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My Drive FMSD Eric Hartley

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In the Matter of the Revocation or )
Shared with me Diploma Pathways PowerPo… Epps history museum 1 boa… example of ag indictment a…
Suspension of the Educator Certificate of ) ORDER OF Details Activity
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Eric Michael Hartley, ) SUMMARY SUSPENSION
Starred ) Long ago
Educator Certificate 278206 )
Aug 6, 2020

SUMMARY OF THE CASE You uploaded an item

The Chair of the South Carolina State Board of Education (State Board) considered this
FMSD Eric Hartley Teacher S…
4.24 GB of 15 GB used matter on March 6, 2019. In accordance with S.C. Code Ann. § 1-23-370(c) (2016), § 59-5-10

(2016), and State Board Rule of Governance BBABA, the South Carolina Department of
Buy storage FedCourtOrder re Lex and F… FMSD Blue Ribbon Award A… FMSD Eric Hartley Teacher …
No recorded activity before August 6, 2020
Education (SCDE) requested that the Chair of the State Board summarily suspend the educator

certificate of Eric Michael Hartley, educator certificate 278206, as a result of his arrest on a

federal felony charge of conspiracy to distribute child pornography in violation of 18 U.S.C. §

2252(a)(2) and (b)(1)

The SCDE has reason to believe that, due to the serious nature of these allegations of

misconduct, Mr. Hartley may pose a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of students, who

may be under his instruction and that emergency action is required. After considering the

evidence presented by the SCDE, the Chair of the State Board finds that Mr. Hartley’s educator

certificate shall be summarily suspended until a due process hearing is held and/or this matter is
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FMSD OCR Resolution 0206…
otherwise Fort Mill
resolved. The SCDE is directed to Economic
serve noticePartners… Kristy Spears and husband …
on Mr. Hartley of the summary
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suspension, as well as the possible suspension or revocation of his educator certificate.

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