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Marsha A. w.

XB e

) Mall .1 Shinley

2) shire 1.2) feste (cay

3 uttchen 1.3) al hshe, p pr, a na,

4) birthday colul an he Supemarhe

5) Candte 2) she woue up late ,jgged,

toou a lonq sho &uafand
C) house
1) flgwers had bre au fast

8)living room bkcdka.ched, a,Mouie,

9) happy 4) ogne groce tes, prepcered drone
Gnd hd family tine
1) got s) A nrce day off
2) went

3) &co 1) was

4)qte 2) was ) thouyh

S Saw 3) helpe6 M Hle thought she ws

c) boghe 4) gave utn)

rmade S)houghe 12 Captoin ferda

C heard 13) 2oco Faet
7) wa a)tle as exited
seemed DIusual(u trave by ar
oous ) I did

3 She po lrce suspeCcted somae

q Came to
Pot a homb in
my pane
S) nad h)
6)ad A biography of Mayaata
) lon She cooldn enol in heh

ws school dve to finan cial

(Ss and had to worh at 13

lo) be lre v 31 17 years ole
a) She 5 eudres hard,
1D flew 4Fenes a bsiness schl
) way
) fouched 12) Eold and talus to her fstnas
13) uns
3 turne onR a wp

a) flew a) land 91 She's Shdying advtit isy

S) searthd because She wants 6 n

6) drd a t a buSFness sceol

C wen
1) uerg uAy frr She cOmmuniat4 *0 Fh4m
8 were b) wee t a n the rn bme

9 hapfened 1) By te Majabplce
a bief ofrentqton.
Ao) learnt
) 3 condtd7 thai she's
o0un to a bghter fhre

$)E 3 ha pPy

A q) angry

5) D S) sad
6) H C) nervos

7) F
5) b) embaasnd

9) B

Dwhere Sandta Peunls sud den
2) ALSO Sranes
3Ye The Stodents Stoppes wt+ky
Howawer when Sarda omited
3 Mrs.drg
1) go to the beach ) He exammtd her
2) iSte orng to must from her eye) to her
3 Seep ttmperatur
1) do Some balbecue
$ go ko Fhe cinema
kau wth frrenls da) midnjh
6) Malar
)prus, babie ts, a Syp, and
weeu of res4
) one doy onen atron
In five mrnu)- events
Then he toou -re oren tatton

) Shed lrae to kell her

gnandpa renic abovt her

expernene on intematfonal

2) Her gand pa renks
31 PerforMances,gaMes,and
talls appeari on nkernarong

4) Yesterday had,,Startd our
Cy afFer
5) Ha, uressed, Staulved, lrned,

played,came, drd igo

qnd wtrt dow he drarn,

Mom us drtalfully vpse

loacase t way her J d
17 Arrive6 to Mach mothers y
Prchu to the A Hotiduy m the fndmy

Mofom One day m December

) Spent he day and wna when tne, athes wer
to Cun Spending their dey away
3) Hred a Peruyran quide outSide, l Staycs heve
M Movse
One Satufday evenn
..DG...ofha blns and acs
whre washrng e deses, had more time to atken vi
mum actdentaly unocue eents 5ueh as a costnq bookay|
her fauo rtte riny on the wkch was held for 2weew
ap. Immedrak ely she glang toou q couhL TA
o see it rt way
alryh, fronrend and bacutnd
yt to her hoor she ndtre
l was held by on
hat one of Fhe gamg wGs alled "Gen 6. The
tmrssrng.W rthoyt thiohra tist uæeu wa
pultd tne puy out which w4s welon}t
nd obServgd tne
bT(dng The lagage
green sh6ne Si id
Ueuas HTML for
onder a Plate
foncernS qns CS5
for the destan. Followed
by tne second weeu, whrh
was baWend, also u nown a

web SHe marn tena

ToConclude, even Hhogh

T ddnt qo o t l had qurte
an enter tai)rng holdoy
no me dnd of covrst qlong

Cdme Hne aduan 4ages.

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