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Unit 14: Fashion

A. 2. Let's Listen
{Page 54)

Oh, look at this. Typical early 605.

That’s when guys started to wear their

hair long. And girls wore their skirts

really short. Remember the miniskirts

and boots?


This must be the 19205, the ”Roaring

Twenties." I love the dresses women

wore thenu-very straight and they

came down to just above the knees.

And they wore their hair short and

usually straight. Men looked

handsome, too, with those wide

trousers. They listened to jazz and did

these crazy dances like the Charleston.

What a wild time that was!


This is the late (SOs-early 705, of course.

Look at this woman’s big long skirt.

It’s very colorful. And the guys wore

jeans and T—shirts with peace signs on

them! It seemed that all young people

had long hair.

This must be the 19505, when boys

had their hair slicked back and wore

really bright jackets and those very

tight pants. I wonder how they ever

got into them—nor out of them for that

matter. The girls wore tight sweaters

and wide skirts.


Oh, this is the late 705 or early 805. Both

the guy and the woman have punk

hairstyles and their hair is dyed these

really wild colors. The funny thing is,

some people still look this way!

This has to be around 1910. People

dressed very formally then. Men had

suits with long jackets and they usually

wore hats. The women were long

dresses and capes. Very elegant.

B. 3. Let's Listen
(Page 55)


A: I just ran into Mary. Wow! She’s

really changed!
B: Really?

A: Oh, yeah. She used to look really

wild. You know, with all that big

hair and makeup? And that leather


Sure. i remember.

Well, that’s all gone. Now she wears

plain blouses, and her hair is much


B: Weird. Do you know why she


Yeah. She’s going to college now,

so she wanted a different look.

A: Betty’s dressing differently these


Oh, really?

Yeah. I think it’ s a change for the

better. That blue suit she used to

wear wasn’t so great.

Yes, I thought the same thing.

Now she’s wearing this fantastic

red suit.

So, why the change?

I guess her new job has a better

salary, so she can afford to buy

some new clothes.

Have you seen Jerry lately?

No. Why?

: Well, he's really changed his look.

He used to have that preppy look—

you know, the tan pants and shirts

with collars. And short hair.

B: And now?

: Now he’s got long hair, in a

ponytail. And he always wears


Interesting. What made him change?

: I heard his new girlfriend asked

him to do it.

: David’s really changed the way he

looks lately.


: Yeah. I never thought I’d see him

dressing the way he does now—ethe

tight blue jeans, the gold necklaces

He's even wearing his shirts


No way!

: It‘s true. He used to wear that suit

and tie everywhere, but not


What happened?
I heard he broke up with his


: I think Karen looked a lot better

before she Changed her look.

Hmm. What do you mean?

Well, first of all, she cut her

gorgeous long hair. And she used

to wear those great casual pants. I

thought maybe she didn’t even

own a dress!

That’s true.

: But now she always wears an

expensive suit.

Why did she change?

She had to. She got a big promotion

at work.

Have you seen Steve Jones since he

graduated from college? He looks

so different.

Really? How?

He wears a suit and tie every day.

You’re kidding!

I know. It’s strange. In college, he

was always wearing his old jeans

and a denim shirt. He looked so

relaxed all the time.

What made him change?

; He found a job at a bank, so he’s

got to look good for the customers.

C. 4. Let's Listen
{Page 56)

I just bought these. Do you like them?

They’re Italian, and they’re made of

genuine leather. They'll look great with

my new pants. They’ re so comfortable

to wear. I walked amund in them in the

store, so I know they won’t hurt my

feet. They were a pretty good bargain,

too—only $125.

What do you think of it? I really need

it for work. These days we have to

dress up at the office, so I can’t just

wear a shirt and tie. It‘s made of wool,

so it'll be nice and warm in the winter.

And I like the way it buttons up the

front. It was on sale for $75—not bad

for something that’s imported from



This is made of silk, and it was made

in China. it’s very light, and I love the

way it feels. l was surprised that they

had one in my size. i always have

trouble finding things that fit. They're

usually either too long or too short, but

this one is just right. It covers my knees.

[thought it was a bargain for $200.

These will be great for the weekend.

They’ re made of good, strong denim.

And they were made in the U.S., sol

know the quality is good. That’s

important to me—my old pair shrank

when l washed them, and now my legs

don't fit in them. These new ones are a

darker blue than I usually wear, but

I’m sure the color will fade after a

while. Ican't believe they were only


Does this look okay on me? it’s not too

short, is it? It‘s French and really well-

made. I thought the color was great,

and I have a couple of blouses that will

go perfectly With it. It’s made of wool,

too, so it will be very warm. It wasn’t

cheap——$95—but i know I’ll wear it all

the time.

These will be great for tennis. They

were pretty expensivehfllS—but

they‘re Korean and look very well-

made. They’re made of real leather, of

course, and not just rubber. And i like

these little stripes down the side. My

tennis is really going to improve now!

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