking Landing Boat 195 7 Loiter, V/STOL 4xD10 7+ 5+ 10+ Hits/8

Weapons/Equipment: The
Viking Landing Boat is
armed with two Twin Fifty

Special Rules
The Viking Landing Boat is
subject to the following special

Air Transport: A Viking can

carry up to 30 Size points of
models (maximum individual
model Size 2). Due to extensive
stocks of ammunition, any allied
models within the point blank
range of a Viking may ignore
the ammo rules.

Weapons List

Squad Weapons
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Hel Infantry Flamer 10” D10+2 Squad Flame, LZ (Stream), Retaliate
Morita Carbine 15” 2xD6 Squad Auto
Morita Sniper Rifle 30” D6 Squad Accurate (except against structures)
Morita Assault Rifle 20” 2xD6 Squad Auto
Underslung Grenade Launcher — — — —
~ Flechette Grenade 8” D6+1 Pack Underslung
~ Frag Grenade 15” D6 Pack LZ (2”), Underslung
~ Bugshot Grenade 10” D6+2 Pack Ready , Underslung
Trench Sweeper Laser 6” D10+1 Pack LZ (Stream), Underslung
Morita Ape Special 20” 2xD6+1 Squad Auto

Underslung Grenade Launcher: An underslung option for 9 Frag: Fragmentation grenades work on much the same
the Morita that attaches to the bottom of the rifle’s barrel and principles as flechette rounds. The only real difference
is operated with one hand, the XW-110-G1 grenade launcher is that fragmentation rounds travel to the target before
can chamber several different forms of ordnance. This makes exploding into deadly shards. This forms a lethal area
the addition very tactically diverse and allows the Mobile around the point of impact and can take out a number
Infantry to tailor their Morita assault rifles to the mission at of enemies instead of concentrating on one target. This
hand. While rarely as powerful as a normal squad weapon, the spread does make them somewhat less effective than a
XW-110-G1 underslung launcher is the perfect complement to flechette round; the area of effect is usually worth the
an already excellent firearm. A XW-110-G1 grenade launcher loss.
can use any of the following three ammunition types.
9 Bugshot: A specialised form of grenade that fires several
9 Flechette: Flechette rounds are narrow slivers of hardened hundred steel pellets at an incredible rate, these rounds
steel bound in a grenade casing. When fired, the casing have been shown to have great effect against the chitinous
is discarded while the rounds travel at ballistic speeds carapaces of Arachnid targets. The multiple impacts in
towards a target. They have excellent penetration and a confined space effectively punch through an enemy,
can slice through chitin and armour plate with very little leaving behind a crater or hole. These rounds are slower
effort. to chamber, making them less useful in a close-in firefight
than some other grenades.

Close Combat Weapons

Name Range Damage Type Traits
Shock Stick Close combat As user — Parry, Piercing/1
Utility Claws Close combat 2x as user — —

Weapons List
Support Weapons
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Hellseed Y-Rack Special D6 Pack See Description
Trip Hammer Mortar 36” D6+2 Pack LZ (2”), Ready
Hail Mary Mortar 60” D10+2 Pack LZ (3”), Ready
Spitball R/L 12” 2xD10 Pack Piercing/1
Triple Thud G/L 15” 3xD10 Pack Piercing/1
Inferno Support Flamer 12” 2xD10+2 Pack Flame, LZ (Stream), Retaliate
Thermic Lance 8” D10+D6 Pack Flame, Piercing/2
Plasmatic Cannon 12” D10+D6 Pack Flame, Piercing/3

Hellseed Y-Rack: These weapons are built into advanced Thermic Lance: Employed exclusively by the Grizzly
armoured suits, often using sliding doors to conceal themselves Exosuit, the Thermic Lance is one of the more devastating
when not in use. Hellseed Y-racks are normally used during weapons in SICON’s arsenal. It consists of a volatile metallic
a Jump action, making them a fatal surprise for any foe core, superheated and suspended in an array of magnetic
assuming the trooper to be vulnerable while in mid-air. The fields inside the weapon’s slender barrel. The heat from
Hellseed Y-Rack generates a 4” Lethal Zone centred on the this core can be unleashed in a devastating blast, propelled
firing model’s centre point when used. There is no deviation. by magnetic suspension techniques to deliver a superheated
The Y-Rack may not be fired in direct fire mode. The model charge, capable of punching through almost any armour. The
need not be readied to fire the Hellseed Y-Rack (unlike regular incredible temperature of the blast means that, if hit, a target
Artillery fire weapons). will likely be vaporised in an instant.

Hail Mary Mortar: The Hail Mary is a huge, immensely Plasmatic Cannon: The Plasmatic Cannon is an advancement
destructive mortar found on Bigfoot Marauders. It is one of on the Thermic Lance and is used exclusively by Bigfoot
the few genuinely long-ranged weapons found in Marauder Marauders. Rather than relying on the metallic core of the
platoons and is typically employed as an opening barrage Thermic Lance, the Plasmatic Cannon draws its supercharged
before the Bigfoot and accompanying Marauders close blast from a reservoir of plasma stored within the Bigfoot’s
with the enemy. As a means of softening up the enemy, few reinforced carapace. Smaller suits simply could not contain
weapons surpass the Hail Mary in destructive potential. such a powerful substance without incinerating the pilot and
even the Bigfoot can be a notoriously dangerous machine to
Missiles and Rockets
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Javelin Missile Launcher — — — —
~ Firecracker HE Missile 60” 3xD6 Pack LZ (2”)
~ Holepunch HEAP Missile 60” D10 Pack Accurate, LZ (1”), Piercing/2
~ Falcon AA Missile 60” D10 Pack AA, LZ (1”)
Rapier AA Missile Launcher — — — —
~ AA ‘Birdbolt’ Missile 60” D10 Pack AA, Accurate, LZ (2”), Piercing/1, Ready
Blizzard Missile Pack 60” 2xD10 One-Shot! LZ (3”), Ready
Firestorm Missile System 48” 2xD10 Pack LZ (1”), Piercing/1

Falcon AA Missile: The huge numbers of hopper bugs present Birdbolt warhead, the Falcon can still provide a squad with a
throughout the Road to Victory campaign convinced SICON measure of anti-aircraft cover.
that dedicated Rapiers, while having their place, did not
grant the versatility individual squads required when facing Javelin Missile Launcher: When nothing else will do the
an Arachnid swarm comprising multiple species. The Falcon job, a missile is a trooper’s last and best option. The SW-
was designed to be a smaller warhead that could be used in 404 Javelin is a heavy weapon system with a top-feeding
a standard Javelin with minimal extra training. Though it magazine and an integral targeting computer that links to
lacks the guidance capabilities and hard punch of the Rapier’s the tactical display in a trooper’s helmet. The Javelin is a

Weapons List
powerful weapon but its blasts are not precise and it cannot Firestorm Missile System: The Firestorm missile system
be used on crowded battlefields where a stray explosive round is an advanced multiple rocket launcher used by the Cougar
could spell the end of a misplaced trooper’s career. Casual use and Grizzly Exosuits. Its multiple launch barrels allow a
of a Javelin launcher is punishable by court martial; heavy barrage of miniature rockets to be unleashed in a single shot.
weapons troopers should always remain conscious of where Sophisticated tracking equipment is used to produce carefully
their ammunition goes. An SW-404 comes with Firecracker plotted firing patterns whereby an initial rocket will report its
and Holepunch missiles as standard. accuracy to those following, meaning that a single successful
hit is often enough to draw in many following rockets, quickly
Rapier AA Missile Launcher: The Rapier AA missile smothering the target in a withering volley of explosive
launch system is an air asset’s worst nightmare. These missile warheads.
launchers are specifically designed to fire the M-780A5
‘Birdbolt’ missile, though rumours of other warheads shortly The fire patterns employed by the Firestorm mean that second
to be distributed are popular. The Birdbolt is the primary and subsequent hits from the weapon are increasingly deadly.
armament of the Rapier. It is specifically designed for a As such, if both dice from the weapon score a hit, both hits
high in-flight speed and carries a penetrating nose charge to acquire the Piercing/2 and Multihit traits. In the case of a
bring down even the toughest air assets. While not especially Grizzly armed with two Firestorms, these are fired as a single
effective against ground targets, Birdbolts can be used against weapon, rolling four dice, and the above bonus is applied if
them in an emergency. any two or more dice score a hit.

The Firestorm may be used to fire Pee-Wee atomic warheads,

if possessed by the model, but they lose the special rule above
when they do so.
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Derringer Light Rotary Cannon 20” 4xD6 Squad AA, Auto
Sixgun Rotary Cannon 30” 3xD6+1 Squad AA, Auto, Piercing/1
Twin Fifty Autocannon 30” 4xD6+1 Crew AA, Auto, Piercing/1

Derringer Light
Rotary Cannon

Twin Fifty Rotary Cannon

Weapons List
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Bugbroom Support Laser 40” 3xD6+2 Pack LZ (Stream), Piercing/1, Ready
Scythe Laser Cannon 36” D10+3 Pack LZ (Stream), Piercing/2, Ready

Hand Grenades
Name Range Damage Type Traits
M-902F Frag Grenade 10” D10 Pack LZ (1”)
M-909S Smoke Grenade — — — See Description
Frag Grenade: Intended as a defensive weapon with a great Smoke Grenade: A weapon usually reserved for defensive
deal of killing potential, the fragmentation grenade operates tactics, the smoke grenade creates a cloud of thick smoke
perfectly in that role. A munition that bursts into a dense which serves to screen its user from enemy fire. The smoke
shower of edged metal, these grenades not only assault any is harmless but blocks all normal vision, including low-light
model in their area of effect but also make it difficult to see vision. Best employed by squads pinned down by enemies
because of the gas charge that ignites along with its small using ranged firepower at some distance.
payload. For a few brief but critical seconds, the M-902F Smoke Grenades are used with a Ready action and give the
Frag gives a unit the chance to retreat from close quarters model a 4+ Dodge save against shooting attacks only until
combat in relative cover. Frag Grenades may only be used in the start of its next turn. The model may not perform any
Direct Fire mode. Shoot actions itself while under the effects of a Smoke
Name Range Damage Type Traits
M-918 Scatter Bomb Dropped 3xD6 One-Shot! LZ (3”)
M-908P Plasma Munition Placed, Thrown 10” 2xD10 One-Shot! Flame, LZ (2”), Persistent,
Piercing/3, (Remote if Placed)
M-997 Firestorm Bomb Dropped 2xD10+2 One-Shot! Flame, LZ (4”)
M-998A1 Atomic Pee-Wee Munition Dropped, Launched 60”, 3xD10+4 One-Shot! Flame, Killshot, LZ (5”),
Placed Multihit, (Remote if Placed)
M-999A2 Atomic Ajax Munition Dropped, Placed 3xD10+4 One-Shot! Flame, Killshot, LZ (7”),
Multihit, (Remote if Placed)
General Issue Equipment A Sprite is an upgrade for power suit models and modifies
Sprite Reconnaissance Skimmer: Few Mobile Infantry their characteristics shown on the profile. Models that upgrade
troopers fail to appreciate the speed and manoeuvrability of remain mounted for the whole game and may not dismount.
a Sprite skimmer, a ground-effect vehicle with a set of three Models mounted on Sprites may not use any form of special
thrusters that maintain a height of two feet over the terrain movement mode other than Hover. The Sprite is armed with
below at all times. While many officers dream of mounting a Spitball Rocket Launcher. The rider may shoot a Squad
their entire squad on these incredibly quick and well-armed weapon instead of the Spitball.
vehicles, their cost does not make this feasible for any but the
most decorated or deserving.

Weapons List
LA-50 Sprite Personal Skimmer
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
LA-50 Sprite As rider +50 2 6” As rider +1 6+ As rider/5+ 8+ Hover/18”, Retaliate
Reconnaissance Skimmer

Lizard Line: One of the most ubiquitous pieces of Mobile Micro-Support Platforms: Micro-support platforms are
Infantry equipment, lizard lines are a common upgrade to all small, man-portable tripods that allow a squad to make use
kinds of unit. Consisting of 20 metres of compound polymer of weapons much larger than a lone trooper could ordinarily
rope, a shock-deployed grapnel and a firing unit, the common carry. Typically, two members of the squad will operate the
lizard line has been produced as a grapnel gun, a belt device weapon, one acting as gunner, the other as loader. When the
and an underslung attachment to the Morita rifle. Lizard lines squad moves, the gunner will hastily remove and carry the
grant the Climb/6” trait. weaponry while the gunner carries the tripod, allowing the
support platform to be disassembled, moved and reassembled
WASP Pack: Tactically lying between an ordinary cap in seconds.
trooper’s jump jets and the Sprite skimmer’s hover thrusters
is the WASP pack. Replacing the normal combat backpack Any weapon mounted on a micro-support platform changes
of an M-1A4 cap trooper, these packs contain an extra jump its type to Crew regardless of the actual weapon. A Ready
jet and expanded fuel reservoir, as well as a pair of flip-out action must be used to set it up before it can be fired. If the
stabilisation wings. These provide the cap trooper wearing model moves after the micro-support platform has been set
the pack with more time airborne between jumps and much up, another Ready action must be used before it is ready to
greater control and precision while jumping. fire again.

WASP packs are an upgrade to a power suit model which

changes its Jump/12” trait to Hover/18”.

Company Level Forces

In battle, a single platoon of Mobile Infantry is Choosing a Company Level Force
capable of dealing with any threat and will be deployed under Earlier in the book we’ve described how to choose a
the command of their own Lieutenant. More rarely, large platoon level force. A company level force is an army that
forces will be needed and whole companies will be deployed consists of more than one platoon. These can be any mix of
to combat a particularly serious threat. In these situations, a platoons—two of the same type, one Power Suit platoon and
more senior officer—a Captain of the Mobile Infantry—may one Marauder platoon, two Power Suit Platoons, two Exosuit
take personal command of the army. Platoons and a Marauder platoon or any other possible
combination. In large armies, you might well have three or
even more different platoon types within the
army—this is all perfectly permissible as
long as you remember that you may include
no more than one platoon per 1,000 points
in the army. For this reason, company level
forces are always worth a minimum of 2,000
points. Any army which contains two or
more platoons is considered company level,
regardless of how many platoons it actually
has, so an army of two, three, four or even
half a dozen platoons will all be considered
company level.

Company Level Assets

A company level force represents a
substantial commitment of resources by
SICON, an undertaking so large that it would
only ever be authorised for the most dire of
threats. As such, greater resources are made
available and a senior officer will be charged
with commanding the force. Therefore,
when using a company level force in games
of Starship Troopers, you have the option of
including a Mobile Infantry Captain in your

You are still free to use a lieutenant or

even NCO to lead your Mobile Infantry
company, representing a formation that has
its commanding officer(s) reassigned to staff
duties, leading other important operations or
maybe even killed during the initial landing.
Most Mobile Infantry companies in war
time, however, will be commanded by a
captain, with lieutenants heading individual

Company Level Forces

Mobile Infantry Captain 0-1 per Army Special

Your army may include a single Mobile Infantry Captain, as long as the army includes at least two platoons (and is therefore
considered company level). You may only ever include a single Mobile Infantry Captain. The Captain may be a Light Armour
Captain, Power Suit Captain, Exosuit Captain or Marauder Captain as you choose, but only one may be included (not one
of each type!).

The choice of Captain available depends on the platoons in your army. You must include at least one platoon of the same type
as the desired Captain. So, for example, if you wish to take a Marauder Captain, you must also have at least one Marauder
platoon in your army.

A Mobile Infantry Captain is considered to be an officer for purposes of selecting the army (so, in a power suit Platoon, a
Mobile Infantry Captain would entitle you to 0–2 power suit Squads, in a Light Armour Platoon the Captain would require
1–3 Light Armour Squads and so on).

Mobile Infantry Captains

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Light Armour Captain 90 1 4” 2xD6 3+ 6+/5+ 6+ Independent
Power Suit Captain 140 1 4” 2xD6+1 4+ 4+/5+ 8+ Independent, Jump/12”
Cougar Captain 185 2 6” 3xD10+1 5+ 3+/4+ 9+ Hits/2, Independent, Jump/15”, Piercing/2
Grizzly Captain 185 2 6” 3xD10+1 5+ 2+ 9+ Hits/2, Independent, Jump/15”
M8 Ape Marauder 245 3 4” 3xD10 7+ 3+ 11+ Hits/4, Independent, Jump/8”, Piercing/1
M8C Bigfoot 345 3 4” 3xD10 7+ 3+ 12+ Hits/4, Independent, Jump/8”, Piercing/1
Marauder Captain
M9 Chickenhawk 245 3 5” 2xD6+1 6+ 3+ 10+ Hits/3, Independent, Jump/10”
Marauder Captain
M9B Chickenhawk 295 3 5” 2xD6+1 6+ 3+ 10+ Hits/3, Independent, Jump/10”
Marauder Captain

Weapons/Equipment: The weapons and equipment used

by a Captain are the same as for a Lieutenant of his type.

Special Rules
A Mobile Infantry Captain is subject to the same special
rules as a Lieutenant of his type. In addition, the following
special rules also apply.

Command Abilities: All Mobile Infantry Captains gain all

the special command abilities of Lieutenants (such as the
special Lieutenant Only actions), as described on page 21.
Mobile Infantry Captains are officers.

Enhanced Command: The Captain has a command range

of 12”.

A Mobile Infantry Captain has access to the same options as
a Lieutenant of his type. In addition, he may also purchase
the following.

Go Career: The Captain may be bought heroic traits up to a

total value of +150 points.

Heroic Traits

The average trooper in the Mobile Infantry Fire King* (+100 points)
is far better trained than any other soldier in Earth’s history. The model excels in fast, accurate direction of fire. Any
However, joining the Mobile Infantry is not about being member of the model’s unit (including the model) within
average and there will always be some exceptional individuals command range can re-roll their damage dice during a Shoot
who remain far ahead of the curve. These brave men and action.
women are represented by the use of traits in the Starship
Troopers miniatures game. Heroic Surge!* (+30 points)
The model can draw on superhuman reserves of determination,
Qualities: This is the realm of natural aptitude, the kind of giving his all when it would seem impossible he has any more
raw talent a soldier is born with and perhaps only discovers to give. Once per game, the model can take one extra action in
when he is up to his waist in blood and guts. its player’s turn (for a total of three actions). Other models do
not join him in taking this extra action.
Talents: Capabilities of the mind, psychic manipulation or
preternatural senses. Such abilities, and the telepaths capable Jumpball Player!* (+20 points)
of them, are the subject of much scrutiny within SICON. A popular sport won by speed, aggression and agility, jumpball
makes good training for any soldier. Once per game the model
Training: These are aptitudes that can be learned but are in can add +2 to any dodge saves he has to make for the duration
addition to the normal training expected of combatants— of any turn. If a dodge save is made successfully, the model
many of these abilities form part of the training regime of can be immediately moved in any direction up to 6”. This free
elite units. movement may only be performed once in a turn.

Any heroic trait marked with an asterisk (*) may not be Protagonist! (+20 points)
taken by models in Marauder suits. Those marked with an The model has enough good sense to save his best until it’s
exclamation mark (!) may only be used once per battle. needed the most. Once per game, the model can make any
action or reaction as if he had taken a ready action, allowing
The traits in this section are only available to Mobile Infantry special move modes or ready weapons to be used, for
armies and replace those in the main rulebook. Light Armour example.
and Pathfinder platoons must now use the traits listed here.
Rallying Cry (+10 points)
QUALITIES The model has a tremendous presence on the battlefield.
Daredevil (+20 points) His men will not give an inch in combat and would rather
The model is well accustomed to performing daredevil antics die where they stand. All models within his command range
when the situation demands it, often opening fire perilously may choose to ignore flinch results, at the controlling player’s
close to friends. When creating a fire zone, this model may option.
ignore any friendly model for the purpose of allocating
damage dice—no dice at all are placed on friendly models as Stay Frosty (+25 points)
the daredevil’s shots just whistle straight past. This trait may The model has an uncanny sense of when and where the
not be used with atomic weapons. enemy will strike next. The hero can react on Alert Status if
an enemy unit completes an action within 12” of him rather
Dirty Fighter (+15 points) than the usual 10”.
Whether skilled in martial arts or just mean as hell, the model
is a fiend in close combat, skilfully avoiding the attacks of his True Grit* (+50 points)
enemies to launch his own lethal counters. The model gains The model is as tough as nails. Increase the model’s Target
the Parry trait. and Kill values by one (so a model with Target 4+ and Kill 7+
would become Target 5+ and Kill 8+).
Fast Mover (+15 points)
Part of being a hero is getting to the right place at the right Veteran Trooper (+10 points)
time. The hero gains +1” to his Move characteristic and any The model has seen his comrades gunned down a thousand
special movement mode he is capable of. times and lived to tell the tale. He is a veteran, familiar with

Heroic Traits
having to get by without being told what to do. When out of Sense Presence (+40 points)
command due to the death of a unit leader, a unit containing The model can react on Alert Status if an enemy unit completes
this model may still take one action of its choice per turn as an action within 10+D6” of him. Make a roll for the model’s
the experienced member guides his nervous squad mates. sensing distance each time a reaction could be triggered (for
example, an enemy completes an action within 16”). If the
TALENTS model can react, any friendly models within its command
Unless noted otherwise, Talents work automatically, require range can react too.
no line of sight and do not take an action to use. In addition,
Talents cannot be used by or against models that are Enhanced (+20 points): Re-roll the D6 if desired.
underground and may never affect units moving in the Air
Phase, unless otherwise stated. Tremor (+40 points)
The model creates a resonant harmonic in the ground,
Some individuals show greater capability than others. Certain dislodging opponents and potentially damaging tunnelling
Talents can be enhanced for an additional cost to represent creatures. The model must take a Ready action to release
this. Models paying the extra cost gain the option to use the the Tremor. Any model within 6” must flinch away from the
Enhanced version of the Talent. model using this talent. Any models represented by Tunnel
Markers within 12” suffer D6 damage (as if the Marker itself
Alertness (+20 points) had suffered a hit).
The telepath conveys a sense of danger to nearby units,
warning them of attack. Nominate one friendly unit within Enhanced (+20 points): Re-roll one or more D6 if desired.
command range after the model has completed any actions.
That unit may react to enemies completing actions within 12”, Warning (+40 points)
rather than the normal 10” until the Mobile Infantry’s next Add +1 to any saves (armour or dodge) that are made by the
turn. model.

Block Psychic Talent (+50 Points) Enhanced (+10 points): The model may apply this bonus
Summoning great reserves of mental power, the model to any friendly models within his command range if desired.
attempts to befuddle the mind of enemy psychics, causing Every time the model uses this option he must roll a D6. On a
their talents to go awry. This power may be used as a reaction roll of a 4 or more, the psychic model takes a hit, representing
whenever an enemy model within 24” uses a Talent. Both the additional risk and mental strain the model is undertaking
players roll a D10. If the Mobile Infantry player rolls higher when trying to protect others.
than his opponent, then the Talent is completely nullified and
has no effect. TRAINING
Armourer (+25 points)
Enhanced (+25 Points): Re-roll the Mobile Infantry player’s Dull hours spent learning about weapons, ammunition and
D10. how they function mean that the model and his unit ignore the
ammo rules when on Alert Status.
Conceal (+30 points)
The model can attempt to lull the senses and distract enemies Artillery Corps (+30 points)
so that they miss the obvious. The model and the unit he is Days spent learning about trajectories, muzzle velocities and
within only trigger Alert Status reactions if they complete an wind effects can pay off surprisingly on the battlefield. The
action within 8” of an enemy model instead of 10”. model and any models from the unit he is with can re-roll one
of the deviation D6 for scatter when using Artillery fire.
Confuse (+30 points)
One of the most dangerous Talents yet developed, the telepath Close Combat Expert (+15 points)
enters the mind of the bug menace, disrupting their distributed Having drilled long and hard in combat training, the model is
intelligence and disorienting the creatures. As a Ready action, a force to be reckoned with when fighting at close quarters.
nominate a tunnel entrance anywhere on the board. The model He may re-roll his Close Combat damage dice when he takes
confuses the Arachnids into losing their way, or thinking the a Charge action.
connecting tunnels are much narrower than they are, or that
they are no longer open. The tunnel entrance in question has Engineer* (+25 points)
the maximum number and size of models that may exit the With the technical advancement of modern weaponry and
tunnel halved (rounding down) until the Mobile Infantry’s armour, some basic training in engineering principles is
next turn. essential for even the lowliest grunt. Even more specialised
training is often a prerequisite for command. By taking a
Ready action, a model with Engineer Training can repair

Heroic Traits
one hit of damage on a Multihit model within his point blank keep it in play. Models about to be removed for other reasons
range on a D6 roll of 4+. (such as having their Kill score beaten by an attack) may
not be rescued in this way. The medic and his patient may
Demolitions* (+20 points) not move or take actions. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each
It is all about knowing the right spots to hit. A model with subsequent player turn.
Demolitions Training who plants a Remote weapon may re-
roll any damage dice rolled when it is triggered. 1 Despite the medic’s best efforts, the model is
removed as a casualty.
Fleet Liaison (+20 points)
The model has undergone some level of training with Fleet. He 2-3 The patient needs more care and may not take actions.
knows how to speak their language and talk them accurately If the game ends with a model in this state and the
on to a target. During the Air phase, if there is a hero with medic still in contact with it, the model does not
Fleet Liaison Training on the tabletop, he can assist Air units. count as a casualty. If the medic takes any actions the
Instead of rolling off to determine who selects a unit to use patient is removed as a casualty.
first at the beginning of the Air phase, you can always choose
to go first or second. If both players have this trait, roll a die 4-6 The medic stabilises the patient to the point where he
every turn—the highest roller chooses whether to go first or can function fully (for game purposes anyway). Both
second. models can take actions again.

K9 Corps* (+15 points, or +30 Standard Bearer (+25 points)

points with Neodog Mk II) Highly trained NCOs (often called Colour Sergeants) or
The model has undergone training and bonding with a K9 veteran troopers are sometimes accorded the honour of
neodog, enabling him to use its superior senses to scout at a carrying the platoon’s or company’s banner into battle,
distance. The model gains a K9 Neodog model as a companion dedicating themselves to keeping it out of the hands of the
or, at a higher cost, one of the recently introducted Neodog enemy. On the battlefield, a standard serves as a rallying
Mk II specimens. Pathfinders taking this trait pay +20 points point, letting troopers know where to retreat to when things
automatically get the Pathfinder Neodog detailed in their go wrong.
army book.
The standard bearer functions as a mobile Retrieval Point
Weapons/Equipment: The Neodog is unarmed. The Mk II (see page 69 of the main rulebook, page 79 of the hardback),
Neodog is armed with a Trench Sweeper laser. allowing out of command models to take Move actions
towards it.
Caleb Bond: The neodog can function at up to twice the K9
Corps model’s usual command range. The K9 Corps model Sniper (+20 points)
can make an Alert Status reaction if enemy units complete There is nothing deadlier than this model and a loaded weapon.
an action within 10” of the neodog. If the neodog is removed His accuracy with a ranged weapon is phenomenal and there
a casualty roll a D6—on a 6 the K9 Corps model is so is no enemy safe from his sights. The model may re-roll any
traumatised by the loss he is removed as a casualty too. If the one of his damage dice in a Shoot action unless he is using
hero is removed as casualty the neodog is removed as well. Artillery fire).
K9 Corps models and their neodogs may not enter play in M2
Drop Capsules. SICON Military Intelligence (+50
points–MI Lieutenant only)
Medic* (+20 points) The lieutenant is a fully trained Mobile Infantryman but is also
Medical science has reached a point where almost any patient an expert in another area considered vital to SICON strategy:
can survive if he can be brought to a suitable facility. A Military Intelligence. The presence of a Military Intelligence
battlefield medic has the skills if not the resources of these officer means the force will have access to special equipment
facilities at his fingertips and this can be enough to get a not ordinarily available to them. Count the force the Military
wounded soldier back on his feet and fighting. If a friendly Intelligence officer accompanies as one Priority Level higher
model within the medic’s command range is about to be than it really is for choosing Army List options. The force still
removed as a casualty for failing a save, you may move the counts as its original Priority Level for all other purposes. The
medic into contact with the downed model immediately to presence of a Military Intelligence officer fulfils the Atomic
Protocols requirement for choosing Atomic munitions.
K9 Corps Neodog
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Neodog 15 1 6” D6+1 3+ –/2+ 4+ —
Mk II Neodog 30 1 8” 2xD6+1 4+ 5+/2+ 6+ Retaliate

Emplacement Assets

Though not as expensive or rare as Command assets, 9 Replace Twin Fifty autocannon with Inferno support
nor as directly effective as Fleet resources, Emplacement flamer at no extra cost.
assets are nonetheless a tremendous advantage for those forces 9 Replace Twin Fifty autocannon with Javelin missile
willing to commit part of their combat budget to them. launcher at +30 points.
9 Replace Twin Fifty autocannon with Rapier AA missile
Using Emplacement Assets launcher at +30 points.
Emplacements are universally available to Mobile Infantry 9 Replace Twin Fifty autocannon with Bugbroom support
forces—they do not fluctuate according to Priority Level. With laser at +80 points.
the many benefits troops gain by occupying an emplacement, 9 Replace Twin Fifty autocannon with Scythe laser cannon
structures can become a valuable or even indispensable asset at +80 points.
for the Mobile Infantry, especially during Hold engagements.
0-8 Stalwart Bug Field Generators for 25 points each.
If a Mobile Infantry force chooses Emplacement assets it may
only deploy them if using defend tactics for the engagement. Note that Light Armour platoons can double the number
of assets they take. See page 17 of the Klendathu Invasion
supplement for details. Pathfinder platoons may never
Emplacement Assets List purchase Emplacement assets.
0-4 Ammo Dumps per platoon, for 50 points each.

0-2 Bunkers per platoon, for 100 points each. MI Emplacement Assets
0-6 Outpost Wall Sections for 30 points each. Ammo Dump
Forward supply has become a serious challenge in the fast-
0-4 Outpost Platforms for 50 points each. moving battles on Arachnid and Federation worlds. The
troopers on the ground are usually fighting far from what might
0-4 Reliant Emplacements per platoon, armed with a Twin remotely be called civilisation, or any form of infrastructure,
Fifty autocannon for 60 points each. so they frequently rely on drops of stores at pre-designated

Emplacement Assets

Scythe Laser Cannon

Blizzard Missile Pack

locations for supply. Any MI unit which has a model in Reliant Weapon Emplacement: Any weapon mounted
contact with an Ammo Dump treats all of its weapons (other on a Reliant Emplacement has the Fire Arc: F trait added.
than One-Shot! weapons) as Squad weapons and ignores the Note that Reliant Emplacements do not fire themselves—a
ammo rules. Models with One-Shot! weapons can replenish Mobile Infantry model in a power suit, exosuit or marauder
them when in contact with an Ammo Dump by taking a Ready armour must be touching the emplacement in its Rear arc. A
action (Atomics may not be replenished). An Ammo Dump model doing this may use the Reliant instead of his personal
that is destroyed rolls 2xD10 damage when it collapses and weaponry. A Reliant Emplacement’s weapons are always
its point blank range is considered to be 6”. considered Crew weapons, replacing the original type.

Bunker: A Bunker is an armoured building measuring no Stalwart Bug Field Generator

more than 6” along any one side and up to 4” in height. No A Stalwart will automatically generate a bug field in between
more than 10 Size points of models can occupy a bunker itself and any other Stalwart within 6”. Bug fields always run
(maximum individual model Size of 2), gaining a +3 cover in straight lines between one Stalwart and another, though a
bonus to their armour save. single Stalwart can generate multiple bug fields if more than
one other Stalwart is within 6”. The Mobile Infantry player
Outpost Wall Sections and Platforms: By using Outpost may specify at the beginning of every turn whether each bug
Wall Sections and Platforms, you can construct an entire field is active or not, permitting him to move models through
Federation outpost, ready for defence against the Arachnids the area safely if desired. All bug fields start the game active.
or other alien forces! A Wall Section can be anything up to
6” high and 10” wide, and may have a ledge at the top for Any model crossing a bug field will immediately suffer 3xD10
defenders to stand and fire from. damage with the Flame and Piercing/1 traits. Models that are
tunnelling under the bug field or using the special movement
A Platform is any building connected to one or more Wall modes of Jump or Hover can cross the bug field unaffected.
Sections that measures no more than 8” high and 10” wide.
The Platform may or may not have a roof and it can hold 8 Active bug fields do not block lines of sight for shooting.
Size points of models (maximum individual model Size of 2,
granting a +2 cover bonus to their armour save). Platforms can
be stacked to create multi-storey buildings.

Mobile Infantry Structures & Emplacements

Name Size Target Kill Hits
Ammo Dump 4 6+ 10+ 4
Bunker 6 9+ 12+ 9
Outpost Wall Section 4 9+ 12+ 6
Outpost Platform 6 9+ 12+ 9
Reliant Weapon Emplacement 2 6+ 10+ 3
Stalwart Bug Field 4 6+ 8+ 4

MI Reference Guide

Power Suit Lieutenant
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Power Suit Lieutenant 115 1 4” D6+1 4+ 4+/6+ 7+ Independent, Jump/12”
Power Suit NCO
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Power Suit NCO 105 1 4” D6 4+ 4+/6+ 7+ Independent, Jump/12”
Power Suit Squad
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Cap Trooper 25 1 4” D6 4+ 4+ 7+ Jump/12”
Corporal 50 1 4” D6 4+ 4+ 7+ Jump/12”
Sergeant 95 1 4” D6 4+ 4+/6+ 7+ Jump/12”

M8 Ape Marauder Suit Lieutenant
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M8 Ape Lieutenant 225 3 4” 2xD10+1 7+ 3+ 10+ Hits/4, Independent, Jump/8”,
Chickenhawk Marauder Lieutenant
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M9 Chickenhawk 225 3 5” D6+1 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Independent, Jump/10”
M8 Ape Marauder NCO
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M8 Ape NCO 210 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 10+ Hits/4, Independent, Jump/8”,
M9 Chickenhawk Marauder NCO
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M9 Chickenhawk NCO 225 3 5” D6+1 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Independent, Jump/10”
M8 Ape Marauder
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M8 Ape Cap Trooper 195 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 10+ Hits/4, Jump/8”, Piercing/1
M8 Ape Corporal 200 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 10+ Hits/4, Jump/8”, Piercing/1
M8 Ape Sergeant 205 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 10+ Hits/4, Jump/8”, Piercing/1
M8C Bigfoot Marauder
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M8C Bigfoot Cap 295 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 11+ Hits/4, Jump/8”, Piercing/1
M8C Bigfoot Corporal 300 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 11+ Hits/4, Jump/8”, Piercing/1
M8C Bigfoot Sergeant 305 3 4” 2xD10 7+ 3+ 11+ Hits/4, Jump/8”, Piercing/1

MI Reference Guide
M9 Chickenhawk Marauder
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M9 Chickenhawk Cap 195 3 5” D6 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Jump/10”
M9 Chickenhawk 200 3 5” D6 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Jump/10”
M9 Chickenhawk 205 3 5” D6 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Jump/10”
M9B Nighthawk Marauder
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
M9B Nighthawk Cap 245 3 5” D6 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Jump/10”
M9B Nighthawk 250 3 5” D6 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Jump/10”
M9B Nighthawk 255 3 5” D6 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/3, Jump/10”

Exosuit Lieutenant
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Cougar Lieutenant 160 2 6” 2xD10+1 5+ 3+/5+ 8+ Hits/2, Independent, Jump/15”,
Grizzly Lieutenant 160 2 6” 2xD10+1 5+ 2+ 8+ Hits/2, Independent, Jump/15”
Exosuit NCO
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Cougar NCO 145 2 6” D10+1 5+ 3+/5+ 8+ Hits/2, Independent, Jump/15”,
Piercing /2
Grizzly NCO 145 2 6” D10+1 5+ 2+ 8+ Hits/2, Independent, Jump/15”
Cougar Exosuit
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Cougar Trooper 100 2 6” D10 5+ 3+/6+ 8+ Hits/2, Jump/15”, Piercing /2
Cougar Corporal 110 2 6” D10 5+ 3+/6+ 8+ Hits/2, Jump/15”, Piercing /2
Cougar Sergeant 125 2 6” D10 5+ 3+/6+ 8+ Hits/2, Jump/15”, Piercing /2
Grizzly Exosuit
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Grizzly Trooper 100 2 6” D10 5+ 2+ 8+ Hits/2, Jump/15”
Grizzly Corporal 110 2 6” D10 5+ 2+ 8+ Hits/2, Jump/15”
Grizzly Sergeant 125 2 6” D10 5+ 2+ 8+ Hits/2, Jump/15”

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
CHAS 175 2 8” D10+D6 8+ 6+ 10+ Hits/3, Jump/12”, Retaliate
Drop Capsule
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Drop Capsule Special +1 Burn — 6+ 3+/5+ 9+ No Flinch

MI Reference Guide
Flamberge Heavy Ground Attack Missile
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Flamberge Missile 50 3 Burn 2xD10 6+ 5+ 8+ Hits/2
Fleet Landing Party
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Ensign 20 1 4” D6 3+ 5+ 6+
Senior Ensign 45 1 4” D6 3+ 5+/6+ 6+
Fleet Lieutenant 90 1 4” D6 3+ 5+/6+ 6+ Fleet Liason

Sarissa Space Combat Missile

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Sarissa Missile 100 4 Burn 4xD10 8+ 4+ 10+ Hits/4

SICON Military Intelligence Agent

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
SICON Military 80 1 5” D6 3+ 6+/4+ 6+ Independent, No Flinch
Intelligence Agent

Skinnie Advisor
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Skinnie Advisor 100 1 5” D6+1 4+ 4+/5+ 6+ Climb/5”, Jump/12”
Skyhook Retrieval Boat
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Skyhook Retrieval Boat 125 5 Loiter, 2xD10 6+ 5+ 9+ Hits/6
Slingshot Drop Boat
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Slingshot Drop Boat 300 6 Cruise, 4xD10 8+ 4+/5+ 12+ Hits/8
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
TAC UAV 120 3 Loiter, 2xD6 7+ 5+ 10+ Hits/3
Thunderbolt TAC Fighter
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Thunderbolt TAC 250 5 Burn, 3xD10 7+ 5+/4+ 10+ Hits/5
Fighter Cruise
Viking Landing Boat
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Viking Landing Boat 195 7 Loiter, 4xD10 7+ 5+ 10+ Hits/8

MI Reference Guide

Squad Weapons
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Hel Infantry Flamer 10” D10+2 Squad Flame, LZ (Stream), Retaliate
Morita Carbine 15” 2xD6 Squad Auto
Morita Sniper Rifle 30” D6 Squad Accurate (except against structures)
Morita Assault Rifle 20” 2xD6 Squad Auto
Underslung Grenade Launcher — — — —
~ Flechette Grenade 8” D6+1 Pack Underslung
~ Frag Grenade 15” D6 Pack LZ (2”), Underslung
~ Bugshot Grenade 10” D6+2 Pack Ready , Underslung
Trench Sweeper Laser 6” D10+1 Pack LZ (Stream), Underslung
Morita Ape Special 20” 2xD6+1 Squad Auto

Close Combat Weapons

Name Range Damage Type Traits
Shock Stick Close combat As user — Parry, Piercing/1
Utility Claws Close combat 2x as user — —
Support Weapons
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Hellseed Y-Rack Special D6 Pack See Description
Trip Hammer Mortar 36” D6+2 Pack LZ (2”), Ready
Hail Mary Mortar 60” D10+2 Pack LZ (3”), Ready
Spitball R/L 12” 2xD10 Pack Piercing/1
Triple Thud G/L 15” 3xD10 Pack Piercing/1
Inferno Support Flamer 12” 2xD10+2 Pack Flame, LZ (Stream), Retaliate
Thermic Lance 8” D10+D6 Pack Flame, Piercing/2
Plasmatic Cannon 12” D10+D6 Pack Flame, Piercing/3
Missiles and Rockets
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Javelin Missile Launcher — — — —
~ Firecracker HE Missile 60” 3xD6 Pack LZ (2”)
~ Holepunch HEAP Missile 60” D10 Pack Accurate, LZ (1”), Piercing/2
~ Falcon AA Missile 60” D10 Pack AA, LZ (1”)
Rapier AA Missile Launcher — — — —
~ AA ‘Birdbolt’ Missile 60” D10 Pack AA, Accurate, LZ (2”), Piercing/1, Ready
Blizzard Missile Pack 60” 2xD10 One-Shot! LZ (3”), Ready
Firestorm Missile System 48” 2xD10 Pack LZ (1”), Piercing/1

Name Range Damage Type Traits
Derringer Light Rotary Cannon 20” 4xD6 Squad AA, Auto
Sixgun Rotary Cannon 30” 3xD6+1 Squad AA, Auto, Piercing/1
Twin Fifty Autocannon 30” 4xD6+1 Crew AA, Auto, Piercing/1

MI Reference Guide
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Bugbroom Support Laser 40” 3xD6+2 Pack LZ (Stream), Piercing/1, Ready
Scythe Laser Cannon 36” D10+3 Pack LZ (Stream), Piercing/2, Ready

Hand Grenades
Name Range Damage Type Traits
M-902F Frag Grenade 10" D10 Pack LZ (1")
M-909S Smoke Grenade — — — See Description

Name Range Damage Type Traits
M-918 Scatter Bomb Dropped 3xD6 One-Shot! LZ (3”)
M-908P Plasma Munition Placed, 2xD10 One-Shot! Flame, LZ (2”), Persistent, Piercing/3,
Thrown 10” (Remote if Placed)
M-997 Firestorm Bomb Dropped 2xD10+2 One-Shot! Flame, LZ (4”)
M-998A1 Atomic Pee-Wee Dropped, 3xD10+4 One-Shot! Flame, Killshot, LZ (5”), Multihit, (Remote
Munition Launched 60”, if Placed)
M-999A2 Atomic Ajax Munition Dropped, 3xD10+4 One-Shot! Flame, Killshot, LZ (7”), Multihit, (Remote
Placed if Placed)
LA-50 Sprite Personal Skimmer
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
LA-50 Sprite As 2 6” As rider +1 6+ As 8+ Hover/18”, Retaliate
Reconnaissance rider rider/5+
Skimmer +50


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