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PROGRAM 2020 /2021

Arranged by:

Name : Maulvi Ghaza Fahrezi

Class : XII Boga 3
Abs. : 18




Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

First of all, all praise and thanks to Allah Swt. because of His grace, I can complete
the report on the implementation of Field Work Practices (PKL) of the 2020/2021 school
year well and on time. I would like to express my gratitude to Mrs. Dra. Luluk Umiati as a
supervisor for helping and guiding me during the PKL activities.
With this Field Work Practice, I gained new insights and knowledge, and I can
practice the knowledge that I have received from the teacher in school. I made this report as a
final requirement in the implementation of FieldWork Practice (PKL) activities. I hope that
the completion of this report can be my starting point to be more advanced and earnest. I also
hope that this report will be useful to the readers..
I realize this report is far from perfect. Because of that, I really hope for the criticism
and advice from the readers.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has read this report. Hope it’s useful.

Kediri, ... Oktober 2021




TITLE PAGE................................................................................................................1


LIST OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................3


The Background................................................................................................4

The Objective....................................................................................................4

The Benefit........................................................................................................4



Time & Place....................................................................................................6

Tools, Ingredient, Cost......................................................................................6


Project 2................................................................................................9

Project 3..............................................................................................11

Description of Activities.................................................................................13

Project 1..............................................................................................13

Project 2..............................................................................................17

Project 3..............................................................................................19







Work Field Practice or Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) is learning method for
high school students which’s implemented through hands-on practice in the work field
within a certain period. Permendikbud No. 50 Tahun 2020 has regulated that a). For
improving student competency in accord with to the work field requirement, education is
needed outside the formal and unformal unit via Work Field Practice; b). For work field
practice organizer as reffered to in letter (a) need to manage the Work Field Practice for
the students . However, because Covid-19 pandemic condition, the Work Field Practice is
cannot be implemented in the work and industry field, so the Work Field Practice is now
implemented in school with the form of project implementation as regulated in
Permendikbud No. 50 Tahun 2020 pasal 9.


1. To develop students professional work culture and character

2. To improve students competency according to curriculum and work field
requirement; and
3. To prepare students to work or open a business on their own


1. Improving Vocational School students quality

2. Gaining basic experience for the work field for the future

3. Shaping the mentality of students as worker who are ready to work


 Chicken Schnitzel with Mushroom Creamy Sauce, Jardiniere of Vegetables and

Mashed Potato (PPM)

Schnitzel is a boneless meat dish that has been weaned and then wrapped in bread
flour. This dish comes from Europe and is very famous all over the world. This chicken
schnitzel I serve along with mushroom creamy sauce, jardiniere of vegetable, and mashed
potato, then I pack in a lunchbox to make it more appealing.

 Nastar Burger (Pastry Bakery)

Nastar is a type of pastry that usually contains pineapple or chocolate jam and other
flavors. The word nastar comes from the Dutch annana and taatr. This cake is very
popular among the public, especially when eid arrives. I created the nastar to look like a
burger shape so it’s more interesting and different from nastar in general. I packed it in a
small jar.

 Mendut Ketan Hitam (PCKI)

Mendut is one of the traditional cakes originating from Java. This cake is made from
glutinous flour with grated coconut stuffing cooked with sugar. This cake began to rarely
be found and sometimes only found in certain event or place. I made this cake by
changing the basic ingredients to black glutinous flour so that the mendut is more
appealing I packed it in a plastic box to increase the selling price.




FieldWork Practices (PKL) of the 2020/2021 School Year at SMKN 3 Kediri were
held in the new school year 2021/2022 for 6 months starting from May 1, 2021 to
October 29, 2021.


 Project 1 : Chicken Schnitzel with Mushroom Creamy Sauce, Mashed
Potato, and Vegetables
A. Tools
No Tool Name Necessity Specifications Information
A. Preparation Tools
1. Knife 1 Stainless steel Home
2. Mallet 1 Wood Home
3. Spoon 2 Stainless steel Home
4. Fork 1 Stainless steel Home
5. Cutting board 1 Wood Home
6. Plate 3 Plastic Home
7. Washbowl 2 Plastic Home
8. Grater 1 Iron Home
9. Tea cloth 1 Clean Home
B. Processing Tools
1. Spatula 1 Wood Home
2. Collander 1 Iron Home
3. Frying pan 1 Stainless steel Home
4. Pot 1 Iron Home
5. Stove 1 Iron Home
C. Packaging
1. Bento box 2 Plastic Home
2. Paper box 2 Paper Home

B. Ingredient
No. Ingredient Name Amount Specifications
Unit Total
A. Fresh Ingredient
1. Chicken fillet 500 gr Fresh Rp. 16.000/ ½ kg Rp. 16.000
2. Button mushrooms 50 gr Fresh Rp. 14.000/ 100 gr Rp. 7.000
3. Milk 250 ml Clean Rp. 16.000/ ltr Rp. 4.000
4. Garlic 2 clove Clean Rp. 24.000/ kg Rp. 500
5. Cheese 150 gr Clean Rp. 22.000/ 165 gr Rp. 20.000
6. Potato 250 gr Fresh Rp. 12.000/ kg Rp. 3000
7. Carrot 50 gr Fresh Rp. 10.000/ kg Rp. 500
8. Cauliflower 50 gr Fresh Rp. 12.000/ kg Rp. 600
9. Beans 40 gr Fresh Rp. 12.000/ kg Rp. 600
10. Butter 100 gr Clean Rp. 8.000/ 200 gr Rp. 4.000

B. Dry Ingredient
1. Flour 150 gr Clean Rp. 10.000/ kg Rp. 1.500
2. Bread crumb 150 gr Clean Rp. 15.000 / 250 gr Rp. 9.000
3. Cornstarch 1 tbsp Clean Rp. 5.000/ 150 gr Rp. 500
4. Cooking oil 500 ml Clean Rp. 22.000/ ltr Rp. 11.000
5. Olive oil 6 tsp Clean Rp. 60.000/ 250 ml Rp. 1.000
6. Parsley powder 5 tsp Clean Rp. 20.000/ 20 gr Rp. 10.000
7. Salt 20 gr Clean Rp. 2.500/ bks Rp. 200
8. Pepper 20 gr Clean Rp. 1.000/ scht Rp. 100
9. Egg 2 item Curah Rp. 21.000/ kg Rp. 3.000
Total Rp. 92.500

C. Cost

Net Price 2 Servings

Price increase 60%

= Rp. 92.500 x 100/60 = Rp 154.200,-

Ingredient Cost (60%)

= Rp. 154.200 x 60% = Rp. 92.500,-

Depreciation Tools and Gases Costs (15%)

= Rp. 154.200 x 15% = Rp. 23.100,-

Labor Costs (15%)

= Rp. 154.200 x 15% = Rp. 23.100,-

Profit (10%)

= Rp. 154.200 x 10% = Rp.15.420,-

Total = Rp. 154.200,-

Selling price per 1 serving = Rp. 154.200 : 2 = Rp. 77. 100,-

 Project 2 : Nastar Burger

A. Tools

No Tool Name Necessity Specifications Information

A. Preparation Tools
1. Washbowl 2 Plastic Home
2. Scales 1 Plastic Home
3. Measuring cup 1 Plastic Home
4. Cheese grater 1 Iron Home
5. Strainer 1 Iron Home
6. Spoon 2 Stainless steel Home
7. Baloon wisk 1 Stainless steel Home
8. Spatula 1 Plastic Home
9. Tea cloth 1 Clean Home
B. Processing Tools
1. Pot 1 Stainless Home
2. Baking paper 1 Clean Home
3. Cake pan 1 Iron Home
4. Oven 1 Iron Home
C. Packaging
1. Cookie jar 2 Plastic Home

B. Ingredient
No. Ingredient Name Amount Specifications
Unit Total
A. Fresh Ingredient
1. Cheddar cheese 50 gr Clean Rp. 22.000/ 165 gr Rp. 6.700
2. Butter 125 gr Clean Rp. 20.000/ kg Rp. 2.500
3. Margarine 125 gr Clean Rp. 18.000/kg Rp. 2.250
4. Honey 1 tsp Fresh Rp. 16.000/250 gr Rp. 500
5. Sesame Sfct Fresh Rp. 15.000/250 gr Rp. 1.000
B. Dry Ingredient
1. All purpose flour 325 gr Bersih Rp. 10.000/ kg Rp. 3.250
2. Cornstarch 50 gr Bersih Rp. 12.000/kg Rp. 600
3. Milk powder 50 gr Bersih Rp. 12.000/250 gr Rp. 2.400
4. Egg 4 item Curah Rp. 21.000/ kg Rp. 4.000
Fine granulated
5. 75 gr Bersih Rp. 12.000/ kg Rp. 900
6. Vanilli ½ tsp Bersih Rp. 8.000/btl Rp. 600
Total Rp. 24. 200
C. Cost

Net Price 2 Servings

Price increase 60%

= Rp. 24.200 x 100/60 = Rp. 40.300,-

Ingredient Cost (60%)

= Rp. 40.300 x 60% = Rp. 24. 200,-

Depreciation Tools and Gases Costs (15%)

= Rp. 40.300 x 15% = Rp. 6.050,-

Labor Cost (15%)

= Rp. 40.300 x 15% = Rp. 6.050,-

Profit (10%)

= Rp 40.300 x 10% = Rp. 4.030 ,-

Selling Price = Rp. 40.300 : 2 = Rp. 20.150,

 Project 3 : Mendut Ketan Hitam dengan Saus Santan

A. Tools
No. Tool Name Necessity Specifications Information
A. Preparation Tools
1. Washbowl 2 Plastic Home
2. Spoon 2 Stainless Home
3. Measurment cup 1 Plastic Home
4. Grater 1 Iron Home
5. Scales 1 Plastic Home
6. Tea cloth 1 Clean Home
B. Processing Tools
1. Pan 1 Stainless Home
2. Spatula 1 Wood Home
3. Steaming pot 1 Iron Home
4. Stove 1 Iron Home
C. Alat Penyajian/ Kemasan
1. Cake box 1 Plastic Home

B. Ingredient

No. Ingredient Name Amount Specifications
Unit Total
A. Fresh Ingredient
1. Old coconut 1 piece A bit old Rp. 8.000/ piece Rp. 8.000
2. Pandan leaves 4 leaves Green Rp. 1.000/ ikat Rp. 400
B. Dry Ingredient
Black glutinous
1. 100 gr Clean Rp. 28.000/ ½ kg Rp. 5.600
rice flour
2. Glutinous rice
150 gr Clean Rp. 15.000/ ½ kg Rp. 1.500
3. Tapioca flour 50 gr Clean Rp. 5.000/ bks Rp. 1.000
4. Rice flour ½ tbsp Clean Rp. 6.600/ ½ kg Rp. 2.000
5. Sugar 150 gr Clean Rp. 12.000/ kg Rp. 1.800
6. Salt 2 tsp Clean Rp. 2.500/ bks Rp. 500
Total Rp. 20.800

C. Cost

Net Price 2 Servings

Price increase 60%

= Rp. 20.800 x 100/60 = Rp. 34.700,-

Ingredient Cost (60%)

= Rp. 34.700 x 60% = Rp. 20.800,-

Depreciation Tools and Gases Costs (15%)

= Rp. 34.700 x 15% = Rp. 5.200,

Labor Cost (15%)

= Rp. 34.700x 15% = Rp. 5.200,-

Profit (10%)

= Rp. 34.700x 10% = Rp. 3.470 ,-

Total = Rp. 34.700,-

Selling Price = Rp. 34.700: 10 = Rp. 3.470


o Project 1 : PPM
Chicken Schnitzel
Ingredient :
 500 gr chicken fillet
 2 eggs
 150 gr flour
 150 gr breadcrumbs
 Salt
 Pepper
 Cooking oil
Processing Method:
1. Wash chicken fillets until clean, wrapped with food plastic, then flatten
using mallets or rolling pins

2. Season the chicken with pepper and salt, let stand for a while

3. Prepare the ingredients to wrapped the chicken that has been flattened

4. Heat the oil, then fry the flour-wrapped chicken until golden yellow.

5. Serve

Mashed Potato
Ingredient :
 250 gr potato
 15 gr Butter
 75 ml milk
 ½ tsp Parsley
 salt
 pepper

Processing Method:
1. Peel, boil then puree

2. Mix all the ingredients in a pan, mixed over a low heat.

3. Add a little parsley, serve as a complement to the main course

Mushroom Creamy Sauce
Ingredient :
 5 button mushrooms, thin slice
 250 cc full cream milk
 1 tbsp cornstarch
 2 clove garlic, finely chopped
 150 gr grated cheese
 ½ tsp parsley
 Salt
 Sugar
 Pepper
 Margarine
 Olive oil

Processing Method:
1. Heat the margarine, add a little olive oil, sauté the garlic until fragrant.

2. Add the milk and cheese then stir briefly.

3. Add mushrooms then add salt, pepper, and sugar to taste

4. For a thick sauce, add cornstarch

Jardinier of Vegetables
Ingredient :
 50 carrot
 40 gr beans
 50 gr cauliflower
 15 gr Margarine
 Salt
 Pepper
 Sugar
 Chop parsely

Processing Method:
1. Cut beans and carrots jardinierre, cut cauliflower per stalk

2. Boil vegetables with water and salt

3. Saute all vegetables, then season it and add a sprinkle of chop parsely,
mix well, serve

Dishes after packaged:

o Project 2 : Pastry Bakery
Nastar Burger
Ingredient :
 50 gr grated cheese
 125 gr margarine
 125 gr butter
 2 eggs yolk , 1 boiled egg yolk,
 325 gr all purpose flour
 50 gr cornstarch
 75 gr fine granulated sugar
 50 gr milk powder
 ½ tsp vanilli
 Red and green food coloring

 1 egg yolk
 1 tsp honey
 1 tsp cooking oil
 Sesame

Filling : Pineapple jam

Processing Method:
1. Mix the refined sugar, margarine, butter and vanilla evenly, then put in the
egg yolks and hard-boiled yolks, stir it again until mixed.

2. Put the powdered milk, cornstarch, cheese, and flour, then stir in a chopped
way until evenly mixed.

3. Take a little dough and divide it by 2, then dye the food red and green,
shaped into small round

4. Take a little dough, round it and divide, then fill it with the pineapple jam
and dough that has been coloured and then cover it again. Arrange on a
baking sheet. Oven half-cooked, dab with toppings. Then oven again until

Dishes after packaged

Mendut Ketan Hitam dengan Saus Santan
Bahan :
 100 gram black glutinous flour
 150 gram white glutinous flour
 50 gr tapioca flour
 125 cc diluted coconut milk
 1 tsp salt
Filling / Unti
 1/2 grain Old coconut, grated
 100 gr sugar
 ½ tsp salt
 150 cc water
Saus Santan
 1/2 old coconut grain, make it into condensed coconut milk 200 cc
 ½ tbsp rice flour
 Pandan leaves
 ½ tsp salt

Processing Method:
Mendut Dough:
1. Mix all the dry ingredients, then put the warm coconut milk of the stirring
nails until rinsed, set aside

2. Round dough shape weighing 10 grams

Filling / Unti

1. Mix all the ingredients and cook over a low heat until the water is gone.

Coconut Milk Sauce / Areh

1. Mixed all the sauce ingredients in a saucepan, cooked over a low heat until

1. Take the dough, then fill it with unti, shape it again round, place the dough
on a sheet of leaves, flush with areh, wrap in a cone, steam until the leaves
wilt ± 15 minutes,serve

Dishes after package:




Field Work Practice (PKL) is a learning activity for high school / vocational students
and equivalents that aim to gain knowledge and hands-on experience in the world of
work. Field Work Practice (PKL) are also a way of applying knowledge obtained from
the teacher in school in the form of project making, because Field Work Practice
(PKL) cannot be implemented as they should due to pandemics. With this Field Work
Practice (PKL), it is expected that students will be able to apply the knowledge gained
and can quickly adapt in the business and industrial world.


1. Debriefing on students is expected to be further improved so that students

understand and be clear how the implementation of Field Work Practice is carried
2. Please for the teachers to be more active in providing guidance to students


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