Ewe Viwo Foundation Constitution

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The name of this organization shall be call Ewe Viwo Foundation

Focus Areas

🔵Economic and community development

Vision: to reduce the poverty rate in our various communities


Alleviating the plight of the needy and vulnerable through the benevolence of
members and other individuals/groups.

🔸To curb poverty rate in the society.

🔸To help the poor and needy.

🔸To help each member to secure employment.
🔸 To bring the people of the Ewe Land together in unity.


The variety of Colours stands for

🔹 People from different backgrounds

The holding hands means

🔹 giving each other a helping hand / peace and unity

The Circle or Globe around the people means:

🔹 We are all from One Community/One Country.

Affiliations: Ewe Viwo foundation is a non - partisan charity organization which is
at liberty to affiliate with any organization that will help further its course

Headquarters: Ewe Viwo Foundation shall operate two offices:
1.An Administrative office in Volta Region to be known as Ewe Viwo Secretariat
2.An Operations office in Adjei Kojo
Prior to this submission we can relocate to anywhere suitable anytime we deem to.

Founding Members: Ewe Viwo foundation has five founding fathers; Evans
Amegashie, Prosper Ocansey, Emefa Amenyo, Rita Eli and Courage Dotsey Attah

Membership: Ewe Viwo foundation membership shall be open to all well-
meaning persons of sound mind.

Mode of Membership: Ewe Viwo Foundation membership shall be by application
which shall be vetted by the Executive Council and the decision reached on the
application communicated to the applicant.
Termination of membership
1. Any member of Ewe Viwo Foundation may resign his or her membership and
any representation of a member of this foundation may also resign of his or her
position, by giving a letter of resignation to the general secretary.
2. The board of directors may, by resolution passed at a meeting thereof, terminate
or suspend the membership of any member, if in its opinion his or her conduct is
prejudicial to the interest and objectives of this foundation, provided that the
individual member (as the case may be) may be shall have the right to be heard by
the disciplinary committee before the final is made. There shall be a right of appeal
to an independent arbitrator appointed by mutual agreement
3. Any member that will embezzle this foundation money shall be ask to refund it
back but failure to do so shall be reported to the police for further actions.

Monthly Dues
1. Each member shall pay monthly contribution of 5.00 Ghana cedis.
2. Each executive’s member shall pay 10.00 Ghana cedis as his or her monthly
** Failure to pay your monthly dues for six consecutive months without any
tangible reasons subject from your removable from the group.

1. There shall be a donation of 300.00 Ghana cedis for members who find
themselves in this categories:
* Marriage ceremony
*A death of a member
*A death of a members parents
*A member who's has been hospitalize for a month on the discerption on the

2.There shall be an open contribution for each member when there’s a need to do
so to support the foundation.
3.A member qualifies for any benefit after 8 months of making up to date payment
of his or her dues.

Corporate Structures: in order of authority, Ewe Viwo foundation structure shall
comprise the following

1. General Assembly

2.Board of Directors
3.Executives Council

The function of the various structure of Ewe Viwo foundation is as detailed below;

General Assembly: this shall be the highest decision making body within the Ewe
Viwo foundation which shall receive all forms of reports and approve policies and
programmes of other structures
Board of Directors: this shall be the body that supervise the implementation of
programmes and activities of the Executive Council on behalf of the General
Executive Council: the Executive’s Council shall be responsible for the day to day
operation of Ewe Viwo; initiating and implementation of policies and programmes
of Ewe Viwo Foundation

The various structure shall be composed as detailed below
General Assembly: Every member of Ewe Viwo Foundation shall be a member of
General Assembly in a good standing

Board of Directors: Ewe Viwo Foundation shall have seven member board made
up of:
1.The five founding members
2.The Chairperson of the Executive Council
3.The General Secretary of the Executive Council serving as Secretary to the

Executive Council; Ewe Viwo Foundation shall have a Seven member executive’s
council made up by
2.Vice chairman
3.General Secretary
4.Deputy Secretary
5.Financial Secretary

The various structure shall be composed as detailed below
General Assembly: Every member of Ewe Viwo Foundation shall be a member of
General Assembly in a good standing
Board of Directors: Ewe Viwo Foundation shall have seven member board made
up of:
1. The Five founding members
2. The Chairperson of the Executive Council
3. The General Secretary of the Executive Council serving as secretary to the

Executive Council; Ewe Viwo foundation shall have a seven member executive’s
council made up by
2.Vice chairman
3.General Secretary
4.Deputy Secretary
5.Financial Secretary

Elections and Appointments
Elections: The Board of Directors shall appoint a three member Electoral
Commission comprising a Chairperson and two members as and when required to
conduct the election of members of the Executive Council.

Board of Directors: The five founding members, the chairperson of the Executive
Council and approval by the General Assembly shall serve on the Board of
Directors of Ewe Viwo Foundation in addition to the General Secretary of the
Executive Council who shall at all point in term serve as the Secretary to the board.
In a situation where the General Secretary is a founding member

Executive Council: Members of the Executive Council shall be elected by a

simple majority vote of the General Assembly at a meeting that has election of
Executive Council members clearly captured on its agenda.
Qualifications for Election: A member aspiring for election to any position on the
Executive Council shall meet all the following requirements:
1. Shall be a member in good standing, at least 6 months prior to the election
2. Shall belong to the group with a good standing that qualifies the person to
contest for the position aspiring for
3. Shall have basic knowledge of the position he or she is contesting

Election Procedures: A properly constituted Electoral Commission of Ewe Viwo
Foundation shall announce the schedule for election stating the period and date for
each electoral activity. Members aspiring for election to positions on the Executive
Council shall pick a form complete, submit and pay the appropriate fees for the
purpose to the electoral commission which shall vet all applicants to determine
their eligibility.
Appointments: The Executive Council in Consultation with the Board of Directors
shall appoint qualified and experienced persons from within the members of Ewe
Viwo Foundation from the appropriate committees
1. Education Committee
2. Health Committee
3. Project Committee
4. Social and Economic Growth Committee

Reporting Order: The line of reporting within the structures of Ewe Viwo
Foundation shall be as follows:
1. General Assembly: This shall be the final body to receive all forms of reports
through the Board of Directors
2.Board of Directors: The board shall report to the General
3.Executive Council: The Executive Council shall report to the
Board of Directors
4.Committees shall report to the Executive Council


Elected Executives and Appointees of Ewe Viwo Foundation shall serve to the
following terms:
1. Elected Executives shall serve a two term which shall be a renewable for a
period a four years not more than eight years
2. Appointees shall serve a two year contract, renewal for as long as the
appointee performs his/her functions to the satisfaction of the appointing
3. A vote of no confidence shall be pass to any executive’s member which his
or her leadership style is questionable by one third of membership of the

The executives shall announce that position vacant with the consultative with the
board of directors through the general secretary and election shall be held for that

i. All elections shall be held on the FIRST OR LAST Saturday of August at the last
year of the incumbent Executives. Election shall be held at our AGM. Other
election can also be held at any place depending upon the situation in
consultation of the leadership of the house.
**the shall be a charge of the date if there’s a need

ii. The Executives council shall be dissolved by the chairperson on the day of
Election Day.


Swearing-in and handing over shall take place on the same day of the election.

3. HANDING OVER there shall be a maximum of a months for preparation for

handing over after the elections such as
i. changing of bank signatories
ii. All important documents and Handing over notes
iii. Ongoing projects

Functions and Duties
General Assembly: Ewe Vivo Foundation shall have a General Assemble to be
made up of members of the Board of Directors, members of the Executive Council
and all other members of Ewe Viwo Foundation who are in good standing, shall be
responsible for the following:
1. Shall have oversight responsibility Ewe Viwo Foundation which it shall exercise
through the Board of Directors
2. Shall have the power to sanction the Executive Councils annual budget and
programme of activities submitted to it through the Board of Directors
3. Shall have the power to amend this constitution in accordance with provisions
herein stated.
Board of Directors:
Ewe Viwo foundation shall have a Board of Directors to be made up of
Chairperson of the executives council, General Secretary and the five founding
members; the General Secretary of Ewe Viwo foundation shall at all points in time
be the secretary to the Board of Directors
The board shall elect its Chairperson and Vice Chairperson at the first meeting of
every newly constituted board.
The board shall be responsible for the following:
1. Support the Executive Council and review its performance
2. Ensure adequate resources are made available to the Executive Council to
enable them carry out their duties.
3. Ensure projects, programmes, services and all initiatives of Ewe Viwo
Foundation are effectively carried out by the Executive Council.
4. Serve as the disputes resolution body of Ewe Viwo Foundation
5. Provide supervision and advisory services to the Executive Council to
ensure that Ewe Viwo Foundation activities are in line with its vision and
6. Ensure that all Ewe Viwo Foundation operations do not violate legal and
statutory requirements
7. Spell out the terms of reference for members of the Executive Council in
accordance with provisions as found in this constitution


Executive Council
Ewe Viwo Foundation shall have an Executive Council shall to be made up of
Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, General Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Financing
Secretary, a Treasure and an Organizer; the Executive Council shall serve as the
management team of Ewe Viwo Foundation which shall formulate policies, initiate
and implement programmes geared towards achieving Ewe Viwo Foundation
objectives is contained in its corporate vision and mission statements.

All positions within the Executive Council shall be elective as provided for in this

The Executive Council shall be responsible for the following:

1. Support all appointed members and review their performances
2. Ensure that adequate resources are made available to the directors and their
teams to enable them carry out their duties effectively.
3. Ensure that projects, programmes, services and all activities of Ewe Viwo
Foundation are effectively carried by the members and they are in line with the
corporate vision and mission of Ewe Viwo Foundation
4. Provide supervision and advisory services to the directors and their teams in
discharge of their duties.
5. Spell out the terms of reference for members of the appointees in accordance
with provisions as found in this constitution

The following shall include the specific functions and responsibilities of the
members of the Executive Council:

1. Shall serve as the head of the Executive Council
2. Shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Council
3. Shall provide direction on decisions of the Executive Council
4. Shall present the Executive Councils annual report to the General Assembly
through the Chairperson of the Board of Directors.
5. Shall in consultation with the General Secretary prepare the agenda for
meetings of the Executive Council.
6. Shall in consultation with the General Secretary and other members of the
Executive Council appoint committee members.
7. Shall be a signatory to Ewe Viwo foundation bank account(s).

Vice Chairperson:
1. Shall assist the Chairperson in discharge of his/her duties and assume the
Chairperson's roles in his/her absence.
2. Shall coordinate welfare issues of the Ewe Viwo Foundation members
3. Shall perform any other duties as the Chairperson may assign him/her
4. Shall be responsible for the welfare of the group

General Secretary
The General Secretary;
1. Shall act as Secretary for and at all meetings of the Executive Council.
2. Shall be the Secretary to the Board of Directors.
3. Shall prepare and distribute the agenda and other materials and keep minutes of
all meetings of the Executive Council, the Board of Directors and the General
4. Shall be responsible for the communications between the Ewe Viwo foundation
and its partners.
5. Shall receive reports from all Committees of Ewe Viwo Foundation and intend
report annually, on behalf of the Executive Council, the activities of Ewe Viwo
6. Shall declare vacancies within Ewe Viwo Foundation and ensure such
vacancies at all levels are filled in accordance with provision in this
7. Shall be a signatory to Ewe Viwo foundation bank account(s).
Deputy Secretary
1. Shall be delegated additional responsibility by the secretary as required
2. Shall prepared agendas, reports and papers for all committee meetings
3. Shall be the responsible for all committees

Finance Officer:
Shall be responsible for all financial transactions of Ewe Viwo Foundation and
shall keep all financial records of Ewe Viwo Foundation
1. Shall pay all bills of Ewe Viwo foundation and collect membership dues
2. Shall in consultation with the Chairperson, the General Secretary and all other
members of the Executive Council prepare an annual budget and make
allocations for every activity of Ewe Viwo foundation
3. Shall prepare annual financial reports for submission to members
4. Shall advice the Executive Council on financial matters
5. Shall coordinate fund raising activities of Ewe Viwo foundation
6. Shall be a signatory to Ewe Viwo foundation bank account(s).


1. Shall be responsible for the foundation money keep

2. Shall give a receipt for all money for the foundation
3. Shall be responsible for banking, book keeping and record keeping
4. Shall control the fixed assets and stock
5. Shall be a signatory to Ewe Viwo foundation bank account(s).

The Organizer shall serve as the logistics officer of Ewe Viwo foundation, taking
charge of all meeting arrangement of Ewe Viwo foundation
1. Shall perform such duties herein stated as the Organizer of Ewe Viwo
foundation and as situations may demand
2. Shall make special efforts to involve all members in the Ewe Viwo
foundation activities.
3. Shall oversee the organization of Ewe Viwo foundation meetings at
all levels.


There shall be three (4) signatories to the group's account who shall be the
1. The Chairman
2. The General Secretary
3. The Financial Secretary
4. The Treasurer
Any two (2) of the above signatories shall be valid to operate the bank account of
the group and any business transaction at the bank


The Executive Council shall appoint experienced and qualified persons from either
within or outside Ewe Viwo foundation to serve as:
1. Committee members of health
2. Committee members of Education
3. Committee members of Research, Monitoring and Evaluations
The following shall include the specific functions and responsibilities of the
appointees of the executives


Amendment of the Constitution
(a) Proposals for amendments to this constitution or dissolution must be delivered
to the General Secretary in writing. The secretary shall in conjunction with all
other officers then decide on the date of a forum meeting to discuss such proposals,
giving at least four weeks (28 days) clear notice.
(b) Any changes to this constitution must be agreed by at least two third of those
members present if agreed by two thirds of those members present and voting at
any general meeting. Any assets shall be returned to their providers, if they require
it, or shall be passed to another group with similar aims.

Names Signatures
Courage Dotsey Attah ……………………………………
Evans Amegashie ……………………………………
Prosper Agbesi Ocansey ……………………………………
Emmanuel Sosu …………………………………….
Worlanyo Tamakloe …………………………………….
Rita Eli …………………………………….

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