Black Belt Overview

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6 Six Sigma Implementation

- Who is Involved
Trainers, Mentors:
Full-Time Black Belts
Project Leaders-
Senior Management Full-Time

Black Belts Green Belts
Champions and Leaders
Project Leaders-
Provides direction, removes Part-Time
obstacles, reviews progress Commitment
6 Black Belt Training
Time on
Consulting/ Related
Task Mentoring
Green Statistical/
Find one
2%~5% new green 2 / year
Belt Quality

Lead use
Black technique
and 5%~10%
Two green
4 / year
Belt communic-
ate new

Master Consulting/
Five Black
Black Mentoring/ 80~100%
10 / year
6 The six sigma organization
The six sigma team has five levels of hierarchy
6 What is a BELT?
Belt refers to the level or the position, of a person in an
organization at the time of performing a work or at the
time of implementation of a project.

There are four “Belt” levels :-

1. Champion
2. Master black belt(MBB)
3. Black belt(BB)
4. Green belt(GB)
5. Yellow belt(YB)
6 Champion
•Lay down policies and guidelines regarding
functioning of six sigma teams
•Approves six sigma projects
•Removes road blocks in the path of six sigma
•Receives presentations
•Monitors project
•Make available necessary resources
•Sort out conflicts
6 Master Black Belts

 The highest level of Six Sigma expertise;

 All duties involve implementation of Six

Sigma, including statistical analysis,
strategic and policy planning and
implementation, and training and mentoring
of Black Belts.
6 Black Belts

a Six Sigma-trained professional who has usually

completed an examination and been certified in its

 all job duties include implementation of Six

Sigma methodology throughout all levels of the

 leading teams and projects, and providing Six

Sigma training and mentoring to Green and Yellow
6 Green Belt

 In many organizations, Six Sigma's "entry


 a Six Sigma-trained professional who does

not work on Six Sigma projects exclusively,
but whose duties include leading projects
and teams and implementing Six Sigma
methodology at the project level
6 Yellow Belt

 The lowest level of Six Sigma expertise;

 applies to a professional who has a basic working

knowledge and who may manage smaller process
improvement projects,

 but who does not function as a project or team

6 Six Sigma Training

White Belt Class

Concepts and Terminology (1 day)

Yellow Belt Class

Non-statistical DMAIC tools (2 days)

Green Belt Class

Statistical DMAIC tools (3 days)

Black Belt Class

Advanced Statistics (15 days)*
6 Core

Statistical Skills
Statistical Software (JMP, Minitab)
Numerical and Graphical Techniques
MIN101, IBM548
Statistical Process Control
AEC506, AEC661, AEC662, AEC663

Six Sigma Quality Skills

QS 9000
Customer Satisfaction
SSG100, TCS100

Interpersonal Skills
Communication (oral, written)
AEC722, DDI121
Team Facilitation
Coaching and Mentoring
LDR380, PER119
GBM Process Capability GBM Six Steps to Six Sigma GBM Managing Change
AEC661, AEC662, SCP201 SSG100, SSG102CD MGT564, MGT124, PDE532
GBM Comparative Tests GBM Concurrent Engineering BM Leadership
MIN101, SPC201 MGT561, MGT562, DDI180
GBM Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) GBM TCS BM Team Building
ENG998, AEC603 TCS100 MGT560, MGT562, EC727, MGT155
GBM Measurement System Analysis GBM Systemic Approach to Problem M Instructional/Teaching
AEC663 Solving MOT132
GBM Design of Experiments (e.g. Full, GBM Team Oriented Problem Solving M Managing Projects
Fractional, Taguchi Designs) (8D, 7D, 5P)
ENG998, QUA389 AEC471, MGT839
GBM Regression (e.g. linear, nonlinear) BM Quality System Review
GBM Statistical Process Characterization BM Team Problem Solving Non-
Strategies and Techniques Manufacturing
ENG227 CES103
BM Statistical Inference BM Design for Manufacturability
MIN101, SPC201
ENG123, ENG123CD
BM Confidence Intervals BM Financial/Economic Quality Issues
MIN101, SPC201
BM Probability Concepts and M Quality Function Deployment
SPC201 QUA200A, QUA200B, QUA200C
BM Response Surface Methods M Total Quality Management
BM Screening DOE M Benchmarking
QUA391 BMK220
M Advanced Problem Solving M Product Development Assessment
Strategies and Technologies
M Acceptance Sampling
M Sample Size Estimation

M Robust Design of Processes and


M Survival Analysis / Reliability

6 Six Sigma
• Leadership
• Training
– Green belt
– Black belt
– Master black belt
6 Masterblackbelt, Blackbelt and
Considerable statistical, analytical and
team building skills.
Numerous Six Sigma projects
Oversees and supports blackbelt and
greenbelt project implementations.

Considerable statistical, analytical and
team building skills.
Several Six Sigma projects completed
and certified.
Delivers six sigma projects and supports
greenbelt projects.

Some statistical, analytical skills, team
member or manager.
Several greenbelt Six Sigma projects
completed and certified.
Completes projects, supports or manages
blackbelt projects.
6 Level of Black Belt Program

Green Belts
- Team members and practitioners

Black Belts
- Team leaders and statistical consultant

Master Black Belts

• Full-time Black Belts - advanced level of training and experience.
• At least 5 years of experience applying the methods in industry.
• Work directly with management to drive the effective use of the tools in
support of critical business needs.
• Leaders of the Black Belt development process.
• Mentor Green, Black, and Master Black Belt candidates.
6 Six Sigma Master Black Belts
(Provide Business Consultation)

• Seasoned Black Belt practitioners who

provide expert advice, coaching and
consulting to other Black Belts.

• Also act as a consulting member of the

business management team.
6 Six Sigma Project Teams
• Champions – senior managers who promote Six
• Master Black Belts – highly trained experts
responsible for strategy, training, mentoring,
deployment, and results.
• Black Belts – Experts who perform technical
• Green Belts – functional employees trained in
introductory Six Sigma tools
• Team Members – Employees who support
specific projects
6 Six Sigma Roles and Responsibilities

• The Senior Executive provides the impetus, direction

and alignment necessary for the ultimate success of Six
Sigma management.
• Roles and responsibilities of a senior executive
– Leads the Executive Committee (EC)
– Participates in high-level policy management and cross-
functional project teams.
– Monitors and balances all Six Sigma activities to avoid local
optimization and organizational suboptimization.
– Maintains a long-term view of the organization and acts as a
liaison to stakeholders
– Conducts Presidential reviews of Six Sigma daily management
and cross functional management projects.
6 • Top management must be totally committed to the
• The CEO must allocate substantial resources to Six
Sigma management.
• Leadership must be willing to engage all levels of the
organization through organizational metric tracking
systems and daily management and cross-functional
Six Sigma and DMAIC projects.
• The CEO must have a “burning desire” to create
revolutionary change in the enterprise.
6 • Members of the Executive Committee (EC) must
operate with the same level of commitment as the
senior executive.
• The EC must
– Create an organizational metric tracking system
that cascades, or deploys, key objectives and key
indicators throughout the organization via policy
– Empower the Policy Deployment Committee
(PDC) to deploy key objective throughout the
organization through policy management.
– Manage the organizational Six Sigma project
portfolio toward optimization of the entire
organization’s bottom line
6 – Use catchball to establish a reasonable and
equitable project portfolio for each
division/department within the organization.
– Improve the Six Sigma process through constant
iteration of the PDSA cycle.
– Provide the resources necessary for Six Sigma
6 • The role and responsibilities of a black belt are:
– Full time change agent
– Master of the change process rather than a master of the
process under study
– Supervise green belts working on a Six Sigma project
– Prepare a draft project charter for the Six Sigma projects
under his/her supervision.
– Work closely with a project team to keep it functioning and
progressing toward a conclusion to its Six Sigma project.
– Communicate with the individual responsible for the financial
and political well-being of the team
– Serve as the team leader for Six Sigma projects
– Help team members analyze data and design experiments
6 – Provide training in Six Sigma theory, tools and methods
– Help team members prepare for management and
presidential reviews
– Recommend Six Sigma teams for six Sigma projects
– Lead and coach green belts leading simpler Six Sigma
• A black belt must pass a certification examination
and lead at least two successful Six Sigma projects.
6 • Most green belts serve as team members on Six
Sigma projects.
• If a green belt acts as a team leader for simpler
projects he/she:
– Prepares a draft charter for the Six Sigma project
– Selects the project team members
– Communicates with the champion, black belt and process
owner concerning the status of the project
– Facilitates the project members
– Provides training in the basic Six Sigma tools and methods.
• A green belt must pass a certification examination
and participate in at least one successful Six Sigma
6 • A master black belt’s responsibilities are:
– To be a proven team leader and technical expert
– To be a teacher and mentor of black belts and green belts
– Simultaneously supervise several black belts and green
– To be an ambassador (in conjunction with the senior
executive, members of the executive committee, and
champions) of Six Sigma management
– To work continuously to improve and innovate the Six Sigma
management process.
• A master black belt must complete a certification
examination and successfully supervise at least two
black belts in their completion of two successful Six
Sigma projects each.
6 • A champion is a member of the EC, or at least an
individual who is trusted to report directly to a
member of the EC.
• A champion takes a very active leadership and
sponsorship role in implementing Six Sigma
management, and works closely with the EC, black
belts and master black belts to:
– Translate key objectives and key indicators from his section
of the organizational metric tracking system into Six Sigma
projects as a part of policy management
– Prepares an initial draft of a project charter for each Six
Sigma project under his auspices
– Assigns green belts and black belts to the Six Sigma
projects under his auspices
– Removes obstacles to the effective functioning of the Six
Sigma project teams under his auspices
6 – Provides a direct line of communication between a Six sigma
project team and the EC
– Obtains and manages the resources necessary for a Six
Sigma project team to meet its project charter
– Conducts management review of each Six Sigma project
team under his auspices focused by providing direction and
guidance on the attainment of its project charter

A champion must pass a certification examination.

6 • A process owner is the individual who has the
ultimate authority to change a process.
• The process owner should be identified for every
project or task that is entered onto an organizational
metric tracking system.
• The process owner:
– Monitors the performance of his/her process through key
– Empowers the people who work in the process
– Works with all Six Sigma project teams in the area to enable
them to successfully complete their projects
– Manages the process after completion to the Six Sigma
project to sustain the gains made.
6 – Continues to improve and/or innovate the process through
the application of the PDCA cycle.

• A process owner should pass the champion

certification examination.
6 Six Sigma Players
Player Roles & Responsibilities Typical Training Six Sigma Dedication

Black Belt Works with a team – usually of Green Belts and people with no LSS 4 weeks of training Full-time
training -- assigned to a specific LSS improvement project. Black Belts spread over 4 (18 to 24 mo)

help with both the technical aspects (e.g., statistical tools) and people months
issues (e.g., team dynamics and change management). Typically a Black
Belt will deliver about $1 million to the bottom line annually.
Master Black Belt Acts as instructor, coach and mentor to several Black Belts. Frequently Usually on the job Full-time
Master Black Belts (MBBs) become involved in large-scale organizational
change efforts and promotion of LSS within the organization. In many
organizations MBBs organize into a learning group in which they challenge,
advise, and support each other and Black Belts. They also often formulate
business strategies with top management. In addition they may also lead
“super-projects” that are high impact staffed with multiple Black Belts.
Green Belt Participates in LSS by collecting data, providing process expertise, 3 sessions of 3-4 Part-time, as project
completing improvement tasks, and communicating changes to colleagues. days needs dictate
Champion (Executive) Provides business guidance to teams, assists in selecting projects, acts as 5 days Part-time,
an organizational “evangelist” for Six Sigma, allocates resources, questions as active executive
the team, anticipates and prevents problems with the LSS before they sponsorship needs
occur, removes roadblocks if they do occur. dictate
Executive Actively supports and encourages project teams, participates in LSS 1-2 days Part-time,
Sponsor meetings, demonstrations, and celebrations. as executive support
needs dictate
Process Owner Ensures high quality design and peak performance of business processes. 1 week Half-time to full-time,
Helps triage problems as those addressable by simple process depending on process
improvement methods or problems requiring use of complex, lesser-known size
statistical tools.
6 Pilot’s Six-Sigma Performance

Width of landing
strip 1/2 Width
of landing

If pilot always lands

within 1/2 the landing strip
width, we say that he has
Six-sigma capability.
6 Where do we loose money ?
(Easily Identified)
Scrap 1.5 % of Revenue
Traditional Quality Costs Warranty
Rejects Rework


Hidden Quality Costs Lost sales

(Difficult to measure) Customer Sat
Long cycle times Overtime 15-20% of
Field Modifications (intangible) Late delivery Revenue
More Setups T&L
Excess inventory
Expediting costs Lost Opportunity
Customer Productivity Loss Lengthy Installs
Lost Customer Loyalty
Engineering change orders
Employee Morale, Productivity, Turnover

Six Sigma reveals hidden capacities and capabilities 31

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