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The Internet of Things (IoT) connects devices and devices to the Internet network so that
websites and smartphone apps, tools and devices can be remotely controlled through code and
algorithm frameworks for artificial intelligence issues. To control. If we want to build modern
systems using the Python algorithm, we have a Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection connected to our
tools, devices and devices that control them via smartphone apps or websites. This is actually a
simple definition of IoT. Instead of using IoT as a smart home lamp or other home appliance, it
can be used as a security system or industrial use system, for example, the main building door or
automatic industrial machine self-opening of the. Turn off, be fully operational or even control
Internet and communication ports. And more ideas can be created using IoT technology. A large
industrial plant or government agency has too many lamps. Employees sometimes forget to close
them at the end of the day. This research suggests energy-saving solutions while ensuring the
safety of building lighting control with your smart home through the Blank app. The lamp can be
controlled simultaneously in a special electrical installation building with a switch and a blank
app. This research offers a simple smart home prototype, or an easy way to handle loads, usually
on Wi-Fi and at low cost. In this home automation system. We have connected 6 home
appliances like fans, lamps, street lights to the relay using the free app. The ESP8266 MCU Wi-
Fi module node receives wireless commands from a smartphone via the Internet. We need the
best IoT platform to encode the on / off signal and send it to the server and ESP 8266 board. This
project requires internet connectivity and cannot work without internet connection.

1.1 Introduction
The load controlled by the computer system has many advantages over the load controlled
manually. Many programs and applications today use artificial intelligence projects to better
control things using Python code or algorithms. To save energy and easily monitor loads, this
research suggests a smart home project based on IoT technology. This is a smart home Internet
of Things (IoT) project that controls loads with an internet connection through wireless fidelity
Wi-Fi. A smartphone connected to the internet with a flashing app as the control panel and a
Node MCU microcontroller kit as a controller that receives control commands via a Wi-Fi signal.
The Node MCU kit is built with the Wi-Fi receiver -Fi ESP 8266 capable of processing and
analyzing Wi-Fi signals to insert a microcontroller. The Wi-Fi receiver and the microcontroller are
integrated in a kit that will be used as an IoT project. This is called the MCU node.

A Wi-Fi receiver is required to connect the system to the Internet. In my case, I used ESP8266
which is attached to the NodeMCU board as a built-in that runs firmware with ESP8266.
Firmware is low level computer software.

Node MCU is encoded via Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) via Universal
Serial Bus Port (USB) to tell Node MCU what to do. I want to control the four-channel relay kit
through the Blank phone app and display the temperature. Which is measured with an LM35

Parts used to create the project:

 NodeMCU board. Open-source internet of things platform.

 AC-DC step down converter. Switch mode power supply to provide the project with
power. This project needs 5 volts.
 DC-DC step down converter as a regulator to convert the 12 V output of the power
supply into regulated 5 V.
 Four-channel relay kit. To drive loads from digital NodeMCU output pins.
 LM35 temperature sensor. To measure room temperature.
 Computer with Arduino (IDE) program installed to code the NodeMCU once.
 Android smart phone with Blynk application installed to be used as control panel.

1.2 Background
The concept of "home automation" has been around for years. "Smart Home", "Intelligent
Home" are the terms used to introduce the concept of home networking devices. Home
automation systems (HAS) include central control and remote monitoring of lighting, security
systems and other devices and systems inside. HAS enables energy efficiency, improves safety
systems and certainly provides comfort and convenience to consumers. In today's emerging
market, HASs are gaining popularity and attracting the interest of many consumers. HAS come
with their own challenges. Basically, in the current era, the end users especially the elderly and
the disabled, although they have benefited greatly, do not seem to accept the system due to
complications and cost factors.

1.3 Problem Statement

Today, people are looking for ways to improve their lives using the latest technology. Any new
convenience for home appliances that promises to improve their lifestyle is in the hands of
consumers. As such equipment and devices are added, it becomes inevitable that there are
simple and practical methods and resources to control and operate these devices. Traditional
wall switches are located in different parts of a house and therefore require manual operation
such as turning these switches on or off to control different devices. It becomes virtually
impossible to keep an eye on moving devices and monitor their performance. And the goal is to
create a system that controls home appliances with less effort, like mobile usage control or
voice control.
1.4 Objectives
1.4.1 Design of an independent HAS
To formulate the design of an interconnected network of home appliance to be integrated into
the HAS. The objective to account for every appliance and its control to be automated and
integrated into the network further formulated into the HAS.

1.4.2 Wireless control of home appliances (Switch and Voice mode)

To develop the application that would include features of switch and/or voice modes to control
the applications.

1.4.3 Monitoring status of appliances

Being able to view the status of home appliances on the application, in order have a better HAS.

1.4.4 Secure connection channels between application and Node MCU

Use of secure protocols over Wi-Fi so that other devices are prevented to achieve control over
the HAS. Secure connections are obtained by SSL over TCP, SSH.

1.4.5 Controlled by any device capable of Wi-Fi (Android, iOS, PC)

To achieve flexibility in control of the home appliances, and device capable of Wi-Fi connectivity
will be able to obtain a secure control on the HAS.

1.4.6 Extensible platform for future enhancement

With a strong existing possibility of adding and integrating more features and appliances to the
system, the designed system needs to be highly extensible in nature.

1.5 Scope
The going with stage for home robotization advertise will happen subject to a couple of key
overhauls in the progression open in Automation, for example, improvement in Wireless
Automation blueprints and moreover bringing down of regard appears as the market starts
perceive home mechanization use in more noteworthy volumes. A couple of examples that we
foresee for this time of the business are,
Big associations like Philips, Siemens and Schneider will as time go on bring out truly mass-
market mechanization things with interfacing with UI in any case at lower esteem point as
contrast with today, and more people will be able to bear the cost of the things.

Solution commitments will bit by bit move to an all the more straightforward structure, where
next to two or three key parts, customers will have the ability to buy and use the
Automation things themselves without the guide of any specific ace.

Future Scope for the home automation system involves making homes even smarter. Homes
can be interfaced with the sensors including the motion sensors, light sensors and
temperature sensors and thus this may provide the automatic toggling of the devices
according to the conditions.

More energy can be conserved by ensuring occupation of the house before turning on devices
and checking the brightness and turning off the light if not necessary.

The system can be integrated closely with the home security solutions enhancing the safety
for home owners.

1.6 Project Management

Management of any project can be briefly disintegrated into several phases. Our project has
been decomposed into the following phases:
1.6.1 Experimentation
This phase involved discussions regarding necessary equipment regarding the project. The
study of related already existing projects, gathering required theoretical learning. It also
included figuring out the coding part, by developing simple algorithms and flowcharts to design
the whole process

1.6.2 Design
This phase was, designing layout of the application, and the necessary features to be included.
This involved the complete hardware assembly and installing the code to Node MCU. The
power strip was designed to connect the home appliances that can be controlled via GPIO pins.

1.6.3 Development and testing

This phase had the development of the application. The android device was connected to the
Node MCU via wireless network (WiFi) and the whole prototype was tested for identification
and removal of bugs.

1.6.4 Real world testing

The prototype was ready to be tested into the real world and integrated with various real time
electrical appliances.

1.7 Overview And Benefit

The benefits of an established wireless remote switching system of home appliances include:

1.7.1 No legal issues

Obtaining access to or traversing properties with hard lines is extremely difficult.

1.7.2 Reduced wiring issues

Considering the increase in price of copper, thus increases the possibility of the wire to be
stolen. The use of a wireless remote system to control home appliances means no wire for
thieves to steal.
1.7.3 Extended range
As the system establishes control over Wi-Fi, it was a generally considered descent range.
That is 150 feet indoors. Outdoors it can be extended to 300 feet, but since the application is
of a HAS, an indoor range is considered.

1.7.4 Security
As the connection of the control of the HAS is established over a secure network the system
ensures security to the maximum extent.

1.7.5 Integrable and extensive nature

The prototype designed can be integrated to a larger scale. Also, it has an extensive nature
being able to add or remove the appliances under control according to application.
2.1 Literature Review
2.1.1 Bluetooth Based Home Automation System Using Cell Phone
In Bluetooth based home automation system the home appliances are connected to the
Arduino BT board at input output ports using relay. The program of Arduino BT board is based
on high level interactive C language of microcontrollers; the connection is made via Bluetooth.
The password protection is provided so only authorized user is allowed to access the
appliances. The Bluetooth connection is established between Arduino BT board and phone for
wireless communication. In this system the python script is used and it can install on any of the
Symbian OS environment, it is portable. One circuit is designed and implemented for receiving
the feedback from the phone, which indicate the status of the device.

2.1.2 GSM Based Home Automation System Using Cell Phones

Because of the mobile phone and GSM technology, the GSM based home automation is lure to
research. The SMS based home automation, GPRS based home automation and dual tone multi
frequency (DTMF) based home automation, these options we considered mainly for
communication in GSM. The home sensors and devices interact with the home network and
communicates through GSM and SIM (subscriber identity module). The system use transducer
which convert machine function into electrical signals which goes into microcontroller. The
sensors of system convert the physical qualities like sound, temperature and humidity into
some other quantity like voltage. The microcontroller analysis all signal and convert them into
command to understand by GSM module. Select appropriate communication method among
SMS, GPRS and DTFC based on the command which received GSM module.

2.1.3 Wi-Fi Based Home Automation System Using IOT

This system uses mobiles or computers to control basic home control and function
automatically through internet from anywhere around the world globally, an automated home
is sometimes called a smart home. The proposed system is a distributed home automation
system, consists of server i.e., NodeMCU Esp-8266 Wi-Fi module, sensors, Relays. The Blynk
Server controls and monitors the various sensors, and can be easily configured. It can be
handling 14 Loads; it can be a sensor as input or can be a relay which will act as output. The
NodeMCU board, with built in Wi-Fi module acts as web server. Automation System can be
accessed from the using Blynk which is available on play store, Mobile is used to control device
connected to the internet with appropriate Blynk Community App, Blynk Server.
3.1 Methodology
Make connection as per circuit diagram, make connection on NodeMCU and connect NodeMCU
to the Wi-Fi using hotspot/Router. Then connect the NodeMCU pins output to the relay driver
circuit then start programming the NodeMCU module. Programme the NodeMCU using
Arduino IDE Software. Download the Blynk library zip file, install it from add library files.
Download the NodeMCU boards from preferences, by inserting the library link in it. Set the
output of NodeMCU (D0 – D14) for different control function. Compile the typed programme
check whether er are occur or not…. Upload the Programme onto NodeMCU using micro-type
USB cables. Then connect the NodeMCU module to the Internet using Router/Hotspot. Now
pair the NodeMCU module with Android application. I.e., Blynk App.
3.1.1 Flow of The System

The system is based on NodeMCU board as an internet of things system. The NodeMCU is
connected to the internet from the hotspot of the smart phone via WIFI connection as the
NodeMCU has ESP8266 circuit to connect with the internet.

NodeMCU to be connected to the hotspot of the smart phone, needs to be identified to the
name of hotspot, the password and token code letting the server of Blynk connects them
together. You may need the computer once to transfer code from Arduino IDE to the NodeMCU
kit to prepare the software part of the project. Figure 1 shows that the server of Blynk
application will process the smartphone-NodeMCU connection. Blynk libraries are ZIP files can
be downloaded from GitHub website to be imported to the Arduino IDE library.

Blynk server will check for internet connection, NodeMCU with android hotspot, the NodeMCU
code includes the token code, the name of hotspot and its password. The information included
to the code must be match with the hotspot information to allow ESP8266 connect with the
WIFI to be as a channel to exchange commands between smart phone and NodeMCU.
Remaining processes are just commands sent from Blynk application to NodeMCU to control
loads those are connected to the relay kit as shown in Figure 2. And sensor output value is sent
reverse to the Blynk application from NodeMCU kit.


Blynk application Check for

check whether N smart phone
there is internet internet
connection? connection

Bulbs ON/OFF from
Blynk application

NodeMCU ESP8266 initialized

Relay control initialized

Bulbs ON/OFF
controlled by relay kit

3.1.2 Block Diagram of the System Smart Phone
Used for controlling Purpose, for giving command and gain output, for this Blynk Android app
is required. NodeMCU Esp-8266 (Wi-Fi Enable Microcontroller).

To take input and perform operation. As per programme fed in the Microcontroller and obtain
output as per user requirements. Relay Driver

Basically, the output of microcontroller is in Mili-volts so this output volt is not sufficient to run
the bulky load output.

So as to run the appliances on 230v we require a Relay module so the output is fed to the relay
module according to given input to the relay module it will generate output and drive
various appliances and load e.g., Lamp, Fan, Tube light, T.V, etc. Output

These are the output Generated from the given input by the user The user can set the various
output sections and can gain output through any of the section like Home appliance A for lights,
Home appliance B for fans, Home appliance C for T. V .and many more……….

Home Appliance A
Home Appliance B
Home Appliance C

3.1.3 Working Process Android Device
The Device used to provide the Commands, Control the Appliances, Switch the Loads over the
Internet (Internet of Things) Through Voice Commands or Swiping on Screen/Display of Smart
phones. NodeMCU Processing

The Heart of Home Automation, Used to Process the Information/Commands/Instruction
provided by the User or Owner, its function is to Process the data & pass the signal to the
Relay and Switch the loads as per given Input. Applications/Appliances
The Load Can be of any type which is the output of the circuit. The Output of relay drives
the appliances. i.e switch the Loads.

 Fan
 Led Bulbs
 Computers
 Motors
 Pumps
 Air Conditioner
 Refrigerator
 Switches etc.…………….
3.1.4 Circuit Diagram NodeMCU Esp-8266

It is Node Micro-Controller Unit. It takes input from user from internet, then process the data
and perform operation. As per programme fed in the Micro-Controller and obtain output as per
user requirements. Relay Deriver

Basically, the output of Micro-Controller is in Mili-volts so this output volt is not sufficient to run
the bulky load output.

So as to run the appliances on 230v we require a Relay module so the output is fed to the relay
module according to given input to the relay module it will generate output and drive various
appliances and load e.g., Lamp, Fan, Tube light, T.V, etc. Output
These are the output Generated from the given input by the user. The user can set the various
output sections and can gain output through any of the section like Home appliance A for lights,
Home appliance B for fans, Home appliance C for T. V .and many more……….
3.1.5 Debug Circuit Diagram

3.2 Hardware Module

As mentioned above, components used to build the circuit, NodeMCU needs 5V DC as a supply
voltage Vin pin, AC-DC step down converter 12V and DC-DC step down converter 5V, in case
using AC-DC step down converter 5V, no need to use DC-DC converter. Output voltage of the
power supply is connected to Vin NodeMCU, Vcc of relay kit and VCC of LM35 temperature
sensor. When the ground is common. D0, D1, D2, D3, D5 and D6 are outputs and A0 is an
analog signal input is connected to the temperature sensor as shown in Figure

3.2.1 Node MCU

NodeMCU is a low-priced open-source IoT platform. It at first enclosed code that runs on the
ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC from Espressif Systems and hardware that was supported the ESP-12
module. Later on, the support for the ESP32 32-bit MCU was additional. NodeMCU is an
associate degree ASCII text file code that ASCII text file prototyping board styles area unit out
there. The name "NodeMCU" combines "node" and micro-controller unit (MCU). The term
"NodeMCU" to be precise refers to the code rather than the associated development kits. Each
the code and prototyping board styles area unit open supply. Features

Developer ESP8266 Open-source Community

Type Single-board microcontroller

Operating system XTOS
Memory 128kBytes
Storage 4Mbytes
Power USB
Website www.nodemcu.com Specifications
 Voltage: 3.3V.
 Wi-Fi Direct (P2P), soft-AP.
 Current consumption: 10uA~170mA.
 Flash memory attachable: 16MB max (512K normal).
 Integrated TCP/IP protocol stack.
 Processor: Tensilica L106 32-bit.
 Processor speed: 80~160MHz.
 RAM: 32K + 80K.
 GPIOs: 16 (multiplexed with other functions).
 Analog to Digital: 1 input with 1024 step resolution.
 +19.5dBm output power in 802.11b mode
 802.11 support: b/g/n.
 Maximum concurrent TCP connections: 5. Pin Diagram/ Pin Layout of NodeMCU

3.2.2 LCD
A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a flat panel display or other electronic modulation optics using
optical modulation properties of liquid crystal. Rather than emitting light directly, liquid crystal
created monochrome image or a color with the help of backlight or a mirror. A liquid crystal
display is used to flash any image (such as a general-purpose computer monitor) or a fixed
image that can display or hide low information content, such as preset words, numbers, and 7-
segment displays, such as digital clocks. They used the same basic technique, except that any
image consists of a large number of small pixels, while the other displays have larger elements. Pin Configuration of LCD

Pin No Symbol Level Description
1 VSS 0V Ground
2 VDD 5V Supply voltage for logic
3 VO (Variable) Operating voltage for LCD
4 RS H/L H: DATA, L: Instruction Code
5 R/W H/L H: Read (MPU Module)
L: Write (MPU Module)
6 E H H->L Chip enable signal
7 DB0 H/L Data bus line
8 DB1 H/L Data bus line
9 DB2 H/L Data bus line
10 DB3 H/L Data bus line
11 DB4 H/L Data bus line
12 DB5 H/L Data bus line
13 DB6 H/L Data bus line
14 DB7 H/L Data bus line
15 A 5V LED +
16 K 0V LED -

3.2.3 Relay Module 5V Introduction
This is a 5V 4-channel relay interface board, and each channel needs a 15-20mA driver current.
It can be used to control various appliances and equipment with large current. It is equipped
with high-current relays that work under AC 250V 10A or DC 30V 10A. It has It has a standard
interface that can be controlled directly by microcontroller. Principle
From the picture below, you can see that when the signal port is at low level, the signal light
will light up and the opto-coupler Relay (it transforms electrical signals by light and can isolate
input and output electrical signals) will conduct, and then the transistor will conduct, the relay
coil will be electrified, and the normally open contact of the relay will be closed. When the
signal port is at high level, the normally closed contact of the relay will be closed. So you can
connect and disconnect the load by controlling the level of the control signal port. Pin Description

 Input: 0-5 V
 VCC: Positive supply voltage
 GND: Ground
 IN1--IN4: Relay control port
 Output: supports various types of loads
 Connect a load, DC 30V/10A,AC 250V/10A Features
 Size: 75mm (Length) * 55mm (Width) * 19.3mm (Height)
 Weight: 61g
 PCB Color: Blue
 There are four fixed screw holes at each corner of the board, easy for install and fix.
The diameter of the hole is 3.1mm
 High quality Single relay is used with single pole double throw, a common terminal,
a normally open terminal, and a normally closed terminal
 Optical coupling isolation, good anti-interference.
 Closed at low level with indicator on, released at high level with indicator off
 VCC is system power source, and JD_VCC is relay power source. Ship 5V relay by
default. Plug jumper cap to use
 The maximum output of the relay: DC 30V/10A, AC 250V/10A

3.2.4 Power Supply Block diagram of Power Supply Introduction
Today almost every electronic device needs a DC supply for its smooth operation and they need
to be operated within certain power supply limits. This required DC voltage or DC supply is
derived from single phase ac mains.

A regulated power supply can convert unregulated an AC (alternating current or voltage) to a

constant DC (direct current or voltage). A regulated power supply is used to ensure that the
output remains constant even if the input changes. A regulated DC power supply is also called
as a linear power supply, it is an embedded circuit and consists of various blocks.

The regulated power supply will accept an AC input and give a constant DC output.

So, we have powered the Kit/ set-up with the Adaptor which gives exact 5V output voltage we
have used the micro-type USB cables for connection of Controller with Adaptor. Description
The basic building blocks of a regulated DC power supply are as follows:
 Step-down transformer
 Rectifier
 DC filter
 Regulator Step-down Transformer

A step-down transformer will step down the voltage from the ac mains to the required voltage
level. The turn’s ratio of the transformer is so adjusted such as to obtain the required voltage
value. The output of the transformer is given as an input to the rectifier circuit. Rectification
Rectifier is an electronic circuit consisting of diodes which carries out the rectification process.
Rectification is the process of converting an alternating voltage or current into corresponding
direct (DC) quantity. The input to a rectifier is ac whereas its output is unidirectional pulsating
DC. Usually, a full wave rectifier or a bridge rectifier is used to rectify both the half cycles of
the ac supply (full wave rectification). Figure below shows a full wave bridge rectifier. DC Filtration
The rectified voltage from the rectifier is a pulsating DC voltage having very high ripple
content. But this is not we want; we want a pure ripple free DC. Regulation
This is the last block in a regulated DC power supply. The output voltage or current will change
or fluctuate when there is change in the input from ac mains or due to change in load current
at the output of the regulated power supply or due to other factors like temperature changes.
This problem can be eliminated by using a regulator. A regulator will maintain the output
constant even when changes at the input or any other changes occur. Transistor series
regulator, Fixed and variable IC regulators or a zener diode operated in the zener region can be
used depending on their applications. IC’s like 78XX and 79XX are used to obtained fixed values
of voltages at the output waveform. Hence a filter is used. Different types of filters are used
such as capacitor filter, LC filter, Choke input filter, π type filter.

3.2.5 Connecting wires

Connecting wires, allows an electrical current or signal to travel from one point on a circuit to
another because signal or current needs a medium through which to move. In basic circuits, the
wire comes from one terminal of a power source, such as a battery.
3.2.6 WiFi hotspot
Wi-Fi hotspot is simply an area with an accessible wireless network. The term is most often
used to refer to wireless networks in public areas like airports and coffee shops. Users can even
create their own mobile hotspot using a cell phone or an external device that can connect to a
cellular network.

3.3 Software Module

3.3.1 Blynk App
Blynk application was designed for the Internet of Things. It can control hardware remotely, it
can display sensor data, it can store data, visualize it, etc. the prototype primarily uses Blynk
application to sense commands from user to the hardware over wireless network.
3.3.2 Downloading and installing and Blynk application on smart phone
 Blynk application is downloaded and installed from the Play Store.
 Once the application is installed, a new account is created and logged in to it.
 After logging in, a new project is created. The project is named, hardware is selected as
Node MCU and the connection type is selected as Wi-Fi, and created.
 At this point Blynk will sends an authentication token to email id. This authentication
token will be used to identify the hardware in the Blynk server.
 As the prototype uses 6 channel relay module, 6 buttons are added to the screen from
the side bar.
 All the 6 buttons are then customized by adding a name and selecting the digital pin it
will correspond to. This section will actually affect the hardware connection as the relays
will be physically connected to the digital pins corresponded here.
 The setup of Blynk application is now complete.
3.3.3 Driver installation for hardware interfacing
Mostly these days devices download and install drivers on their own, automatically. Windows
doesn’t know how to talk to the USB driver on the Node MCU so it can’t figure out that the
board is a Node MCU and proceed normally.

 Node MCU Amica is an ESP8266 Wi-Fi module-based development board. It has got
Micro USB slot that can directly be connected to the computer or other USB host
devices. Ti has got 15X2 header pins and a Micro USB slot, the headers can be
mounted on a breadboard and Micro USB slot is to establish connection to USB host
device. It has CP2120 USB to serial converter.
 In order to install CP2120 (USB to serial converter), user is needed to download the
driver for the same.
 Once user downloads drivers as per its respective operating system, the system
establishes connection to Node MCU.
 The user needs to node down the COM post allotted to newly connected USB device
(Node MCU) from device manager of the system. This com port number will be required
while using Node MCU Amica.

3.3.4 Interfacing Node MCU with Arduino IDE

To begin with the latest Arduino IDE version, we’ll need to update the board manager with a
custom URL. Open up Arduino IDE and go to File > Preferences. Then, copy below URL into the
Additional Board Manager URLs text box situated on the bottom of the window:
Then navigate to the Board Manager by going to Tools > Boards > Boards Manager. There
should be a couple new entries in addition to the standard Arduino boards. Filter your
search by typing ESP8266. Click on that entry and select Install.

Before we get to uploading sketch & playing with LED, we need to make sure that the board is
selected properly in Arduino IDE. Open Arduino IDE and select Node MCU 0.9 (ESP-12 Module)
option under your Arduino IDE > Tools > Board menu.
Now, plug your ESP8266 NodeMCU into your computer via micro-B USB cable. Once the board
is plugged in, it should be assigned a unique COM port. On Windows machines, this will be
something like COM#, and on Mac/Linux computers it will come in the form of
/dev/tty.usbserial-XXXXXX. Select this serial port under the Arduino IDE > Tools > Port menu.
Also select the Upload Speed: 115200

3.3.5 Uploading code to Node MCU

 NodeMCU is connected to PC using a USB cable.
 Now, we’ll set up the Arduino IDE by changing some settings. So, open up the Arduino
IDE. Select Tools > Board and select ‘NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)’ as the board. And
that’s all the settings we need to change. So now we begin writing the code.
 Select Files > Examples > Blynk > Boards WIFI > ESP8266_Standalone. A new file with
some prewritten code opens. The following changes to the code are made.

1. The line which says ‘char auth [] = “YourAuthToken”, replace YourAuthToken part with
your Blynk’s authentication token that was generated by the Blynk server.
2. The line which says char ssid [] = “YourNetworkName”, replace YourNetworkName part
with the name of Wi-Fi network that the Node MCU must connect to.
3. The line where it says char pass [] = “YourPassword” and replace the YourPassword part
with the password of the Wi-Fi network.

 The code is ready to be uploaded to the hardware. On clicking upload button, the code
is uploaded to Node MCU and the next time it’s powered on, it automatically connects
to the assigned Wi-Fi network.


4.1.1 Light Control Test Results
The Light Control Test is done by pressing the ON / OFF button widget on the Blynk application
on the respective Android smart phone for lights and fans. This is done after the system is
turned on and connected to a Wi-Fi internet connection. If at any time the internet connection
is lost or bad signal, then it also affects system performance. Table 1 shows switches test

Switch status On Off

Relay 1
---- Relay 2
Relay 3
Relay 4
Relay 5
Relay 6
Relay 1 Relay 2
Relay 3
Relay 4
Relay 5
Relay 6
Relay 1
Relay 2 Relay 3
Relay 4
Relay 5
Relay 6
Relay 1
Relay 2
Relay 3 Relay 4
Relay 5
Relay 6
Relay 1
Relay 4 Relay 2
Relay 3
Relay 5
Relay 6
Relay 1
Relay 5 Relay 2
Relay 3
Relay 4
Relay 6
Relay 1
Relay 6 Relay 2
Relay 3
Relay 4
Relay 5
Relay 1
Relay 2
Relay 3 ---------
Relay 4
Relay 5
Relay 6

4.1.2 The Final Hardware Circuit Connection

Using components and materials mentioned above. Figure 12 shows the project that’s used
as an (IoT) system controlled by Blynk application is running. Loads used in this project are
bulbs, they can be changed with other devices by changing bulbs with AC plugs to connect
home-use devices or equipment.

5.1 Limitations
Android devices having lower API version than 16 requires internet access to convert the speech
data to string data. Currently, the application is made for Android Smart Phones; other OS
platform doesn’t support our application. During voice mode, external noises (voice) may affect
our result. The speech instruction that we command in our voice mode may not give exact
result as expected. There hence lies an ambiguity in result.

5.2 Conclusion
Based on the results of analysis of all data obtained by testing the smart home with the Internet
of Things based NodeMCU ESP6288 module, the following conclusions can be drawn:

 Smart Home with Internet of Things (IoT) based NodeMCU ESP8266 Module can be
designed with various components hardware and software support so that it can be
arranged into a smart home system that is controlled with the Blynk android application
according to what is intended.
 The Smart Home with this Internet of Things (IoT) based NodeMCU ESP8266 Module can
be implemented to control some of the home electronics performance including lighting
controls, fan control, temperature monitoring, early warning systems and etc.

5.3 Further Enhancement and Future Scope

Looking at the current situation we can build cross platform system that can be deployed on
various platforms like iOS, Windows. Limitation to control only several devices can be removed
by extending automation of all other home appliances. The prototype can include sensors to
implement automatic control of the home appliances like; an LDR that can sense daylight and
switch lamp accordingly, a PIR to detect motion and be used for security purposes making an
alarm buzz, or a DHT11 sensor that’s senses ambient temperature and humidity of atmosphere
and switch fan/air conditioner accordingly. Scope of this project can be expanded to many
areas by not restricting to only home, but to small offices.

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