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EY Techathon 2021 Prioritize vaccine delivery

#iSolve4aBillion Challenge


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eVIN Solution | Main CO-WIN App Introduce gamification in
Features ► Administrator module CO-WIN similar App to
► Workforce monitoring ► Registration module
► Digitization of vaccinations in India ► Stock management ► Vaccination module
increase awareness and
► Electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network
► Temperature ► Beneficiary reduce vaccine hesitancy
► Tracking acknowledgment module
(eVIN) system – for tracking vaccines till they
► Inventory ► Report module
reach stores.
► CO-WIN App – for tracking vaccine from store
to the last mile beneficiary i.e. citizens.
Expected solution
► Extension of eVIN system to reach the last-mile. Develop a CO-WIN similar mobile App and introduce gamification to:
► 300 million to be vaccinated in Phase 1.
► 500 million to be vaccinated in Phase 2. Use game-based
Improve citizen Explain the risks Encourage
► Hesitation for vaccination can derail features to increase
vaccination plans. registration on of not being citizens to get
the mobile App. vaccinated. inoculated.
► Reasons for vaccine hesitancy: on vaccination.
► Lack of awareness and guidance on the
vaccination and its benefits.
► Rumours and misinformation on the vaccination.
Build quizzes or Incentivize social
► Community non-inclusiveness in vaccination Discourage the
efforts. health score platforms.
spread of rumours.

Use fun and interactive approaches leveraging digital technologies to

deliver positive views on the vaccine.
Expected solution

Features of Mobile App to be developed Tools and technologies

Citizen Profile registration with complete address and authentication by OTP (Using Aadhaar)
For mobile App development
► Open source hybrid mobile App development
Vaccinator Profile registration and authentication by OTP
► Mobile App platform - Ionic, Angular, CSS
Nearby vaccine centers with respect to the location of residence of a citizen
► Backend - Java, Spring Boot
Check the availability of vaccine at nearby vaccine centers and book the date and time for inoculation
► Storage - PostgreSQL
Alerts and reminders automatically calculated for taking the second dosage (1st Inoculation date + 21 days = 2nd Dosage Date)
► Other Features
Generate and store a QR-based certificates after an individual is vaccinated
► Instant messaging capabilities
In case of any adverse health issue the same must be reported. Include online doctor consultation and emergency help requests ► Geo-targeting
Common Instructions to citizens and training documents for vaccinators ► Social media integration
Addressing all queries related to vaccination ► Third-party app integration
Integration with online learning management tools such as Moodle etc. for facilitating training to vaccinators and other stakeholders ► Analytics and reporting

Badges can be acquired by users:

A. Village/ ward badges for complete inoculation
B. Individual badges for recommending more individuals to get vaccinated
► Fun interfaces
C. Badges for vaccinators based on citizen feedback
► Immediate success or continuous progress feedback
► Reward systems (point scores, badges, levels) Dashboards
► Challenges and competitions A. Leader board for Department
B. Leader board for citizen
► Team playing C. Leader board for vaccinator

► Avatars
► Quizzes to engage users
A. Challenges to promote vaccination
B. Challenges to overcome resistance

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