Credit Check Extensions: 1. Login With SCMOPERATIONS/Welcome and Navigate To Setup and Maintenance

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Credit Check Extensions:

1. Login with SCMOPERATIONS/Welcome and navigate to Setup and Maintenance:

2. Search for Manage Order Management Extensions

3. Click + to add the new extension with below details:

Extension 1:

Extension Name: Skip Credit Check for Revision 1 (This will not check the CC hold on original


1. Checks if the processing order is a change or original, if change then execute step 2
2. Check whether the Credit Management is enabled or not. If not then default
PreCreditCheckedFlag to true.


import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.ValidationException;

Boolean isCCMgmtEnabled = false;

BigDecimal refHeaderId = header.getAttribute("ReferenceHeaderId");

if(refHeaderId != null)

def lookupVO =context.getViewObject("oracle.apps.financials.assets.shared.publicView.LookupPVO");

def vc = lookupVO.createViewCriteria();

def vcrow = vc.createViewCriteriaRow();

vcrow.setAttribute("LookupType", 'AR_FEATURES');//ACCOUNT_TYPE AR_FEATURES

vcrow.setAttribute("EnabledFlag", 'Y');

vcrow.setAttribute("LookupCode", 'AR_CREDIT_MGMT');

def rowset = lookupVO.findByViewCriteria(vc, -1);



isCCMgmtEnabled = true;

header.setAttribute("PreCreditCheckedFlag", "Y");

4. Click Validate and Save and Close

Extension 2:

Click + to add the new extension with below details:

Name: Skip Credit Check for Revision 2 (This will check the CC hold on original lines)


1. Checks if the processing order is a change or original, if change then execute step 2
2. Check if there any lines in original order are on credit check hold if no lines are on credit check
hold then go to step 3 else exit.
3. Check whether the Credit Management is enabled or not. If not then default
PreCreditCheckedFlag to true


import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.ValidationException;

Boolean isCCMgmtEnabled = false;

BigDecimal refHeaderId = header.getAttribute("ReferenceHeaderId");

Boolean ccHoldFoundOnOriginalLines = false;

if(refHeaderId != null)

def holdInstanceVO

def hodlInstanceVc = holdInstanceVO.createViewCriteria();

def holdInstanceVrow = hodlInstanceVc.createViewCriteriaRow();

holdInstanceVrow.setAttribute("HeaderHeaderId", refHeaderId);

holdInstanceVrow.setAttribute("FulfillLineOnHold", 'Y');

def holdInstanceRowset = holdInstanceVO.findByViewCriteria(hodlInstanceVc, -1);



def holdInstance =;

def holdDefs = holdInstance.getAttribute("HoldDefinition");

String holdCode = holdDefs.getAttribute("HoldHoldCode");


ccHoldFoundOnOriginalLines = true;



def lookupVO

def vc = lookupVO.createViewCriteria();

def vcrow = vc.createViewCriteriaRow();

vcrow.setAttribute("LookupType", 'AR_FEATURES');//ACCOUNT_TYPE AR_FEATURES

vcrow.setAttribute("EnabledFlag", 'Y');

vcrow.setAttribute("LookupCode", 'AR_CREDIT_MGMT');

def rowset = lookupVO.findByViewCriteria(vc, -1);



isCCMgmtEnabled = true;


header.setAttribute("PreCreditCheckedFlag", "Y");

Enable or Disable AR Credit Management feature:

1. Login with app_impl_consultant /Welcome and navigate to Setup and Maintenance:

2. Navigate to Manage Standard Lookups

3. Search for lookup AR_FEATURES

4. Select or Unselect the checkbox against lookup code AR_CREDIT_MGMT to enable or

disable the feature.

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