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The Major Arcana

Keywords : Innocence, new beginnings, openness, Buddhist philosopher Chögyam Trungpa

trust, awake. describes “crazy wisdom” as “ an innocent
state of mind that has the quality of early
You may recognize Jack Sparrow/Johnny Depp from morning—fresh, sparkling, and completely
Pirates of the Caribbean but The Fool is clear : “ I am awake. “
neither this nor that ! I am the Fool ! I am the spirit of
innocence, fresh and crisp as the early morning. Zero is Upright Meaning :
my number that I carry into infinity ! “
When the Fool appears in a reading it means
The Fool is the archetype of the “ Free spirit “, the care- to keep trust and a carefree approach to life.
free character that always falls back on his feet.
His attitude is always positive and problem free. It calls for staying open for new beginnings
Just like Jack Sparrow says : “ The problem is not the or adventures. It invites you to cultivate a
problem. The problem is your attitude about the prob- spirit of openness, to trust that all is well,
lem. Do you understand ? “ that you are safe and under the care of the
stars of the universe.
On the background through a hazy mist can be seen
So be bold ! Take leaps into the unknown !
the shape of a snowy mountain and a star filled purple
sky, that foretells the Fool’s journey ahead. Reverse meaning :

The Fool is traveling on the mountain, walking freely When the fool appears reverse it often means
on the edge of a cliff, fearless of the void. He is carrying either recklessness, or not taking enough
a white rose, symbol of his purity and innocence that risks.
forever guides him on his path. But what is his path ?
His path is the pathless path, whether he is going up You are either too reckless not paying atten-
or down the mountain all paths are good to him. His tion to cause and effect into a situation or
path is freedom. put too much restrictions, over-calculating
all the possibles outcome of a situation be-
A little white dog is happilly jumping by his side. He is fore taking a step and leading you to remain
his eternal companion and represents deep trust in his too stagnant.
instinctual nature. He prevents him from falling over Quotes :
the cliff and is ready to warn him of any dangers ahead.
“All the world is made of faith, and trust,
The Fool may seem like he doesnt have a plan or a plan and pixie dust.”
made out of “thin air “ where he constantly improvises, -J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
but it is exactly what makes his strength. His plan is
indesctructible. It is a plan made out of stars and the “ The Fool is your essential self, the essence of
fabric of space itself. It is universal trust. your being...The fool is the voyager, the cos-
mic traveler setting out again and again into
The Fool symbolizes “ Crazy Wisdom “, a wisdom that physical manifestation in order to evolve to a
defies logic and common sense but always ends to work higher level of awareness “
out for the best. David Hulse
Keywords : Power, manifestation, consciousness, environment you eliminate all obstacles on
intention, focus, ability, success. your path. You have lots of power in store
“ Neo : What are you trying to tell me ? That I can and now is the time to retain focus and align
dodge bullets ? your intentions to manifest your wishes.

Morpheus : No, Neo. I’m trying to tell you that when Intention is key to get momentum behind
you’re ready, you won’t have to. “ your creation, coupled with actions magical
things occurs.
You may recognize Neo/Keanu Reeves from the Matrix
but the Magician is clear : “ I’m the Magician ! I’m Reverse meaning :
the spirit of manifestation ! My immeasurable power
comes from the One, my number. ” When the Magician appears reversed it often
means a lack of progress, focus or misplaced
The Magician/Neo has realized his full potential. He energy.
no longer struggles with the laws of his old reality, he
has transcended them and can now stop bullets of old You are either too distracted and undisci-
beliefs with a single thought. Above his head lays the plined to put your effort in the right direc-
infinity sign that represents his power. Four roses above tion or you have no clear idea of what direc-
his head references to his divine and mystical roots. tion to take.

The Magician represents the “ Power “ to manifest your You may be like one of those “ Jack of all
desires. He carries the number 1 and his power comes trades, master of none “, with many gifts and
from Oneness. He represents consciousness, intention, abilities that becomes a hindrance instead of
focus, ability, success and magic ! a strength because of lack of commitment.

By his side are the symbols of the 4 suits, pentacles, It can also signal that your energy is not well
cups, wands and swords, symbolizing material, emo- spent in the right direction or that you may
tional, energetic and mental energy. He has mastery be abusing your gifts to control others.
over them all. The magician is a master at creation.
Quotes :
Upright Meaning :
“ Your ability to imagine will help the
When the Magician appears in a reading it calls you next logical steps come to you faster. Use
to use your imagination and make things happen. He your imagination until your big dream
symbolizes your great ability into making your desires feels so familiar that the manifestation is
manifest. the next logical step. “
Intention is key to get momentum behind your cre-
ation.The universe is behind you and you have all “I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find
the tools at your disposal in order to go forward with the harder I work the more I have of it.”
your vision. In cultivating feeling “ One “ with your -Thomas Jefferson
Keywords : Silence, meditation, wisdom, inner- to your intuition, to go deeper within your
spirituality. self, to reflect and meditate.

You may recognize Anne Hathaway as Fantine from It calls to be in tune and connect with your
Les Miserable but The High Priestess is clear : inner depth, your spiritual self, to pay close
“ I am The High Priestess ! I am the all-pervading attention to dreams and recurring symbols
spirit of silence. Empty and as clear as a mirror, I am that appears in your daily life for they have a
meditation. Two is my number that I carry deep into special message for you.
non-duality ! “
Reverse meaning :
The High Priestess represents our “ inner“ wisdom, the
messages from our unconscious, and meditation. When the High Priestess appears reversed,
Her gaze looks downward in silent contemplation. She it means there is too much noise inside our
symbolizes spirituality and access to the inner worlds of
head and it calls for the need to quiet our
our unconscious. mind. It may indicate too much attention
is directed outwards or useless chatter that
Dreams, visions, spirit-realms have no secrets for her. keep us distracted. We may be paying too
A rich and colourful tapestry lays behind her back and much attention to some detail or are too
represents her colourful inner spiritual world. much caught in the external apperances and
opinion of others.
She is wearing a blue hood over her head that protects
her from mental noise and the outside world. Her gaze It is a call to release that energy and move
is directed downward at a crescent moon whose light back to a more restful and peaceful place.
extend as an aura that shields her. The crescent repre-
sents her knowledge and psychic abilities. She masters
all that is unseen. Quotes :

Her power comes from inner silence, from eternity. “Silence is Golden; it has divine power
She has all the time in the world and can wait patiently and immense energy. Try to pay more at-
for answers to naturally come to her. She is a master tention to the silence than to the sounds.
at recognizing and deciphering patterns and symbols Paying attention to outer silence creates
that occurs in the universe and can easily interpret their inner silence: the mind becomes still. “
meanings. -Eckhart Tolle

Upright Meaning :

When the High Priestess appears in a reading it often

calls for a need to go inward, to pause and reflect and
listen to your inner voice.

It indicates to give your active mind a break and listen

Keywords : Mother, creativity, art, abundance, Reverse meaning :
sensuality, ease, flow, heart, compassion.
When the Empress appears reversed it often
You may recognize Merryl Streep/Donna Sheridan means a blockage of energy.
from Mama Mia but the Empress is clear : “ I am the
Empress ! I am the trinity of Light, Love and Art. You may feel blocked creatively or without
I abound everywhere and my number is 3 “ energy to move forward with your vision.

The Empress is the archetype of the “ Mother “, she The Empress reversed can also point to ac-
is mother nature. She symbolizes fertility, abundance, tions that are impulsive and not thought
creativity, sensuality and emotional security. through.

She is very nurturing and at ease. Her power is that Reversed the Empress points to a sense of
of nature. She commands the realms of animals and frustration for not being able to express her
plants. Behind her lays a forest and a deer, symbol of talents or sensuality. She then can show neg-
her spirit connected with nature and her healing abil- ativity, resentment and meanness.
ities. Her right hand is directed towards her chest to
point where her spirituality resides, her heart. The red
shawl she wears represent the eternal love she has for Quotes :
all beings.
“There is a fountain of youth : It is your
Upright Meaning : mind, your talents, the creativity you
bring in your life and the lives of people
When the Empress appears in a reading it points to you love.”
creativity and nurturing. It calls for you to be at ease -Sophia Loren
and go with the flow with your ideas. It is a reminder
that you are surrounded by alot of beauty that you can
easily find inspiration from.

It signifies a very fertile moment to create and celebrate

your divine sensual self. Spending time in nature, with
animals and children will nourish your creativity and
your ability to manifest your vision.

The Empress may also represent a motherly figure to

seek advice from or represent your own nurturing and
wise inner motherly instincts that gives sound advice
to others.
Keywords : Father, direction, rules, stability, The Emperor can mean the need to call upon
security, authority, organisation, power. a father-like figure for help or advice or that
you can channel your own inner father-like
You may recognize Anthony Hopkins as the powerful qualities to help yourself or others with direc-
Odin from the movie Thor but The Emperor is clear : tion and structure.
“ I am none other than the Emperor ! my only mantra
is that I am. I am the one and only ruler of your Uni- The Emperor card is often related with ques-
verse, 4 is my number, symbol of order that I carry into tions that involves stability in the material
Eternity ! “ world. It calls you to be the master of your
own material stabilty and have a clear direc-
The Emperor is the archetype of the “ Father “. He is tion and purpose in life.
the ruler, organizer and manager. He carries a scepter
that testifies of his power and authority. In short he is
“The boss.“ Reverse meaning :

His gaze sees far at a distance and oversees all the details When the Emperor appears reversed it
over his kingdom. He doesnt miss a thing and is not means a lack of direction or stability.
afraid of routine to carry on with his vision. From high
above sitting on his throne he can oversee the overall It can represent an abuse of power or author-
pictures of any situation. ity, when harsh words may have been said
when not necessary.
On the background we can see the silhouette of his
spirit sitting firmly on a throne. A rich tapestry made It is a call to refocus, to act rationally rather
of royal symbols “ represents that all kings and queens than emotionally.
descends from him. He is the creator and originator of
what we call royalty and of all human systems of order. Quotes :

The Emperor sits near blazing fire, his element. He “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum
rules with authority and is not affraid to afflict pun- up people together to collect wood and
ishment to those opposing his laws. Nonetheless he is don’t assign them tasks and work, but
very rational and remains always just and wise in his rather teach them to long for the endless
decisions. immensity of the sea.”
-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Upright Meaning :

When the Emperor appears in a reading it means to

think rationally, and bring more structure about your
current situation. You may need to set limits or map
out a detailed plan in order to manifest your vision.
Keywords : Teacher, tradition, observer, religion, He can also represent someone committed
the witness. like a priest or a married man.

The Hierophant is represented by Patrick Stewart as Reverse meaning :

Professor X and carries the number 5.
When the Hierophant appears reverse it of-
The Hierophant sits on his chair with a solemn air. He ten means the use of teachings or beliefs sys-
can read your mind and speak directly into it. tem in a too rigid manner or as a mean to
“ I’m the witness, orbserver and teacher. I am the point
of entry into the path. I am the first step and the last You may feel superior, spiritual wise, due to
step. I am the gateless gate, an invisible bridge between your studies or practices and it is a call to
spirit and the physical. “ check your spiritual ego.

His mind is very still and meditative and looks un- Reversed the Hierophant can also mean that
moveable like a statue. He is a vessel between the spirit you are rebeling against the set rules of an
world and the physical world. organisation or tradition.
He is very receptive from messages from the spirit world
and relates them to his disciples. He is a master, a guide Quotes :
and a teacher and carries a tradition of previous lineage
of teachers that he represents. This can be seen with “You cannot teach a man anything, you
the silouhette of old hierophant surronding him. He can only help him find it within himself.”
wears the crown of the past Hierophant as an energetic -Galileo Galilei
yellow aura above his head, and a yellow scepter. The
garnment he wears has a transluscent red energetic coat
that he invokes from his power of concentration. The
white transluscent line going across his body represents
the path that he teaches and comes from.

Upright Meaning :

When the Hierophant shows up in a reading it often

represents a teacher or a tradition . It may be someone
committed to a particular group, institution, religious
affiliation or tradition.

He often symbolizes communication that is directed

towards a common goal. He can represent the bene-
diction or approval of a union through tradition, like a
marriage or a teacher-student relationship.
Keywords : Love, union, passion, choices. Reverse meaning :

The Lovers are represented in the classic scene from the When the Lovers appears reverse it often
movie Titanic where Jack stretches Rose’s arms at the means being confused about love or rela-
end of the boat. Rose feels free, flying like a bird. tionships.

In this scene, Rose just surrendered to Jack after being It often indicates having trouble making a
conflicted with her previous engagement. She met up decision in a relationship.
with Jack on top of the Titanic deck, and announced :
“ I have changed my mind. “. She followed her heart There may be lack of chemistry or a com-
and listened to what she felt for Jack and now she feels munication breakdown. It may also indicate
free of her past and is ready to surrender to the beauty a bad choice in the past and feeling regret
of the moment and to Jack. over it or unrequited love.

The sky is purple and pink with a warm sunset and is

full of bright shining stars. It is a divine hour where an- Quotes :
gels meet and rest. It is the “ Lovers’ time ”. We can see
a faint silhouette of red feathered wings outstretched “When you love, love as if the person is
from the angel of love in the background that blesses a god, not less than that. Never love a
their union by breathing a warm wind of love. woman as a woman and never love a man
as a man.”
The two Lover’s moment is unique and carved into the -Osho
their heart for eternity.
“Spiritual practice is the capacity to offer
Upright Meaning : your love even when you feel hurt, closed
down, tense, angry, misunderstood, or
When the Lovers appears in a reading it calls to look at hated.”
our emotional life and the state of our relationships. -David Deida
How is our love life going ? Are we fullfilled ? Are we
following our heart ?

The Lovers signify a love to unite, deepen a relationship

and explore romance. It also points you in the direction
of following what you love to do. It points to follow
your passion, your joy and to live the grander version
of yourself.

The Lovers can also be about having to make a choice

of an emotional nature.
Keywords : Willpower, travel, progress, forward, Reverse meaning :
moving, focus, momentum.
When the Chariot appears reversed it means
The Chariot is represented by Brad Pitt as Achilles from a lack of will power, a lack of confidence and
the movie Troy. the impression of not going anywhere.

The sun is blazing, Achilles is riding his chariot forward You may either be too tentative and hesitant
in a frenzied pace to avenge his cousin Patroclus. in going forward with your plans or you are
There is no stopping him in his forward movement. rushing without clear direction.
He has taken a decision and is determined to see his
plan come through. Nothing can deter his detemina- It is a call to let go of the fears and be more
tion. He has godlike willpower and strength. in charge about one’s direction.

The Chariot is in motion. Nothing can stop the mo- Quotes :

mentum. Whatever the decision was, the motion of ac-
tion has taken its place. “To turn your dreams into reality, all
your resources, efforts and concentration
The Chariot is clear : “ Let me pass, or be destroyed. should be aligned in the same direction.”
Nothing can come through me and my purpose. I am -Roopleen
purpose, will and direction. I am the masculine princi-
ple in action. I ‘m the source of courage and the heart of
all warriors. Blessed by a thousands suns I am the Hero
and I am coming to do what I was destined to. “

Upright Meaning :

When the Chariot appears in a reading it symbolizes

movement and action and beng focused on one’s goal.

Strength and will power are the order of the day to take
control of your life. It calls for a steady effort to realize
your goals and calls you to privilege a long term vision
rather than aim for shorterm gratifications.

The chariot often represents travel and transportation.

Keywords : Strength, patience, focus, instincts. Your power is raw and balanced in mind,
body and spirit.
The Strength card is represented by Jessica Chastain
dressed as Merida from Brave. Reverse meaning :

“Every star has that certain something that stands When the Strength appears reversed it
out and compels us to notice them. -As for me I have means there is a disconnect between body,
always believed my most compelling quality to be my mind and spirit.
inner strength, something I am easily able to share
with an audience. I’m very comfortable in my own There may be abuse of things that are not
skin. I never thought my looks would have anything good for your body but crave to have.
to do with becoming a star. Yet it seems that in some
ways they did.” Maureen O’hara You may feel like you have no power over
a situation, or feel like your vision or some
Actress Jessica Chastain exhibits that kind of inner desire have no possibility to come to frui-
strength. Here, she is taming a lion by simply putting tion and feel like giving up.
her hands over his jaw with no fear. It is the power of
poise and calm winning over brute force. It can also indicate an imbalance of power
She is applying the right pressure on the right spot. where you feel controlled or domineered by
She is very knowldgeable as to where to apply her someone else.
It is a call to regain your power and not
She is guided by her intuition and listens to her heart feeling victimized
before acting. She is blessed by the infinity sign and is
Quotes :
Under the infinity sign is a faint silhouette of her spirit
“I love those who can smile in trouble,
aiming and shooting an arrow that shows her laser like
who can gather strength from distress,
focus and patience. She is as solid and rooted in the
and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the
earth as the tree that stands next to her.
business of little minds to shrink, but
they whose heart is firm, and whose
Upright Meaning :
conscience approves their conduct, will
pursue their principles unto death.”
When the Strength appears in a reading it calls to trust
-Leonardo da Vinci
your inner power and gut instinct. It means you have
the ability to confront any situation with your natural

You can tame any beast and no obstacles is big

enough. Your strength is solidly rooted like a tree, and
you have strong confidence in you own abilities.
Keywords : Solitude, introspection, retreat, Reverse meaning :
guidance, withdrawal.
When the Hermit appears reversed it can
The Hermit is represented by Gandalf illuminating
indicate a fear to socialize and go out to
scriptures on a wall to open an underground passage.
meet people.
He not only posesses ancient knowledge and wisdom
It may indicate a fear to go out of your
from years of study, but he has attained what many
comfort zone. You may feel irritable and de-
calls the Absolute in matter of spiritual attainment.
pressed and not in a mood to meet people.
The Hermit has reached a certain spiritual enlighten-
It may also indicate the fear of dealing with
ment and may see it as no longer necessary to engage
a situation and having to get out of you way
with the world. He feels perfectly comfortable where
in order to deal with it.
he is at. He feels he has reached the end of the jour-

The light ontop of his staff illuminates old scriptures

that expresses the same truth he has found. He is now
a guiding light for others. But what has the Hermit Quotes :
found ?
“Solitude gives birth to the original in
“ Existence ! I, alone, I am. There is no longer a self us, to beauty unfamiliar and perilous -
here. Only a garnment, a worn out greyish robe filled to poetry. But also, it gives birth to the
with holes that let the light of the stars shine through. opposite: to the perverse, the illicit, the
! I am the embodiment of the Absolute. There is no absurd.”
one, only emptiness. vibrant, alive, empty, nothing- Thomas Mann, Death in Venice
ness ! in that nothing I am All ! “
“Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love
is knowing I am everything, and between
Upright Meaning : the two my life moves.”
- Nisargadatta Maharaj
When the Hermit appears in a reading it indicates a
need to withdraw and take distance from the world.
It may be a necessary step in order to resource and
replenish yourself.

It can also be a time of deep introspection needed to

mature your vision in order to share it with others and

The Hermit can also represent a wise person, a guide

to seek counsel from.
Keywords : Change, Karma, luck, movement, Reverse meaning :
When the Wheel of Fortune appears re-
The Wheel of Fortune is represented by” the Wheel of versed it means things are in a standstill.
Fortune. “ from the popular tv gameshow. Projects might be halted, plans delayed.

The Wheel floats in a star filled sky among the pink Yoi may feel like a hamster in a cogwheel,
and blue clouds and “old “ spirits flying around. running and running aimlessly.

The Wheel is spinning and the world goes round, You may feeel like not getting anywhere.
there is no stopping it, it spins and spins until it
doesn’t. It can also indicate rushing too much and
“spinning “ out of control.
Upright Meaning : It indicates a call to slow down and let
things flow.
When the Wheel of Fortune appears in a reading it
indicates a change of tide. Things changes and never Quotes :
stay the same.
“Change is the law of life. And those
It is an indication that though we cannot always who look only to the past or present are
change certain circumstances we can definitely change certain to miss the future.“
the way we feel about them. -John F. Kennedy

People may affect us, and we have no power to con- “The trouble with the rat race is that even
trol their behavior, what we have in our power is our if you win, you’re still a rat.”
feelings and emotions. - Lily Tomlin

The Wheel of Fortune is a call of letting go of control,

to stop trying to “make things happen “, a change for
the positive is coming.
Keywords : Fairness, ethics, law, accountability. Reverse meaning :

The Justice card is represented with Glenn Close When the Justice appears reversed it in-
playing ruthless lawyer Patty Hewes from the series dicates a sense of unfairness and a lack of
Damages. balance. It could be that you feel wronged
or feeling guilty over some actions you
She is standing in front of a desk her arms crossed in a have done that weren’t ethical.
very confident posture. Her glance is piercing and sees
through you. There is no “ going around “ with her, Quotes :
she cuts through the “bullshit “ stories when there is
any kind of deception involved and makes sure justice “The arc of the moral universe is long,
prevails. but it bends towards justice.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
On the desk she leans on, there is a scales of justice,
but we can see it not being balanced, it is tipped on “Being good is easy, what is difficult is
one side. It almost looks like she is tipping the balance being just.”
by sitting on top of it. It symbolizes her power. - Victor Hugo

Upright Meaning :

When the Justice appears it means that all will fall

into place as it is meant to. The scales will be balanced
with all actions having their fair and rightful conse-

In one hand it can indicates that liars and cheaters will

be caught, but in the other it can also point to a desire
for justice to prevail when one has felt an injustice
towards themselves. It shows an attitude for fair retri-
bution of actions.

The Justice can also represent a person that has a legal

work status or an authoritive figure that has the power
to make decisions.

If you are involved in a court case or legal action, this

card indicates that justice will most likely prevail.
Keywords : Surrender, sacrifice, victim, selflessness, The Hanged man can also signify a rite of
new perspective, initiation. passage, a time of reflection and maturation
where one has his abilities for self-empow-
The Hanged man is represented by Luke Skywalker erment put to the test.
from Star Wars : Empire Strikes Back.
Though you may feel stuck, The Hanged
Luke went on a mission on an icy planet called Hoth man warns not fall prey to low self-esteem,
and got ambushed by a giant furry monster called a feeling of victimisation or negativity, it is an
wampa. He got knocked unconscious and woke up opportunity to be more in touch with your
hanging upside down in a ice cave with his feet stuck spiritual nature.
in the iced ceiling. He could hear the giant monster
snarling nearby and is about to be his dinner. Reverse meaning :

It is now more than ever the moment for Luke to Reversed, the Hanged man represents inner
apply all that he has learned during his Jedi warrior separation where one’s beliefs are not in line
training with his master Obi-Wan Kenobe in order to with one’s actions.
free himself from this helpless situation.
You may not put into practice all that you
His lightsaber is close-by but still out of his reach and know, and may even adopt an attitude of
stuck in ice. It’s his only way out to free and defend someone that gives advices while not apply-
himself from the giant monster. He has to call upon ing those for yourself.
the “Force” and use his telekenetic powers to pull it
towards him. Else you may be overthinking a situation
where all that is required of you is to rest
for it to resolve.
Upright Meaning :

When the Hanged man appears in a reading it means Quotes :

it is a time for contemplation and patience.
“Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life —
You may feel stuck like Luke in a helpless situation, and see how life suddenly starts working
but only a careful observation of your surrounding for you rather than against you.”
and diligently reviewing what you have learned from - Eckhart Tolle
your past experience can free you of this discomfort.

Like Luke you have all the inner power and ressources
to pull yourself out, but you must use your power of
discrimination, like Luke maneuvers a lightsaber, to
free yourself from the entanglements of your “icy”
Keywords : Transformation, ending,
metamorphosis, reality, the unknown. The Death card brings into sharp focus
what one needs to let go of.
The Death card is not represented by any actor, movie
scene or character. It is represented with a monk immo- Reverse Meaning :
lating himself in protest over the Vietnam war.
Reversed the Death card is about having a
The monk was Thích Quang Đuc. He was a Vietnam- lack of closure about a situation or rela-
ese Mahayana Buddhist monk , he burned himself to tionship.
death at a busy Saigon road intersection on 11 June
1963. Quang Duc was protesting the persecution of It may be that one needs to observe a little
Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government led by bit more the situation before leaving it.
Diem. It advises not to leave too hastily, and to
not sever ties too hurriedly as a means to
John F. Kennedy said in reference to a photograph of escape uncomfortable aspect of one’s life.
Duc on fire, “No news picture in history has generated
so much emotion around the world as that one.”

We can see the Death figure riding on the shoulder of

the monk carrying a flag with a luminous butterfly on Quotes :
it that symbolizes renewal and rebirth.
“There is nothing in a caterpillar that
On the right side of the monk is a face with sunglasses tells you it’s going to be a butterfly.”
that looks into the viewer, it represents the burning self -R. Buckminster Fuller
and the journey into the Unknown.
“The fear of death follows from the fear
Upright Meaning : of life. A man who lives fully is prepared
to die at any time.”
When the Death card appears in a reading it means - Mark Twain
an ending that takes place before a transformation.

It calls for one to be “real” and to no longer hold on to

that which no longer serves, be it a relationship, a job
or a place, environment or aspects of ourselves.

This is a card of letting go but with an active mindset

and clear decision about what one is leaving behind.

The Death card is also a card about making bound-

aries clear. It is a loud and healthy “ No “ to abusive,
toxic relationships and other unhealthy attachments.
Keywords : Transformation, ending,
metamorphosis, reality, the unknown. The Death card is also a card about
making boundaries clear. It is a loud and
Second edition Print The Death card is represented by Darth Vader from the healthy “ No “ to abusive, toxic relation-
ships and other unhealthy attachments.
epic Star Wars saga.

Darth Vader is the father of Jedi and hero, Luke Sky- The Death card brings into sharp focus
walker. His real name is Annakin Skylwalker and, like what one needs to let go of.
his son, he used to be a Jedi before turning into the
dark side of the Force that transformed him into the Reverse Meaning :
evil Darth Vader.
Reversed the Death card is about having a
Upon meeting his long lost son, that was purposely hid- lack of closure about a situation or rela-
den from him and raised by farmers in a remote planet, tionship.
Darth Vader first wanted to convert him to the dark
side . He wanted him to join his ranks and serve the evil It may be that one needs to observe a little
Emperor of the Galactic Emprire. bit more the situation before leaving it.
It advises not to leave too hastily, and to
In the process of fighting his own son, he was fighting not sever ties too hurriedly as a means to
his own demons , and Darth Vader slowly turned away escape uncomfortable aspect of one’s life.
from the dark force.While saving his son’s life from the
clutch of the Emperor, Darh Vader died.
Quotes :
But in his death, he was fully transformed back into the
Jedi he once was, that fought evil and protected th “There is nothing in a caterpillar that
weak. tells you it’s going to be a butterfly.”
-R. Buckminster Fuller
Here as the Death card, Darth Vader is the symbol of
that transformation. “The fear of death follows from the fear
of life. A man who lives fully is prepared
Upright Meaning : to die at any time.”
- Mark Twain
When the Death card appears in a reading it means
an ending that takes place before a transformation.

It calls for one to be “real” and to no longer hold on to

that which no longer serves, be it a relationship, a job
or a place, environment or aspects of ourselves.

This is a card of letting go but with an active mindset

and clear decision about what one is leaving behind.
Keywords : Balance, healing, compassion, under- Reverse Meaning :
standing, patience, moderation, integration.
Reversed The Temperance points to unbal-
ance, you may be “out of whack” energeti-
You may recognize Galadriel/Cate Blanchet from
cally or emotionnally.
The Lord of the Rings but The Temperance is clear :
“ I am Temperance ! I am the soft light of the heart
You may be compromising too much,
that transmutes all negative energy into Love. 14 is
pleasing others or too stubborn to budge on
the number of my spirit that I carry in every angelic
an issue.
realms ! “
You may be compartmentalizing areas of
The Temperance is surounded by two huge moun-
your life, separating groups among friends,
tains that makes up her wings. Her hair is made of
family and creating situations where the
light and envelops her spirit transmuting energy while
left hand does not know what the right
floating above a lake.
hand does while putting on a different face
for each group.
The Temperance in this card is an angel of Light that
uses nature as a healing temple. She is remisnes-
cent of the Lady of the Lake that handed the magical
sword Excalibur to King Arthur. She guides spirits of
lights from angelic realms to heal physical beings on
earth. Her energy is like a soft light, soothing and full Quotes :
of compassion
“Your hand opens and closes, opens and
Upright Meaning : closes. If it were always a fist or always
stretched open, you would be paralysed.
The Temperance is a card of healing and balance. Your deepest presence is in every small
It calls for moderation and bringing harmony in a contracting and expanding, the two as
situation through a compassionate behavior. beautifully balanced and coordinated as
birds’ wings.”
It is a card about integration and bringing your spirit- -Rumi, The Essential Rumi
uality, your wisdom and compassion into your every
day actions.

It is about bringing and cultivating mindfullness,

whether it is at home, work or in relationships, by
making little adjustments and assessing the results.

Like a painter adding small brushstrokes to a painting

then stepping back to see the result and repeating the
process, one is diligently healing and integrating one’s
spirit and emotions into fullness and health.
Keywords : Attachment, lust, materialism, The Devil card can also be linked to manipu-
indulgence, addiction, pleasure, bondage. lation of emotions or deceptive behavior, like
manipulating facts to gets one’s way or being
The Devil is represented by Jabba the Hut that keeps bent on winning that argument to belittle a
princess Leia in chains from Star wars : Return of the loved one but at what cost ?
When the Devil appears in a reading just be
Jabba is a really enormous and disgusting but charis- mindful of what role pleasure plays in your
matic monster. He is a ruthless businessman and his life. Are you escaping or decompressing ?
eyes are red and in glee for having taken prisoner the Pay also close attention to your emotions
beautiful princess Leia. and what they are telling you.

She was captured while attempting to free her also em-

prisonned lover Han Solo. She is now Jabba’ s slave and Reverse meaning :
he exhibits her like a trophy. He undressed her and had
her chained by his side while he sits on top of a throne When the Devil appears reversed it signifies
like a king. a breakthrough of your bondage or attach-
She looks sad. Her glance is directed downward but in
the direction of the Saturn symbol. It is her hope. It It appears when you are ready to move past
symbolizes the changing of an old regime into a new your limiting situation and take control of
one. She is hoping for her brother Luke to come to the your life. You are ready to break the chains
rescue maybe. that imprisons you.

Quotes :
Upright Meaning :
“I am not addicted to coffee, it find it’s way
When the Devil appears in a reading it means pleas-
every morning.”
ure but not necessarily for the highest good. It could
Pushpa Rana
be that extra piece of chocolate or glass of wine that
doesn’t make you feel good at the end or that extra
“Attachment is the great fabricator of
purchase in a store that leaves you penniless or that
illusions; reality can be obtained only by
bad one night stand. On one hand the Devil can be
someone who is detached.”
linked with materialism and attachment and addictive
-Simone Weil

On the other hand the Devil card is also about mag-

netism and sexuality, and sometimes it may be exactly
what you need at this moment. You may need to let
loose about rules and go wild just for now.
Keywords : Chaos, destruction, shock, sudden Reverse meaning :
change, outburst, disruption.
When the Tower appears reversed it is the
The Tower is represented by the tower of Mordor that sign of hidden or mounting tension.
hosts the eye of Sauron from The Lord of the Rings. Issues may be left aside or brushed under
the rug but they are bound to come to the
The evil eye and spirit of Sauron has fallen. The ring light and explode.
that held his spirit has been destroyed.The regime of
Sauron is gone. Explosions and chaos follows as the Unlike the Tower upright, there is a burn-
tower is collapsing. ing process but it is happening slowly and
gradually and it can be more excruciating at
Old spirits are falling down the tower in agony in times instead of when issues are dealt with
midst of red smoke and flames. head on.

Reversed the Tower is telling you to make

Upright Meaning : changes now in order to advert any possible
disaster later.
When the Tower appears in a reading it symbolizes Quotes :
sudden change where destruction must take place
before the new can manifest. “Every act of creation is first an act of
It is associated with a process of change that involves -Pablo Picasso
chaos and disruption, it is a necessary shock.
It is the storm before the calm, the dark night of the
soul where structures you have built around your life

Your foundations are being shaken and you are forced

to think in a new way.

The Tower can also indicate a sudden change or a

surprising event, like being laid off, a betrayal, or
winning the lottery !

It can also be linked with an emotional outburst when

you or someone just need to let it all out.

As an advice The Tower tells you to shake things up a

bit, go past your comfort zones, destroy the founda-
tions of your beliefs and experience new things, a new
Keywords : Hope, light, renewal, recognition, Reverse meaning :
peace, cleansing.
Reversed the Star means stagnant ener-
Like the Death card, The Star is part of the only two gy, a block. You may have hope about a
cards not represented by famous personalities or a situation but are too fearful or compla-
movie scene. She is unknown and unknowable Star . cent to act.

Her face is spirit-like and transluscent. It is made of You may be overactive, trying to push
her own reflection pouring water into a lake and on for a healing to happen while all that is
the grass besides. Just like an eye cannot look into its required is resting.
own eye, her right eye covers the entire head of her
body reflected on her face. You may be over-reliant of self help tools
or the tarot asking over and over the
The big bright yellow Star brimming from her third same question or trying to get answers
eye opens up her whole mind to the starry sky. It is you want to hear.
who she is, a doorway to the universe. She is the sym-
bol of inspiration and is the muse. Like Snow White Quotes :
and her seven dwarves she is surrounded by seven
little white stars that guide and protect her. “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m
not the only one. I hope someday
you’ll join us. And the world will live
Upright Meaning : as one.”
-John Lennon
The Star is a card of hope and renewal.
It is the quiet after the storm. “Slowly I discovered the secret of my
art. It consists of a meditation on
The Star brings with her optimism and a fresh start. nature, on the expression of a dream
You are healing and opening up to a new spiritual which is always inspired by reality. “
dimension. -Henri Matisse

It is now a time to visualize what you desire while

remaining grounded and practical.

It is a card of nurturing and softness if someone needs

healing .

It also represents success and inspiration in creative

Keywords : Illusion, fear, hidden things, secrets, The Moon inidcates a time to look deep
doubt, unconscious, sad. within and face your shadows, your inner
fears in order to grow.
The Moon card is represented by Beast, the Little
Prince and Marylin Monroe. It is not a card of action but of introspec-
tion, and it is better to take a little distance
Beast is grieving over the fading enchanting rose sym- like the Little Prince observing the scene of
bol of his curse that keeps him as a beast. The Little grief in order to understand oneself better
Prince is looking over the scene while Marylin is the and cultivate a sense of acceptance and
spirit emanating from the rose and looming over the understanding.

The three figures represents the natural cycles, of the Reverse meaning :
moon, of the changing seasons, or emotional cycles
that one passes through. When the Moon appears reversed you need
to beware of self deception.
The Little Prince is the symbol of Beasts’ true shape as It can be over oneself or with others.
a prince and represents his purity. While it may offer a temporary relief, this
self-deceit will only leave you more con-
The ethereal face of Marylin is a symbol of the release fused in the long run.
of grief over the fading of life and beauty. She also
represents the mysterious beauty of the moon. She Reversed the Moon points to mental and
holds many stories secretive and is leaving the world psychological issues that skew perceptions
with them in her heart. of reality. Make sure to realign your views
and beliefs in a more down-to-earth per-
spective and seek advice around people you
Upright Meaning : can trust.

The Moon is the symbol of things hidden, secrets,

Quotes :
illusions and the unconscious. It is associated with
Mystery and our hidden shadow aspect of self.
“I never understood why Clark Kent was
so hell bent on keeping Lois Lane in the
When the Moon appears in a reading you may be
hiding something from yourself or others or someone
-Audrey Niffenegger, The Time Traveler’s
may be hiding something from you. The whole pic-
ture remains unclear and you may experience sadness
over it.
“One does not become enlightened by
imagining figures of light, but by making
The Moon can be associated with a sense of melan-
the darkness conscious.“
choly or an inability to express all that is contained in
-Carl Jung
one’s heart .
Keywords : Faith, Positivity, clarity, new, inspira-
tion; vitality, happiness, success, health, miracle. Reverse meaning :

The Sun is represented by actress Grace Kelly beaming When the Sun appears reversed it points to a
with an aura made of sun rays. wasteful use of energy. You could be feeling
burnt out, or putting too much energy in a
Below her is a unicorn roaming through a field of situation that doesn’t serve you and may feel
blooming flowers. Sparkles of fairy dust and stars illu- depleted and weak at the end.
minate the scene.
You may also be having trouble expressing
The Unicorn is a creature of dreams and imagination your ideas forward and cannot let your true
whose power can heal anyone. The Unicorn is the sym- talents shine.
bol of faith and positivity.
The Sun reversed can also mean doing too
Both Grace Kelly and the Unicorn symbolize the posi- much for others in the detriment of self -care.
tivity of life : Light.
Be aware how you spend your energy and
All things vibrate and come alive at one of their glance take time nurturing yourself.
or touch. They have the power to raise you from the Quotes :

“There are only two ways to live your life.

Upright Meaning : One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a
When the Sun card appears it means a big Yes ! miracle.”
It is a card of positivity and light. -Albert Einstein

The Sun indicates a time for sharing and opening your “I am realistic – I expect miracles.”
true feelings and thoughts. In that process you will -Wayne W. Dyer
gain a greater understanding and clarity.

It is a time for celebration, and a time to shine.

Share with the world all the gifts you have to offer,
do not be afraid.

Roam free like a unicorn and express your childlike

playfullness. All those around you will be positively af-
fected by your enthusiasm and beaming attitude.

Follow your excitement and joy, this card represents

vitality and health and it is infectious.
Keywords : Judgement, equilibrium, karma, re- Reverse meaning :
view, objectivity, rebirth, calling.
When the Judgment card appears reversed it
The Judgement card is represented by an angel with a means a difficulty tuning in with your higher
arrow sign pointing downward on his forehead. It is self. You may have difficulty being objective
the sign of the Avatar on his forehead from the cartoon due to too many diverging opinions around
of the same name. yourself.

The Avatar is the chosen one whose destiny is to bring Your judgment is clouded by an overactive
back equilibrium and peace among all the different na- mind and it is a call for rest and meditation.
tions on the planet.
It often indicates a lack of trust in your inner
The angel’s eyes are wide and shining with light, he calling.
looks like an alien. He is standing tall appearing into Quotes :
the clouds and sounding his golden trumpet with au-
thority. It is a call for review and judgement that no “Do not wait for the last judgment. It
one can avoid. All will be accountable for their choices comes every day. ”
and behavior. It is an absolute event with no possibility -Albert Camus
to hide or deny.
“I believe there’s a calling for all of us. I
know that every human being has value
Upright Meaning : and purpose. The real work of our lives
is to become aware. And awakened. To
When the Judgement card appears in a reading it sym- answer the call.”
bolizes a time when change is unavoidable. - Oprah Winfrey

All will be held accountable for their choices and ac-

tions with no options to remain hidden. It is a time for
deep lessons to be learned and assess what has come

You are being called to unite with your higher self and
follow your higher calling. Waiting is no longer an op-
tion, it is a time for action, waking up and put one’s
vision into reality.

One phase has come to an end, it is a moment for

change and release of past blockages.
Keywords : Unity, completion, wholeness, integra- Reverse meaning :
Reversed The World means incompletion.
The World is represented by Marilyn Monroe posing You may be unable to finish a project or feel
in front of the ocean in a bathing suit. a certain sense of unfullfilment or lack to go
through your intended goal.
She is all smiles and looks over her shoulder with a
twinkle in her eye, she seems to be winking at you. You may be repeating old patterns that keep
Standing in the ocean, sparkles of light and twinkling you from moving forward or may be prone
little stars surround her. She is posing inside a fully to procrastination.
closed laurel wreathe hanging like a picture frame that
immortalizes her. It may also indicate a small victory, or the
tendency to rest on one’s laurels.
She is fully in the moment, and in that present mo-
ment she is a goddess, she is Venus. Quotes :

Four spirits in the clouds surrounds the laurel and pro- “One love, one heart . . .
tects her. Let’s get together and feel all right.”
-Bob Marley
Upright Meaning :
“You know you’re in love when you can’t
When the World appears in a reading it represents fall asleep because reality is finally better
completion. It may be a phase of your life, a relation- than your dreams.”
ship, a work or business situation that feels like it - Dr. Seuss
reached a point of culmination.

The World brings a sense of victory and fulfillment,

where you have learnt particular lessons from your life.
It tells you are ready to move beyond any sense of lack
and you are and have enough.

It represents fullness and satisfaction where you can al-

low yourself to celebrate every aspect of your life.
Your accomplishment are almost too good to be true
and take on a dreamlike quality.

Finally it encourages you to expand and share your

gifts with the world.

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