Some Problems Involving Line Sources in Conduction of Heat - Jaeger1944

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XVIII. Some problems involving line

sources in conduction of heat
J.G. Jaeger
University of Tasmania
Published online: 29 Apr 2009.

To cite this article: J.G. Jaeger (1944) XVIII. Some problems involving line sources in
conduction of heat, The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal
of Science: Series 7, 35:242, 169-179, DOI: 10.1080/14786444408521476

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On some Problems involving Line Sources in Conduction o] Heat. 169

graduation, for investigating printing processes and machinery capable

of giving accurate register of rulings, graduations and numbers in different
colours. Also, research on paper, celluloid, cellophane and other bases
on which nomographic scales, curves, etc., can be printed.
What the slide rule achieves for three-figure accuracy, that single
sheets of nomographic paper can achieve at much less cost and with
greater versatility and accuracy. What the five- or six-figure mathe-
matical table provides for more accurate calculations, t h a t and more a
book of mathematical charts can achieve with greater thoroughness than
any printed tables that are available.
There are m a n y possibilities of useful application of graphical charts
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to tabulation of data and computation, such as steam tables, magnetic

data, hygrometry, spectrographic data, navigation and astronomy, etc.
These will only be developed and used when graphical methods and
charts are used by schoolboys, artisans, and shopkeepers.
The following are some examples of the application of graphical
methods in industry : -
Prof. Reginald O. Kapp, " Nomograms in Electrical Engineering."
Journ. Inst. E. E. lxxviii. 1936, which includes a chart for a two-part
E. L. McMillen, " Versatile Nomograph for Chemical Engineering
Calculations," Ind. and Eng. Chem. xxx. 1938.
W. M. Armstrong, "Nomogram for Routine Illumination Computa-
tion," Ilium. Eng. xxxvi. 1941.
R . L. Peek, Jnr., "Universal Alignment Chart," 'Bell Laboratories
l~ecord,' xiii. 1935.
H. G. Weist, Jnr., " Advantage of Logarithmic Graphs in Design
Engineering," ' General Electric Review,' xli. 1938.
Designers should realize that here is a means of saving time and effort
which should not be neglected. A large amount of information which
has been kept in the form of tables and more or less unsatisfactory
rectangular graphs may be preserved in more convenient and accurate
form by reducing it to logarithmic graphs.

XVIII. Some Problems involving Line Sources in Conduction of Heat.

By J. C. JAEGER *.

[Received February 12, 1943.]

1. Introduction.
THE object of this paper is to give the solutions of two problems in
Conduction of Heat which are particularly easily solved in cylindrical
co-ordinates by the Laplace transformation method because of the

* Communicated by the Author.

170 Mr. J. C. Jaeger on aon~ Problems

special form [(14), (15) below] of the Laplace transform of the temperature
due to a line source.
The first of these is the temperature due to a line source, parallel to
the z-axis, in a composite solid for which the region r < a is of one
substance and r > a of another. Problems involving line sources in
composite medium do not appear to have been studied hitherto and the
results are of some practical importance.
The second problem is that of the temperature of a circular cylinder
round whose surface a line source moves with constant angular velocity
~o. This case arises in practice when a rotating cylinder is frictionally
heated b y rubbing portion of its surface. More complicated cases in
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which some portions of the surface are heated b y friction in this w a y

while other portions are kept at constant temperature are also discussed.
2. To find the temperature due to a unit instantaneous line source at
zero time, parallel to the z-axis, through the point whose cylindrical
co-ordinates are (r', 0') in composite solid, for which the region 0 <<.r<a
has conductivity K 1, density Pl, specific heat cl, and diffusivity K1=K1]plc 1,
and in the region r >a, the corresponding quantities are Ks, p~, c~, Ks.
We consider the case r ' < a , that of r' > a is treated similarly.
The temperature at time t at (r, 8), due to an instantaneous unit line
source at zero time at (r', 0') in infinite medium of constants K1, K1, is
given * by
4~rKlt . . . . . . . .
where RS.~-ra+r'S--2rr' cos (0--0') . . . . . . . (2)
We seek a solution for the temperature v~ in 0 <<.r<a of the form
vl=u+w . . . . . . . . . . (3)
where w has to satisfy the equation of conduction of heat in this region,
and to tend to zero as t-~0. I f v~ is the temperature in the region r > a
it has to satisfy the equation of conduction of heat in this region, and
to tend to zero as t->0, and as r-~co. The boundary conditions to be
satisfied at r = a are
v l = v a, . . . . . . . . . (4)

K~~- v t = r -, - z W
~vs . . . . . . . . . (5)

Let the Laplace transforms t of u, w, % be ~, ~, ~., i. e.

~= e-,t~t(t)dt, p>O, . . . . . . (6)


* Carslaw, ' Conduction of Heat,' Ed. 2, § 72 (1921). The quantity of heat

liberated per unit length is p~%
J" For the application of the Laplace transformation method to problems
involving line sources in Conduction of Heat see Carslaw and Jaeger, Phil.
M~g. (7) xx~i. p. 204 (1941).
involving Line Sources in Conduction of Heat 171

etc. Then ~ has to satisfy

0~ + 1 ~ + 1 a ~ _ q ~ = o ' 0<~<a, (7~

Or2 r Or ~ 00~'
where ql=v/(p/K1) . . . . . . . . . (8)
And 93 has to satisfy

OrS r Or r ~ a0 ~ . . . .
where q2=v~(p/K2) . . . . . . . . . (10)
Also at r = a we require
. . . . . . . . . (11)
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K a?~ _ d~ _ d~ (12)

It is known * t h a t
u='2"~-~ K°(qlR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13~
1 ®
-~ - 27 cos n(i~--ff)I,~(q~r)K~(q~r'), r<r', (14)

1 ®
- - 2 27 cos n(O--~')K,Jq~r)I,(qlr' ), r>r'. (15)

From these equations a n d the conditions t h a t w is to remain finite as

r-->0, and Y~ as r - > : ¢ , we obtain

~_ K~ ~ ~I~(q~r')K.(q.r)cosn(~--O'i . . . . . . . . (16)
27ra~ 1n- - ®
_ ] ~ ]
v~= ~--2~--Z® ~I.(qv)[AS,,(qar')--DI~(qff')] cosn(0--O'), O<r<r',
where A = K~qlI~(aql)Kn(aq,)--K,q,I,(aql)Y~(aq,), (~s)
and D----KlqlK~(aql)K~(aq,)--K2q,K,(aql)K~(aql), (19)
and to find the value of Vl when r ' ~ r ~ a we interchange r a n d r' in (17).
The values of v are obtained from those of ~ by the inversion theorem
for the Laplace transform, namely

v(t)= 1__ (y+l® e~v(h) d2. (20)

2~i Jv-~® . . . . . .
Thus, writing P1 -~/(2/K1). and ~e = ~¢/()~/K2), we have
K1 ~ cos n(O--O') [~+~®euI'(~lr')K"(p~r)dh (21)
v2= 47r2~aK] n - - ~ "V--i~ ~J(A) '
with an expression of the same t y p e for v r

* Gray and Mathews, 'Treatise on Bessel Functions' (Ed. 2), p. 51 (31)

a n d p . 7 4 (59).
172 Mr. J. C. Jaeger on some Problems

The line integrals in (21) are evaluated b y considering the contour

of fig. 1 ; it is easy * to show that there are no poles of the integrands
in or on the contour, and that the integrals over the large circular arcs
vanish in the limit as the radius tends to infinity. Thus, the line integrals

Fig. i.

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t A

in (21) m a y be replaced in the limit by the integral over the path CDEF,
and this gives a real infinite integral. The final results are

v2--~ ~ ~ eosn(•--0') f® e-r~u'tJn(ur')[~bZn(KUr)--~Yn(KUr)]du (22)

. a .=_ ~ o ¢~+ ~0 '
1 ® , r ® e-'~"uJ~(ur)J~(ur')[¢g--d/f] udu
v~=~ 27 cos n(O-o )Jo ~ , (23)

where qb=~:KiJ,,( au )J'n(Kau ) - K1J ~(au )Jn( tcau), (24)

~b= KK~J,,( au) ¥'~( Kau )-- K1J'n( au )¥,,( Kau), (25)
f=KK2Y,(au)J'n(~:au)--K1Y~(au)J,(Kau), ,. (26)
g----KK2Yn(au)Y'nOeau)--Kl¥',,(au)¥n(Kau ), (27)
~=V(~/~,) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (28)
3. A line source, emitting Q heat units per unit length per unit time,
moves round the surface of a cylinder of radius a and thermal constants
K, K with uniform angular velocity oJ. There is no loss of heat from the
The Laplace transform of the temperature v at (r, 0) in a cylinder of
radius a, with no loss of heat from the surface, due to a unit instantaneous
* The work is elementary but tedious ; for an example of the method see
Ja~er~ Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W. lxxv. p. 130 (1942).
involving Line Sources in Conduction of Heat. 17.3
line source at zero time at the point (a, 0') may be obtained from (17)
b y letting *
KI==~, K I = K , K~----0, r ' = a ,
which gives
~-----~ ~ ~cosn(0--0') . . . . . . . (29)
2,/rK• n - - =

where . = ~I,(qr)
% , . . . . . . . . . . . (30)

and q=ffi,~/(p/~) . . . . . . . . . . . . (31)

From (29) we could, as in § 2, obtain v in the form
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1 ~ v.cosn(O-O'), (32)
~rKan= _~
though for the present purpose the v~ need not be evaluated explicitly.
Now suppose that, starting at zero time when the cylinder is at zero
temperature, heat is emitted at a uniform rate of Q units per unit length
per unit time along a line in the surface of the cylinder which starts
from the point (a, fl) and moves with uniform angular velocity so that
its position at time t' is (a, 0'), where 0' =oJt'+fl.
The temperature at time t at the point (r, 0) is, by (32),

V= ~ t v.(t-t')dt'+-- 2: oosn(O-.,t'-B)v,,(t-t')dt'. (33)

2~raK o ~[.- 1
The most convenient form for V is obtained by using the result that,
if xl(P) and ~2(P) are the Laplace transforms of xl(t ) and x2(t), then
~l(p)~2(p) is the Laplace transform of

f txl(t--t')x2(t')dt'.
. . . . . . . (34)

Using (34), (30), and the result

J~0 e - ~ cos (oJt--~) dr=- p cosf +8+oJ

~ , sin ~ . . . . . (35)

in (33) we obtain for the Laplace transform of V

~_-- QI°(qr) t - ~ Q 2:
® [pcosn(O--fl)+noJsinn(O--fl)]I~(qr) (36)
2rtaKpqI~(qa) ~ a K , = l (P~ + n2w~)qI~(q a)
We now obtain V from V by applying the inversion theorem (20) to
the terms of (36). The line integrals are evaluated b y completing the
contour b y portion of a large circle, centre the origin, to the left of the
imaginary axis, and evaluating the resulting contour integral as a sum
of residues at its poles. The first term has a double pole at the origin,
the terms of the series have simple poles at +in~o, and there are simple
poles at --K~,,, where + % , v s = l , 2, . .., are the roots of
J~(a~)=0 . . . . . . . . . . (37)

* The result is easily obtained directly.

174 Mr. J. C. Jaeger on aome Problema

Evaluating the residues at these poles we have finally

,~n .. = = a" , e - % , 'tJ,,(ro~ .) [~==.,. cos n ( e - - p ) - - m , , sin n(e - B)]
~K .:Z~l (K==~,.-t-naoJe)(n=--a=@.,)J,(a%.,)

Q ~ [dn(=t-e+p)I.(Orwn) + c o n j u g a t e ) '
' } . . . . . (38)

where wn= V/(n~/x) . . . . . . . . . (39)

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The first two terms of (38) are transient terms, the third is a non-
periodic steady state term, and the last is the periodic steady state
term *. I f the motion has been going on for some time the transient
terms will have disappeared, and in practice the increasing term (KQt/rra~K),
caused b y accumulation of heat from the source, will usually be cancelled
by some mechanism which removes heat from the solid. Thus we
confine our attention to the periodic steady state terms, V~, of (38).
Using the notation
ber.x+ibei,~x=i"In(xit) . . . . . . . (40)
these terms become

beinr°Jn tan Cu= bei~a°~n . . . . (42)

where tan ¢ 1 = ber,,ro~ n , ber~ao~ '
M Jber~ rwn+bei ~ rwn~t
. = Lber:~a~. + bei;Oaoj~j . . . . . . . (43)
This result takes a specially simple form if axo1 and r~oI are large.
In this case, using the asymptotic expansions of the Bessel functions,
(41) reduces to
t ®
V~,= QK " Z n - i e -(=-')(~1~") cos{n(o~t--#+fl)--¼7r--(a--r)(noJ/21¢)t}.
~rKoJtrtat a - 1
In the same way the problem of a line source rotating in the composite
solid of § 2 can be solved. The most interesting case is that in which
the source moves in the cylinder of separation, r' = a . In this case the
temperature at the point (a, 0) in this cylinder is found, provided
aV(oo/KI) and a~/(~o/~:~) are large, to be

,ra(K.~t + K ~ ) ~ o t , ~ cos {n(o~t--#+fl) --¼~r}, (45)

* The advantage of the present method is that it separates out the physically
interesting periodic terms in this way, which th9 solution obtained by direct
evaluation of (33) does not,
involving I~ne Sources in Conduction of Heat 175

which reduces to (44) ff K~=0. I t may be remarked that the same


K~K~+K1K ~ '
arises with an instantaneous plane source at the junction of two com-
posite solids with a plane surface of separation *
The problem of a cylinder of radius a with a rotating line source, and
boundary condition
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can also be solved in the same way, but this boundary condition, though
more general than the one discussed above, is not so useful as the latter
in problems to be discussed subsequently in which the boundary condition
varies round the surface of the cylinder.

4. A Rotating Source System in the Surface of a Cylinder.

If we p u t Q =af(fl)dfl in (41) or (44) and integrate with respect to fl
from --a~to ~, we obtain the periodic steady state temperature at a
point in a cylinder in whose surface heat is generated over an arc of
angular width 2g, whose centre rotates with uniform angular velocity
about the centre of the circle. The rate of heat generation is f(fl) per
unit time per unit area at the point whose angular displacement from
the centre of the arc is ~. As before, there is no loss of heat from the
surface. With the notation (42) and (43)
we obtain from (41) for this

KJ 2 n-JM, cos{n(~ot--O+fl)WCx--¢Jf(fl)dfl. (46)

The most important case is f(f~)=Q', a constant, which corresponds

to the practical problem of ge.neration of heat by friction from a moving
contact of angular width 2~, the whole of the heat being supposed to be
taken b y the cylinder. In this case (46) becomes

2Q'K! ~ n_al~Mncos[n(wt_O_)_¢a_~slnn~ ' (47)

or, if rV/(~/K) is large, using (44) we have

2Q 'Ktat ~ n-alge-(a-r)(~12K)t
V~-- IrKoJtrt ~_~
×cos[n(o~t--0)--~--(a--r)(n~/2x) ~] sin ~:¢. (48)
To study the w a y in which the temperature varies we take oJt~2m~r
in (47) or (48), so that the centre of the arc is on the initial line, and
compute the result for various values of r and 0.

* Carslaw,/o~. ~it. § 77.

s ~ . 7, roT.. 35, ~o. ZiZ--MARCH I944"
176 Mr. J. C. Jaeger on some Problems

In fig. 2 results are shown for the case * (units are c.g.s, throughout)
~=0.013, ~o=81r, a----78, ~----15°,
for which r~(oJ/K) is large, so (48) m a y be used, Curves I, . . . , V are
~he sums of the series in (48), i. e. the values of (~rKoj½rIV~/2Q'Ktat), for
depths below the surface (a--r)-~O, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1 cm. respectively.
I t is seen t that for the case computed these temperature o~cillations
die out very rapidly as we pass towards the interior of the cylinder, also
t h a t the maxima of the temperature curves are successively displaced to

Fig. 2.
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the left : this effect being caused by the time taken for the heat generated
on the surface to travel inwards.

5. Other Boundary Conditions.

The general problem of the type contemplated here is that of a
rotating cylinder which is heated, for example by friction, over portion
of its surface, while it is cooled over other portions, of its surface, for
example by dipping into liquid at constant temperature. The problem
is thus one of a system of heat sources and sinks rotating round the

* The figures are for the sandstone cylinders used in the mechanical process
of wood pulping : the problem will be referred to in § 6.
For the corresponding results for a source moving in the plane surface
of a semi-infinite region, see Jaeger, " Moving Sources of Heat and the Tem-
perature of Sliding Contacts," P[oc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W, lxxvi, p. 203 (1943).
involving Line Source~ in Conduction of Heat. 177
surface of the cylinder : in the steady state an amount of heat will be
removed by the sinks equal to that supplied by the sources, and there
will be periodic fluctuations of temperature given b y (46).
The assumption of a constant source strength per unit time per unit
area made in (47) is reasonable for regions in which h e a t is generated
by friction, but for regions in which the surface is held at constant
temperature the source strength f(fl) will not be constant. We can
approach very nearly to this case by the following considerations: it
is easily verified that, if the semi-infinite solid x > 0 is initially at zero
and its surface x = 0 is to be maintained at constant temperature for
t >0, heat must be supplied at the origin at a rate proportional to t-~;
Downloaded by [Cambridge University Library] at 14:39 30 April 2015

now in the ease of an arc of width 2~ rotating with uniform angular

velocity round the surface of a cylinder, the point of the cylinder at
angular distance ~ < ~ from the centre of the arc has been heated for a
time (~--fl)/w, thus the above result for the semi-infinite solid suggests

F i g3,,

that by taking f(fl)=Q" (~-fl)-~ in (46), where Q" is a constant, we

should approximate to constant surface temperature over the arc of
width 2~.
We consider only the surface temperature, i. e., take r=a, and the
case corresponding to (44) in which av/(~o/K) is large. Then we obtain
for the periodic steady state surface temperature

v , = Q " ( 2~ ) ~xl. 1{e(2n ) cosa.+Q(2n ) sinS.}, (,9)

where 8n=n(~--0)--¼~+n~t , . . . . . . (50)

and P(x) and Q(x) are Fresnel's integrals
1 ®
P(x)--~ ~ o J - ' ( t ) dt' Q ( x ) : , ~ f o J , ( t ) dr. (51)

In fig. 3 the sum of the series in (49), i. e. the value of Q,, \ 2 K ] ' is
Kv,( V
shown for ~=.75 radians. There is a discontinuity of ~r]~¢/2 at 0==~
178 On some Problen~ involving Line Sources in Conduction of Heat.

and the sum is seen to be nearly, though not accurately, constant for

6. Any problem in which uniform heat sources or regions of constant

temperature rotate with uniform angular velocity round the surface of
a circular cylinder can be obtained by superposition of the solutions of

/ /If--..\ ",
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-4_J ~ " ~
.vi ]~
\ / /
', )x ja./


Fig. 5.

-.2.a ~ 60"
~- ° '1 I

§§4 and 5 with appropriate phases. As an example we consider the

system * of fig. 4.
* This approximates to that occurring in the mechanical system of wood
pulping : wood is pressed on to a rotating grindstone in the regions AB and
DE, the surface is cooled in the regions CD and I~G, and there is negligible
loss of heat in the regions BC, EF and GA, Some physical features of the
practical problem are neglected here; a more elementary treatment which
attempts to take these into account will be given elsewh6r6,
On New Contributions to Interferometry. 179
Over AB and DE there is uniform generation of heat, Q per unit time
per unit area ; over CD and FG the temperatures are kept approximately
constant, as in § 5, and such that ~ of the heat generated in AB and DE
is removed in CD, and ~ in FG. There is no loss of heat in BC, EF, GA.
It is assumed that a~/(~/K) is large. Values of 7rKcotV~/2QKt, where V~
is the periodic steady state surface temperature, are shown in fig. 5.
The University of Tasmania.
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XIX. New ConSributiona to lnterferoraetry. Part III.--The Differential

Polarization Phase Change on Reflection at a Thin Silver Film.

By S. To~.A~s~Y, Ph.D., D.I.C., The University, Manchester *.

[Received November 1, 1943.]

The differential phase change at reflection, for fight polarized in and
perpendicular to the incident plane, is determined for a silver film.
Green mercury fight is used, the film being one-tenth of a wave thick.
The differential effect is measured interferometrically by a multiple
beam Newton's ring apparatus described elsewhero. Tho effect is
measured over an incidence range of 0 ° to 80 °. To the first order the
experimental results confirm the predictions of classical electromagnetic
theory. Up to an incidence of 60 ° the experimental curve of the
variation with incidence is parallel to the theoretical curve but slightly
displaced upwards (by 0.007 ~). There exists a marked point of inflection
at 63 ° which is not predicted by theory. The existing theoretical treat-
ment is considered to be incomplete.
The intensity "ratios of the two beams, which are separated interfero-
metrically, are visually estimated for different incidences. The beam
polarized with the magnetic vector parallel to the incident plane is
rapidly absorbed as the angle of incidence increases. The absorption
curve exhibits a point of inflection.
The influence of the fringe doubling arising from the differential phase
change with the Fabry-Perot interferometer, when used for high resolu-
tion spectroscopy, is considered. The doubling leads to a reduction in
resolution even before doubling can be directly detected. For inter-
ferometers with plate separation less than 1 millimetre, there can result
an appreciable los~ in resolution.

* Communicated by the Author.

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