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Skye's Winter Wolf (Magical Beast [Cold])

+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Int

Low Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft, Scent, Immunity to Cold, Vulnerability to Fire

14, 18, 17, 12, 19, 20

STR: 19 +4 DEX: 19 +4 (17 +3) CON: 20 +5

INT: 14 +2 (18 +4) WIS: 16 +3 (14 +2) CHA: 12 +1

Level Class Feats/Benefits

1 Winter Wolf Entangling Exhalation, Improved Natural Armor, Shape Soulmeld (Sphinx
Claws), Small Size, Freezing Bite, Bite 1d4, Breath Weapon 1d6 (15 ft Cone),
+2 Natural Armor, Least Invocation: Endure Exposure
2 Winter Wolf +2 STR
3 Winter Wolf +2 STR, +2 CON Ability Focus (Breath Weapon), Medium Size, Bite 1d6,
Breath Weapon 2d6, Trip, +1 Natural Armor, Least Invocation: Darkness
4 Winter Wolf +1 DEX +2 STR
5 Winter Wolf +2 CON Breath Weapon 3d6
6 Winter Wolf +2 STR, +2 CON Chakra Bind (Hands), Large Size, Bite 1d8, 2 Claws 1d6, +2
Natural Armor, Lesser Invocation: Humanoid Shape
7 Winter Wolf Breath Weapon 4d6
8 Winter Wolf +1 STR, +2 STR +2 Natural Armor, Lesser Invocation: Walk Unseen
9 Winter Wolf +2 CON Multiattack, Breath Weapon 5d6
10 Winter Wolf +4 STR, +2 CON Huge Size, Bite 2d6, 2 Claws 1d8, Breath Weapon (30 ft
Cone), +2 Natural Armor
11 Winter Wolf Breath Weapon 6d6, Greater Invocation: Devour Magic
12 Winter Wolf +1 CON Improved Multiattack
13 Winter Wolf Greater Invocation: Aura of Cold
14 Winter Wolf Breath Weapon 7d6
15 Winter Wolf Rapidstrike (Claws)
16 Winter Wolf +1 CON Dark Invocation: Energy Immunity
17 Winter Wolf Breath Weapon 8d6
18 Winter Wolf Improved Rapidstrike (Claws), Dark Invocation: Instill Vulnerability
19 Winter Wolf
20 Winter Wolf +1 CON Breath Weapon 9d6

Shaky (-2 on Ranged Combat rolls)
Pathetic [Intelligence] (-2 Intelligence)

Skills (2+):
Move Silently
Hrim'klo (Norse for “Ice Claw”) (CR 3)
Winter Wolf
N Medium Magical Beast (Cold)
Init +4; Senses Listen +9, Spot +9, Darkvision 60’, Low Light Vision, Scent
Languages: Common, Giant
AC: 18 (10 + 4 dex + 4 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 14
HP: 42 (3d10 + 18)
Fort +9, Reflex +7, Will +3
Speed: 50 ft
Melee: +9 Bite 1d6+6 plus 1d6 cold 20x2
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+9
Attack Options: Breath Weapon (15' Cone, Reflex 19 Half, 3d6 cold)
Freezing Bite (+1d6 cold on successful bite attack)
Trip (Free Trip attempt [d20+6 vs. opponent d20+Str] on successful bite)
Entangling Exhalation (As a free action, deal half damage with breath weapon. Creatures struck
are Entangled [Move half speed, -2 attack, -4 Dex, cannot run/charge, casters must make
Concentration DC 15 + Spell Level or lose spell] for 1d4 rounds, taking 1d6 cold damage
each round they are Entangled)
Invocations Known (Standard Action, CL 3rd):
Endure Exposure: Grants creature touched Endure Elements and immunity to your breath weapon
for 24 hours.
Darkness: Create 20' radius of shadowy illumination for 10 min / CL. Low Light and Darkvision
can see through it. Attacking creatures inside or through suffers 20% concealment.

Abilities: 23 (+6) str, 19 (+4) dex, 22 (+6) con, 14 (+2) int, 16 (+3) wis, 12 (+1) cha
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60’, Low Light Vision, Immunity to Cold, Scent, Vulnerable to Fire
Flaws: Shaky (-2 on ranged attacks), Pathetic [Intelligence] (-2 Intelligence)
Feats: Entangling Exhalation, Improved Natural Armor, Ability Focus (Breath Weapon), Shape Soulmeld
(Sphinx Claws [+1 to Strength checks and Strength based skill checks])
Skills: Balance +4, Climb +7, Hide +10 (6r), Jump +7, Listen +9 (6r), Move Silently +10 (6r), Spot +9 (6r),
Survival +3
Equipment (700 gp):
Dragon Spirit Cincture [Belt] (MIC pg. 95): 2000 – +1 die to Breath Weapon, +1 DC to Breath Weapon

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