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Yllana Bay View College, Inc.

“The Builder of Future Leaders”

East Capitol Road, Enerio Street, Balangasan District, Pagadian City
Telephone Number: 215-4176


Excellent Good Fair Poor
4 pts. 3pts. 2pts. 1pt.
LAYOUT/DESIGN/GRAPHI The web site has an The web site has an attractive The web site has a usable The web site has a cluttered
CS exceptionally attractive and and usable layout. It is easy layout, but may appear busy look and is confusing. It is
20 % usable layout and page to locate all important or boring. It is easy to locate often difficult to locate
templates have been utilized. elements and page templates most of the important important elements and page
It is easy to locate all have been utilized. elements and page templates templates have not been
important elements. White Graphics are related to the have been utilized. utilized.
space, graphic elements theme or purpose of the site, Graphics are of fair design, Graphics are poor design,
and/or alignment are used are of good quality and unoriginal, with elements that unoriginal or borrowed work
effectively to organize enhance reader interest or need enhancing such as red that need major
material. understanding. eye, etc. Less than 5. enhancements such as red
Graphics are related to the eye, improved cropping, etc.
theme or purpose of the site, Less than 3.
are of high quality and
enhance reader interest or
NAVIGATION Links for navigation are Links for navigation are
20 % clearly labeled, consistently clearly labeled, allow the Links for navigation are the Some links do not take the
placed, allow the reader to reader to easily move from reader where expected, but reader to the sites/pages
easily move from a page to page to page and internal some needed links seem to be described. A user typically
INTERNAL/EXTERNAL related pages and take reader links take the reader where he missing. A user sometimes feels lost.
LINKS where he expects to go. A expects to go. A user rarely gets lost.
user does not become lost. becomes lost..
FUNCTIONALITY Website is functional from Website is functional except Website not functional
40 % signup/login forms, menus, few/minimal errors in some Website not functional some mostly incomplete
navigation, dynamic modules/features. incomplete modules/features modules/features.
FUNCTIONAL BUTTONS management, ordering/cart
AND DATABASES management, tenant/sellers
management, stocks
notifications, and among
CONTENT Content should be dynamic or Content should be dynamic Content is appropriate but
15 % database-driven. Content is or database-driven. Content is incomplete in some areas. Content is inappropriate or of
appropriate for the project appropriate for the project There are at least two to three insufficient quantity as to
and complete with no major with moderate eliminations. pages. Little or no research. make the web site inefficient.
eliminations. There is a story There are at least four pages. Story board weak. There is just one page. No
board for the site. There is There is a story board. Some research evident. No story
evidence that the site was research is evident. board evident.
researched for "greenness".
There are at least five pages.
SPELLING & GRAMMAR There are no errors in There are 1-3 spelling, There are 4-5 spelling, There are more than 6
5% spelling, punctuation, or punctuation, or grammar punctuation, or grammar spelling, punctuation, or
grammar in the final draft of errors in the final draft of the errors in the final draft of the grammar errors in the final
the web site. web site. web site. draft of the web site.

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