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Physica B: Condensed Matter 534 (2018) 145–149

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Thermoluminescent properties of nanocrystalline ZnTe thin films: Structural

and morphological studies
Shashikant Rajpal *, S.R. Kumar
Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology, Ranchi 834003, India


Keywords: Zinc Telluride (ZnTe) is a binary II-VI direct band gap semiconducting material with cubic structure and having
Zinc telluride potential applications in different opto-electronic devices. Here we investigated the effects of annealing on the
Thin film thermoluminescence (TL) of ZnTe thin films. A nanocrystalline ZnTe thin film was successfully electrodeposited
Theromoluminiscent on nickel substrate and the effect of annealing on structural, morphological, and optical properties were studied.
Annealing The TL emission spectrum of as deposited sample is weakly emissive in UV region at ~328 nm. The variation in
the annealing temperature results into sharp increase in emission intensity at ~328 nm along with appearance of
a new peak at ~437 nm in visible region. Thus, the deposited nanocrystalline ZnTe thin films exhibited excellent
thermoluminescent properties upon annealing. Furthermore, the influence of annealing (annealed at 400  C) on
the solid state of ZnTe were also studied by XRD, SEM, EDS, AFM. It is observed that ZnTe thin film annealed at
400  C after deposition provide a smooth and flat texture suited for optoelectronic applications.

1. Introduction Te and Zn stacked layers from aqueous electrolytes. On the basis of

photocurrent in cyclic voltammetry of solutions containing TeO2 and
Zinc telluride is one of the important semiconductor materials of II–VI Zn2þ salts Misra and Rajeshwar postulates the formation of ZnTe but they
group because of its extensive potential applications in different opto- don't develop ZnTe thin film [15]. Again Michael Neumann-Spallart
electronic devices [1]. Zinc telluride (ZnTe) is a compound semi- developed the ZnTe film by using ZnSO4 and TeO2 and three electrode
conductor with p-type conductivity due to its nonstoichiometry (Zn va- geometry in aqueous medium [12]. In aqueous medium hydrogen evo-
cancy) characteristic [2]. It has a direct band gap semiconductor having lution and lower working temperature are major problem. Little work has
band gap 2.26 eV at 300 K [3]. This material is now a day investigated in been performed in non-aqueous medium for the deposition of ZnTe thin
thin film form due to its potential towards various viable applications. It films. Thus, it is of interest to explore the possibility of using a different
is suitable material for several applications like solar cell, photodetector, molten salt bath for ZnTe electrodeposition.
light emitting diodes [4]. ZnTe is one of the most attractive semi- In present study we developed ZnTe film by electro deposition tech-
conductors for photovoltaics and photo-electrochemical solar cells nique in non-aqueous medium. The non-aqueous bath has the flexibility
because of its optimum energy gap [5] and low affinity [6]. of conducting electro deposition at higher temperature [18]. Non
ZnTe can be developed by various physical and chemical methods aqueous bath offers great flexibility in choosing deposition sources,
which includes RF sputtering [7], chemical vapor deposition [8], Hot higher working temperature (even above 100  C), and also free from
wall evaporation [9], thermal evaporation [10], molecular beam epitaxy hydrogen evolution reaction. The ZnTe thin films have been electro-
[11], electrodeposition [12–15]. Out of these techniques the electrode- deposited on nickel substrate using a three-electrode system in
position is a cost-effective method for producing good quality of film. non-aqueous solution. Zinc Chloride and Tellurium tetrachloride have
Electrodeposition technique has diverse advantages viz., low tempera- been used as precursors for deposition of ZnTe thin films. Using the
ture growth, ability of bandgap engineering and the ability to control the electro deposition technique, we report the solid state and optical
film thickness by varying the deposition time and potential [16]. Elec- properties of as deposited and annealed ZnTe thin films. The optical and
trochemical preparation of thin films of ZnTe was first reported by Basal thermal properties of nanocrystalline materials are of great interest
and Kapur [17] using a two-stage process involving electrodeposition of because these may find wide applications in a number of optical devices.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Rajpal).
Received 29 December 2017; Received in revised form 19 January 2018; Accepted 20 January 2018

0921-4526/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

S. Rajpal, S.R. Kumar Physica B: Condensed Matter 534 (2018) 145–149

deposition potential of 0.85 V. To balance the reaction 0.16 M of KI was

introduced in electrolyte. Electrodeposition was performed in a con-
ventional three-electrode cell with nickel substrates as cathode and
graphite rod as anode and a platinum wire as reference electrode. The
temperature of the non-aqueous electrolyte was maintained at 160  C.
The deposition was carried out at a potential of 0.85 V for 15 min
duration. When the deposition is completed the substrate was removed
from the electrolyte and washed with distilled water. The as deposited
ZnTe thin film was annealed at 400  C in air. The structural character-
ization of as deposited and annealed ZnTe thin films was performed by
high resolution Rigaku miniflex model 600 diffractometer with Cu K
alpha radiation of wave length λ ¼ 1.5418 Å. Surface morphology and
compositional analysis of films was studied by scanning electron micro-
scope and EDS (Jeol-JSM6390LV) operating with an electron beam en-
ergy of 10 KeV. The roughness measurement of electrodeposited ZnTe
thin films was carried out by Atomic Force Microscopy (NT-MDT, Solver
Pro-47)). Optical properties of film were carried out by UV–Visible
Spectroscopy (Perkin Elmer Lambda 25) and Fluorescence Spectropho-
tometer (RF-5301PC, Shimadzu) on conducting glass plate.

Fig. 1. Cathodic Polarization curve of ZnTe.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Electrodeposition of ZnTe thin film

The developed ZnTe films on nickel substrate are physically stable

and show good adhesion. The films were electrodeposited in non-
aqueous medium with varying potential range from 0.75 V to 1.0 V.
The best film were deposited at 0.85 V. Electrodeposition of ZnTe can
occur over a large range of potentials between the two limits of redox
potential of Te and Zn. The steady state current voltage characteristics of
the electrodeposition matrix provide valuable information of the onset of
cathodic process and the existence of any diffusion hindrance during
growth mechanism [19]. Fig. 1 shows the typical cathodic polarization
curve obtained at 160  C. The voltage recorded in the cathodic polari-
zation with respect to the Pt reference electrode. In this figure the first
cathodic onset from 0.44 V to 0.54 V corresponds to the deposition of
Te ions whereas at higher voltage second cathodic onset from 0.76 V to
1.00 V corresponds to the deposition of ZnTe ions. The codeposition of
ZnTe compound takes place between potential range 0.8 V to 1.0 V.

3.2. Structural and morphological studies

Fig. 2. XRD spectra of as deposited and annealed (400  C) ZnTe film.
XRD patterns of ZnTe films before and after annealing are presented
The results of photo physical studies revealed that the deposited nano- in Fig. 2. The pattern is carried out in the range of 20–80 . It is observed
crystalline ZnTe thin films exhibited excellent thermoluminescent that the electrodeposited ZnTe thin film indicates that the exhibited
properties upon annealing. peaks located at 2θ ¼ 25.26, 41.92 and 49.52 arises on the spectra and
the peaks are identified as (111), (220) and (311) diffraction planes of
2. Materials and methods the crystalline cubic structure. The plane observed at 45.62 (111) and
52.92 (200) are due to the nickel substrate. When ZnTe thin film was
ZnTe thin films were electrodeposited on nickel substrate having di- annealed at 400Ί C in air crystallinity improves as the intensity of peaks
mensions 1.5  1 cm2 using potentiostat/galvanostat (CH Instruments, increases. The full width at half maxima also decreases resulting the
Model 680, USA). Substrate (nickel) was cleaned in soap solution fol- bigger crystalline size.
lowed by rinsing in distilled water. Then substrate was cleaned in ul- The average crystallite size of the as deposited and annealed ZnTe
trasonic acetone bath for 10 min, rinsed with distilled water and finally thin films was measured using scherrers relation, D ¼ 0.94λ/βCosθ;
dried in air. The deposition of ZnTe thin films was carried out cathodi- Where, λ is Wavelength of incident X-ray (¼1.54 Å) β is Full width at half
cally from a non-aqueous electrolyte containing AR grade 0.1 M con- maxima in radian and θ is diffracted angle [20].
centration of ZnCl2 and AR grade 0.001 M concentration TeCl4 at a The calculated crystallite size of the as deposited and annealed ZnTe
thin films was 18 nm and 32 nm respectively. The increase in average

Table 1
2θ, miller planes and average crystalline size of the as deposited and annealed ZnTe thin films.

Compound As deposited ZnTe Film Annealed ZnTe Film at 400  C

2θ in degree Miller indices Average Crystalline Size 2θ in degree Miller indices Average Crystalline Size

ZnTe 25.26 (111) 18 nm 25.25 (111) 32 nm

S. Rajpal, S.R. Kumar Physica B: Condensed Matter 534 (2018) 145–149

Fig. 3. (a) SEM photograph of as deposited ZnTe; (b)

SEM photograph of annealed ZnTe.

Fig. 4. a. EDS spectra of as deposited ZnTe b. EDS

spectra of annealed deposited ZnTe.

evinced from Fig. 3(b) fusion process occurred. The distributions of

Table 2
Atomic % of as deposited and annealed ZnTe films developed on nickel substrate.
grains on the film surface was more compact, and are dense in cluster
forms which indicates the improved crystalline quality of the ZnTe film
Elements As deposited ZnTe Film Annealed ZnTe Film
after annealing. These results are also substantiated from XRD studies.
Atomic % Atomic % Fig. 4(a) and (b) shows the compositional analysis of as deposited and
Ni 49.16 28.61 annealed ZnTe film. The peaks of the spectra are quite distinct and show
Zn 15.75 29.95 the presence of zinc and tellurium. The ratio of atomic percentage of Zn
Te 35.08 41.44 and Te of as deposited and annealed ZnTe films are observed to be 0.44
100% 100%
and 0.71 respectively. Table 2 shows the atomic percentage ratio of as
deposited and annealed ZnTe films. Here, due to annealing the Zn % is
increased and film move towards more stoichiometric. The stoichiometry
grain size due to annealing clearly indicates the crystallinity improves. can be further minimizing by optimizing the growth conditions.
The increase in average grain size decreases the grain boundaries and Fig. 5 (a) and (b) shows AFM photographs of as deposited ZnTe and
thus reduces the recombination center at the grain boundaries. The annealed ZnTe films in three dimension. The variation of the surface
calculated 2θ, miller planes and average crystalline size of the as roughness was observed at room temperature and at 400  C. The root
deposited and annealed ZnTe thin films are shown in Table 1. mean square (RMS) roughness, grain size and surface morphology of the
Surface morphology of the films has been studied by scanning elec- films are studied. The as deposited ZnTe films are observed to have small
tron microscope. The deposited samples were viewed under scanning grains, uniform grain size and number of voids which indicates that the
electron microscope at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV under high characteristics of the film is less crystalline. The RMS roughness is esti-
vacuum. SEM photograph of as deposited and annealed ZnTe film is mated to be 60 nm and 56 nm in as deposited and annealed case
shown in Fig. 3 (a) and (b) respectively. The grains are spherical, well respectively. The RMS roughness represents the standard deviation be-
connected and uniformly distributed. The grains are densely packed, free tween the height of topographic feature and the mean feature height. But
from pin holes pits and voids as is evidence from the contrast of the film. annealed at 400  C, the films are smooth, crystallinity increases and
After annealing the film at 400  C surface morphology was changed. As roughness decreases to 56 nm.

Fig. 5. (a) AFM image of as deposited ZnTe (b) AFM image of annealed ZnTe.

S. Rajpal, S.R. Kumar Physica B: Condensed Matter 534 (2018) 145–149

deposited nanocrystalline ZnTe thin films exhibited excellent thermolu-

minescent properties upon annealing. The increase in thermolumines-
cent properties upon annealing could be a consequence of decrease in
particle size. Smaller particles have larger surface/volume ratio and more
surface states, therefore, contain more accessible carrier for TL. The TL
spectra of ZnTe have broad emission due to size effect in bulk ZnTe
system. From the spectrum, the lower wavelengths are attributed to
similar size ZnTe quantum dots and higher wavelengths are attributed to
bulk ZnTe crystals.

4. Conclusions

The cubic shaped ZnTe thins film were prepared successfully on

nickel substrate using electrodeposition technique in non-aqueous me-
dium. The solid state and optical properties of annealed films were
studies by different techniques. Cubic phase ZnTe is observed by XRD
analysis. Crystallinity and average crystalline size improves after
annealing. The SEM images show uniform, compact, void-free surfaces,
and varying orientation of film after annealing. EDS spectra shows the
Fig. 6. (αhν)2 vs energy (eV) plot of as deposited and annealed ZnTe films. peaks of Zn and Te. AFM shows the roughness of the surface nearly equal
to 60 nm which slightly reduces after annealing. Band gap of the semi-
conducting film is also reduced and found to be 2.18 eV in annealed case.
ZnTe film presented have good characteristic to be used as for photo
electrochemical cell, sensor applications and photovoltaic. Moreover,
The thermoluminiscent properties of these thin film may provide useful
informations about the surface states that may explain the size depen-
dence of the surface fluorescence.


The authors are thankful for the fund provided by Ministry of HRD,
Govt. of India and Central Instrumentation Facility Lab., Birla Institute of
Technology Mesra, Ranchi for various Characterizations.


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