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1st level
Crimson fire: Strike–deal +1d6 damage with your breath weapon.
Twisting flame: Strike–make line breath attack change direction once. 
Mountain inhale: Boost– One breath weapon recharges 3 turns faster.
Smoking Burn: Boost-breath weapon leaves behind opaque screen of gas.
Elemental mantra: Stance–change shape of breath attack.

2nd level
Fire Lotus: Strike–Ignore resistance equal to your IL level. 
Incinerate: Boost–Stronger breath at point blank range.
Burning revenge: Counter–use breath attack on creature that just struck you.
Destroyer flame: Strike–turn breath attack into touch attack that can be used to sunder.

3rd level
Crimson punishment: Strike–breath weapon deals +2d6 damage 
Breathing of eternity: Stance–all your breath attack recharge 1 turn faster.
Burning soul: Strike-use breath weapon and heal damage.
Pure Flame: Strike- use breath weapon, it momentarily blinds opponents.

4th level
Covering fire: Strike– breath, and creatures that fail the save cannot make attacks of opportunity and move at half speed
for 1 turn.
Red alert: Boost–all your breath weapons recharge 3 turns faster.
Strafing Run: Strike-move, breath, keep moving.

5th level
Crimson purge: Strike–breath weapon deals +4d6 damage.
Elemental assault: Strike-use breath weapon, then teleport to any empty space on the area of effect.
Fire Emblem: Boost-create an elemental weapon out of your breath.

6th level
Curtain Fire: Strike-use breath weapon, it divides into myriad of dazzling forms of your choice.
Heaven and Hell wind: Strike–use breath weapon, heals equal amount.
Echoing Burn: Boost-your breath weapon lingers on its targets.
Perfect fire lotus: Stance–Ignore enemy resistance equal to your IL.

7th level
Flame Breaker-Strike-Breath weapon punches trough obstacles.
Crimson eradication: Strike–breath weapon deals +8d6 damage.
Ruby dust: Strike–use breath weapon as a swift action.

8th level
Heaven and Hell judgment: Stance–Take penalty in breath DC to increase range.
Incinerating Tempest: Boost-Breath weapon turns into a persisting energy storm.
Scarlet eternity: Strike-Use breath weapon twice.

9th level
Crimson oblivion: Strike–breath weapon deals +16d6 damage, ignores resistance and immunity.


Unless otherwise noted, every Breath of Fire maneuver is supernatural maneuver that applies to your breath attack.
Using those maneuvers doesn't change the recharge time of your breath weapons unless otherwise noticed.

Unless otherwise noticed, every strike of this discipline starts with you using one of your breath weapons.

1st level

Crimson Fire
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 1, Swordsage 1, Warblade 1
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

Your breath weapon deals +1d6 damage, of the same element as the breath weapon (including force damage). This
applies only to HP damage breaths.

Twisting flame
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 1, Swordsage 1, Warblade 1
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

If your breath weapon is a line, you may make it change direction once in any point of its course.

Mountain inhale
Breath of Fire (boost)
Level: Crusader 1, Swordsage 1, Warblade 1
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: -
Target: you
Duration: instantaneous
Save: none

One of your breath weapon's "cooldown" is reduced by 3 rounds. If you have a "per day" breath weapon, you may use
this maneuver to use it one extra time per day.

Smoking Burn
Breath of Fire (Boost)
Level: Crusader 1, Swordsage 1, Warblade 1
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: see text

After you use this maneuver, the next time you use a breath weapon within 1 round, it inflicts its effects as normal, and
then leaves behind an opaque curtain of smoke that fills the same area as the breath weapon's area. It doesn't deal
damage or hinders movement, but it fully blocks line of sight. This curtain lasts for 1 round, plus another round for
every 4 ranks you have in spellcraft. You may choose to lower the maximum duration when you use this strike.

Elemental mantra
Breath of Fire (Stance)
Level: Crusader 1, Swordsage 1, Warblade 1
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: -
Target: you.
Duration: Stance
Save: none

If your breath weapon is a line, you may have it affect a cone with half range. If it's a cone, then you may have it affect
a line with double range.

2nd level
Fire Lotus

Breath of Fire (Strike)

Level: Crusader 2, Swordsage 2, Warblade 2
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

This breath weapon ignores an amount of elemental resistance from your targets equal to your IL. If they have
immunity to your breath attack element, they take damage equal to your IL (still reflex save for half) or half your breath
damage, whichever is lower. This applies only to HP damage breaths.

Breath of Fire (Boost)
Level: Crusader 2, Swordsage 2, Warblade 2
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: -
Target: you.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: none

Your breath weapons deals +50% damage to enemies adjacent to you for 1 round. This applies only to HP damage

Burning revenge
Breath of Fire (Counter)
Level: Crusader 2, Swordsage 2, Warblade 2
Initiation Action: Immediate action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

If a creature attacks you, either at melee or range, you may use  breath attack you possess and isn't recharging as an
immediate action. The creature that provoked the attack must be inside the breath area.

Destroyer flame
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 2, Swordsage 2, Warblade 2
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as breath weapon

Instead of your normal breath weapon, you "spit" a globe of your energy. You must roll a ranged touch attack to hit
your target.  If you hit then you can choose to either deal your breath attack damage to the target itself or to a piece of
equipment of your choice the target is carrying, reflex save for half as the original breath.

3rd level
Crimson punishment
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 3, Swordsage 3, Warblade 3
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

Your breath weapon deals +2d6 damage, of the same element as the breath weapon (including force damage). This
applies only to HP damage breaths.

Breathing of eternity
Breath of Fire (Stance)
Level: Crusader 3, Swordsage 3, Warblade 3
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: -
Target: you.
Duration: Stance
Save: none

 While in this Stance, all your breath attack recharge 1 turn faster than normal.

Burning soul
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 3, Swordsage 3, Warblade 3
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

You heal half the damage that you rolled for your breath attack. You don't heal more damage for hitting multiple
opponents or heal less damage for the enemies having resistances/immunities.

Pure Flame
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 3, Swordsage 3, Warblade 3
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: 1 round
Save: as the breath weapon

Enemies hit by your breath weapon must make a fort save in addition to the normal saves of your breath weapon or be
blinded for 1 round.

4th level
Covering fire
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 4, Swordsage 4, Warblade 4
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

Creatures hit by your breath attack that fail their saves cannot make attacks of opportunity and move at half speed for 1

Red alert
Breath of Fire (Boost)
Level: Crusader 4, Swordsage 4, Warblade 4
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: -
Target: you.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: none

All your breath weapons in "cooldown" have their recharge time reduced by 3 turns.

Strafing Run
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 4, Swordsage 4, Warblade 4
Initiation Action: Full round action
Range: -
Target: you.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: none

You move up to your speed, use one breath weapon, then move again up to your speed. 

5th level
Crimson purge
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 5, Swordsage 5, Warblade 5
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

Your breath weapon deals +4d6 damage, of the same element as the breath weapon (including force damage). This
applies only to HP damage breaths.

Elemental assault
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 5, Swordsage 5, Warblade 5
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

You use your breath weapon, and then you may teleport to any empty space in the breath attack area big enough to fit

Fire Emblem
Breath of Fire (Boost)
Level: Crusader 5, Swordsage 5, Warblade 5
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: -
Target: you
Duration: 1 round
Save: none

This maneuver can only be used with HP damage breaths. You crystallize your breath into a melee weapon with a
shape of your choice. It replaces your bite attack for the duration, has the same reach as your bite attack, it deals the
same damage as your breath weapon (do not add or subtract any other bonus to this damage) and doesn't allow saves,
but you must succeed on a melee touch attack to hit your opponent. If you have enough Bab you can perform iterative
attacks, and you can also combine it with your remaining natural weapons in a full attack.

If you don't have a bite attack you can wield this weapon by holding it with both hands with your normal reach. If you
don't have two free hands or bite attack this maneuver is useless to you.

6th level
Curtain Fire
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 6, Swordsage 6, Warblade 6
Initiation Action: Full round action
Range: breath attack
Target: see text.
Duration: 2 rounds
Save: as the breath weapon

Instead of one single attack, you divide your breath into dozens or even hundreds of tiny balls of energy that fill the
area around you. When using this maneuver it affects one 5-foot cube per IL (double this if your breath weapon is
normally a cone). Each cube must be placed within your breath weapon's reach. Creatures on the selected areas must
make regular breath weapon saves or be affected as struck by your breath weapon, but if they succeed they take no
damage (or other effect from your breath weapon) and can move to an adjacent non-affected area (if they choose not to
move they're affected anyway). These balls of energy last for 2 rounds.

Heaven and Hell wind

Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 6, Swordsage 6, Warblade 6
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

You heal the full damage that you rolled for your breath attack. You don't heal more damage for hitting multiple
opponents or heal less damage for the enemies having resistances/immunities.

Echoing Burn
Breath of Fire (boost)
Level: Crusader 6, Swordsage 6, Warblade 6
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: See text
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: 1 round
Save: as the breath weapon

After you use this boost, the next time you use a breath weapon within 1 round, creatures targeted by your breath
weapon are affected by it again at the end of their next turns. 

Perfect fire lotus

Breath of Fire (Stance)
Level: Crusader 6, Swordsage 6, Warblade 6
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: -
Target: you.
Duration: Stance
Save: none

While in this Stance, your breath weapon ignores an amount of elemental resistance from your targets equal to your IL.
If they have immunity to your breath attack element, they take damage equal to your IL or half your breath weapon
damage, whichever is lower. This amount is halved on a successful save.  This applies only to HP damage breaths.

7th level
Crimson eradication
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 7, Swordsage 7, Warblade 7
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

Your breath weapon deals +8d6 damage, of the same element as the breath weapon (including force damage). This
applies only to HP damage breaths.

Ruby dust
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 7, Swordsage 7, Warblade 7
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

You use a breath weapon as a swift action.

Flame Breaker
Fire Emblem (Strike)
Level: Crusader 7, Swordsage 7, Warblade 7
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

Your breath weapon deals quadruple damage to inanimate, unattended objects and ignores any special resistances they
may have. If it deals enough damage to destroy a wall or other obstacle, it punches trough and fully affects anything
behind. It is possible to destroy multiple walls/obstacles with this.

8th level
Heaven and Hell judgment
Breath of Fire (Stance)
Level: Crusader 8, Swordsage 8, Warblade 8
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: -
Target: you.
Duration: Stance
Save: none

While in this Stance, you may double the range of your breath weapon by applying a -2 penalty on the save DC.
Maximum of 10 increases.

Scarlet eternity
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 8, Swordsage 8, Warblade 8
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

As a single standard action, you may fire your breath twice. If you have multiple breaths, then you may fire any
combination of two as a standard action. Roll only once for recharge of the chosen breath weapons. 

Incinerating Tempest
Breath of Fire (Boost)
Level: Crusader 8, Swordsage 8, Warblade 8
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: See text
Save: as the breath weapon

After you use this boost, the next time you use a breath weapon within 1 round, it persists as a tick cloud of energy.
This works as a Solid Fog that fills the same area as your breath weapon, and that in addition it inflicts your breath
weapon to any creature that ends its turn inside it. It lasts for 1 round, plus another round for every 8 ranks you have in

9th level
Crimson oblivion
Breath of Fire (Strike)
Level: Crusader 9, Swordsage 9, Warblade 9
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: breath attack
Target: creatures in the breath attack area.
Duration: instantaneous
Save: as the breath weapon

Your breath weapon deals +16d6 damage, of the same element as the breath weapon (including force damage). This
applies only to HP damage breaths. In addition, you fully ignore resistances and immunities from your targets.

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