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Anthony Medina

EAD 519

December 1, 2021

Part 1: Case Analysis

1. Brief summary of the case- Mrs. Lemming mother to a student at the school requested
to meet with the building principal. She suspects her daughter is being harassed by
another student in the class. She is upset and wants the school to take immediate action
on the student causing the harassment. The parent is also upset about reporting the
incident to the teacher and not hearing back.
2. Identify the issues to be resolved- The issue to be resolved is to identify which student is
causing the harassment. Identify details containing the harassment and issue the
appropriate disciplinary action. Depending on details of harassment contact local
authorities. Conduct a meeting with the teacher to discuss why she did not respond back
to the parent. Meet with the student to discourage any future harassment incidents.
Finally, meet with the parent and assure her the situation was taken care of and that this
should not happen again.
3. Stakeholders involved in the issues- Stakeholders involved in the issues- Stakeholders
involved in this issue are both the students, parent, teacher, principal, and secretary.
4. One or two existing laws or court rulings that relate to the issues- Title IX Law
protects students from different forms of harassment.
5. District policies that relate to the issues- District policies state that any student
determined to be harassing other students will face suspension, possible expulsion
depending on the severity of harassment, legal action, and counseling services.
6. Possible solutions to the issues- The solution, in this case, is to determine if the student
accused of the harassment caused it. Also, details of the harassment will need to be
identified to determine the severity of the harassment. Legal action can be taken and
possible suspension depending on what exactly took place.
7. The solutions chosen to resolve the issues – The solutions chosen to resolve this issue
is to have an investigation take place. As the building principal, I would handle the
situation of the harassment taking place in the school. I would meet with both students
separately to discuss the situation. I would also meet with teachers to determine if they
have any knowledge of the incident. I would seek advice from law enforcement on
handling the situation of harassment taking place outside of school.
8. Action steps (2-5) for implementing each solution, including a timeline for each step-
The first step will be conducting interviews of teachers and students involved to determine
case details. The next step will be to review district policies to determine how to handle the
9. Potential moral and legal consequences of each solution- The solution to investigate
the harassment incident will set the expectation that any non-acceptable behavior such as
harassment will not be tolerated. Legal consequences in this can be the student-facing
legal action for harassment of a student.
Part 2: Rationale

The solution I chose, in this case, was to conduct an investigation to determine the

allegations of harassment taking place at the school. I have decided to have law enforcement

investigate suspected harassment taking place from a student outside of school. I decided to first

speak with the classroom teacher to see what has been taking place in the classroom. After

speaking with the classroom teacher I have decided to discuss the situation with both students

involved in the case. I decided to then make a decision on the disciplinary action taken based on

the evidence collected in the investigation. I will follow district and state-mandated policies when

determining disciplinary action.

The decision I made, in this case, reflects professional ethics because as the school leader

it is my professional duty to ensure I investigate all suspected cases of harassment. I have also

displayed ethics in this case by following district and state-mandated policies. My decision reflects

integrity because I have followed through with the promise I made to the parent to investigate the

incident. My decision also reflects fairness because I have decided to conduct a thorough

investigation that will reveal the details in this case.

The decision to conduct a thorough investigation, in this case, promotes social justice

because it is supporting the student who is being harassed. Students who report incidents of

harassment can be often overlooked and not supported with a proper investigation followed up
with disciplinary action. As the school leader, my decision supports that all students’ needs and

safety is the top priority. The decision in this case also promotes collaboration and trust working

with the multiple stakeholders in the case to determine exactly what type of harassment took

place. The decision to investigate the allegations of harassment also shows that the school leader

has set high expectations for the school and will not accept behavior such as harassment towards

other students and staff.


University, G. C. (2019). Case Study: Impatient Parents. Retrieved December 1,

2021, from

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