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Computed Tomography Scanning Techniques for the

Evaluation of Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease

Terry E. Robinson1
Center of Excellence in Pulmonary Biology, Division of Pediatric Pulmonary, Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, California

Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) scanners allow diag- of the lungs during inspiration. For expiratory scans, a smaller
nosis and monitoring of cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease at substan- number of HRCT images are obtained, which are either evenly
tially lower radiation doses than with prior scanners. Complete spaced from apex to the base or are obtained at anatomically
spiral chest CT scans are accomplished in less than 10 seconds determined locations. Using inspiratory and expiratory HRCT
and scanner advances now allow the acquisition of comprehensive images, cystic fibrosis (CF) CT scoring systems have typically
volumetric datasets for three-dimensional reconstruction of the assessed bronchiectasis, bronchial wall thickening, mucus plug-
lungs and airways. There are two types of CT scanning protocols
ging, and atelectasis/consolidation from inspiratory scans, whereas
currently used to assess CF lung disease: (1 ) high-resolution CT
air trapping is scored from expiratory imaging. Inspiratory HRCT
(HRCT) imaging, in which thin 0.5–1.5-mm slices are obtained every
scans acquired at intervals greater than 10 mm (typically 14 slices
0.5, 1, or 2 cm from apex to base for inspiratory scans, and limited,
spaced HRCT slices obtained for expiratory scans; and (2 ) complete
or less) result in significantly lower CF CT severity scores and limit
spiral CT imaging covering the entire lung for inspiratory and expir- the ability to detect worsening scores at 2 years (1). For expiratory
atory scanning. These scanning protocols allow scoring of CF lung imaging, regional air trapping has been assessed with three or
disease and provide CT datasets to quantify airway and air-trapping more HRCT images that can sample the upper, middle, and
measurements. CF CT scoring systems typically assess bronchiecta- lower lung regions (2–5). Because the CT scanner must move
sis, bronchial wall thickening, mucus plugging, and atelectasis/con- and stop the patient for each slice, HRCT requires more time
solidation from inspiratory scans, whereas air trapping is scored than spiral CT. HRCT scans typically require 2 seconds for
from expiratory imaging. Recently, CT algorithms have been devel- each slice, or greater than 40 seconds for lung sizes greater than
oped for both HRCT and complete spiral CT imaging to quantify several 20 cm in length, necessitating two or more scanning maneuvers.
airway indices, to determine the volume and density of the lung, The major advantage of HRCT imaging is that high-resolution
and to assess regional and global air trapping. CT scans are currently images can be obtained with lower radiation exposure compared
acquired by either controlled-volume scanning techniques (controlled- with complete spiral CT protocols. The major disadvantages
ventilation infant CT scanning or spirometer-controlled CT scanning with this technique include the longer scan times necessary to
in children and adults) or by voluntary breath holds at full inflation sample the entire lung, the limited view of scanned lungs in only
and deflation. the axial plane with HRCT imaging, and the difficulties that
Keywords: HRCT; CF; spiral CT; volume control exist in obtaining anatomically matched airways or regional pa-
renchyma for serial HRCT scans obtained before and after spe-
cific treatments in clinical trials.
COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY SCANNER TECHNIQUES HRCT imaging is an optimal technique for evaluating lung
disease in infants, children, and adults with CF in a clinical setting,
Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) scanners allow Using low-dose strategies (100 kVp and 20–40 mAs) and obtaining
greater flexibility in the design of CT protocols to evaluate CF slices every 0.5 to 1 cm from apex to base during inspiratory and
lung disease than prior scanners. Complete spiral chest CT scan- expiratory scans, optimal information can be obtained with low
ning of the lungs from apex to base can now be accomplished radiation exposure (0.2–0.3 mSv) corresponding to approximately
in less than 10 seconds for 32 or more detector scanners, and two to three chest radiographs (ImPACT CT Patient Dosimetry
less than 13 seconds for 16 detector scanners. Current scanner Calculator, version 0.99x; National Health Service, London, UK)
designs allow adjustment of CT dose parameters to limit radia- (6) given the dose of chest radiographs is 0.1 mSv (7).
tion exposure and allow the CT technologist to use either thin-
slice high-resolution CT (HRCT) imaging or spiral CT imaging Spiral CT
of the entire chest. Comprehensive volumetric datasets from Current multidetector scanners can provide complete volumetric
spiral CT imaging can further provide three-dimensional (3D) datasets obtained from spiral CT protocols. Spiral CT provides
reconstruction of the lungs and airways. contiguous thin sections through the entire chest. The scanning
HRCT technique is relatively similar for all multidetector CT scanners
that have 16 or more detectors. The advantage of higher detector
High-resolution CT techniques sample the lung by acquiring scanners is chiefly in the thinner slice capabilities and more rapid
thin, 0.5- to 1.5-mm slices every 0.5, 1, or 2 cm with gaps between scan acquisitions allowing for greater resolution in the Z (head
slices (45). Scans are usually obtained from the apex to the base to toe) direction for 3D reconstructions and shorter total scan
time. Typical slice thicknesses range from 0.5 to 1.25 mm (45).
The entire lung can be scanned in as little as 5 to 10 seconds (45).
The major advantages of spiral CT imaging include the ability
(Received in original form December 2, 2006; accepted in final form April 9, 2007 ) to better match airways and regional air trapping in CT scans
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Terry E. Robinson, obtained before and after specific interventions in clinical trials
M.D., Center of Excellence for Pulmonary Biology, Division of Pediatric Pulmonary, as well as the ability to provide comprehensive 3D assessment
Stanford University School of Medicine, 770 Welch Road, Suite 350, Palo Alto,
of lung parenchyma and airway abnormalities noted in CF. Two
CA 94305-5715. E-mail:
examples of this are presented in Figure 1, in which the lung
Proc Am Thorac Soc Vol 4. pp 310–315, 2007
DOI: 10.1513/pats.200612-184HT has been segmented into specified lobes and the airways have been
Internet address: segmented into a tracheobronchial tree by 3D reconstruction (45).
Robinson: Chest CT Scanning Techniques in CF 311

Figure 1. Three-dimensional
tracheobronchial airway seg-
mentation with defined bron-
chial segments in two adoles-
cents with cystic fibrosis (CF),
and two- and three-dimen-
sional lobar segmentation in a
19-year-old adolescent with
CF. Computed tomography
(CT) scans obtained with a spi-
ral CT protocol using 80 kVp,
70 mAs, 0.6 mm collimation, 0.5-
second scan rotation, pitch ⫽ 1
on a Siemens Sensation 64 CT
scanner (Siemens, Malvera,
PA). (A ) Diffuse enlarged bron-
chial airways (bronchiectasis)
in the right upper lobe and
lower lobes designated by the
arrowheads in a 15-year-old ad-
olescent with more severe CF
lung disease compared with
(B ) a 19-year-old adolescent
with mild CF lung disease. (C )
Lobar segmentation in the 19-
year-old adolescent with mild
CF lung disease. LLL ⫽ left
lower lobe; LUL ⫽ left upper
lobe; RLL ⫽ right lower lobe;
RML ⫽ right middle lobe; RUL ⫽
right upper lobe. Upper images
in A and B, and all images in
C, were processed with Vida Diagnostics Software (Vida Diagnostics, Iowa City, IA); lower images in A and B were processed with software developed
by the Stanford University Medical Center Cystic Fibrosis Post-Processing Lab (Stanford, CA). Reprinted by permission from Reference 45.

In Figure 1, two patients with CF with and without significant Promising capabilities of these low-dose scanning approaches
bronchiectasis are presented. The segmented airway in the Fig- include the potential to provide quantitative airway measure-
ure 1A reveals significant advanced bronchiectasis (arrowheads) ments out to the fifth and sixth generation airways for each lobe,
in contrast to minimal airway disease in the subject with in Figure and regional air-trapping measurements by lung zone and, in the
1B. Another advantage of spiral CT scans is that more airways near future, by lobe (45). With these techniques, it is anticipated
can be identified and accurately measured with quantitative CT that regional abnormalities will be better detected, structural
algorithms compared with HRCT imaging (8). Spiral CT scans changes in CF lung disease will be picked up earlier, and the
can further allow quantification of air trapping for all lung re- effects of specific therapeutic interventions will be more readily
gions and can provide a calculation of total lung volume by ascertained during clinical research trials in children and adults
CT assessment. The major disadvantages of spiral CT imaging with CF.
includes the higher radiation dose compared with HRCT proto-
cols and the slight decreased resolution of CT images compared LUNG VOLUME CONTROL
with HRCT scans.
Spiral CT is an optimal technique for research protocols that CT scan acquisition, especially expiratory CT imaging, is im-
can provide comprehensive serial assessment of the lung for CF pacted by the lung volume at which the scans are obtained (45).
research. New approaches with lower dose scans are now possi- Expiratory lung volumes near functional residual capacity lead
ble with multidetector CT scanners. Using low-dose strategies to significantly higher quantitative air-trapping values and lower
(100 kVp and 20–40 mAs) for inspiratory and expiratory spiral lung density values compared with CT scanning obtained at near
scans, the total radiation exposure is approximately equivalent residual volume (4, 9). Obtaining expiratory CT scans at different
to 0.5-year background radiation exposure at sea level (1.5 mSv) lung volumes on serial studies can lead to erroneous air-trapping
(ImPACT CT Patient Dosimetry Calculator, version 0.99x) (6). and lung attenuation values, limiting the ability of CT scanning

Figure 2. (A ) Volitional breath-hold computed tomography (CT) scanning technique. Note: each plateau of lung volume represents different high-
resolution CT scan acquisitions in a well-coached subject with CF instructed to take maximal inspiratory breath holds. Maximal differences in lung
volume for some scans amounted to 0.9 L. (B ) Spirometer-controlled CT scanning technique. Note: inspiratory CT scan obtained at set goal of
95% slow vital capacity (SVC). ERV ⫽ expiratory reserve volume.
Robinson: Chest CT Scanning Techniques in CF 313

to detect changes after an intervention. Quantitative airway mea- infant CT scan acquisition is described elsewhere in this sympo-
surements are also affected by the degree of inspiratory lung sium by Long (pp. 306–309).
inflation (10). Spirometer-controlled CT scanning uses a portable spirome-
Children younger than approximately 5 years cannot perform ter unit that alerts the CT technologist when the subject’s lung
the necessary maneuvers to provide inspiratory and expiratory volume has reached a precise user-defined inspiratory or expir-
CT scans. For children from 5 to 8 years of age, cooperation will atory lung volume (Figure 3). Before CT scanning, supine spi-
frequently limit the quality of CT scans. Older subjects can perform rometry is performed to obtain supine lung volume measure-
the necessary maneuvers, but without standardized volume control ments (slow vital capacity [SVC], inspiratory capacity, and
techniques, lung volumes continue to vary at all ages. expiratory reserve volume). Inspiratory and expiratory thresh-
CT scans can be acquired by either standardized controlled- olds as a given percentage of the SVC are then determined for
volume techniques (controlled-ventilation infant CT scanning planned scan acquisition. For inspiratory scans, the threshold is
[11–17] and spirometer-controlled CT [2–5, 18, 19]) or by voli- set at 95% or more of SVC. For expiratory scans, the threshold
tional breath holds which are directed by the CT technologist is typically set to lung volumes corresponding to 5 to 12% of SVC,
during inspiratory or expiratory CT imaging (20–42). An exam- which decreases the chances of obtaining erroneously higher air-
ple of a volitional breath-hold chest CT scan is presented in trapping values that have been reported for scans obtained near
Figure 2A and contrasted with a volume-controlled scan in functional residual capacity (4). With volitional breath-hold CT
Figure 2B. Volitional breath-hold CT scans may result in incon- scans, it is essential that the technologist practice both inspiratory
sistent lung volume acquisition, especially with expiratory im- and expiratory breath-hold maneuvers, typically in the supine
aging. Volume-controlled scans provide reproducible CT im- position, before CT scan acquisition to minimize lung volume
aging, especially for expiratory scanning. Controlled-ventilation variability as much as possible.

Figure 3. (A ) Spirometer-controlled chest computed tomography (CT) diagram indicating scan acquisitions at near full inflation, near functional
residual capacity (nFRC), and near residual volume (nRV). Note: Spirometer-controlled scans are routinely done at ⭓ 95% of slow vital capacity
(SVC) and nRV corresponding to 5–12% of the supine SVC. Corresponding matched axial CT slices: (B ) inspiratory scan at ⭓ 95% SVC), (C )
expiratory scan nFRC, and (D ) expiratory scan nRV. Note regions (*) (pulmonary lobules) with different degrees of air trapping best visualized
with expiratory CT scans obtained at nRV.


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