Elimination Pattern and Values-Beliefs Pattern

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The client’s bladder elimination status is independent. When reflecting on the voiding pattern of
the client, she stated that she voids with clear urine six times per day dependent on her fluid
intake, with an amount of approximately 700 cc/ml urine per void. There was no noticeable and
strong unpleasant odor in the urine, and there was no vaginal discharge. There are also no pain or
urine problems such as dysuria, anuria, oliguria, or polyuria. She also stated that she does not
have any problems controlling her urine, such as urinary incontinence.

The client’s bowel elimination status is independent. She stated that she experiences no problems
with bowel elimination and has never utilized suppositories, supplements, or other medication
for either constipation or diarrhea. She defecates roughly twice a day depending on the amount
of food that she consumes. According to the Bristol Stool Form Scale, the consistency of her
stool is number 4, which is like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft, and occasionally number 5,
which is soft blobs with clear-cut edges. Her stool comes in a variety of brown hues. She
reported that she had no difficulty controlling her bowel elimination, such as bowel incontinence,
and that she felt no pain or discomfort since she does not have any problems that might cause
pain during elimination such as hemorrhoids.

The client also stated that she does not experience any excessive perspiration and her sweat does
not produce any strong foul odor.


The client is a roman catholic, thus making her a spiritual and religious person. Her family and
beliefs have always taken precedence in her life. She has been married to her spouse for four
years and cherishes their connection. Her life has recently become more settled since her
husband was promoted from his job and she has a stable job, which is why they began to try
having a baby because they felt like they were now stable and ready to be parents, and
thankfully, they have been blessed with her first pregnancy, which makes her very happy
because she felt like having a baby would complete them as a family.

They will also relocate to a freshly acquired house, all of which she believes is directed by her
religion and spiritual beliefs. Her religion also helps her and her husband when they have
problems in the past, such as financial and emotional problems because they do not have enough
money to have a baby, and their faith helped them to overcome those sad moments and continue
to be strong and persuade their dreams because they believed that nothing is impossible with
God by their side.
The client's future plans and aspirations include delivering her child safely with no problems,
being able to handle the hardships of parenthood, being a healthy and disease-free family, her
child being able to achieve a good education and land a good job in the future, and having a life
filled with happiness and contentment. She also indicated that participating in the assessment did
not conflict with any of her religious traditions and practices.

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