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Are all private schools the same? The answer is no.

There are two private schools, one well known

and the other not well known, their names are the Trilce Schools and the Honors Schools.
Although both are private, that does not mean that they are the same in all aspects. Both the
Trilce school and the honors school have similar points as against, such as that of the teachers, the
academic environment, the evaluations, and the infrastructure.

The Honors College is a small chain of private schools. In this school, teachers are an issue that is
always a concern among parents and students. There are not always teachers who cover the
courses that are needed. There are even teachers who teach up to 4 different courses. Another
negative point is the bullying that exists between classmates and the lack of concern on the part of
the school. On the other hand, assessment is a serious matter and crucial to its reputation as a
mathematical college. The exams are written and oral, both have different questions for each
student. The school infrastructure is narrow and there is not much space, but it is common for
private schools to share this point in common.

The Trilce School is popular in Lima. This school has positive aspects like the teachers, for each
course there is a different teacher and if one is absent due to some inconvenience, the
replacement will arrive in a few minutes. The academic environment is respectful and
collaborative in reaching a common goal. The subject of evaluations at this school is also taken
seriously, which is why the exams are written and very frequent. Everyone has the same
conditions to take the exam, that is, the same questions, the same time, and the same materials. A
negative aspect would be its infrastructure, despite having a small playground it is not enough for
the number of students there are.

In conclusion, the Trilce and honors schools have similarities in infrastructure and in how
important the evaluations to their students are for them. But they are also opposites on other
points, such as in the academic environment and the teachers. Not all private schools have to be
the same just because they are from the same sector, since these schools, unlike national schools,
do not follow strict state rules. Although there are general rules for all schools, private schools
have their own decision on various aspects that they will carry out in their respective study

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